blob: 42cbedcf9f88374a2f6e5708ff2566a4bed90d89 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AsmState.h - Assembly State Utilities --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines various classes and utilites for interacting with the MLIR
// assembly formats.
#include "mlir/Bytecode/BytecodeReaderConfig.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include <memory>
#include <variant>
namespace mlir {
class AsmResourcePrinter;
class AsmDialectResourceHandle;
class Operation;
namespace detail {
class AsmStateImpl;
} // namespace detail
// Resources
/// The following classes enable support for parsing and printing resources
/// within MLIR assembly formats. Resources are a mechanism by which dialects,
/// and external clients, may attach additional information when parsing or
/// printing IR without that information being encoded in the IR itself.
/// Resources are not uniqued within the MLIR context, are not attached directly
/// to any operation, and are solely intended to live and be processed outside
/// of the immediate IR.
/// Resources are encoded using a key-value pair nested within dictionaries
/// anchored either on a dialect, or an externally registered entity.
/// Dictionaries anchored on dialects use the dialect namespace directly, and
/// dictionaries anchored on external entities use a provided unique identifier.
/// The resource key is an identifier used to disambiguate the data. The
/// resource value may be stored in various limited forms, but general encodings
/// use a string (human readable) or blob format (binary). Within the textual
/// format, an example may be of the form:
/// {-#
/// // The `dialect_resources` section within the file-level metadata
/// // dictionary is used to contain any dialect resource entries.
/// dialect_resources: {
/// // Here is a dictionary anchored on "foo_dialect", which is a dialect
/// // namespace.
/// foo_dialect: {
/// // `some_dialect_resource` is a key to be interpreted by the dialect,
/// // and used to initialize/configure/etc.
/// some_dialect_resource: "Some important resource value"
/// }
/// },
/// // The `external_resources` section within the file-level metadata
/// // dictionary is used to contain any non-dialect resource entries.
/// external_resources: {
/// // Here is a dictionary anchored on "mlir_reproducer", which is an
/// // external entity representing MLIR's crash reproducer functionality.
/// mlir_reproducer: {
/// // `pipeline` is an entry that holds a crash reproducer pipeline
/// // resource.
/// pipeline: "func.func(canonicalize,cse)"
/// }
/// }
/// #-}
// Resource Entry
/// This class represents a processed binary blob of data. A resource blob is
/// essentially a collection of data, potentially mutable, with an associated
/// deleter function (used if the data needs to be destroyed).
class AsmResourceBlob {
/// A deleter function that frees a blob given the data, allocation size, and
/// allocation aligment.
using DeleterFn =
llvm::unique_function<void(void *data, size_t size, size_t align)>;
// Construction
AsmResourceBlob() = default;
AsmResourceBlob(ArrayRef<char> data, size_t dataAlignment, DeleterFn deleter,
bool dataIsMutable)
: data(data), dataAlignment(dataAlignment), deleter(std::move(deleter)),
dataIsMutable(dataIsMutable) {}
/// Utility constructor that initializes a blob with a non-char type T.
template <typename T, typename DelT>
AsmResourceBlob(ArrayRef<T> data, DelT &&deleteFn, bool dataIsMutable)
: data((const char *), data.size() * sizeof(T)),
deleter([deleteFn = std::forward<DelT>(deleteFn)](
void *data, size_t size, size_t align) {
return deleteFn((T *)data, size, align);
dataIsMutable(dataIsMutable) {}
AsmResourceBlob(AsmResourceBlob &&) = default;
AsmResourceBlob &operator=(AsmResourceBlob &&rhs) {
// Delete the current blob if necessary.
if (deleter)
deleter(const_cast<char *>(, data.size(), dataAlignment);
// Take the data entries from rhs.
data =;
dataAlignment = rhs.dataAlignment;
deleter = std::move(rhs.deleter);
dataIsMutable = rhs.dataIsMutable;
return *this;
AsmResourceBlob(const AsmResourceBlob &) = delete;
AsmResourceBlob &operator=(const AsmResourceBlob &) = delete;
~AsmResourceBlob() {
if (deleter)
deleter(const_cast<char *>(, data.size(), dataAlignment);
// Data Access
/// Return the alignment of the underlying data.
size_t getDataAlignment() const { return dataAlignment; }
/// Return the raw underlying data of this blob.
ArrayRef<char> getData() const { return data; }
/// Return the underlying data as an array of the given type. This is an
/// inherrently unsafe operation, and should only be used when the data is
/// known to be of the correct type.
template <typename T>
ArrayRef<T> getDataAs() const {
return llvm::ArrayRef<T>((const T *), data.size() / sizeof(T));
/// Return a mutable reference to the raw underlying data of this blob.
/// Asserts that the blob `isMutable`.
MutableArrayRef<char> getMutableData() {
assert(isMutable() &&
"cannot access mutable reference to non-mutable data");
return MutableArrayRef<char>(const_cast<char *>(, data.size());
/// Return if the data of this blob is mutable.
bool isMutable() const { return dataIsMutable; }
/// Return the deleter function of this blob.
DeleterFn &getDeleter() { return deleter; }
const DeleterFn &getDeleter() const { return deleter; }
/// The raw, properly aligned, blob data.
ArrayRef<char> data;
/// The alignment of the data.
size_t dataAlignment = 0;
/// An optional deleter function used to deallocate the underlying data when
/// necessary.
DeleterFn deleter;
/// Whether the data is mutable.
bool dataIsMutable;
/// This class provides a simple utility wrapper for creating heap allocated
/// AsmResourceBlobs.
class HeapAsmResourceBlob {
/// Create a new heap allocated blob with the given size and alignment.
/// `dataIsMutable` indicates if the allocated data can be mutated. By
/// default, we treat heap allocated blobs as mutable.
static AsmResourceBlob allocate(size_t size, size_t align,
bool dataIsMutable = true) {
return AsmResourceBlob(
ArrayRef<char>((char *)llvm::allocate_buffer(size, align), size), align,
llvm::deallocate_buffer, dataIsMutable);
/// Create a new heap allocated blob and copy the provided data into it.
static AsmResourceBlob allocateAndCopyWithAlign(ArrayRef<char> data,
size_t align,
bool dataIsMutable = true) {
AsmResourceBlob blob = allocate(data.size(), align, dataIsMutable);
std::memcpy(blob.getMutableData().data(),, data.size());
return blob;
template <typename T>
static AsmResourceBlob allocateAndCopyInferAlign(ArrayRef<T> data,
bool dataIsMutable = true) {
return allocateAndCopyWithAlign(
ArrayRef<char>((const char *), data.size() * sizeof(T)),
alignof(T), dataIsMutable);
/// This class provides a simple utility wrapper for creating "unmanaged"
/// AsmResourceBlobs. The lifetime of the data provided to these blobs is
/// guaranteed to persist beyond the lifetime of this reference.
class UnmanagedAsmResourceBlob {
/// Create a new unmanaged resource directly referencing the provided data.
/// `dataIsMutable` indicates if the allocated data can be mutated. By
/// default, we treat unmanaged blobs as immutable.
static AsmResourceBlob
allocateWithAlign(ArrayRef<char> data, size_t align,
AsmResourceBlob::DeleterFn deleter = {},
bool dataIsMutable = false) {
return AsmResourceBlob(data, align, std::move(deleter), dataIsMutable);
template <typename T>
static AsmResourceBlob
allocateInferAlign(ArrayRef<T> data, AsmResourceBlob::DeleterFn deleter = {},
bool dataIsMutable = false) {
return allocateWithAlign(
ArrayRef<char>((const char *), data.size() * sizeof(T)),
alignof(T), std::move(deleter), dataIsMutable);
/// This class is used to build resource entries for use by the printer. Each
/// resource entry is represented using a key/value pair. The provided key must
/// be unique within the current context, which allows for a client to provide
/// resource entries without worrying about overlap with other clients.
class AsmResourceBuilder {
virtual ~AsmResourceBuilder();
/// Build a resource entry represented by the given bool.
virtual void buildBool(StringRef key, bool data) = 0;
/// Build a resource entry represented by the given human-readable string
/// value.
virtual void buildString(StringRef key, StringRef data) = 0;
/// Build an resource entry represented by the given binary blob data.
virtual void buildBlob(StringRef key, ArrayRef<char> data,
uint32_t dataAlignment) = 0;
/// Build an resource entry represented by the given binary blob data. This is
/// a useful overload if the data type is known. Note that this does not
/// support `char` element types to avoid accidentally not providing the
/// expected alignment of data in situations that treat blobs generically.
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T, char>::value> buildBlob(StringRef key,
ArrayRef<T> data) {
key, ArrayRef<char>((const char *), data.size() * sizeof(T)),
/// Build an resource entry represented by the given resource blob. This is
/// a useful overload if a blob already exists in-memory.
void buildBlob(StringRef key, const AsmResourceBlob &blob) {
buildBlob(key, blob.getData(), blob.getDataAlignment());
/// This enum represents the different kinds of resource values.
enum class AsmResourceEntryKind {
/// A blob of data with an accompanying alignment.
/// A boolean value.
/// A string value.
StringRef toString(AsmResourceEntryKind kind);
/// This class represents a single parsed resource entry.
class AsmParsedResourceEntry {
virtual ~AsmParsedResourceEntry();
/// Return the key of the resource entry.
virtual StringRef getKey() const = 0;
/// Emit an error at the location of this entry.
virtual InFlightDiagnostic emitError() const = 0;
/// Return the kind of this value.
virtual AsmResourceEntryKind getKind() const = 0;
/// Parse the resource entry represented by a boolean. Returns failure if the
/// entry does not correspond to a bool.
virtual FailureOr<bool> parseAsBool() const = 0;
/// Parse the resource entry represented by a human-readable string. Returns
/// failure if the entry does not correspond to a string.
virtual FailureOr<std::string> parseAsString() const = 0;
/// An allocator function used to allocate memory for a blob when required.
/// The function is provided a size and alignment, and should return an
/// aligned allocation buffer.
using BlobAllocatorFn =
function_ref<AsmResourceBlob(size_t size, size_t align)>;
/// Parse the resource entry represented by a binary blob. Returns failure if
/// the entry does not correspond to a blob. If the blob needed to be
/// allocated, the given allocator function is invoked.
virtual FailureOr<AsmResourceBlob>
parseAsBlob(BlobAllocatorFn allocator) const = 0;
/// Parse the resource entry represented by a binary blob using heap
/// allocation.
FailureOr<AsmResourceBlob> parseAsBlob() const {
return parseAsBlob([](size_t size, size_t align) {
return HeapAsmResourceBlob::allocate(size, align);
// Resource Parser/Printer
/// This class represents an instance of a resource parser. This class should be
/// implemented by non-dialect clients that want to inject additional resources
/// into MLIR assembly formats.
class AsmResourceParser {
/// Create a new parser with the given identifying name. This name uniquely
/// identifies the entries of this parser, and differentiates them from other
/// contexts.
AsmResourceParser(StringRef name) : name(name.str()) {}
virtual ~AsmResourceParser();
/// Return the name of this parser.
StringRef getName() const { return name; }
/// Parse the given resource entry. Returns failure if the key/data were not
/// valid, or could otherwise not be processed correctly. Any necessary errors
/// should be emitted with the provided entry.
virtual LogicalResult parseResource(AsmParsedResourceEntry &entry) = 0;
/// Return a resource parser implemented via the given callable, whose form
/// should match that of `parseResource` above.
template <typename CallableT>
static std::unique_ptr<AsmResourceParser> fromCallable(StringRef name,
CallableT &&parseFn) {
struct Processor : public AsmResourceParser {
Processor(StringRef name, CallableT &&parseFn)
: AsmResourceParser(name), parseFn(std::move(parseFn)) {}
LogicalResult parseResource(AsmParsedResourceEntry &entry) override {
return parseFn(entry);
std::decay_t<CallableT> parseFn;
return std::make_unique<Processor>(name, std::forward<CallableT>(parseFn));
std::string name;
/// This class represents an instance of a resource printer. This class should
/// be implemented by non-dialect clients that want to inject additional
/// resources into MLIR assembly formats.
class AsmResourcePrinter {
/// Create a new printer with the given identifying name. This name uniquely
/// identifies the entries of this printer, and differentiates them from
/// other contexts.
AsmResourcePrinter(StringRef name) : name(name.str()) {}
virtual ~AsmResourcePrinter();
/// Return the name of this printer.
StringRef getName() const { return name; }
/// Build any resources to include during printing, utilizing the given
/// top-level root operation to help determine what information to include.
/// Provided data should be registered in the form of a key/data pair, to the
/// given builder.
virtual void buildResources(Operation *op,
AsmResourceBuilder &builder) const = 0;
/// Return a resource printer implemented via the given callable, whose form
/// should match that of `buildResources` above.
template <typename CallableT>
static std::unique_ptr<AsmResourcePrinter> fromCallable(StringRef name,
CallableT &&printFn) {
struct Printer : public AsmResourcePrinter {
Printer(StringRef name, CallableT &&printFn)
: AsmResourcePrinter(name), printFn(std::move(printFn)) {}
void buildResources(Operation *op,
AsmResourceBuilder &builder) const override {
printFn(op, builder);
std::decay_t<CallableT> printFn;
return std::make_unique<Printer>(name, std::forward<CallableT>(printFn));
std::string name;
/// A fallback map containing external resources not explicitly handled by
/// another parser/printer.
class FallbackAsmResourceMap {
/// This class represents an opaque resource.
struct OpaqueAsmResource {
OpaqueAsmResource(StringRef key,
std::variant<AsmResourceBlob, bool, std::string> value)
: key(key.str()), value(std::move(value)) {}
/// The key identifying the resource.
std::string key;
/// An opaque value for the resource, whose variant values align 1-1 with
/// the kinds defined in AsmResourceEntryKind.
std::variant<AsmResourceBlob, bool, std::string> value;
/// Return a parser than can be used for parsing entries for the given
/// identifier key.
AsmResourceParser &getParserFor(StringRef key);
/// Build a set of resource printers to print the resources within this map.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AsmResourcePrinter>> getPrinters();
struct ResourceCollection : public AsmResourceParser {
ResourceCollection(StringRef name) : AsmResourceParser(name) {}
/// Parse a resource into this collection.
LogicalResult parseResource(AsmParsedResourceEntry &entry) final;
/// Build the resources held by this collection.
void buildResources(Operation *op, AsmResourceBuilder &builder) const;
/// The set of resources parsed into this collection.
SmallVector<OpaqueAsmResource> resources;
/// The set of opaque resources.
llvm::MapVector<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ResourceCollection>,
// ParserConfig
/// This class represents a configuration for the MLIR assembly parser. It
/// contains all of the necessary state to parse a MLIR source file.
class ParserConfig {
/// Construct a parser configuration with the given context.
/// `verifyAfterParse` indicates if the IR should be verified after parsing.
/// `fallbackResourceMap` is an optional fallback handler that can be used to
/// parse external resources not explicitly handled by another parser.
ParserConfig(MLIRContext *context, bool verifyAfterParse = true,
FallbackAsmResourceMap *fallbackResourceMap = nullptr)
: context(context), verifyAfterParse(verifyAfterParse),
fallbackResourceMap(fallbackResourceMap) {
assert(context && "expected valid MLIR context");
/// Return the MLIRContext to be used when parsing.
MLIRContext *getContext() const { return context; }
/// Returns if the parser should verify the IR after parsing.
bool shouldVerifyAfterParse() const { return verifyAfterParse; }
/// Returns the parsing configurations associated to the bytecode read.
BytecodeReaderConfig &getBytecodeReaderConfig() const {
return const_cast<BytecodeReaderConfig &>(bytecodeReaderConfig);
/// Return the resource parser registered to the given name, or nullptr if no
/// parser with `name` is registered.
AsmResourceParser *getResourceParser(StringRef name) const {
auto it = resourceParsers.find(name);
if (it != resourceParsers.end())
return it->second.get();
if (fallbackResourceMap)
return &fallbackResourceMap->getParserFor(name);
return nullptr;
/// Attach the given resource parser.
void attachResourceParser(std::unique_ptr<AsmResourceParser> parser) {
StringRef name = parser->getName();
auto it = resourceParsers.try_emplace(name, std::move(parser));
assert(it.second &&
"resource parser already registered with the given name");
/// Attach the given callable resource parser with the given name.
template <typename CallableT>
CallableT, function_ref<LogicalResult(AsmParsedResourceEntry &)>>::value>
attachResourceParser(StringRef name, CallableT &&parserFn) {
name, std::forward<CallableT>(parserFn)));
MLIRContext *context;
bool verifyAfterParse;
DenseMap<StringRef, std::unique_ptr<AsmResourceParser>> resourceParsers;
FallbackAsmResourceMap *fallbackResourceMap;
BytecodeReaderConfig bytecodeReaderConfig;
// AsmState
/// This class provides management for the lifetime of the state used when
/// printing the IR. It allows for alleviating the cost of recomputing the
/// internal state of the asm printer.
/// The IR should not be mutated in-between invocations using this state, and
/// the IR being printed must not be an parent of the IR originally used to
/// initialize this state. This means that if a child operation is provided, a
/// parent operation cannot reuse this state.
class AsmState {
/// This map represents the raw locations of operations within the output
/// stream. This maps the original pointer to the operation, to a pair of line
/// and column in the output stream.
using LocationMap = DenseMap<Operation *, std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>>;
/// Initialize the asm state at the level of the given operation. A location
/// map may optionally be provided to be populated when printing. `map` is an
/// optional fallback resource map, which when provided will attach resource
/// printers for the fallback resources within the map.
AsmState(Operation *op,
const OpPrintingFlags &printerFlags = OpPrintingFlags(),
LocationMap *locationMap = nullptr,
FallbackAsmResourceMap *map = nullptr);
AsmState(MLIRContext *ctx,
const OpPrintingFlags &printerFlags = OpPrintingFlags(),
LocationMap *locationMap = nullptr,
FallbackAsmResourceMap *map = nullptr);
/// Get the printer flags.
const OpPrintingFlags &getPrinterFlags() const;
/// Return an instance of the internal implementation. Returns nullptr if the
/// state has not been initialized.
detail::AsmStateImpl &getImpl() { return *impl; }
// Resources
/// Attach the given resource printer to the AsmState.
void attachResourcePrinter(std::unique_ptr<AsmResourcePrinter> printer);
/// Attach an resource printer, in the form of a callable, to the AsmState.
template <typename CallableT>
CallableT, function_ref<void(Operation *, AsmResourceBuilder &)>>::value>
attachResourcePrinter(StringRef name, CallableT &&printFn) {
name, std::forward<CallableT>(printFn)));
/// Attach resource printers to the AsmState for the fallback resources
/// in the given map.
void attachFallbackResourcePrinter(FallbackAsmResourceMap &map) {
for (auto &printer : map.getPrinters())
/// Returns a map of dialect resources that were referenced when using this
/// state to print IR.
DenseMap<Dialect *, SetVector<AsmDialectResourceHandle>> &
getDialectResources() const;
AsmState() = delete;
/// A pointer to allocated storage for the impl state.
std::unique_ptr<detail::AsmStateImpl> impl;
// AsmPrinter CommandLine Options
/// Register a set of useful command-line options that can be used to configure
/// various flags within the AsmPrinter.
void registerAsmPrinterCLOptions();
} // namespace mlir