blob: b0b9493c1519f6032a3186bbe8e581e71365e6b4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BuiltinAttributeInterfaces.h - Builtin Attr Interfaces ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypeInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <complex>
#include <optional>
namespace mlir {
// ElementsAttr
namespace detail {
/// This class provides support for indexing into the element range of an
/// ElementsAttr. It is used to opaquely wrap either a contiguous range, via
/// `ElementsAttrIndexer::contiguous`, or a non-contiguous range, via
/// `ElementsAttrIndexer::nonContiguous`, A contiguous range is an array-like
/// range, where all of the elements are layed out sequentially in memory. A
/// non-contiguous range implies no contiguity, and elements may even be
/// materialized when indexing, such as the case for a mapped_range.
struct ElementsAttrIndexer {
: ElementsAttrIndexer(/*isContiguous=*/true, /*isSplat=*/true) {}
ElementsAttrIndexer(ElementsAttrIndexer &&rhs)
: isContiguous(rhs.isContiguous), isSplat(rhs.isSplat) {
if (isContiguous)
conState = rhs.conState;
new (&nonConState) NonContiguousState(std::move(rhs.nonConState));
ElementsAttrIndexer(const ElementsAttrIndexer &rhs)
: isContiguous(rhs.isContiguous), isSplat(rhs.isSplat) {
if (isContiguous)
conState = rhs.conState;
new (&nonConState) NonContiguousState(rhs.nonConState);
~ElementsAttrIndexer() {
if (!isContiguous)
/// Construct an indexer for a non-contiguous range starting at the given
/// iterator. A non-contiguous range implies no contiguity, and elements may
/// even be materialized when indexing, such as the case for a mapped_range.
template <typename IteratorT>
static ElementsAttrIndexer nonContiguous(bool isSplat, IteratorT &&iterator) {
ElementsAttrIndexer indexer(/*isContiguous=*/false, isSplat);
new (&indexer.nonConState)
return indexer;
// Construct an indexer for a contiguous range starting at the given element
// pointer. A contiguous range is an array-like range, where all of the
// elements are layed out sequentially in memory.
template <typename T>
static ElementsAttrIndexer contiguous(bool isSplat, const T *firstEltPtr) {
ElementsAttrIndexer indexer(/*isContiguous=*/true, isSplat);
new (&indexer.conState) ContiguousState(firstEltPtr);
return indexer;
/// Access the element at the given index.
template <typename T>
T at(uint64_t index) const {
if (isSplat)
index = 0;
return isContiguous ?<T>(index) :<T>(index);
ElementsAttrIndexer(bool isContiguous, bool isSplat)
: isContiguous(isContiguous), isSplat(isSplat), conState(nullptr) {}
/// This class contains all of the state necessary to index a contiguous
/// range.
class ContiguousState {
ContiguousState(const void *firstEltPtr) : firstEltPtr(firstEltPtr) {}
/// Access the element at the given index.
template <typename T>
const T &at(uint64_t index) const {
return *(reinterpret_cast<const T *>(firstEltPtr) + index);
const void *firstEltPtr;
/// This class contains all of the state necessary to index a non-contiguous
/// range.
class NonContiguousState {
/// This class is used to represent the abstract base of an opaque iterator.
/// This allows for all iterator and element types to be completely
/// type-erased.
struct OpaqueIteratorBase {
virtual ~OpaqueIteratorBase() = default;
virtual std::unique_ptr<OpaqueIteratorBase> clone() const = 0;
/// This class is used to represent the abstract base of an opaque iterator
/// that iterates over elements of type `T`. This allows for all iterator
/// types to be completely type-erased.
template <typename T>
struct OpaqueIteratorValueBase : public OpaqueIteratorBase {
virtual T at(uint64_t index) = 0;
/// This class is used to represent an opaque handle to an iterator of type
/// `IteratorT` that iterates over elements of type `T`.
template <typename IteratorT, typename T>
struct OpaqueIterator : public OpaqueIteratorValueBase<T> {
template <typename ItTy, typename FuncTy, typename FuncReturnTy>
static void isMappedIteratorTestFn(
llvm::mapped_iterator<ItTy, FuncTy, FuncReturnTy>) {}
template <typename U, typename... Args>
using is_mapped_iterator =
template <typename U>
using detect_is_mapped_iterator =
llvm::is_detected<is_mapped_iterator, U>;
/// Access the element within the iterator at the given index.
template <typename ItT>
static std::enable_if_t<!detect_is_mapped_iterator<ItT>::value, T>
atImpl(ItT &&it, uint64_t index) {
return *std::next(it, index);
template <typename ItT>
static std::enable_if_t<detect_is_mapped_iterator<ItT>::value, T>
atImpl(ItT &&it, uint64_t index) {
// Special case mapped_iterator to avoid copying the function.
return it.getFunction()(*std::next(it.getCurrent(), index));
template <typename U>
OpaqueIterator(U &&iterator) : iterator(std::forward<U>(iterator)) {}
std::unique_ptr<OpaqueIteratorBase> clone() const final {
return std::make_unique<OpaqueIterator<IteratorT, T>>(iterator);
/// Access the element at the given index.
T at(uint64_t index) final { return atImpl(iterator, index); }
IteratorT iterator;
/// Construct the state with the given iterator type.
template <typename IteratorT, typename T = typename llvm::remove_cvref_t<
NonContiguousState(IteratorT iterator)
: iterator(std::make_unique<OpaqueIterator<IteratorT, T>>(iterator)) {}
NonContiguousState(const NonContiguousState &other)
: iterator(other.iterator->clone()) {}
NonContiguousState(NonContiguousState &&other) = default;
/// Access the element at the given index.
template <typename T>
T at(uint64_t index) const {
auto *valueIt = static_cast<OpaqueIteratorValueBase<T> *>(iterator.get());
return valueIt->at(index);
/// The opaque iterator state.
std::unique_ptr<OpaqueIteratorBase> iterator;
/// A boolean indicating if this range is contiguous or not.
bool isContiguous;
/// A boolean indicating if this range is a splat.
bool isSplat;
/// The underlying range state.
union {
ContiguousState conState;
NonContiguousState nonConState;
/// This class implements a generic iterator for ElementsAttr.
template <typename T>
class ElementsAttrIterator
: public llvm::iterator_facade_base<ElementsAttrIterator<T>,
std::random_access_iterator_tag, T,
std::ptrdiff_t, T, T> {
ElementsAttrIterator(ElementsAttrIndexer indexer, size_t dataIndex)
: indexer(std::move(indexer)), index(dataIndex) {}
// Boilerplate iterator methods.
ptrdiff_t operator-(const ElementsAttrIterator &rhs) const {
return index - rhs.index;
bool operator==(const ElementsAttrIterator &rhs) const {
return index == rhs.index;
bool operator<(const ElementsAttrIterator &rhs) const {
return index < rhs.index;
ElementsAttrIterator &operator+=(ptrdiff_t offset) {
index += offset;
return *this;
ElementsAttrIterator &operator-=(ptrdiff_t offset) {
index -= offset;
return *this;
/// Return the value at the current iterator position.
T operator*() const { return<T>(index); }
ElementsAttrIndexer indexer;
ptrdiff_t index;
/// This class provides iterator utilities for an ElementsAttr range.
template <typename IteratorT>
class ElementsAttrRange : public llvm::iterator_range<IteratorT> {
using reference = typename IteratorT::reference;
ElementsAttrRange(ShapedType shapeType,
const llvm::iterator_range<IteratorT> &range)
: llvm::iterator_range<IteratorT>(range), shapeType(shapeType) {}
ElementsAttrRange(ShapedType shapeType, IteratorT beginIt, IteratorT endIt)
: ElementsAttrRange(shapeType, llvm::make_range(beginIt, endIt)) {}
/// Return the value at the given index.
reference operator[](ArrayRef<uint64_t> index) const;
reference operator[](uint64_t index) const {
return *std::next(this->begin(), index);
/// Return the size of this range.
size_t size() const { return llvm::size(*this); }
/// The shaped type of the parent ElementsAttr.
ShapedType shapeType;
} // namespace detail
// MemRefLayoutAttrInterface
namespace detail {
// Verify the affine map 'm' can be used as a layout specification
// for memref with 'shape'.
verifyAffineMapAsLayout(AffineMap m, ArrayRef<int64_t> shape,
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir
// Tablegen Interface Declarations
#include "mlir/IR/"
// ElementsAttr
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
/// Return the value at the given index.
template <typename IteratorT>
auto ElementsAttrRange<IteratorT>::operator[](ArrayRef<uint64_t> index) const
-> reference {
// Skip to the element corresponding to the flattened index.
return (*this)[ElementsAttr::getFlattenedIndex(shapeType, index)];
} // namespace detail
/// Return the elements of this attribute as a value of type 'T'.
template <typename T>
auto ElementsAttr::value_begin() const -> DefaultValueCheckT<T, iterator<T>> {
if (std::optional<iterator<T>> iterator = try_value_begin<T>())
return std::move(*iterator);
<< "ElementsAttr does not provide iteration facilities for type `"
<< llvm::getTypeName<T>() << "`, see attribute: " << *this << "\n";
llvm_unreachable("invalid `T` for ElementsAttr::getValues");
template <typename T>
auto ElementsAttr::try_value_begin() const
-> DefaultValueCheckT<T, std::optional<iterator<T>>> {
FailureOr<detail::ElementsAttrIndexer> indexer =
if (failed(indexer))
return std::nullopt;
return iterator<T>(std::move(*indexer), 0);
} // namespace mlir.