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//===- TransformInterfaces.h - Transform Dialect Interfaces -----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/Utils/DiagnosedSilenceableFailure.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/Utils/RaggedArray.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/Interfaces/"
namespace mlir {
namespace transform {
class TransformOpInterface;
class TransformResults;
class TransformRewriter;
class TransformState;
using Param = Attribute;
using MappedValue = llvm::PointerUnion<Operation *, Param, Value>;
namespace detail {
/// Maps the only block argument of the op with PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait
/// to either the list of operations associated with its operand or the root of
/// the payload IR, depending on what is available in the context.
mapPossibleTopLevelTransformOpBlockArguments(TransformState &state,
Operation *op, Region &region);
/// Verification hook for PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait.
LogicalResult verifyPossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait(Operation *op);
/// Populates `effects` with side effects implied by
/// PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait for the given operation. The operation may
/// have an optional `root` operand, indicating it is not in fact top-level. It
/// is also expected to have a single-block body.
void getPotentialTopLevelEffects(
Operation *operation, Value root, Block &body,
SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects);
/// Verification hook for TransformOpInterface.
LogicalResult verifyTransformOpInterface(Operation *op);
/// Populates `mappings` with mapped values associated with the given transform
/// IR values in the given `state`.
void prepareValueMappings(
SmallVectorImpl<SmallVector<transform::MappedValue>> &mappings,
ValueRange values, const transform::TransformState &state);
/// Populates `results` with payload associations that match exactly those of
/// the operands to `block`'s terminator.
void forwardTerminatorOperands(Block *block, transform::TransformState &state,
transform::TransformResults &results);
/// Make a dummy transform state for testing purposes. This MUST NOT be used
/// outside of test cases.
TransformState makeTransformStateForTesting(Region *region,
Operation *payloadRoot);
/// Returns all operands that are handles and being consumed by the given op.
SmallVector<OpOperand *>
getConsumedHandleOpOperands(transform::TransformOpInterface transformOp);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace transform
} // namespace mlir
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/Interfaces/"
namespace mlir {
namespace transform {
/// Options controlling the application of transform operations by the
/// TransformState.
class TransformOptions {
TransformOptions() = default;
TransformOptions(const TransformOptions &) = default;
TransformOptions &operator=(const TransformOptions &) = default;
/// Requests computationally expensive checks of the transform and payload IR
/// well-formedness to be performed before each transformation. In particular,
/// these ensure that the handles still point to valid operations when used.
TransformOptions &enableExpensiveChecks(bool enable = true) {
expensiveChecksEnabled = enable;
return *this;
// Ensures that only a single top-level transform op is present in the IR.
TransformOptions &enableEnforceSingleToplevelTransformOp(bool enable = true) {
enforceSingleToplevelTransformOp = enable;
return *this;
/// Returns true if the expensive checks are requested.
bool getExpensiveChecksEnabled() const { return expensiveChecksEnabled; }
// Returns true if enforcing a single top-level transform op is requested.
bool getEnforceSingleToplevelTransformOp() const {
return enforceSingleToplevelTransformOp;
bool expensiveChecksEnabled = true;
bool enforceSingleToplevelTransformOp = true;
/// Entry point to the Transform dialect infrastructure. Applies the
/// transformation specified by `transform` to payload IR contained in
/// `payloadRoot`. The `transform` operation may contain other operations that
/// will be executed following the internal logic of the operation. It must
/// have the `PossibleTopLevelTransformOp` trait and not have any operands.
/// This function internally keeps track of the transformation state.
applyTransforms(Operation *payloadRoot, TransformOpInterface transform,
const RaggedArray<MappedValue> &extraMapping = {},
const TransformOptions &options = TransformOptions(),
bool enforceToplevelTransformOp = true);
/// The state maintained across applications of various ops implementing the
/// TransformOpInterface. The operations implementing this interface and the
/// surrounding structure are referred to as transform IR. The operations to
/// which transformations apply are referred to as payload IR. Transform IR
/// operates on values that can be associated either with a list of payload IR
/// operations (such values are referred to as handles) or with a list of
/// parameters represented as attributes. The state thus contains the mapping
/// between values defined in the transform IR ops and either payload IR ops or
/// parameters. For payload ops, the mapping is many-to-many and the reverse
/// mapping is also stored. The "expensive-checks" option can be passed to the
/// constructor at transformation execution time that transform IR values used
/// as operands by a transform IR operation are not associated with dangling
/// pointers to payload IR operations that are known to have been erased by
/// previous transformation through the same or a different transform IR value.
/// A reference to this class is passed as an argument to "apply" methods of the
/// transform op interface. Thus the "apply" method can call either
/// `state.getPayloadOps( getSomeOperand() )` to obtain the list of operations
/// or `state.getParams( getSomeOperand() )` to obtain the list of parameters
/// associated with its operand. The method is expected to populate the
/// `TransformResults` class instance in order to update the mapping. The
/// `applyTransform` method takes care of propagating the state of
/// `TransformResults` into the instance of this class.
/// When applying transform IR operations with regions, the client is expected
/// to create a `RegionScope` RAII object to create a new "stack frame" for
/// values defined inside the region. The mappings from and to these values will
/// be automatically dropped when the object goes out of scope, typically at the
/// end of the `apply` function of the parent operation. If a region contains
/// blocks with arguments, the client can map those arguments to payload IR ops
/// using `mapBlockArguments`.
class TransformState {
using Param = transform::Param;
/// Mapping between a Value in the transform IR and the corresponding set of
/// operations in the payload IR.
using TransformOpMapping = DenseMap<Value, SmallVector<Operation *, 2>>;
/// Mapping between a payload IR operation and the transform IR values it is
/// associated with.
using TransformOpReverseMapping =
DenseMap<Operation *, SmallVector<Value, 2>>;
/// Mapping between a Value in the transform IR and the corresponding list of
/// parameters.
using ParamMapping = DenseMap<Value, SmallVector<Param>>;
/// Mapping between a Value in the transform IR and the corrsponding list of
/// values in the payload IR. Also works for reverse mappings.
using ValueMapping = DenseMap<Value, SmallVector<Value>>;
/// Mapping between a Value in the transform IR and an error message that
/// should be emitted when the value is used.
using InvalidatedHandleMap = DenseMap<Value, std::function<void(Location)>>;
/// Debug only: A timestamp is associated with each transform IR value, so
/// that invalid iterator usage can be detected more reliably.
using TransformIRTimestampMapping = DenseMap<Value, int64_t>;
/// The bidirectional mappings between transform IR values and payload IR
/// operations, and the mapping between transform IR values and parameters.
struct Mappings {
TransformOpMapping direct;
TransformOpReverseMapping reverse;
ParamMapping params;
ValueMapping values;
ValueMapping reverseValues;
TransformIRTimestampMapping timestamps;
void incrementTimestamp(Value value) { ++timestamps[value]; }
friend LogicalResult applyTransforms(Operation *, TransformOpInterface,
const RaggedArray<MappedValue> &,
const TransformOptions &, bool);
friend TransformState
detail::makeTransformStateForTesting(Region *region, Operation *payloadRoot);
const TransformOptions &getOptions() const { return options; }
/// Returns the op at which the transformation state is rooted. This is
/// typically helpful for transformations that apply globally.
Operation *getTopLevel() const;
/// Returns the number of extra mappings for the top-level operation.
size_t getNumTopLevelMappings() const { return topLevelMappedValues.size(); }
/// Returns the position-th extra mapping for the top-level operation.
ArrayRef<MappedValue> getTopLevelMapping(size_t position) const {
return topLevelMappedValues[position];
/// Returns an iterator that enumerates all ops that the given transform IR
/// value corresponds to. Ops may be erased while iterating; erased ops are
/// not enumerated. This function is helpful for transformations that apply to
/// a particular handle.
auto getPayloadOps(Value value) const {
ArrayRef<Operation *> view = getPayloadOpsView(value);
// Memorize the current timestamp and make sure that it has not changed
// when incrementing or dereferencing the iterator returned by this
// function. The timestamp is incremented when the "direct" mapping is
// resized; this would invalidate the iterator returned by this function.
int64_t currentTimestamp = getMapping(value).timestamps.lookup(value);
// When ops are replaced/erased, they are replaced with nullptr (until
// the data structure is compacted). Do not enumerate these ops.
return llvm::make_filter_range(view, [=](Operation *op) {
[[maybe_unused]] bool sameTimestamp =
currentTimestamp == this->getMapping(value).timestamps.lookup(value);
assert(sameTimestamp && "iterator was invalidated during iteration");
return op != nullptr;
/// Returns the list of parameters that the given transform IR value
/// corresponds to.
ArrayRef<Attribute> getParams(Value value) const;
/// Returns an iterator that enumerates all payload IR values that the given
/// transform IR value corresponds to.
auto getPayloadValues(Value handleValue) const {
ArrayRef<Value> view = getPayloadValuesView(handleValue);
// Memorize the current timestamp and make sure that it has not changed
// when incrementing or dereferencing the iterator returned by this
// function. The timestamp is incremented when the "values" mapping is
// resized; this would invalidate the iterator returned by this function.
int64_t currentTimestamp =
return llvm::make_filter_range(view, [=](Value v) {
[[maybe_unused]] bool sameTimestamp =
currentTimestamp ==
assert(sameTimestamp && "iterator was invalidated during iteration");
return true;
return llvm::make_range(view.begin(), view.end());
/// Populates `handles` with all handles pointing to the given Payload IR op.
/// Returns success if such handles exist, failure otherwise.
/// If `includeOutOfScope` is set to "true", handles that are defined in
/// regions beyond the most recent isolated from above region are included.
LogicalResult getHandlesForPayloadOp(Operation *op,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &handles,
bool includeOutOfScope = false) const;
/// Populates `handles` with all handles pointing to the given payload IR
/// value. Returns success if such handles exist, failure otherwise.
/// If `includeOutOfScope` is set to "true", handles that are defined in
/// regions beyond the most recent isolated from above region are included.
LogicalResult getHandlesForPayloadValue(Value payloadValue,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &handles,
bool includeOutOfScope = false) const;
/// Applies the transformation specified by the given transform op and updates
/// the state accordingly.
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure applyTransform(TransformOpInterface transform);
/// Records the mapping between a block argument in the transform IR and a
/// list of operations in the payload IR. The arguments must be defined in
/// blocks of the currently processed transform IR region, typically after a
/// region scope is defined.
/// Returns failure if the payload does not satisfy the conditions associated
/// with the type of the handle value.
LogicalResult mapBlockArguments(BlockArgument argument,
ArrayRef<Operation *> operations) {
assert(argument.getParentRegion() == regionStack.back()->region &&
"mapping block arguments from a region other than the active one");
return setPayloadOps(argument, operations);
LogicalResult mapBlockArgument(BlockArgument argument,
ArrayRef<MappedValue> values);
// Forward declarations to support limited visibility.
class RegionScope;
/// Creates a new region scope for the given region. The region is expected to
/// be nested in the currently processed region.
// Implementation note: this method is inline but implemented outside of the
// class body to comply with visibility and full-declaration requirements.
inline RegionScope make_region_scope(Region &region);
/// A RAII object maintaining a "stack frame" for a transform IR region. When
/// applying a transform IR operation that contains a region, the caller is
/// expected to create a RegionScope before applying the ops contained in the
/// region. This ensures that the mappings between values defined in the
/// transform IR region and payload IR operations are cleared when the region
/// processing ends; such values cannot be accessed outside the region.
class RegionScope {
/// Forgets the mapping from or to values defined in the associated
/// transform IR region, and restores the mapping that existed before
/// entering this scope.
/// Creates a new scope for mappings between values defined in the given
/// transform IR region and payload IR objects.
RegionScope(TransformState &state, Region &region)
: state(state), region(&region) {
auto res = state.mappings.insert(
std::make_pair(&region, std::make_unique<Mappings>()));
assert(res.second && "the region scope is already present");
/// Back-reference to the transform state.
TransformState &state;
/// The region this scope is associated with.
Region *region;
/// The transform op within this region that is currently being applied.
TransformOpInterface currentTransform;
friend class transform::TransformState;
friend class RegionScope;
/// Base class for TransformState extensions that allow TransformState to
/// contain user-specified information in the state object. Clients are
/// expected to derive this class, add the desired fields, and make the
/// derived class compatible with the MLIR TypeID mechanism:
/// ```mlir
/// class MyExtension final : public TransformState::Extension {
/// public:
/// MyExtension(TranfsormState &state, int myData)
/// : Extension(state) {...}
/// private:
/// int mySupplementaryData;
/// };
/// ```
/// Instances of this and derived classes are not expected to be created by
/// the user, instead they are directly constructed within a TransformState. A
/// TransformState can only contain one extension with the given TypeID.
/// Extensions can be obtained from a TransformState instance, and can be
/// removed when they are no longer required.
/// ```mlir
/// transformState.addExtension<MyExtension>(/*myData=*/42);
/// MyExtension *ext = transformState.getExtension<MyExtension>();
/// ext->doSomething();
/// ```
class Extension {
// Allow TransformState to allocate Extensions.
friend class TransformState;
/// Base virtual destructor.
// Out-of-line definition ensures symbols are emitted in a single object
// file.
virtual ~Extension();
/// Constructs an extension of the given TransformState object.
Extension(TransformState &state) : state(state) {}
/// Provides read-only access to the parent TransformState object.
const TransformState &getTransformState() const { return state; }
/// Replaces the given payload op with another op. If the replacement op is
/// null, removes the association of the payload op with its handle. Returns
/// failure if the op is not associated with any handle.
/// Note: This function does not update value handles. None of the original
/// op's results are allowed to be mapped to any value handle.
LogicalResult replacePayloadOp(Operation *op, Operation *replacement);
/// Replaces the given payload value with another value. If the replacement
/// value is null, removes the association of the payload value with its
/// handle. Returns failure if the value is not associated with any handle.
LogicalResult replacePayloadValue(Value value, Value replacement);
/// Back-reference to the state that is being extended.
TransformState &state;
/// Adds a new Extension of the type specified as template parameter,
/// constructing it with the arguments provided. The extension is owned by the
/// TransformState. It is expected that the state does not already have an
/// extension of the same type. Extension constructors are expected to take
/// a reference to TransformState as first argument, automatically supplied
/// by this call.
template <typename Ty, typename... Args>
Ty &addExtension(Args &&...args) {
std::is_base_of<Extension, Ty>::value,
"only an class derived from TransformState::Extension is allowed here");
auto ptr = std::make_unique<Ty>(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
auto result = extensions.try_emplace(TypeID::get<Ty>(), std::move(ptr));
assert(result.second && "extension already added");
return *static_cast<Ty *>(result.first->second.get());
/// Returns the extension of the specified type.
template <typename Ty>
Ty *getExtension() {
std::is_base_of<Extension, Ty>::value,
"only an class derived from TransformState::Extension is allowed here");
auto iter = extensions.find(TypeID::get<Ty>());
if (iter == extensions.end())
return nullptr;
return static_cast<Ty *>(iter->second.get());
/// Removes the extension of the specified type.
template <typename Ty>
void removeExtension() {
std::is_base_of<Extension, Ty>::value,
"only an class derived from TransformState::Extension is allowed here");
/// Identifier for storing top-level value in the `operations` mapping.
static constexpr Value kTopLevelValue = Value();
/// Creates a state for transform ops living in the given region. The second
/// argument points to the root operation in the payload IR being transformed,
/// which may or may not contain the region with transform ops. Additional
/// options can be provided through the trailing configuration object.
TransformState(Region *region, Operation *payloadRoot,
const RaggedArray<MappedValue> &extraMappings = {},
const TransformOptions &options = TransformOptions());
/// Returns the mappings frame for the region in which the value is defined.
/// If `allowOutOfScope` is set to "false", asserts that the value is in
/// scope, based on the current stack of frames.
const Mappings &getMapping(Value value, bool allowOutOfScope = false) const {
return const_cast<TransformState *>(this)->getMapping(value,
Mappings &getMapping(Value value, bool allowOutOfScope = false) {
Region *region = value.getParentRegion();
auto it = mappings.find(region);
assert(it != mappings.end() &&
"trying to find a mapping for a value from an unmapped region");
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (!allowOutOfScope) {
for (Region *r : llvm::reverse(llvm::make_first_range(mappings))) {
if (r == region)
if (r->getParentOp()->hasTrait<OpTrait::IsIsolatedFromAbove>())
llvm_unreachable("trying to get mapping beyond region that is "
"isolated from above");
#endif // NDEBUG
return *it->second;
/// Returns the mappings frame for the region in which the operation resides.
/// If `allowOutOfScope` is set to "false", asserts that the operation is in
/// scope, based on the current stack of frames.
const Mappings &getMapping(Operation *operation,
bool allowOutOfScope = false) const {
return const_cast<TransformState *>(this)->getMapping(operation,
Mappings &getMapping(Operation *operation, bool allowOutOfScope = false) {
Region *region = operation->getParentRegion();
auto it = mappings.find(region);
assert(it != mappings.end() &&
"trying to find a mapping for an operation from an unmapped region");
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (!allowOutOfScope) {
for (Region *r : llvm::reverse(llvm::make_first_range(mappings))) {
if (r == region)
if (r->getParentOp()->hasTrait<OpTrait::IsIsolatedFromAbove>())
llvm_unreachable("trying to get mapping beyond region that is "
"isolated from above");
#endif // NDEBUG
return *it->second;
/// Updates the state to include the associations between op results and the
/// provided result of applying a transform op.
LogicalResult updateStateFromResults(const TransformResults &results,
ResultRange opResults);
/// Returns a list of all ops that the given transform IR value corresponds
/// to. In case an op was erased, the returned list contains nullptr. This
/// function is helpful for transformations that apply to a particular handle.
ArrayRef<Operation *> getPayloadOpsView(Value value) const;
/// Returns a list of payload IR values that the given transform IR value
/// corresponds to.
ArrayRef<Value> getPayloadValuesView(Value handleValue) const;
/// Sets the payload IR ops associated with the given transform IR value
/// (handle). A payload op may be associated multiple handles as long as
/// at most one of them gets consumed by further transformations.
/// For example, a hypothetical "find function by name" may be called twice in
/// a row to produce two handles pointing to the same function:
/// %0 = transform.find_func_by_name { name = "myfunc" }
/// %1 = transform.find_func_by_name { name = "myfunc" }
/// which is valid by itself. However, calling a hypothetical "rewrite and
/// rename function" transform on both handles:
/// transform.rewrite_and_rename %0 { new_name = "func" }
/// transform.rewrite_and_rename %1 { new_name = "func" }
/// is invalid given the transformation "consumes" the handle as expressed
/// by side effects. Practically, a transformation consuming a handle means
/// that the associated payload operation may no longer exist.
/// Similarly, operation handles may be invalidate and should not be used
/// after a transform that consumed a value handle pointing to a payload value
/// defined by the operation as either block argument or op result. For
/// example, in the following sequence, the last transform operation rewrites
/// the callee to not return a specified result:
/// %0 = transform.find_call "myfunc"
/// %1 = transform.find_results_of_calling "myfunc"
/// transform.drop_call_result_from_signature %1[0]
/// which requires the call operations to be recreated. Therefore, the handle
/// %0 becomes associated with a dangling pointer and should not be used.
/// Returns failure if the payload does not satisfy the conditions associated
/// with the type of the handle value. The value is expected to have a type
/// implementing TransformHandleTypeInterface.
LogicalResult setPayloadOps(Value value, ArrayRef<Operation *> targets);
/// Sets the payload IR values association with the given transform IR value
/// (handle). A payload value may be associated with multiple handles as long
/// as at most one of them is consumed by further transformations. For
/// example, a hypothetical "get results of calls to function with the given
/// name" transform may be performed twice in a row producing handles pointing
/// to the same values:
/// %0 = transform.find_results_of_calling "myfunc"
/// %1 = transform.find_results_of_calling "myfunc"
/// which is valid by itself. However, calling a hypothetical "erase value
/// producer" transform on both handles:
/// transform.erase_value_produce %0
/// transform.erase_value_produce %1
/// is invalid provided the transformation "consumes" the handle as expressed
/// by side effects (which themselves reflect the semantics of the transform
/// erasing the producer and making the handle dangling). Practically, a
/// transformation consuming a handle means the associated payload value may
/// no longer exist.
/// Similarly, value handles are invalidated and should not be used after a
/// transform that consumed an operation handle pointing to the payload IR
/// operation defining the values associated the value handle, as either block
/// arguments or op results, or any ancestor operation. For example,
/// %0 = transform.find_call "myfunc"
/// %1 = transform.find_results_of_calling "myfunc"
/// transform.rewrite_and_rename %0 { new_name = "func" }
/// makes %1 unusable after the last transformation if it consumes %0. When an
/// operation handle is consumed, it usually indicates that the operation was
/// destroyed or heavily modified, meaning that the values it defines may no
/// longer exist.
/// Returns failure if the payload values do not satisfy the conditions
/// associated with the type of the handle value. The value is expected to
/// have a type implementing TransformValueHandleTypeInterface.
LogicalResult setPayloadValues(Value handle, ValueRange payloadValues);
/// Sets the parameters associated with the given transform IR value. Returns
/// failure if the parameters do not satisfy the conditions associated with
/// the type of the value. The value is expected to have a type implementing
/// TransformParamTypeInterface.
LogicalResult setParams(Value value, ArrayRef<Param> params);
/// Forgets the payload IR ops associated with the given transform IR value,
/// as well as any association between value handles and the results of said
/// payload IR op.
/// If `allowOutOfScope` is set to "false", asserts that the handle is in
/// scope, based on the current stack of frames.
void forgetMapping(Value opHandle, ValueRange origOpFlatResults,
bool allowOutOfScope = false);
void forgetValueMapping(Value valueHandle,
ArrayRef<Operation *> payloadOperations);
/// Replaces the given payload op with another op. If the replacement op is
/// null, removes the association of the payload op with its handle. Returns
/// failure if the op is not associated with any handle.
/// Note: This function does not update value handles. None of the original
/// op's results are allowed to be mapped to any value handle.
LogicalResult replacePayloadOp(Operation *op, Operation *replacement);
/// Replaces the given payload value with another value. If the replacement
/// value is null, removes the association of the payload value with its
/// handle. Returns failure if the value is not associated with any handle.
LogicalResult replacePayloadValue(Value value, Value replacement);
/// Records handle invalidation reporters into `newlyInvalidated`.
/// Specifically,
/// - `handle` is the op operand that consumes the handle,
/// - `potentialAncestors` is a list of ancestors of the payload operation
/// that the consumed handle is associated with, including itself,
/// - `throughValue` is the payload value the handle to which is consumed,
/// when it is the case, null when the operation handle is consumed
/// directly.
/// Iterates over all known operation and value handles and records reporters
/// for any potential future use of `handle` or any other handle that is
/// invalidated by its consumption, i.e., any handle pointing to any payload
/// IR entity (operation or value) associated with the same payload IR entity
/// as the consumed handle, or any nested payload IR entity. If
/// `potentialAncestors` is empty, records the reporter anyway. Does not
/// override existing reporters. This must remain a const method so it doesn't
/// inadvertently mutate `invalidatedHandles` too early.
void recordOpHandleInvalidation(OpOperand &consumingHandle,
ArrayRef<Operation *> potentialAncestors,
Value throughValue,
InvalidatedHandleMap &newlyInvalidated) const;
/// Records handle invalidation reporters into `newlyInvalidated`.
/// Specifically,
/// - `consumingHandle` is the op operand that consumes the handle,
/// - `potentialAncestors` is a list of ancestors of the payload operation
/// that the consumed handle is associated with, including itself,
/// - `payloadOp` is the operation itself,
/// - `otherHandle` is another that may be associated with the affected
/// payload operations
/// - `throughValue` is the payload value the handle to which is consumed,
/// when it is the case, null when the operation handle is consumed
/// directly.
/// Looks at the payload opreations associated with `otherHandle` and if any
/// of these operations has an ancestor (or is itself) listed in
/// `potentialAncestors`, records the error message describing the use of the
/// invalidated handle. Does nothing if `otherHandle` already has a reporter
/// associated with it. This must remain a const method so it doesn't
/// inadvertently mutate `invalidatedHandles` too early.
void recordOpHandleInvalidationOne(
OpOperand &consumingHandle, ArrayRef<Operation *> potentialAncestors,
Operation *payloadOp, Value otherHandle, Value throughValue,
InvalidatedHandleMap &newlyInvalidated) const;
/// Records handle invalidation reporters into `newlyInvalidated`.
/// Specifically,
/// - `opHandle` is the op operand that consumes the handle;
/// - `potentialAncestors` is a list of ancestors of the payload operation
/// that the consumed handle is associated with, including itself;
/// - `payloadValue` is the value defined by the operation associated with
/// the consuming handle as either op result or block argument;
/// - `valueHandle` is another that may be associated with the payload value.
/// Looks at the payload values associated with `valueHandle` and if any of
/// these values is defined, as op result or block argument, by an operation
/// whose ancestor (or the operation itself) is listed in
/// `potentialAncestors`, records the error message describing the use of the
/// invalidated handle. Does nothing if `valueHandle` already has a reporter
/// associated with it. This must remain a const method so it doesn't
/// inadvertently mutate `invalidatedHandles` too early.
void recordValueHandleInvalidationByOpHandleOne(
OpOperand &opHandle, ArrayRef<Operation *> potentialAncestors,
Value payloadValue, Value valueHandle,
InvalidatedHandleMap &newlyInvalidated) const;
/// Records handle invalidation reporters into `newlyInvalidated`.
/// Specifically,
/// - `valueHandle` is the op operand that consumes the handle,
/// - `throughValue` is the payload value the handle to which is consumed,
/// when it is the case, null when the operation handle is consumed
/// directly.
/// Iterates over all known operation and value handles and records reporters
/// for any potential future use of `handle` or any other handle that is
/// invalidated by its consumption, i.e., any handle pointing to any payload
/// IR entity (operation or value) associated with the same payload IR entity
/// as the consumed handle, or any nested payload IR entity. Does not override
/// existing reporters. This must remain a const method so it doesn't
/// inadvertently mutate `invalidatedHandles` too early.
recordValueHandleInvalidation(OpOperand &valueHandle,
InvalidatedHandleMap &newlyInvalidated) const;
/// Checks that the operation does not use invalidated handles as operands.
/// Reports errors and returns failure if it does. Otherwise, invalidates the
/// handles consumed by the operation as well as any handles pointing to
/// payload IR operations nested in the operations associated with the
/// consumed handles.
checkAndRecordHandleInvalidation(TransformOpInterface transform);
/// Implementation of the checkAndRecordHandleInvalidation. This must remain a
/// const method so it doesn't inadvertently mutate `invalidatedHandles` too
/// early.
LogicalResult checkAndRecordHandleInvalidationImpl(
transform::TransformOpInterface transform,
transform::TransformState::InvalidatedHandleMap &newlyInvalidated) const;
/// Remove all nullptrs from op handles that were added by `replacePayloadOp`.
void compactOpHandles();
/// A stack of mappings between transform IR values and payload IR ops,
/// aggregated by the region in which the transform IR values are defined.
/// We use a pointer to the Mappings struct so that reallocations inside
/// MapVector don't invalidate iterators when we apply nested transform ops
/// while also iterating over the mappings.
llvm::MapVector<Region *, std::unique_ptr<Mappings>> mappings;
/// Op handles may be temporarily mapped to nullptr to avoid invalidating
/// payload op iterators. This set contains all op handles with nullptrs.
/// These handles are "compacted" (i.e., nullptrs removed) at the end of each
/// transform.
DenseSet<Value> opHandlesToCompact;
/// Extensions attached to the TransformState, identified by the TypeID of
/// their type. Only one extension of any given type is allowed.
DenseMap<TypeID, std::unique_ptr<Extension>> extensions;
/// The top-level operation that contains all payload IR, typically a module.
Operation *topLevel;
/// Extra mapped values (payload operations, values or parameters) to be
/// associated with additional entry block arguments of the top-level
/// transform operation.
RaggedArray<MappedValue> topLevelMappedValues;
/// Additional options controlling the transformation state behavior.
TransformOptions options;
/// The mapping from invalidated handles to the error-reporting functions that
/// describe when the handles were invalidated. Calling such a function emits
/// a user-visible diagnostic with an additional note pointing to the given
/// location.
InvalidatedHandleMap invalidatedHandles;
/// A stack of nested regions that are being processed in the transform IR.
/// Each region must be an ancestor of the following regions in this list.
/// These are also the keys for "mappings".
SmallVector<RegionScope *> regionStack;
/// The top-level region scope. The first (bottom) element of `regionStack`
/// is the top-level region scope object.
std::unique_ptr<RegionScope> topLevelRegionScope;
/// Local mapping between values defined by a specific op implementing the
/// TransformOpInterface and the payload IR ops they correspond to.
class TransformResults {
friend class TransformState;
/// Indicates that the result of the transform IR op at the given position
/// corresponds to the given list of payload IR ops. Each result must be set
/// by the transformation exactly once in case of transformation succeeding.
/// The value must have a type implementing TransformHandleTypeInterface.
template <typename Range>
void set(OpResult value, Range &&ops) {
int64_t position = value.getResultNumber();
assert(position < static_cast<int64_t>(operations.size()) &&
"setting results for a non-existent handle");
assert(operations[position].data() == nullptr && "results already set");
assert(params[position].data() == nullptr &&
"another kind of results already set");
assert(values[position].data() == nullptr &&
"another kind of results already set");
operations.replace(position, std::forward<Range>(ops));
/// Indicates that the result of the transform IR op at the given position
/// corresponds to the given list of payload IR ops. Each result must be set
/// by the transformation exactly once in case of transformation succeeding.
/// The value must have a type implementing TransformHandleTypeInterface.
void set(OpResult value, std::initializer_list<Operation *> ops) {
set(value, ArrayRef<Operation *>(ops));
/// Indicates that the result of the transform IR op at the given position
/// corresponds to the given list of parameters. Each result must be set by
/// the transformation exactly once in case of transformation succeeding. The
/// value must have a type implementing TransformParamTypeInterface.
void setParams(OpResult value, ArrayRef<TransformState::Param> params);
/// Indicates that the result of the transform IR op at the given position
/// corresponds to the given range of payload IR values. Each result must be
/// set by the transformation exactly once in case of transformation
/// succeeding. The value must have a type implementing
/// TransformValueHandleTypeInterface.
template <typename Range>
void setValues(OpResult handle, Range &&values) {
int64_t position = handle.getResultNumber();
assert(position < static_cast<int64_t>(this->values.size()) &&
"setting values for a non-existent handle");
assert(this->values[position].data() == nullptr && "values already set");
assert(operations[position].data() == nullptr &&
"another kind of results already set");
assert(params[position].data() == nullptr &&
"another kind of results already set");
this->values.replace(position, std::forward<Range>(values));
/// Indicates that the result of the transform IR op at the given position
/// corresponds to the given range of payload IR values. Each result must be
/// set by the transformation exactly once in case of transformation
/// succeeding. The value must have a type implementing
/// TransformValueHandleTypeInterface.
void setValues(OpResult handle, std::initializer_list<Value> values) {
setValues(handle, ArrayRef<Value>(values));
/// Indicates that the result of the transform IR op at the given position
/// corresponds to the given range of mapped values. All mapped values are
/// expected to be compatible with the type of the result, e.g., if the result
/// is an operation handle, all mapped values are expected to be payload
/// operations.
void setMappedValues(OpResult handle, ArrayRef<MappedValue> values);
/// Sets the currently unset results to empty lists of the kind expected by
/// the corresponding results of the given `transform` op.
void setRemainingToEmpty(TransformOpInterface transform);
/// Creates an instance of TransformResults that expects mappings for
/// `numSegments` values, which may be associated with payload operations or
/// parameters.
explicit TransformResults(unsigned numSegments);
/// Gets the list of operations associated with the result identified by its
/// number in the list of operation results. The result must have been set to
/// be associated with payload IR operations.
ArrayRef<Operation *> get(unsigned resultNumber) const;
/// Gets the list of parameters associated with the result identified by its
/// number in the list of operation results. The result must have been set to
/// be associated with parameters.
ArrayRef<TransformState::Param> getParams(unsigned resultNumber) const;
/// Gets the list of payload IR values associated with the result identified
/// by its number in the list of operation results. The result must have been
/// set to be associated with payload IR values.
ArrayRef<Value> getValues(unsigned resultNumber) const;
/// Returns `true` if the result identified by its number in the list of
/// operation results is associated with a list of parameters, `false`
/// otherwise.
bool isParam(unsigned resultNumber) const;
/// Returns `true` if the result identified by its number in the list of
/// operation results is associated with a list of payload IR value, `false`
/// otherwise.
bool isValue(unsigned resultNumber) const;
/// Returns `true` if the result identified by its number in the list of
/// operation results is associated with something.
bool isSet(unsigned resultNumber) const;
/// Pointers to payload IR ops that are associated with results of a transform
/// IR op.
RaggedArray<Operation *> operations;
/// Parameters that are associated with results of the transform IR op.
RaggedArray<Param> params;
/// Payload IR values that are associated with results of a transform IR op.
RaggedArray<Value> values;
/// Creates a RAII object the lifetime of which corresponds to the new mapping
/// for transform IR values defined in the given region. Values defined in
/// surrounding regions remain accessible.
TransformState::RegionScope TransformState::make_region_scope(Region &region) {
return RegionScope(*this, region);
/// A configuration object for customizing a `TrackingListener`.
struct TrackingListenerConfig {
using SkipHandleFn = std::function<bool(Value)>;
/// An optional function that returns "true" for handles that do not have to
/// be updated. These are typically dead or consumed handles.
SkipHandleFn skipHandleFn = nullptr;
/// If set to "true", the name of a replacement op must match the name of the
/// original op. If set to "false", the names of the payload ops tracked in a
/// handle may change as the tracking listener updates the transform state.
bool requireMatchingReplacementOpName = true;
/// If set to "true", cast ops (that implement the CastOpInterface) are
/// skipped and the replacement op search continues with the operands of the
/// cast op.
bool skipCastOps = true;
/// A listener that updates a TransformState based on IR modifications. This
/// listener can be used during a greedy pattern rewrite to keep the transform
/// state up-to-date.
class TrackingListener : public RewriterBase::Listener,
public TransformState::Extension {
/// Create a new TrackingListener for usage in the specified transform op.
/// Optionally, a function can be specified to identify handles that should
/// do not have to be updated.
TrackingListener(TransformState &state, TransformOpInterface op,
TrackingListenerConfig config = TrackingListenerConfig());
/// Return a replacement payload op for the given op, which is going to be
/// replaced with the given values. By default, if all values are defined by
/// the same op, which also has the same type as the given op, that defining
/// op is used as a replacement.
/// A "failure" return value indicates that no replacement operation could be
/// found. A "nullptr" return value indicates that no replacement op is needed
/// (e.g., handle is dead or was consumed) and that the payload op should
/// be dropped from the mapping.
/// Example: A tracked "linalg.generic" with two results is replaced with two
/// values defined by (another) "linalg.generic". It is reasonable to assume
/// that the replacement "linalg.generic" represents the same "computation".
/// Therefore, the payload op mapping is updated to the defining op of the
/// replacement values.
/// Counter Example: A "linalg.generic" is replaced with values defined by an
/// "scf.for". Without further investigation, the relationship between the
/// "linalg.generic" and the "scf.for" is unclear. They may not represent the
/// same computation; e.g., there may be tiled "linalg.generic" inside the
/// loop body that represents the original computation. Therefore, the
/// TrackingListener is conservative by default: it drops the mapping and
/// triggers the "payload replacement not found" notification. This default
/// behavior can be customized in `TrackingListenerConfig`.
/// If no replacement op could be found according to the rules mentioned
/// above, this function tries to skip over cast-like ops that implement
/// `CastOpInterface`.
/// Example: A tracked "linalg.generic" is replaced with "linalg.generic",
/// wrapped in a "tensor.cast". A cast is a metadata-only operation and it is
/// reasonable to assume that the wrapped "linalg.generic" represents the same
/// computation as the original "linalg.generic". The mapping is updated
/// accordingly.
/// Certain ops (typically also metadata-only ops) are not considered casts,
/// but should be skipped nonetheless. Such ops should implement
/// `FindPayloadReplacementOpInterface` to specify with which operands the
/// lookup should continue.
/// Example: A tracked "linalg.generic" is replaced with "linalg.generic",
/// wrapped in a "tensor.reshape". A reshape is a metadata-only operation but
/// not cast. (Implementing `CastOpInterface` would be incorrect and cause
/// invalid foldings.) However, due to its `FindPayloadReplacementOpInterface`
/// implementation, the replacement op lookup continues with the wrapped
/// "linalg.generic" and the mapping is updated accordingly.
/// Derived classes may override `findReplacementOp` to specify custom
/// replacement rules.
virtual DiagnosedSilenceableFailure
findReplacementOp(Operation *&result, Operation *op,
ValueRange newValues) const;
/// Notify the listener that the pattern failed to match the given operation,
/// and provide a callback to populate a diagnostic with the reason why the
/// failure occurred.
notifyMatchFailure(Location loc,
function_ref<void(Diagnostic &)> reasonCallback) override;
/// This function is called when a tracked payload op is dropped because no
/// replacement op was found. Derived classes can implement this function for
/// custom error handling.
virtual void
notifyPayloadReplacementNotFound(Operation *op, ValueRange values,
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure &&diag) {}
/// Return the single op that defines all given values (if any).
static Operation *getCommonDefiningOp(ValueRange values);
/// Return the transform op in which this TrackingListener is used.
TransformOpInterface getTransformOp() const { return transformOp; }
friend class TransformRewriter;
void notifyOperationErased(Operation *op) override;
void notifyOperationReplaced(Operation *op, ValueRange newValues) override;
using Listener::notifyOperationReplaced;
/// The transform op in which this TrackingListener is used.
TransformOpInterface transformOp;
/// The handles that are consumed by the transform op.
DenseSet<Value> consumedHandles;
/// Tracking listener configuration.
TrackingListenerConfig config;
/// A specialized listener that keeps track of cases in which no replacement
/// payload could be found. The error state of this listener must be checked
/// before the end of its lifetime.
class ErrorCheckingTrackingListener : public TrackingListener {
using transform::TrackingListener::TrackingListener;
~ErrorCheckingTrackingListener() override;
/// Check and return the current error state of this listener. Afterwards,
/// resets the error state to "success".
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure checkAndResetError();
/// Return "true" if this tracking listener had a failure.
bool failed() const;
notifyPayloadReplacementNotFound(Operation *op, ValueRange values,
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure &&diag) override;
/// The error state of this listener. "Success" indicates that no error
/// happened so far.
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure status = DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::success();
/// The number of errors that have been encountered.
int64_t errorCounter = 0;
/// This is a special rewriter to be used in transform op implementations,
/// providing additional helper functions to update the transform state, etc.
// TODO: Helper functions will be added in a subsequent change.
class TransformRewriter : public RewriterBase {
friend class TransformState;
/// Create a new TransformRewriter.
explicit TransformRewriter(MLIRContext *ctx,
ErrorCheckingTrackingListener *listener);
/// Return "true" if the tracking listener had failures.
bool hasTrackingFailures() const;
/// Silence all tracking failures that have been encountered so far.
void silenceTrackingFailure();
/// Notify the transform dialect interpreter that the given op has been
/// replaced with another op and that the mapping between handles and payload
/// ops/values should be updated. This function should be called before the
/// original op is erased. It fails if the operation could not be replaced,
/// e.g., because the original operation is not tracked.
/// Note: As long as IR modifications are performed through this rewriter,
/// the transform state is usually updated automatically. This function should
/// be used when unsupported rewriter API is used; e.g., updating all uses of
/// a tracked operation one-by-one instead of using `RewriterBase::replaceOp`.
LogicalResult notifyPayloadOperationReplaced(Operation *op,
Operation *replacement);
ErrorCheckingTrackingListener *const listener;
/// This trait is supposed to be attached to Transform dialect operations that
/// can be standalone top-level transforms. Such operations typically contain
/// other Transform dialect operations that can be executed following some
/// control flow logic specific to the current operation. The operations with
/// this trait are expected to have at least one single-block region with at
/// least one argument of type implementing TransformHandleTypeInterface. The
/// operations are also expected to be valid without operands, in which case
/// they are considered top-level, and with one or more arguments, in which case
/// they are considered nested. Top-level operations have the block argument of
/// the entry block in the Transform IR correspond to the root operation of
/// Payload IR. Nested operations have the block argument of the entry block in
/// the Transform IR correspond to a list of Payload IR operations mapped to the
/// first operand of the Transform IR operation. The operation must implement
/// TransformOpInterface.
template <typename OpTy>
class PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait
: public OpTrait::TraitBase<OpTy, PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait> {
/// Verifies that `op` satisfies the invariants of this trait. Not expected to
/// be called directly.
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return detail::verifyPossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait(op);
/// Returns the single block of the given region.
Block *getBodyBlock(unsigned region = 0) {
return &this->getOperation()->getRegion(region).front();
/// Populates `effects` with side effects implied by this trait.
void getPotentialTopLevelEffects(
SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects) {
this->getOperation(), cast<OpTy>(this->getOperation()).getRoot(),
*getBodyBlock(), effects);
/// Sets up the mapping between the entry block of the given region of this op
/// and the relevant list of Payload IR operations in the given state. The
/// state is expected to be already scoped at the region of this operation.
LogicalResult mapBlockArguments(TransformState &state, Region &region) {
assert(region.getParentOp() == this->getOperation() &&
"op comes from the wrong region");
return detail::mapPossibleTopLevelTransformOpBlockArguments(
state, this->getOperation(), region);
LogicalResult mapBlockArguments(TransformState &state) {
this->getOperation()->getNumRegions() == 1 &&
"must indicate the region to map if the operation has more than one");
return mapBlockArguments(state, this->getOperation()->getRegion(0));
class ApplyToEachResultList;
/// Trait implementing the TransformOpInterface for operations applying a
/// transformation to a single operation handle and producing an arbitrary
/// number of handles and parameter values.
/// The op must implement a method with the following signature:
/// - DiagnosedSilenceableFailure applyToOne(OpTy,
/// ApplyToEachResultList &results, TransformState &state)
/// to perform a transformation that is applied in turn to all payload IR
/// operations that correspond to the handle of the transform IR operation.
/// In `applyToOne`, OpTy is either Operation* or a concrete payload IR Op class
/// that the transformation is applied to (and NOT the class of the transform IR
/// op).
/// The `applyToOne` method takes an empty `results` vector that it fills with
/// zero, one or multiple operations depending on the number of results expected
/// by the transform op.
/// The number of results must match the number of results of the transform op.
/// `applyToOne` is allowed to fill the `results` with all null elements to
/// signify that the transformation did not apply to the payload IR operations.
/// Such null elements are filtered out from results before return.
/// The transform op having this trait is expected to have a single operand.
template <typename OpTy>
class TransformEachOpTrait
: public OpTrait::TraitBase<OpTy, TransformEachOpTrait> {
/// Calls `applyToOne` for every payload operation associated with the operand
/// of this transform IR op, the following case disjunction happens:
/// 1. If not target payload ops are associated to the operand then fill the
/// results vector with the expected number of null elements and return
/// success. This is the corner case handling that allows propagating
/// the "no-op" case gracefully to improve usability.
/// 2. If any `applyToOne` returns definiteFailure, the transformation is
/// immediately considered definitely failed and we return.
/// 3. All applications of `applyToOne` are checked to return a number of
/// results expected by the transform IR op. If not, this is a definite
/// failure and we return early.
/// 4. If `applyToOne` produces ops, associate them with the result of this
/// transform op.
/// 5. If any `applyToOne` return silenceableFailure, the transformation is
/// considered silenceable.
/// 6. Otherwise the transformation is considered successful.
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure apply(transform::TransformRewriter &rewriter,
TransformResults &transformResults,
TransformState &state);
/// Checks that the op matches the expectations of this trait.
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op);
/// Side effect resource corresponding to the mapping between Transform IR
/// values and Payload IR operations. An Allocate effect from this resource
/// means creating a new mapping entry, it is always accompanied by a Write
/// effect. A Read effect from this resource means accessing the mapping. A Free
/// effect on this resource indicates the removal of the mapping entry,
/// typically after a transformation that modifies the Payload IR operations
/// associated with one of the Transform IR operation's operands. It is always
/// accompanied by a Read effect. Read-after-Free and double-Free are not
/// allowed (they would be problematic with "regular" memory effects too) as
/// they indicate an attempt to access Payload IR operations that have been
/// modified, potentially erased, by the previous transformations.
// TODO: consider custom effects if these are not enabling generic passes such
// as CSE/DCE to work.
struct TransformMappingResource
: public SideEffects::Resource::Base<TransformMappingResource> {
StringRef getName() override { return "transform.mapping"; }
/// Side effect resource corresponding to the Payload IR itself. Only Read and
/// Write effects are expected on this resource, with Write always accompanied
/// by a Read (short of fully replacing the top-level Payload IR operation, one
/// cannot modify the Payload IR without reading it first). This is intended
/// to disallow reordering of Transform IR operations that mutate the Payload IR
/// while still allowing the reordering of those that only access it.
struct PayloadIRResource
: public SideEffects::Resource::Base<PayloadIRResource> {
StringRef getName() override { return "transform.payload_ir"; }
/// Populates `effects` with the memory effects indicating the operation on the
/// given handle value:
/// - consumes = Read + Free,
/// - produces = Allocate + Write,
/// - onlyReads = Read.
void consumesHandle(ValueRange handles,
SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects);
void producesHandle(ValueRange handles,
SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects);
void onlyReadsHandle(ValueRange handles,
SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects);
/// Checks whether the transform op consumes the given handle.
bool isHandleConsumed(Value handle, transform::TransformOpInterface transform);
/// Populates `effects` with the memory effects indicating the access to payload
/// IR resource.
void modifiesPayload(SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects);
void onlyReadsPayload(SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects);
/// Checks whether the transform op modifies the payload.
bool doesModifyPayload(transform::TransformOpInterface transform);
/// Checks whether the transform op reads the payload.
bool doesReadPayload(transform::TransformOpInterface transform);
/// Populates `consumedArguments` with positions of `block` arguments that are
/// consumed by the operations in the `block`.
void getConsumedBlockArguments(
Block &block, llvm::SmallDenseSet<unsigned> &consumedArguments);
/// Trait implementing the MemoryEffectOpInterface for operations that "consume"
/// their operands and produce new results.
template <typename OpTy>
class FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait
: public OpTrait::TraitBase<OpTy, FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait> {
/// This op "consumes" the operands by reading and freeing then, "produces"
/// the results by allocating and writing it and reads/writes the payload IR
/// in the process.
void getEffects(SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects) {
consumesHandle(this->getOperation()->getOperands(), effects);
producesHandle(this->getOperation()->getResults(), effects);
/// Checks that the op matches the expectations of this trait.
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
if (!op->getName().getInterface<MemoryEffectOpInterface>()) {
<< "FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait should only be attached to ops "
"that implement MemoryEffectOpInterface";
return success();
/// Trait implementing the MemoryEffectOpInterface for operations that use their
/// operands without consuming and without modifying the Payload IR to
/// potentially produce new handles.
template <typename OpTy>
class NavigationTransformOpTrait
: public OpTrait::TraitBase<OpTy, NavigationTransformOpTrait> {
/// This op produces handles to the Payload IR without consuming the original
/// handles and without modifying the IR itself.
void getEffects(SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects) {
onlyReadsHandle(this->getOperation()->getOperands(), effects);
producesHandle(this->getOperation()->getResults(), effects);
if (llvm::any_of(this->getOperation()->getOperandTypes(), [](Type t) {
return isa<TransformHandleTypeInterface,
})) {
/// Checks that the op matches the expectation of this trait.
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
if (!op->getName().getInterface<MemoryEffectOpInterface>()) {
op->emitError() << "NavigationTransformOpTrait should only be attached "
"to ops that implement MemoryEffectOpInterface";
return success();
namespace detail {
/// Non-template implementation of ParamProducerTransformOpTrait::getEffects().
void getParamProducerTransformOpTraitEffects(
Operation *op, SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects);
/// Non-template implementation of ParamProducerTransformOpTrait::verify().
LogicalResult verifyParamProducerTransformOpTrait(Operation *op);
} // namespace detail
/// Trait implementing the MemoryEffectsOpInterface for operations that produce
/// transform dialect parameters. It marks all op results of
/// TransformHandleTypeInterface as produced by the op, all operands as only
/// read by the op and, if at least one of the operand is a handle to payload
/// ops, the entire payload as potentially read. The op must only produce
/// parameter-typed results.
template <typename OpTy>
class ParamProducerTransformOpTrait
: public OpTrait::TraitBase<OpTy, ParamProducerTransformOpTrait> {
/// Populates `effects` with effect instances described in the trait
/// documentation.
void getEffects(SmallVectorImpl<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> &effects) {
/// Checks that the op matches the expectation of this trait, i.e., that it
/// implements the MemoryEffectsOpInterface and only produces parameter-typed
/// results.
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return detail::verifyParamProducerTransformOpTrait(op);
/// `TrackingListener` failures are reported only for ops that have this trait.
/// The purpose of this trait is to give users more time to update their custom
/// transform ops to use the provided `TransformRewriter` for all IR
/// modifications. This trait will eventually be removed, and failures will be
/// reported for all transform ops.
template <typename OpTy>
class ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait
: public OpTrait::TraitBase<OpTy, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait> {};
/// A single result of applying a transform op with `ApplyEachOpTrait` to a
/// single payload operation.
using ApplyToEachResult = MappedValue;
/// A list of results of applying a transform op with `ApplyEachOpTrait` to a
/// single payload operation, co-indexed with the results of the transform op.
class ApplyToEachResultList {
ApplyToEachResultList() = default;
explicit ApplyToEachResultList(unsigned size) : results(size) {}
/// Sets the list of results to `size` null pointers.
void assign(unsigned size, std::nullptr_t) { results.assign(size, nullptr); }
/// Sets the list of results to the given range of values.
template <typename Range>
void assign(Range &&range) {
// This is roughly the implementation of SmallVectorImpl::assign.
// Dispatching to it with map_range and template type inference would result
// in more complex code here.
for (auto element : range) {
if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<decltype(*std::begin(range)),
Operation *>) {
results.push_back(static_cast<Operation *>(element));
} else if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<decltype(*std::begin(range)),
Value>) {
results.push_back(element.template get<Value>());
} else {
/// Appends an element to the list.
// Using ApplyToEachResult that can be implicitly constructed from a Value but
// not from a concrete Op that is implicitly convertible to a Value to avoid
// ambiguity.
void push_back(Operation *op) { results.push_back(op); }
void push_back(Attribute attr) { results.push_back(attr); }
void push_back(ApplyToEachResult r) { results.push_back(r); }
/// Reserves space for `size` elements in the list.
void reserve(unsigned size) { results.reserve(size); }
/// Iterators over the list.
auto begin() { return results.begin(); }
auto end() { return results.end(); }
auto begin() const { return results.begin(); }
auto end() const { return results.end(); }
/// Returns the number of elements in the list.
size_t size() const { return results.size(); }
/// Element access. Expects the index to be in bounds.
ApplyToEachResult &operator[](size_t index) { return results[index]; }
const ApplyToEachResult &operator[](size_t index) const {
return results[index];
/// Underlying storage.
SmallVector<ApplyToEachResult> results;
namespace detail {
/// Check that the contents of `partialResult` matches the number, kind (payload
/// op or parameter) and nullity (either all or none) requirements of
/// `transformOp`. Report errors and return failure otherwise.
LogicalResult checkApplyToOne(Operation *transformOp, Location payloadOpLoc,
const ApplyToEachResultList &partialResult);
/// "Transpose" the results produced by individual applications, arranging them
/// per result value of the transform op, and populate `transformResults` with
/// that. The number, kind and nullity of per-application results are assumed to
/// have been verified.
void setApplyToOneResults(Operation *transformOp,
TransformResults &transformResults,
ArrayRef<ApplyToEachResultList> results);
/// Applies a one-to-one or a one-to-many transform to each of the given
/// targets. Puts the results of transforms, if any, in `results` in the same
/// order. Fails if any of the application fails. Individual transforms must be
/// callable with the following signature:
/// - DiagnosedSilenceableFailure(OpTy,
/// SmallVector<Operation*> &results, state)
/// where OpTy is either
/// - Operation *, in which case the transform is always applied;
/// - a concrete Op class, in which case a check is performed whether
/// `targets` contains operations of the same class and a silenceable failure
/// is reported if it does not.
template <typename TransformOpTy, typename Range>
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure applyTransformToEach(
TransformOpTy transformOp, TransformRewriter &rewriter, Range &&targets,
SmallVectorImpl<ApplyToEachResultList> &results, TransformState &state) {
using OpTy = typename llvm::function_traits<
decltype(&TransformOpTy::applyToOne)>::template arg_t<1>;
static_assert(std::is_convertible<OpTy, Operation *>::value,
"expected transform function to take an operation");
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(rewriter);
SmallVector<Diagnostic> silenceableStack;
unsigned expectedNumResults = transformOp->getNumResults();
for (Operation *target : targets) {
auto specificOp = dyn_cast<OpTy>(target);
if (!specificOp) {
Diagnostic diag(transformOp->getLoc(), DiagnosticSeverity::Error);
diag << "transform applied to the wrong op kind";
diag.attachNote(target->getLoc()) << "when applied to this op";
ApplyToEachResultList partialResults;
Location specificOpLoc = specificOp->getLoc();
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure res =
transformOp.applyToOne(rewriter, specificOp, partialResults, state);
if (res.isDefiniteFailure())
return DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::definiteFailure();
if (res.isSilenceableFailure()) {
if (failed(detail::checkApplyToOne(transformOp, specificOpLoc,
partialResults))) {
return DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::definiteFailure();
if (!silenceableStack.empty()) {
return DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::silenceableFailure(
return DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::success();
/// Reports an error and returns failure if `targets` contains an ancestor
/// operation before its descendant (or a copy of itself). Implementation detail
/// for expensive checks during `TransformEachOpTrait::apply`.
LogicalResult checkNestedConsumption(Location loc,
ArrayRef<Operation *> targets);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace transform
} // namespace mlir
template <typename OpTy>
TransformRewriter &rewriter, TransformResults &transformResults,
TransformState &state) {
Value handle = this->getOperation()->getOperand(0);
auto targets = state.getPayloadOps(handle);
// If the operand is consumed, check if it is associated with operations that
// may be erased before their nested operations are.
if (state.getOptions().getExpensiveChecksEnabled() &&
isHandleConsumed(handle, cast<transform::TransformOpInterface>(
this->getOperation())) &&
llvm::to_vector(targets)))) {
return DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::definiteFailure();
// Step 1. Handle the corner case where no target is specified.
// This is typically the case when the matcher fails to apply and we need to
// propagate gracefully.
// In this case, we fill all results with an empty vector.
if (std::empty(targets)) {
SmallVector<Operation *> emptyPayload;
SmallVector<Attribute> emptyParams;
for (OpResult r : this->getOperation()->getResults()) {
if (isa<TransformParamTypeInterface>(r.getType()))
transformResults.setParams(r, emptyParams);
else if (isa<TransformValueHandleTypeInterface>(r.getType()))
transformResults.setValues(r, ValueRange());
transformResults.set(r, emptyPayload);
return DiagnosedSilenceableFailure::success();
// Step 2. Call applyToOne on each target and record newly produced ops in its
// corresponding results entry.
SmallVector<ApplyToEachResultList, 1> results;
DiagnosedSilenceableFailure result = detail::applyTransformToEach(
cast<OpTy>(this->getOperation()), rewriter, targets, results, state);
// Step 3. Propagate the definite failure if any and bail out.
if (result.isDefiniteFailure())
return result;
// Step 4. "Transpose" the results produced by individual applications,
// arranging them per result value of the transform op. The number, kind and
// nullity of per-application results have been verified by the callback
// above.
detail::setApplyToOneResults(this->getOperation(), transformResults, results);
// Step 5. ApplyToOne may have returned silenceableFailure, propagate it.
return result;
template <typename OpTy>
mlir::transform::TransformEachOpTrait<OpTy>::verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
static_assert(OpTy::template hasTrait<OpTrait::OneOperand>(),
"expected single-operand op");
if (!op->getName().getInterface<TransformOpInterface>()) {
return op->emitError() << "TransformEachOpTrait should only be attached to "
"ops that implement TransformOpInterface";
return success();