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//===- AttrTypeSubElements.h - Attr and Type SubElements -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains utilities for querying the sub elements of an attribute or
// type.
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Visitors.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include <optional>
namespace mlir {
class Attribute;
class Type;
/// AttrTypeWalker
/// This class provides a utility for walking attributes/types, and their sub
/// elements. Multiple walk functions may be registered.
class AttrTypeWalker {
// Application
/// Walk the given attribute/type, and recursively walk any sub elements.
template <WalkOrder Order, typename T>
WalkResult walk(T element) {
return walkImpl(element, Order);
template <typename T>
WalkResult walk(T element) {
return walk<WalkOrder::PostOrder, T>(element);
// Registration
template <typename T>
using WalkFn = std::function<WalkResult(T)>;
/// Register a walk function for a given attribute or type. A walk function
/// must be convertible to any of the following forms(where `T` is a class
/// derived from `Type` or `Attribute`:
/// * WalkResult(T)
/// - Returns a walk result, which can be used to control the walk
/// * void(T)
/// - Returns void, i.e. the walk always continues.
/// Note: When walking, the mostly recently added walk functions will be
/// invoked first.
void addWalk(WalkFn<Attribute> &&fn) {
void addWalk(WalkFn<Type> &&fn) { typeWalkFns.push_back(std::move(fn)); }
/// Register a replacement function that doesn't match the default signature,
/// either because it uses a derived parameter type, or it uses a simplified
/// result type.
template <typename FnT,
typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<0>,
typename BaseT = std::conditional_t<std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T>,
Attribute, Type>,
typename ResultT = std::invoke_result_t<FnT, T>>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, BaseT> || std::is_same_v<ResultT, void>>
addWalk(FnT &&callback) {
addWalk([callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](BaseT base) -> WalkResult {
if (auto derived = dyn_cast<T>(base)) {
if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<ResultT, WalkResult>)
return callback(derived);
return WalkResult::advance();
WalkResult walkImpl(Attribute attr, WalkOrder order);
WalkResult walkImpl(Type type, WalkOrder order);
/// Internal implementation of the `walk` methods above.
template <typename T, typename WalkFns>
WalkResult walkImpl(T element, WalkFns &walkFns, WalkOrder order);
/// Walk the sub elements of the given interface.
template <typename T>
WalkResult walkSubElements(T interface, WalkOrder order);
/// The set of walk functions that map sub elements.
std::vector<WalkFn<Attribute>> attrWalkFns;
std::vector<WalkFn<Type>> typeWalkFns;
/// The set of visited attributes/types.
DenseMap<std::pair<const void *, int>, WalkResult> visitedAttrTypes;
/// AttrTypeReplacer
/// This class provides a utility for replacing attributes/types, and their sub
/// elements. Multiple replacement functions may be registered.
class AttrTypeReplacer {
// Application
/// Replace the elements within the given operation. If `replaceAttrs` is
/// true, this updates the attribute dictionary of the operation. If
/// `replaceLocs` is true, this also updates its location, and the locations
/// of any nested block arguments. If `replaceTypes` is true, this also
/// updates the result types of the operation, and the types of any nested
/// block arguments.
void replaceElementsIn(Operation *op, bool replaceAttrs = true,
bool replaceLocs = false, bool replaceTypes = false);
/// Replace the elements within the given operation, and all nested
/// operations.
void recursivelyReplaceElementsIn(Operation *op, bool replaceAttrs = true,
bool replaceLocs = false,
bool replaceTypes = false);
/// Replace the given attribute/type, and recursively replace any sub
/// elements. Returns either the new attribute/type, or nullptr in the case of
/// failure.
Attribute replace(Attribute attr);
Type replace(Type type);
// Registration
/// A replacement mapping function, which returns either std::nullopt (to
/// signal the element wasn't handled), or a pair of the replacement element
/// and a WalkResult.
template <typename T>
using ReplaceFnResult = std::optional<std::pair<T, WalkResult>>;
template <typename T>
using ReplaceFn = std::function<ReplaceFnResult<T>(T)>;
/// Register a replacement function for mapping a given attribute or type. A
/// replacement function must be convertible to any of the following
/// forms(where `T` is a class derived from `Type` or `Attribute`, and `BaseT`
/// is either `Type` or `Attribute` respectively):
/// * std::optional<BaseT>(T)
/// - This either returns a valid Attribute/Type in the case of success,
/// nullptr in the case of failure, or `std::nullopt` to signify that
/// additional replacement functions may be applied (i.e. this function
/// doesn't handle that instance).
/// * std::optional<std::pair<BaseT, WalkResult>>(T)
/// - Similar to the above, but also allows specifying a WalkResult to
/// control the replacement of sub elements of a given attribute or
/// type. Returning a `skip` result, for example, will not recursively
/// process the resultant attribute or type value.
/// Note: When replacing, the mostly recently added replacement functions will
/// be invoked first.
void addReplacement(ReplaceFn<Attribute> fn);
void addReplacement(ReplaceFn<Type> fn);
/// Register a replacement function that doesn't match the default signature,
/// either because it uses a derived parameter type, or it uses a simplified
/// result type.
template <typename FnT,
typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<0>,
typename BaseT = std::conditional_t<std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T>,
Attribute, Type>,
typename ResultT = std::invoke_result_t<FnT, T>>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, BaseT> ||
!std::is_convertible_v<ResultT, ReplaceFnResult<BaseT>>>
addReplacement(FnT &&callback) {
addReplacement([callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](
BaseT base) -> ReplaceFnResult<BaseT> {
if (auto derived = dyn_cast<T>(base)) {
if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<ResultT, std::optional<BaseT>>) {
std::optional<BaseT> result = callback(derived);
return result ? std::make_pair(*result, WalkResult::advance())
: ReplaceFnResult<BaseT>();
} else {
return callback(derived);
return ReplaceFnResult<BaseT>();
/// Internal implementation of the `replace` methods above.
template <typename T, typename ReplaceFns>
T replaceImpl(T element, ReplaceFns &replaceFns);
/// Replace the sub elements of the given interface.
template <typename T>
T replaceSubElements(T interface);
/// The set of replacement functions that map sub elements.
std::vector<ReplaceFn<Attribute>> attrReplacementFns;
std::vector<ReplaceFn<Type>> typeReplacementFns;
/// The set of cached mappings for attributes/types.
DenseMap<const void *, const void *> attrTypeMap;
/// AttrTypeSubElementHandler
/// This class is used by AttrTypeSubElementHandler instances to walking sub
/// attributes and types.
class AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker {
AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker(function_ref<void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn,
function_ref<void(Type)> walkTypesFn)
: walkAttrsFn(walkAttrsFn), walkTypesFn(walkTypesFn) {}
/// Walk an attribute.
void walk(Attribute element);
/// Walk a type.
void walk(Type element);
/// Walk a range of attributes or types.
template <typename RangeT>
void walkRange(RangeT &&elements) {
for (auto element : elements)
function_ref<void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn;
function_ref<void(Type)> walkTypesFn;
/// This class is used by AttrTypeSubElementHandler instances to process sub
/// element replacements.
template <typename T>
class AttrTypeSubElementReplacements {
AttrTypeSubElementReplacements(ArrayRef<T> repls) : repls(repls) {}
/// Take the first N replacements as an ArrayRef, dropping them from
/// this replacement list.
ArrayRef<T> take_front(unsigned n) {
ArrayRef<T> elements = repls.take_front(n);
repls = repls.drop_front(n);
return elements;
/// The current set of replacements.
ArrayRef<T> repls;
using AttrSubElementReplacements = AttrTypeSubElementReplacements<Attribute>;
using TypeSubElementReplacements = AttrTypeSubElementReplacements<Type>;
/// This class provides support for interacting with the
/// SubElementInterfaces for different types of parameters. An
/// implementation of this class should be provided for any parameter class
/// that may contain an attribute or type. There are two main methods of
/// this class that need to be implemented:
/// - walk
/// This method should traverse into any sub elements of the parameter
/// using the provided walker, or by invoking handlers for sub-types.
/// - replace
/// This method should extract any necessary sub elements using the
/// provided replacer, or by invoking handlers for sub-types. The new
/// post-replacement parameter value should be returned.
template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct AttrTypeSubElementHandler {
/// Default walk implementation that does nothing.
static inline void walk(const T &param,
AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker &walker) {}
/// Default replace implementation just forwards the parameter.
template <typename ParamT>
static inline decltype(auto) replace(ParamT &&param,
AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls,
TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls) {
return std::forward<ParamT>(param);
/// Tag indicating that this handler does not support sub-elements.
using DefaultHandlerTag = void;
/// Detect if any of the given parameter types has a sub-element handler.
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
using has_default_sub_element_handler_t = decltype(T::DefaultHandlerTag);
} // namespace detail
template <typename... Ts>
inline constexpr bool has_sub_attr_or_type_v =
(!llvm::is_detected<detail::has_default_sub_element_handler_t, Ts>::value ||
/// Implementation for derived Attributes and Types.
template <typename T>
struct AttrTypeSubElementHandler<
T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T> ||
std::is_base_of_v<Type, T>>> {
static void walk(T param, AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker &walker) {
static T replace(T param, AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls,
TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls) {
if (!param)
return T();
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T>) {
return cast<T>(attrRepls.take_front(1)[0]);
} else {
return cast<T>(typeRepls.take_front(1)[0]);
/// Implementation for derived ArrayRef.
template <typename T>
struct AttrTypeSubElementHandler<ArrayRef<T>,
std::enable_if_t<has_sub_attr_or_type_v<T>>> {
using EltHandler = AttrTypeSubElementHandler<T>;
static void walk(ArrayRef<T> param,
AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker &walker) {
for (const T &subElement : param)
EltHandler::walk(subElement, walker);
static auto replace(ArrayRef<T> param, AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls,
TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls) {
// Normal attributes/types can extract using the replacer directly.
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T> &&
sizeof(T) == sizeof(void *)) {
ArrayRef<Attribute> attrs = attrRepls.take_front(param.size());
return ArrayRef<T>((const T *), attrs.size());
} else if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Type, T> &&
sizeof(T) == sizeof(void *)) {
ArrayRef<Type> types = typeRepls.take_front(param.size());
return ArrayRef<T>((const T *), types.size());
} else {
// Otherwise, we need to allocate storage for the new elements.
SmallVector<T> newElements;
for (const T &element : param)
EltHandler::replace(element, attrRepls, typeRepls));
return newElements;
/// Implementation for Tuple.
template <typename... Ts>
struct AttrTypeSubElementHandler<
std::tuple<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<has_sub_attr_or_type_v<Ts...>>> {
static void walk(const std::tuple<Ts...> &param,
AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker &walker) {
[&](const Ts &...params) {
(AttrTypeSubElementHandler<Ts>::walk(params, walker), ...);
static auto replace(const std::tuple<Ts...> &param,
AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls,
TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls) {
return std::apply(
[&](const Ts &...params)
-> std::tuple<decltype(AttrTypeSubElementHandler<Ts>::replace(
params, attrRepls, typeRepls))...> {
return {AttrTypeSubElementHandler<Ts>::replace(params, attrRepls,
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
struct is_tuple : public std::false_type {};
template <typename... Ts>
struct is_tuple<std::tuple<Ts...>> : public std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_pair : public std::false_type {};
template <typename... Ts>
struct is_pair<std::pair<Ts...>> : public std::true_type {};
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
using has_get_method = decltype(T::get(std::declval<Ts>()...));
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
using has_get_as_key = decltype(std::declval<T>().getAsKey());
/// This function provides the underlying implementation for the
/// SubElementInterface walk method, using the key type of the derived
/// attribute/type to interact with the individual parameters.
template <typename T>
void walkImmediateSubElementsImpl(T derived,
function_ref<void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn,
function_ref<void(Type)> walkTypesFn) {
using ImplT = typename T::ImplType;
if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<has_get_as_key, ImplT>::value) {
auto key = static_cast<ImplT *>(derived.getImpl())->getAsKey();
// If we don't have any sub-elements, there is nothing to do.
if constexpr (!has_sub_attr_or_type_v<decltype(key)>)
AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker walker(walkAttrsFn, walkTypesFn);
AttrTypeSubElementHandler<decltype(key)>::walk(key, walker);
/// This function invokes the proper `get` method for a type `T` with the given
/// values.
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
auto constructSubElementReplacement(MLIRContext *ctx, Ts &&...params) {
// Prefer a direct `get` method if one exists.
if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<has_get_method, T, Ts...>::value) {
return T::get(std::forward<Ts>(params)...);
} else if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<has_get_method, T, MLIRContext *,
Ts...>::value) {
return T::get(ctx, std::forward<Ts>(params)...);
} else {
// Otherwise, pass to the base get.
return T::Base::get(ctx, std::forward<Ts>(params)...);
/// This function provides the underlying implementation for the
/// SubElementInterface replace method, using the key type of the derived
/// attribute/type to interact with the individual parameters.
template <typename T>
auto replaceImmediateSubElementsImpl(T derived, ArrayRef<Attribute> &replAttrs,
ArrayRef<Type> &replTypes) {
using ImplT = typename T::ImplType;
if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<has_get_as_key, ImplT>::value) {
auto key = static_cast<ImplT *>(derived.getImpl())->getAsKey();
// If we don't have any sub-elements, we can just return the original.
if constexpr (!has_sub_attr_or_type_v<decltype(key)>) {
return derived;
// Otherwise, we need to replace any necessary sub-elements.
} else {
// Functor used to build the replacement on success.
auto buildReplacement = [&](auto newKey, MLIRContext *ctx) {
if constexpr (is_tuple<decltype(key)>::value ||
is_pair<decltype(key)>::value) {
return std::apply(
[&](auto &&...params) {
return constructSubElementReplacement<T>(
ctx, std::forward<decltype(params)>(params)...);
} else {
return constructSubElementReplacement<T>(ctx, newKey);
AttrSubElementReplacements attrRepls(replAttrs);
TypeSubElementReplacements typeRepls(replTypes);
auto newKey = AttrTypeSubElementHandler<decltype(key)>::replace(
key, attrRepls, typeRepls);
MLIRContext *ctx = derived.getContext();
if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<decltype(newKey), LogicalResult>)
return succeeded(newKey) ? buildReplacement(*newKey, ctx) : nullptr;
return buildReplacement(newKey, ctx);
} else {
return derived;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir