blob: 929a2a7d396496b439983bbdc8aa082682888ab0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- StructuredOpsUtils.h - Utilities used by structured ops --*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This header file define utilities that operate on builtin types and are
// useful across multiple dialects that use structured ops abstractions. These
// abstractions consist of define custom operations that encode and transport
// information about their semantics (e.g. type of iterators like parallel,
// reduction, etc..) as attributes.
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeRange.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
// Pull in all enum type definitions and utility function declarations.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/"
namespace mlir {
class OpBuilder;
class RewriterBase;
/// Tests whether the given maps describe a row major matmul. The test is
/// permutation-invariant. Note that this only checks the affine maps from an
/// operation, so does not perform any checks on the math being performed within
/// the reduction.
bool isRowMajorMatmul(ArrayAttr indexingMaps);
/// Tests whether the given maps describe a column major matmul. The test is
/// permutation-invariant. Note that this only checks the affine maps from an
/// operation, so does not perform any checks on the math being performed within
/// the reduction.
bool isColumnMajorMatmul(ArrayAttr indexingMaps);
/// Tests whether the given maps describe a row major batch matmul. The test is
/// permutation-invariant. Note that this only checks the affine maps from an
/// operation, so does not perform any checks on the math being performed within
/// the reduction.
bool isRowMajorBatchMatmul(ArrayAttr indexingMaps);
/// Tests whether the given maps describe a vector matrix multiplication. The
/// test is permutation-invariant. Note that this only checks the affine maps
/// from an operation, so does not perform any checks on the math being
/// performed within the reduction.
bool isVecmat(ArrayAttr indexingMaps);
/// Tests whether the given maps describe a batch vector matrix multiplication.
/// The test is permutation-invariant. Note that this only checks the affine
/// maps from an operation, so does not perform any checks on the math being
/// performed within the reduction.
bool isBatchVecmat(ArrayAttr indexingMaps);
/// Tests whether the given maps describe a matrix vector multiplication. The
/// test is permutation-invariant. Note that this only checks the affine maps
/// from an operation, so does not perform any checks on the math being
/// performed within the reduction.
bool isMatvec(ArrayAttr indexingMaps);
/// Tests whether the given maps describe a batch matrix vector multiplication.
/// The test is permutation-invariant. Note that this only checks the affine
/// maps from an operation, so does not perform any checks on the math being
/// performed within the reduction.
bool isBatchMatvec(ArrayAttr indexingMaps);
/// Return positions in `iteratorTypes` that match `iteratorTypeName`.
inline void findPositionsOfType(ArrayRef<utils::IteratorType> iteratorTypes,
utils::IteratorType iteratorTypeName,
SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &res) {
for (const auto &en : llvm::enumerate(iteratorTypes)) {
if (en.value() == iteratorTypeName)
/// Helper StructuredGenerator class to manipulate and rewrite ops with
/// `StructuredOpInterface`. This is templated for now because VectorOps do not
/// yet implement the StructuredOpInterface itself.
template <typename StructuredOpInterface, typename IteratorTypeT>
class StructuredGenerator {
using MapList = ArrayRef<ArrayRef<AffineExpr>>;
struct IteratorType {
IteratorType(IteratorTypeT iter) : iter(iter) {}
bool isOfType(IteratorTypeT expectedIter) const {
return expectedIter == iter;
IteratorTypeT iter;
struct Par : public IteratorType {
Par() : IteratorType(IteratorTypeT::parallel) {}
struct Red : public IteratorType {
Red() : IteratorType(IteratorTypeT::reduction) {}
StructuredGenerator(RewriterBase &rewriter, StructuredOpInterface op)
: rewriter(rewriter), ctx(op.getContext()), loc(op.getLoc()),
iterators(op.getIteratorTypesArray()), maps(op.getIndexingMapsArray()),
op(op) {}
bool iters(ArrayRef<IteratorType> its) {
if (its.size() != iterators.size())
return false;
for (int i = 0, e = its.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (!its[i].isOfType(iterators[i]))
return false;
return true;
bool layout(MapList l) {
auto infer = [&](MapList m) {
return AffineMap::inferFromExprList(m, ctx);
return maps == infer(l);
RewriterBase &rewriter;
MLIRContext *ctx;
Location loc;
SmallVector<IteratorTypeT> iterators;
SmallVector<AffineMap, 4> maps;
Operation *op;
// Clone the current operation with the operands. This is used to abstract away
// the optional underlying region creation.
// Note: this is a true builder that notifies the OpBuilder listener.
Operation *clone(OpBuilder &b, Operation *op, TypeRange newResultTypes,
ValueRange newOperands);
template <typename OpT>
OpT clone(OpBuilder &b, OpT op, TypeRange newResultTypes,
ValueRange newOperands) {
return cast<OpT>(clone(b, op.getOperation(), newResultTypes, newOperands));
// Clone the current operation with the operands but leave the regions empty.
// Note: this is a true builder that notifies the OpBuilder listener.
Operation *cloneWithoutRegions(OpBuilder &b, Operation *op,
TypeRange newResultTypes,
ValueRange newOperands);
// Get the list of attributes associated with the op, ignoring
// those with the provided name.
getPrunedAttributeList(Operation *op, ArrayRef<StringRef> elidedAttrs);
} // namespace mlir