blob: f4dc4806477834933f242c5d76aaabfa359df727 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - Enum attributes ----------------------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
include "mlir/IR/"
// Enum attribute kinds
// Additional information for an enum attribute case.
class EnumAttrCaseInfo<string sym, int intVal, string strVal> {
// The C++ enumerant symbol.
string symbol = sym;
// The C++ enumerant value.
// If less than zero, there will be no explicit discriminator values assigned
// to enumerators in the generated enum class.
int value = intVal;
// The string representation of the enumerant. May be the same as symbol.
string str = strVal;
// An enum attribute case stored with IntegerAttr, which has an integer value,
// its representation as a string and a C++ symbol name which may be different.
class IntEnumAttrCaseBase<I intType, string sym, string strVal, int intVal> :
EnumAttrCaseInfo<sym, intVal, strVal>,
SignlessIntegerAttrBase<intType, "case " # strVal> {
let predicate =
CPred<"::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getInt() == " # intVal>;
// Cases of integer enum attributes with a specific type. By default, the string
// representation is the same as the C++ symbol name.
class I32EnumAttrCase<string sym, int val, string str = sym>
: IntEnumAttrCaseBase<I32, sym, str, val>;
class I64EnumAttrCase<string sym, int val, string str = sym>
: IntEnumAttrCaseBase<I64, sym, str, val>;
// A bit enum case stored with an IntegerAttr. `val` here is *not* the ordinal
// number of a bit that is set. It is an integer value with bits set to match
// the case.
class BitEnumAttrCaseBase<I intType, string sym, int val, string str = sym> :
EnumAttrCaseInfo<sym, val, str>,
SignlessIntegerAttrBase<intType, "case " #str>;
class I8BitEnumAttrCase<string sym, int val, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBase<I8, sym, val, str>;
class I16BitEnumAttrCase<string sym, int val, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBase<I16, sym, val, str>;
class I32BitEnumAttrCase<string sym, int val, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBase<I32, sym, val, str>;
class I64BitEnumAttrCase<string sym, int val, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBase<I64, sym, val, str>;
// The special bit enum case with no bits set (i.e. value = 0).
class I8BitEnumAttrCaseNone<string sym, string str = sym>
: I8BitEnumAttrCase<sym, 0, str>;
class I16BitEnumAttrCaseNone<string sym, string str = sym>
: I16BitEnumAttrCase<sym, 0, str>;
class I32BitEnumAttrCaseNone<string sym, string str = sym>
: I32BitEnumAttrCase<sym, 0, str>;
class I64BitEnumAttrCaseNone<string sym, string str = sym>
: I64BitEnumAttrCase<sym, 0, str>;
// A bit enum case for a single bit, specified by a bit position.
// The pos argument refers to the index of the bit, and is limited
// to be in the range [0, bitwidth).
class BitEnumAttrCaseBit<I intType, string sym, int pos, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBase<intType, sym, !shl(1, pos), str> {
assert !and(!ge(pos, 0), !lt(pos, intType.bitwidth)),
"bit position larger than underlying storage";
class I8BitEnumAttrCaseBit<string sym, int pos, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBit<I8, sym, pos, str>;
class I16BitEnumAttrCaseBit<string sym, int pos, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBit<I16, sym, pos, str>;
class I32BitEnumAttrCaseBit<string sym, int pos, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBit<I32, sym, pos, str>;
class I64BitEnumAttrCaseBit<string sym, int pos, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBit<I64, sym, pos, str>;
// A bit enum case for a group/list of previously declared cases, providing
// a convenient alias for that group.
class BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<I intType, string sym,
list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases, string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseBase<intType, sym,
!foldl(0, cases, value, bitcase, !or(value, bitcase.value)),
class I8BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<string sym, list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases,
string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<I8, sym, cases, str>;
class I16BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<string sym, list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases,
string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<I16, sym, cases, str>;
class I32BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<string sym, list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases,
string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<I32, sym, cases, str>;
class I64BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<string sym, list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases,
string str = sym>
: BitEnumAttrCaseGroup<I64, sym, cases, str>;
// Additional information for an enum attribute.
class EnumAttrInfo<
string name, list<EnumAttrCaseInfo> cases, Attr baseClass> :
Attr<baseClass.predicate, baseClass.summary> {
// Generate a description of this enums members for the MLIR docs.
let description =
"Enum cases:\n" # !interleave(
!foreach(case, cases,
"* " # case.str # " (`" # case.symbol # "`)"), "\n");
// The C++ enum class name
string className = name;
// List of all accepted cases
list<EnumAttrCaseInfo> enumerants = cases;
// The following fields are only used by the EnumsGen backend to generate
// an enum class definition and conversion utility functions.
// The underlying type for the C++ enum class. An empty string mean the
// underlying type is not explicitly specified.
string underlyingType = "";
// The name of the utility function that converts a value of the underlying
// type to the corresponding symbol. It will have the following signature:
// ```c++
// std::optional<<qualified-enum-class-name>> <fn-name>(<underlying-type>);
// ```
string underlyingToSymbolFnName = "symbolize" # name;
// The name of the utility function that converts a string to the
// corresponding symbol. It will have the following signature:
// ```c++
// std::optional<<qualified-enum-class-name>> <fn-name>(llvm::StringRef);
// ```
string stringToSymbolFnName = "symbolize" # name;
// The name of the utility function that converts a symbol to the
// corresponding string. It will have the following signature:
// ```c++
// <return-type> <fn-name>(<qualified-enum-class-name>);
// ```
string symbolToStringFnName = "stringify" # name;
string symbolToStringFnRetType = "::llvm::StringRef";
// The name of the utility function that returns the max enum value used
// within the enum class. It will have the following signature:
// ```c++
// static constexpr unsigned <fn-name>();
// ```
string maxEnumValFnName = "getMaxEnumValFor" # name;
// Generate specialized Attribute class
bit genSpecializedAttr = 1;
// The underlying Attribute class, which holds the enum value
Attr baseAttrClass = baseClass;
// The name of specialized Enum Attribute class
string specializedAttrClassName = name # Attr;
// Override Attr class fields for specialized class
let predicate = !if(genSpecializedAttr,
CPred<"::llvm::isa<" # cppNamespace # "::" # specializedAttrClassName # ">($_self)">,
let storageType = !if(genSpecializedAttr,
cppNamespace # "::" # specializedAttrClassName,
let returnType = !if(genSpecializedAttr,
cppNamespace # "::" # className,
let constBuilderCall = !if(genSpecializedAttr,
cppNamespace # "::" # specializedAttrClassName # "::get($_builder.getContext(), $0)",
let valueType = baseAttrClass.valueType;
// C++ type wrapped by attribute
string cppType = cppNamespace # "::" # className;
// Parser and printer code used by the EnumParameter class, to be provided by
// derived classes
string parameterParser = ?;
string parameterPrinter = ?;
// An enum attribute backed by IntegerAttr.
// Op attributes of this kind are stored as IntegerAttr. Extra verification will
// be generated on the integer though: only the values of the allowed cases are
// permitted as the integer value.
class IntEnumAttrBase<I intType, list<IntEnumAttrCaseBase> cases, string summary> :
SignlessIntegerAttrBase<intType, summary> {
let predicate = And<[
SignlessIntegerAttrBase<intType, summary>.predicate,
Or<!foreach(case, cases, case.predicate)>]>;
class IntEnumAttr<I intType, string name, string summary,
list<IntEnumAttrCaseBase> cases> :
EnumAttrInfo<name, cases,
IntEnumAttrBase<intType, cases,
!if(!empty(summary), "allowed " # intType.summary # " cases: " #
!interleave(!foreach(case, cases, case.value), ", "),
summary)>> {
// Parse a keyword and pass it to `stringToSymbol`. Emit an error if a the
// symbol is not valid.
let parameterParser = [{[&]() -> ::mlir::FailureOr<}] # cppType # [{> {
auto loc = $_parser.getCurrentLocation();
::llvm::StringRef enumKeyword;
if (::mlir::failed($_parser.parseKeyword(&enumKeyword)))
return ::mlir::failure();
auto maybeEnum = }] # cppNamespace # "::" #
stringToSymbolFnName # [{(enumKeyword);
if (maybeEnum)
return *maybeEnum;
return {(::mlir::LogicalResult)($_parser.emitError(loc) << "expected " }] #
[{<< "}] # cppType # [{" << " to be one of: " << }] #
!interleave(!foreach(enum, enumerants, "\"" # enum.str # "\""),
[{ << ", " << }]) # [{)};
// Print the enum by calling `symbolToString`.
let parameterPrinter = "$_printer << " # symbolToStringFnName # "($_self)";
class I32EnumAttr<string name, string summary, list<I32EnumAttrCase> cases> :
IntEnumAttr<I32, name, summary, cases> {
let underlyingType = "uint32_t";
class I64EnumAttr<string name, string summary, list<I64EnumAttrCase> cases> :
IntEnumAttr<I64, name, summary, cases> {
let underlyingType = "uint64_t";
// A bit enum stored with an IntegerAttr.
// Op attributes of this kind are stored as IntegerAttr. Extra verification will
// be generated on the integer to make sure only allowed bits are set. Besides,
// helper methods are generated to parse a string separated with a specified
// delimiter to a symbol and vice versa.
class BitEnumAttrBase<I intType, list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases,
string summary>
: SignlessIntegerAttrBase<intType, summary> {
let predicate = And<[
SignlessIntegerAttrBase<intType, summary>.predicate,
// Make sure we don't have unknown bit set.
CPred<"!(::llvm::cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>($_self).getValue().getZExtValue() & (~("
# !interleave(!foreach(case, cases, case.value # "u"), "|") #
class BitEnumAttr<I intType, string name, string summary,
list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases>
: EnumAttrInfo<name, cases, BitEnumAttrBase<intType, cases, summary>> {
// Determine "valid" bits from enum cases for error checking
int validBits = !foldl(0, cases, value, bitcase, !or(value, bitcase.value));
// We need to return a string because we may concatenate symbols for multiple
// bits together.
let symbolToStringFnRetType = "std::string";
// The delimiter used to separate bit enum cases in strings. Only "|" and
// "," (along with optional spaces) are supported due to the use of the
// parseSeparatorFn in parameterParser below.
// Spaces in the separator string are used for printing, but will be optional
// for parsing.
string separator = "|";
assert !or(!ge(!find(separator, "|"), 0), !ge(!find(separator, ","), 0)),
"separator must contain '|' or ',' for parameter parsing";
// Parsing function that corresponds to the enum separator. Only
// "," and "|" are supported by this definition.
string parseSeparatorFn = !if(!ge(!find(separator, "|"), 0),
// Parse a keyword and pass it to `stringToSymbol`. Emit an error if a the
// symbol is not valid.
let parameterParser = [{[&]() -> ::mlir::FailureOr<}] # cppType # [{> {
}] # cppType # [{ flags = {};
auto loc = $_parser.getCurrentLocation();
::llvm::StringRef enumKeyword;
do {
if (::mlir::failed($_parser.parseKeyword(&enumKeyword)))
return ::mlir::failure();
auto maybeEnum = }] # cppNamespace # "::" #
stringToSymbolFnName # [{(enumKeyword);
if (!maybeEnum) {
return {(::mlir::LogicalResult)($_parser.emitError(loc) << }] #
[{"expected " << "}] # cppType # [{" << " to be one of: " << }] #
!interleave(!foreach(enum, enumerants, "\"" # enum.str # "\""),
[{ << ", " << }]) # [{)};
flags = flags | *maybeEnum;
} while(::mlir::succeeded($_parser.}] # parseSeparatorFn # [{()));
return flags;
// Print the enum by calling `symbolToString`.
let parameterPrinter = "$_printer << " # symbolToStringFnName # "($_self)";
// Print the "primary group" only for bits that are members of case groups
// that have all bits present. When the value is 0, printing will display both
// both individual bit case names AND the names for all groups that the bit is
// contained in. When the value is 1, for each bit that is set AND is a member
// of a group with all bits set, only the "primary group" (i.e. the first
// group with all bits set in reverse declaration order) will be printed (for
// conciseness).
bit printBitEnumPrimaryGroups = 0;
class I8BitEnumAttr<string name, string summary,
list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases>
: BitEnumAttr<I8, name, summary, cases> {
let underlyingType = "uint8_t";
class I16BitEnumAttr<string name, string summary,
list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases>
: BitEnumAttr<I16, name, summary, cases> {
let underlyingType = "uint16_t";
class I32BitEnumAttr<string name, string summary,
list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases>
: BitEnumAttr<I32, name, summary, cases> {
let underlyingType = "uint32_t";
class I64BitEnumAttr<string name, string summary,
list<BitEnumAttrCaseBase> cases>
: BitEnumAttr<I64, name, summary, cases> {
let underlyingType = "uint64_t";
// A C++ enum as an attribute parameter. The parameter implements a parser and
// printer for the enum by dispatching calls to `stringToSymbol` and
// `symbolToString`.
class EnumParameter<EnumAttrInfo enumInfo>
: AttrParameter<enumInfo.cppNamespace # "::" # enumInfo.className,
"an enum of type " # enumInfo.className> {
let parser = enumInfo.parameterParser;
let printer = enumInfo.parameterPrinter;
// An attribute backed by a C++ enum. The attribute contains a single
// parameter `value` whose type is the C++ enum class.
// Example:
// ```
// def MyEnum : I32EnumAttr<"MyEnum", "a simple enum", [
// I32EnumAttrCase<"First", 0, "first">,
// I32EnumAttrCase<"Second", 1, "second>]> {
// let genSpecializedAttr = 0;
// }
// def MyEnumAttr : EnumAttr<MyDialect, MyEnum, "enum">;
// ```
// By default, the assembly format of the attribute works best with operation
// assembly formats. For example:
// ```
// def MyOp : Op<MyDialect, "my_op"> {
// let arguments = (ins MyEnumAttr:$enum);
// let assemblyFormat = "$enum attr-dict";
// }
// ```
// The op will appear in the IR as `my_dialect.my_op first`. However, the
// generic format of the attribute will be `#my_dialect<"enum first">`. Override
// the attribute's assembly format as required.
class EnumAttr<Dialect dialect, EnumAttrInfo enumInfo, string name = "",
list <Trait> traits = []>
: AttrDef<dialect, enumInfo.className, traits> {
let summary = enumInfo.summary;
let description = enumInfo.description;
// The backing enumeration.
EnumAttrInfo enum = enumInfo;
// Inherit the C++ namespace from the enum.
let cppNamespace = enumInfo.cppNamespace;
// Define a constant builder for the attribute to convert from C++ enums.
let constBuilderCall = cppNamespace # "::" # cppClassName #
"::get($_builder.getContext(), $0)";
// Op attribute getters should return the underlying C++ enum type.
let returnType = enumInfo.cppNamespace # "::" # enumInfo.className;
// Convert from attribute to the underlying C++ type in op getters.
let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue()";
// The enum attribute has one parameter: the C++ enum value.
let parameters = (ins EnumParameter<enumInfo>:$value);
// If a mnemonic was provided, use it to generate a custom assembly format.
let mnemonic = name;
// The default assembly format for enum attributes. Selected to best work with
// operation assembly formats.
let assemblyFormat = "$value";
class _symbolToValue<EnumAttrInfo enumAttrInfo, string case> {
defvar cases =
!filter(iter, enumAttrInfo.enumerants, !eq(iter.str, case));
assert !not(!empty(cases)), "failed to find enum-case '" # case # "'";
// `!empty` check to not cause an error if the cases are empty.
// The assertion catches the issue later and emits a proper error message.
string value = enumAttrInfo.cppType # "::"
# !if(!empty(cases), "", !head(cases).symbol);
class _bitSymbolsToValue<BitEnumAttr bitEnumAttr, string case> {
defvar pos = !find(case, "|");
// Recursive instantiation looking up the symbol before the `|` in
// enum cases.
string value = !if(
!eq(pos, -1), /*baseCase=*/_symbolToValue<bitEnumAttr, case>.value,
/*rec=*/_symbolToValue<bitEnumAttr, !substr(case, 0, pos)>.value # "|"
# _bitSymbolsToValue<bitEnumAttr, !substr(case, !add(pos, 1))>.value
class ConstantEnumCaseBase<Attr attribute,
EnumAttrInfo enumAttrInfo, string case>
: ConstantAttr<attribute,
_bitSymbolsToValue<!cast<BitEnumAttr>(enumAttrInfo), case>.value,
_symbolToValue<enumAttrInfo, case>.value
/// Attribute constraint matching a constant enum case. `attribute` should be
/// one of `EnumAttrInfo` or `EnumAttr` and `symbol` the string representation
/// of an enum case. Multiple enum values of a bit-enum can be combined using
/// `|` as a separator. Note that there mustn't be any whitespace around the
/// separator.
/// This attribute constraint is additionally buildable, making it possible to
/// use it in result patterns.
/// Examples:
/// * ConstantEnumCase<Arith_IntegerOverflowAttr, "nsw|nuw">
/// * ConstantEnumCase<Arith_CmpIPredicateAttr, "slt">
class ConstantEnumCase<Attr attribute, string case>
: ConstantEnumCaseBase<attribute,
!if(!isa<EnumAttrInfo>(attribute), !cast<EnumAttrInfo>(attribute),
!cast<EnumAttr>(attribute).enum), case> {
assert !or(!isa<EnumAttr>(attribute), !isa<EnumAttrInfo>(attribute)),
"attribute must be one of 'EnumAttr' or 'EnumAttrInfo'";
#endif // ENUMATTR_TD