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//===- Diagnostics.h - MLIR Diagnostics -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines utilities for emitting diagnostics.
#include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
namespace llvm {
class MemoryBuffer;
class SMLoc;
class SourceMgr;
} // namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
class DiagnosticEngine;
struct LogicalResult;
class MLIRContext;
class Operation;
class OperationName;
class OpPrintingFlags;
class Type;
class Value;
namespace detail {
struct DiagnosticEngineImpl;
} // namespace detail
/// Defines the different supported severity of a diagnostic.
enum class DiagnosticSeverity {
// DiagnosticArgument
/// A variant type that holds a single argument for a diagnostic.
class DiagnosticArgument {
/// Note: The constructors below are only exposed due to problems accessing
/// constructors from type traits, they should not be used directly by users.
// Construct from an Attribute.
explicit DiagnosticArgument(Attribute attr);
// Construct from a floating point number.
explicit DiagnosticArgument(double val)
: kind(DiagnosticArgumentKind::Double), doubleVal(val) {}
explicit DiagnosticArgument(float val) : DiagnosticArgument(double(val)) {}
// Construct from a signed integer.
template <typename T>
explicit DiagnosticArgument(
T val, std::enable_if_t<std::is_signed<T>::value &&
std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
sizeof(T) <= sizeof(int64_t)> * = nullptr)
: kind(DiagnosticArgumentKind::Integer), opaqueVal(int64_t(val)) {}
// Construct from an unsigned integer.
template <typename T>
explicit DiagnosticArgument(
T val, std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned<T>::value &&
std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
sizeof(T) <= sizeof(uint64_t)> * = nullptr)
: kind(DiagnosticArgumentKind::Unsigned), opaqueVal(uint64_t(val)) {}
// Construct from a string reference.
explicit DiagnosticArgument(StringRef val)
: kind(DiagnosticArgumentKind::String), stringVal(val) {}
// Construct from a Type.
explicit DiagnosticArgument(Type val);
/// Enum that represents the different kinds of diagnostic arguments
/// supported.
enum class DiagnosticArgumentKind {
/// Outputs this argument to a stream.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
/// Returns the kind of this argument.
DiagnosticArgumentKind getKind() const { return kind; }
/// Returns this argument as an Attribute.
Attribute getAsAttribute() const;
/// Returns this argument as a double.
double getAsDouble() const {
assert(getKind() == DiagnosticArgumentKind::Double);
return doubleVal;
/// Returns this argument as a signed integer.
int64_t getAsInteger() const {
assert(getKind() == DiagnosticArgumentKind::Integer);
return static_cast<int64_t>(opaqueVal);
/// Returns this argument as a string.
StringRef getAsString() const {
assert(getKind() == DiagnosticArgumentKind::String);
return stringVal;
/// Returns this argument as a Type.
Type getAsType() const;
/// Returns this argument as an unsigned integer.
uint64_t getAsUnsigned() const {
assert(getKind() == DiagnosticArgumentKind::Unsigned);
return static_cast<uint64_t>(opaqueVal);
friend class Diagnostic;
/// The kind of this argument.
DiagnosticArgumentKind kind;
/// The value of this argument.
union {
double doubleVal;
intptr_t opaqueVal;
StringRef stringVal;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, const DiagnosticArgument &arg) {
return os;
// Diagnostic
/// This class contains all of the information necessary to report a diagnostic
/// to the DiagnosticEngine. It should generally not be constructed directly,
/// and instead used transitively via InFlightDiagnostic.
class Diagnostic {
using NoteVector = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Diagnostic>>;
Diagnostic(Location loc, DiagnosticSeverity severity)
: loc(loc), severity(severity) {}
Diagnostic(Diagnostic &&) = default;
Diagnostic &operator=(Diagnostic &&) = default;
/// Returns the severity of this diagnostic.
DiagnosticSeverity getSeverity() const { return severity; }
/// Returns the source location for this diagnostic.
Location getLocation() const { return loc; }
/// Returns the current list of diagnostic arguments.
MutableArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> getArguments() { return arguments; }
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> getArguments() const { return arguments; }
/// Stream operator for inserting new diagnostic arguments.
template <typename Arg>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<Arg, StringRef>::value &&
std::is_constructible<DiagnosticArgument, Arg>::value,
Diagnostic &>
operator<<(Arg &&val) {
return *this;
Diagnostic &operator<<(StringAttr val);
/// Stream in a string literal.
Diagnostic &operator<<(const char *val) {
return *this;
/// Stream in a Twine argument.
Diagnostic &operator<<(char val);
Diagnostic &operator<<(const Twine &val);
Diagnostic &operator<<(Twine &&val);
/// Stream in an OperationName.
Diagnostic &operator<<(OperationName val);
/// Stream in an Operation.
Diagnostic &operator<<(Operation &op);
Diagnostic &operator<<(Operation *op) { return *this << *op; }
/// Append an operation with the given printing flags.
Diagnostic &appendOp(Operation &op, const OpPrintingFlags &flags);
/// Stream in a Value.
Diagnostic &operator<<(Value val);
/// Stream in a range.
template <typename T, typename ValueT = llvm::detail::ValueOfRange<T>>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_constructible<DiagnosticArgument, T>::value,
Diagnostic &>
operator<<(T &&range) {
return appendRange(range);
/// Append a range to the diagnostic. The default delimiter between elements
/// is ','.
template <typename T>
Diagnostic &appendRange(const T &c, const char *delim = ", ") {
c, [this](const auto &a) { *this << a; }, [&]() { *this << delim; });
return *this;
/// Append arguments to the diagnostic.
template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename... Args>
Diagnostic &append(Arg1 &&arg1, Arg2 &&arg2, Args &&...args) {
return append(std::forward<Arg2>(arg2), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/// Append one argument to the diagnostic.
template <typename Arg>
Diagnostic &append(Arg &&arg) {
*this << std::forward<Arg>(arg);
return *this;
/// Outputs this diagnostic to a stream.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
/// Converts the diagnostic to a string.
std::string str() const;
/// Attaches a note to this diagnostic. A new location may be optionally
/// provided, if not, then the location defaults to the one specified for this
/// diagnostic. Notes may not be attached to other notes.
Diagnostic &attachNote(std::optional<Location> noteLoc = std::nullopt);
using note_iterator = llvm::pointee_iterator<NoteVector::iterator>;
using const_note_iterator =
/// Returns the notes held by this diagnostic.
iterator_range<note_iterator> getNotes() {
return llvm::make_pointee_range(notes);
iterator_range<const_note_iterator> getNotes() const {
return llvm::make_pointee_range(notes);
/// Allow a diagnostic to be converted to 'failure'.
operator LogicalResult() const;
/// Allow a diagnostic to be converted to 'failure'.
operator ParseResult() const { return ParseResult(LogicalResult(*this)); }
/// Allow a diagnostic to be converted to FailureOr<T>. Always results in
/// 'failure' because this cast cannot possibly return an object of 'T'.
template <typename T>
operator FailureOr<T>() const {
return failure();
Diagnostic(const Diagnostic &rhs) = delete;
Diagnostic &operator=(const Diagnostic &rhs) = delete;
/// The source location.
Location loc;
/// The severity of this diagnostic.
DiagnosticSeverity severity;
/// The current list of arguments.
SmallVector<DiagnosticArgument, 4> arguments;
/// A list of string values used as arguments. This is used to guarantee the
/// liveness of non-constant strings used in diagnostics.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<char[]>> strings;
/// A list of attached notes.
NoteVector notes;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, const Diagnostic &diag) {
return os;
// InFlightDiagnostic
/// This class represents a diagnostic that is inflight and set to be reported.
/// This allows for last minute modifications of the diagnostic before it is
/// emitted by a DiagnosticEngine.
class InFlightDiagnostic {
InFlightDiagnostic() = default;
InFlightDiagnostic(InFlightDiagnostic &&rhs)
: owner(rhs.owner), impl(std::move(rhs.impl)) {
// Reset the rhs diagnostic.
~InFlightDiagnostic() {
if (isInFlight())
/// Stream operator for new diagnostic arguments.
template <typename Arg>
InFlightDiagnostic &operator<<(Arg &&arg) & {
return append(std::forward<Arg>(arg));
template <typename Arg>
InFlightDiagnostic &&operator<<(Arg &&arg) && {
return std::move(append(std::forward<Arg>(arg)));
/// Append arguments to the diagnostic.
template <typename... Args>
InFlightDiagnostic &append(Args &&...args) & {
assert(isActive() && "diagnostic not active");
if (isInFlight())
return *this;
template <typename... Args>
InFlightDiagnostic &&append(Args &&...args) && {
return std::move(append(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
/// Attaches a note to this diagnostic.
Diagnostic &attachNote(std::optional<Location> noteLoc = std::nullopt) {
assert(isActive() && "diagnostic not active");
return impl->attachNote(noteLoc);
/// Returns the underlying diagnostic or nullptr if this diagnostic isn't
/// active.
Diagnostic *getUnderlyingDiagnostic() { return impl ? &*impl : nullptr; }
/// Reports the diagnostic to the engine.
void report();
/// Abandons this diagnostic so that it will no longer be reported.
void abandon();
/// Allow an inflight diagnostic to be converted to 'failure', otherwise
/// 'success' if this is an empty diagnostic.
operator LogicalResult() const;
/// Allow an inflight diagnostic to be converted to 'failure', otherwise
/// 'success' if this is an empty diagnostic.
operator ParseResult() const { return ParseResult(LogicalResult(*this)); }
/// Allow an inflight diagnostic to be converted to FailureOr<T>. Always
/// results in 'failure' because this cast cannot possibly return an object of
/// 'T'.
template <typename T>
operator FailureOr<T>() const {
return failure();
InFlightDiagnostic &operator=(const InFlightDiagnostic &) = delete;
InFlightDiagnostic &operator=(InFlightDiagnostic &&) = delete;
InFlightDiagnostic(DiagnosticEngine *owner, Diagnostic &&rhs)
: owner(owner), impl(std::move(rhs)) {}
/// Returns true if the diagnostic is still active, i.e. it has a live
/// diagnostic.
bool isActive() const { return impl.has_value(); }
/// Returns true if the diagnostic is still in flight to be reported.
bool isInFlight() const { return owner; }
// Allow access to the constructor.
friend DiagnosticEngine;
/// The engine that this diagnostic is to report to.
DiagnosticEngine *owner = nullptr;
/// The raw diagnostic that is inflight to be reported.
std::optional<Diagnostic> impl;
// DiagnosticEngine
/// This class is the main interface for diagnostics. The DiagnosticEngine
/// manages the registration of diagnostic handlers as well as the core API for
/// diagnostic emission. This class should not be constructed directly, but
/// instead interfaced with via an MLIRContext instance.
class DiagnosticEngine {
// Diagnostic handler registration and use. MLIR supports the ability for the
// IR to carry arbitrary metadata about operation location information. If a
// problem is detected by the compiler, it can invoke the emitError /
// emitWarning / emitRemark method on an Operation and have it get reported
// through this interface.
// Tools using MLIR are encouraged to register error handlers and define a
// schema for their location information. If they don't, then warnings and
// notes will be dropped and errors will be emitted to errs.
/// The handler type for MLIR diagnostics. This function takes a diagnostic as
/// input, and returns success if the handler has fully processed this
/// diagnostic. Returns failure otherwise.
using HandlerTy = llvm::unique_function<LogicalResult(Diagnostic &)>;
/// A handle to a specific registered handler object.
using HandlerID = uint64_t;
/// Register a new handler for diagnostics to the engine. Diagnostics are
/// process by handlers in stack-like order, meaning that the last added
/// handlers will process diagnostics first. This function returns a unique
/// identifier for the registered handler, which can be used to unregister
/// this handler at a later time.
HandlerID registerHandler(HandlerTy handler);
/// Set the diagnostic handler with a function that returns void. This is a
/// convenient wrapper for handlers that always completely process the given
/// diagnostic.
template <typename FuncTy, typename RetT = decltype(std::declval<FuncTy>()(
std::declval<Diagnostic &>()))>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<RetT, void>::value, HandlerID>
registerHandler(FuncTy &&handler) {
return registerHandler([=](Diagnostic &diag) {
return success();
/// Erase the registered diagnostic handler with the given identifier.
void eraseHandler(HandlerID id);
/// Create a new inflight diagnostic with the given location and severity.
InFlightDiagnostic emit(Location loc, DiagnosticSeverity severity) {
assert(severity != DiagnosticSeverity::Note &&
"notes should not be emitted directly");
return InFlightDiagnostic(this, Diagnostic(loc, severity));
/// Emit a diagnostic using the registered issue handler if present, or with
/// the default behavior if not. The diagnostic instance is consumed in the
/// process.
void emit(Diagnostic &&diag);
friend class MLIRContextImpl;
/// The internal implementation of the DiagnosticEngine.
std::unique_ptr<detail::DiagnosticEngineImpl> impl;
/// Utility method to emit an error message using this location.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(Location loc);
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(Location loc, const Twine &message);
/// Utility method to emit a warning message using this location.
InFlightDiagnostic emitWarning(Location loc);
InFlightDiagnostic emitWarning(Location loc, const Twine &message);
/// Utility method to emit a remark message using this location.
InFlightDiagnostic emitRemark(Location loc);
InFlightDiagnostic emitRemark(Location loc, const Twine &message);
/// Overloads of the above emission functions that take an optionally null
/// location. If the location is null, no diagnostic is emitted and a failure is
/// returned. Given that the provided location may be null, these methods take
/// the diagnostic arguments directly instead of relying on the returned
/// InFlightDiagnostic.
template <typename... Args>
LogicalResult emitOptionalError(std::optional<Location> loc, Args &&...args) {
if (loc)
return emitError(*loc).append(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return failure();
template <typename... Args>
LogicalResult emitOptionalWarning(std::optional<Location> loc, Args &&...args) {
if (loc)
return emitWarning(*loc).append(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return failure();
template <typename... Args>
LogicalResult emitOptionalRemark(std::optional<Location> loc, Args &&...args) {
if (loc)
return emitRemark(*loc).append(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return failure();
// ScopedDiagnosticHandler
/// This diagnostic handler is a simple RAII class that registers and erases a
/// diagnostic handler on a given context. This class can be either be used
/// directly, or in conjunction with a derived diagnostic handler.
class ScopedDiagnosticHandler {
explicit ScopedDiagnosticHandler(MLIRContext *ctx) : handlerID(0), ctx(ctx) {}
template <typename FuncTy>
ScopedDiagnosticHandler(MLIRContext *ctx, FuncTy &&handler)
: handlerID(0), ctx(ctx) {
/// Set the handler to manage via RAII.
template <typename FuncTy>
void setHandler(FuncTy &&handler) {
auto &diagEngine = ctx->getDiagEngine();
if (handlerID)
handlerID = diagEngine.registerHandler(std::forward<FuncTy>(handler));
/// The unique id for the scoped handler.
DiagnosticEngine::HandlerID handlerID;
/// The context to erase the handler from.
MLIRContext *ctx;
// SourceMgrDiagnosticHandler
namespace detail {
struct SourceMgrDiagnosticHandlerImpl;
} // namespace detail
/// This class is a utility diagnostic handler for use with llvm::SourceMgr.
class SourceMgrDiagnosticHandler : public ScopedDiagnosticHandler {
/// This type represents a functor used to filter out locations when printing
/// a diagnostic. It should return true if the provided location is okay to
/// display, false otherwise. If all locations in a diagnostic are filtered
/// out, the first location is used as the sole location. When deciding
/// whether or not to filter a location, this function should not recurse into
/// any nested location. This recursion is handled automatically by the
/// caller.
using ShouldShowLocFn = llvm::unique_function<bool(Location)>;
SourceMgrDiagnosticHandler(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr, MLIRContext *ctx,
raw_ostream &os,
ShouldShowLocFn &&shouldShowLocFn = {});
SourceMgrDiagnosticHandler(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr, MLIRContext *ctx,
ShouldShowLocFn &&shouldShowLocFn = {});
/// Emit the given diagnostic information with the held source manager.
void emitDiagnostic(Location loc, Twine message, DiagnosticSeverity kind,
bool displaySourceLine = true);
/// Emit the given diagnostic with the held source manager.
void emitDiagnostic(Diagnostic &diag);
/// Get a memory buffer for the given file, or nullptr if no file is
/// available.
const llvm::MemoryBuffer *getBufferForFile(StringRef filename);
/// The source manager that we are wrapping.
llvm::SourceMgr &mgr;
/// The output stream to use when printing diagnostics.
raw_ostream &os;
/// A functor used when determining if a location for a diagnostic should be
/// shown. If null, all locations should be shown.
ShouldShowLocFn shouldShowLocFn;
/// Convert a location into the given memory buffer into an SMLoc.
SMLoc convertLocToSMLoc(FileLineColLoc loc);
/// Given a location, returns the first nested location (including 'loc') that
/// can be shown to the user.
std::optional<Location> findLocToShow(Location loc);
/// The maximum depth that a call stack will be printed.
/// TODO: This should be a tunable flag.
unsigned callStackLimit = 10;
std::unique_ptr<detail::SourceMgrDiagnosticHandlerImpl> impl;
// SourceMgrDiagnosticVerifierHandler
namespace detail {
struct SourceMgrDiagnosticVerifierHandlerImpl;
} // namespace detail
/// This class is a utility diagnostic handler for use with llvm::SourceMgr that
/// verifies that emitted diagnostics match 'expected-*' lines on the
/// corresponding line of the source file.
class SourceMgrDiagnosticVerifierHandler : public SourceMgrDiagnosticHandler {
SourceMgrDiagnosticVerifierHandler(llvm::SourceMgr &srcMgr, MLIRContext *ctx,
raw_ostream &out);
SourceMgrDiagnosticVerifierHandler(llvm::SourceMgr &srcMgr, MLIRContext *ctx);
/// Returns the status of the handler and verifies that all expected
/// diagnostics were emitted. This return success if all diagnostics were
/// verified correctly, failure otherwise.
LogicalResult verify();
/// Process a single diagnostic.
void process(Diagnostic &diag);
/// Process a FileLineColLoc diagnostic.
void process(FileLineColLoc loc, StringRef msg, DiagnosticSeverity kind);
std::unique_ptr<detail::SourceMgrDiagnosticVerifierHandlerImpl> impl;
// ParallelDiagnosticHandler
namespace detail {
struct ParallelDiagnosticHandlerImpl;
} // namespace detail
/// This class is a utility diagnostic handler for use when multi-threading some
/// part of the compiler where diagnostics may be emitted. This handler ensures
/// a deterministic ordering to the emitted diagnostics that mirrors that of a
/// single-threaded compilation.
class ParallelDiagnosticHandler {
ParallelDiagnosticHandler(MLIRContext *ctx);
/// Set the order id for the current thread. This is required to be set by
/// each thread that will be emitting diagnostics to this handler. The orderID
/// corresponds to the order in which diagnostics would be emitted when
/// executing synchronously. For example, if we were processing a list
/// of operations [a, b, c] on a single-thread. Diagnostics emitted while
/// processing operation 'a' would be emitted before those for 'b' or 'c'.
/// This corresponds 1-1 with the 'orderID'. The thread that is processing 'a'
/// should set the orderID to '0'; the thread processing 'b' should set it to
/// '1'; and so on and so forth. This provides a way for the handler to
/// deterministically order the diagnostics that it receives given the thread
/// that it is receiving on.
void setOrderIDForThread(size_t orderID);
/// Remove the order id for the current thread. This removes the thread from
/// diagnostics tracking.
void eraseOrderIDForThread();
std::unique_ptr<detail::ParallelDiagnosticHandlerImpl> impl;
} // namespace mlir