blob: e3f32b7a9ab5fb3966edf8cfdb9c296e6638bad5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DialectResourceBlobManager.h - Dialect Blob Management ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines utility classes for referencing and managing asm resource
// blobs. These classes are intended to more easily facilitate the sharing of
// large blobs, and their definition.
#include "mlir/IR/AsmState.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/RWMutex.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SMLoc.h"
#include <optional>
namespace mlir {
// DialectResourceBlobManager
/// This class defines a manager for dialect resource blobs. Blobs are uniqued
/// by a given key, and represented using AsmResourceBlobs.
class DialectResourceBlobManager {
/// The class represents an individual entry of a blob.
class BlobEntry {
/// Return the key used to reference this blob.
StringRef getKey() const { return key; }
/// Return the blob owned by this entry if one has been initialized. Returns
/// nullptr otherwise.
const AsmResourceBlob *getBlob() const { return blob ? &*blob : nullptr; }
AsmResourceBlob *getBlob() { return blob ? &*blob : nullptr; }
/// Set the blob owned by this entry.
void setBlob(AsmResourceBlob &&newBlob) { blob = std::move(newBlob); }
BlobEntry() = default;
BlobEntry(BlobEntry &&) = default;
BlobEntry &operator=(const BlobEntry &) = delete;
BlobEntry &operator=(BlobEntry &&) = delete;
/// Initialize this entry with the given key and blob.
void initialize(StringRef newKey, std::optional<AsmResourceBlob> newBlob) {
key = newKey;
blob = std::move(newBlob);
/// The key used for this blob.
StringRef key;
/// The blob that is referenced by this entry if it is valid.
std::optional<AsmResourceBlob> blob;
/// Allow access to the constructors.
friend DialectResourceBlobManager;
friend class llvm::StringMapEntryStorage<BlobEntry>;
/// Return the blob registered for the given name, or nullptr if no blob
/// is registered.
BlobEntry *lookup(StringRef name);
const BlobEntry *lookup(StringRef name) const {
return const_cast<DialectResourceBlobManager *>(this)->lookup(name);
/// Update the blob for the entry defined by the provided name. This method
/// asserts that an entry for the given name exists in the manager.
void update(StringRef name, AsmResourceBlob &&newBlob);
/// Insert a new entry with the provided name and optional blob data. The name
/// may be modified during insertion if another entry already exists with that
/// name. Returns the inserted entry.
BlobEntry &insert(StringRef name, std::optional<AsmResourceBlob> blob = {});
/// Insertion method that returns a dialect specific handle to the inserted
/// entry.
template <typename HandleT>
HandleT insert(typename HandleT::Dialect *dialect, StringRef name,
std::optional<AsmResourceBlob> blob = {}) {
BlobEntry &entry = insert(name, std::move(blob));
return HandleT(&entry, dialect);
/// A mutex to protect access to the blob map.
llvm::sys::SmartRWMutex<true> blobMapLock;
/// The internal map of tracked blobs. StringMap stores entries in distinct
/// allocations, so we can freely take references to the data without fear of
/// invalidation during additional insertion/deletion.
llvm::StringMap<BlobEntry> blobMap;
// ResourceBlobManagerDialectInterface
/// This class implements a dialect interface that provides common functionality
/// for interacting with a resource blob manager.
class ResourceBlobManagerDialectInterface
: public DialectInterface::Base<ResourceBlobManagerDialectInterface> {
ResourceBlobManagerDialectInterface(Dialect *dialect)
: Base(dialect),
blobManager(std::make_shared<DialectResourceBlobManager>()) {}
/// Return the blob manager held by this interface.
DialectResourceBlobManager &getBlobManager() { return *blobManager; }
const DialectResourceBlobManager &getBlobManager() const {
return *blobManager;
/// Set the blob manager held by this interface.
setBlobManager(std::shared_ptr<DialectResourceBlobManager> newBlobManager) {
blobManager = std::move(newBlobManager);
/// The blob manager owned by the dialect implementing this interface.
std::shared_ptr<DialectResourceBlobManager> blobManager;
/// This class provides a base class for dialects implementing the resource blob
/// interface. It provides several additional dialect specific utilities on top
/// of the generic interface. `HandleT` is the type of the handle used to
/// reference a resource blob.
template <typename HandleT>
class ResourceBlobManagerDialectInterfaceBase
: public ResourceBlobManagerDialectInterface {
using ResourceBlobManagerDialectInterface::
/// Update the blob for the entry defined by the provided name. This method
/// asserts that an entry for the given name exists in the manager.
void update(StringRef name, AsmResourceBlob &&newBlob) {
getBlobManager().update(name, std::move(newBlob));
/// Insert a new resource blob entry with the provided name and optional blob
/// data. The name may be modified during insertion if another entry already
/// exists with that name. Returns a dialect specific handle to the inserted
/// entry.
HandleT insert(StringRef name, std::optional<AsmResourceBlob> blob = {}) {
return getBlobManager().template insert<HandleT>(
cast<typename HandleT::Dialect>(getDialect()), name, std::move(blob));
/// Build resources for each of the referenced blobs within this manager.
void buildResources(AsmResourceBuilder &provider,
ArrayRef<AsmDialectResourceHandle> referencedResources) {
for (const AsmDialectResourceHandle &handle : referencedResources) {
if (const auto *dialectHandle = dyn_cast<HandleT>(&handle)) {
if (auto *blob = dialectHandle->getBlob())
provider.buildBlob(dialectHandle->getKey(), *blob);
// DialectResourceBlobHandle
/// This class defines a dialect specific handle to a resource blob. These
/// handles utilize a StringRef for the internal key, and an AsmResourceBlob as
/// the underlying data.
template <typename DialectT>
struct DialectResourceBlobHandle
: public AsmDialectResourceHandleBase<DialectResourceBlobHandle<DialectT>,
DialectT> {
using AsmDialectResourceHandleBase<DialectResourceBlobHandle<DialectT>,
using ManagerInterface = ResourceBlobManagerDialectInterfaceBase<
/// Return the human readable string key for this handle.
StringRef getKey() const { return this->getResource()->getKey(); }
/// Return the blob referenced by this handle if the underlying resource has
/// been initialized. Returns nullptr otherwise.
AsmResourceBlob *getBlob() { return this->getResource()->getBlob(); }
const AsmResourceBlob *getBlob() const {
return this->getResource()->getBlob();
/// Get the interface for the dialect that owns handles of this type. Asserts
/// that the dialect is registered.
static ManagerInterface &getManagerInterface(MLIRContext *ctx) {
auto *dialect = ctx->getOrLoadDialect<DialectT>();
assert(dialect && "dialect not registered");
auto *iface = dialect->template getRegisteredInterface<ManagerInterface>();
assert(iface && "dialect doesn't provide the blob manager interface?");
return *iface;
} // namespace mlir