blob: 2e37384ce3eb710f6dae0e6ec14570ccfffe5619 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - OpenMP op interfaces ------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This is the OpenMP Dialect interfaces definition file.
include "mlir/IR/"
def OutlineableOpenMPOpInterface : OpInterface<"OutlineableOpenMPOpInterface"> {
let description = [{
OpenMP operations whose region will be outlined will implement this
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::omp";
let methods = [
InterfaceMethod<"Get alloca block", "::mlir::Block*", "getAllocaBlock",
(ins), [{
return &$_op.getRegion().front();
def MapClauseOwningOpInterface : OpInterface<"MapClauseOwningOpInterface"> {
let description = [{
OpenMP operations which own a list of omp::MapInfoOp's implement this interface
to allow generic access to deal with map operands to more easily manipulate
this class of operations.
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::omp";
let methods = [
InterfaceMethod<"Get map operands", "::mlir::OperandRange", "getMapOperands",
(ins), [{
return $_op.getMapOperands();
InterfaceMethod<"Get mutable map operands", "::mlir::MutableOperandRange",
(ins), [{
return $_op.getMapOperandsMutable();
def ReductionClauseInterface : OpInterface<"ReductionClauseInterface"> {
let description = [{
OpenMP operations that support reduction clause have this interface.
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::omp";
let methods = [
"Get reduction vars", "::mlir::SmallVector<::mlir::Value>",
"getAllReductionVars", (ins), [{}], [{
return $_op.getReductionVars();
def DeclareTargetInterface : OpInterface<"DeclareTargetInterface"> {
let description = [{
OpenMP operations that support declare target have this interface.
For example, FuncOp's and llvm.GlobalOp/fir.GlobalOp's. This
interface allows simple manipulation and introspection of the
declare target attribute that can be applied to these operations.
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::omp";
let methods = [
Set the declare target attribute on the current operation with the
specified attribute arguments.
(ins "mlir::omp::DeclareTargetDeviceType":$deviceType,
"mlir::omp::DeclareTargetCaptureClause":$captureClause), [{}], [{
$_op->getContext(), deviceType),
$_op->getContext(), captureClause)));
Checks if the declare target attribute has been applied and exists on the
current operation. Returns true if it exists on it, otherwise returns
(ins), [{}], [{
return $_op->hasAttr("omp.declare_target");
Returns the DeclareTargetDeviceType segment of the DeclareTarget attribute if it
exists on the current operation. Otherwise it returns null.
(ins), [{}], [{
if (mlir::Attribute dTar = $_op->getAttr("omp.declare_target"))
if (auto dAttr = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<mlir::omp::DeclareTargetAttr>(dTar))
return dAttr.getDeviceType().getValue();
return {};
Returns the DeclareTargetCaptureClause segment of the DeclareTarget attribute if it
exists on the current operation. Otherwise it returns null.
(ins), [{}], [{
if (mlir::Attribute dTar = $_op->getAttr("omp.declare_target"))
if (auto dAttr = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<mlir::omp::DeclareTargetAttr>(dTar))
return dAttr.getCaptureClause().getValue();
return {};
def OffloadModuleInterface : OpInterface<"OffloadModuleInterface"> {
let description = [{
Operations that represent a module for offloading (host or device)
should have this interface.
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::omp";
let methods = [
Set the attribute on the current module with the specified boolean
(ins "bool":$isTargetDevice), [{}], [{
mlir::StringAttr::get($_op->getContext(), llvm::Twine{"omp.is_target_device"}),
mlir::BoolAttr::get($_op->getContext(), isTargetDevice));
Get the attribute on the current module if it exists and
return its value, if it doesn't exist it returns false by default.
(ins), [{}], [{
if (Attribute isTargetDevice = $_op->getAttr("omp.is_target_device"))
if (isTargetDevice.isa<mlir::BoolAttr>())
return isTargetDevice.dyn_cast<BoolAttr>().getValue();
return false;
Set the attribute on the current module with the specified boolean
(ins "bool":$isGPU), [{}], [{
mlir::StringAttr::get($_op->getContext(), "omp.is_gpu"),
mlir::BoolAttr::get($_op->getContext(), isGPU));
Get the attribute on the current module if it exists and
return its value, if it doesn't exist it returns false by default.
(ins), [{}], [{
if (Attribute isTargetCGAttr = $_op->getAttr("omp.is_gpu"))
if (auto isTargetCGVal = isTargetCGAttr.dyn_cast<BoolAttr>())
return isTargetCGVal.getValue();
return false;
Get the FlagsAttr attribute on the current module if it exists
and return the attribute, if it doesn't exit it returns a nullptr
(ins), [{}], [{
if (Attribute flags = $_op->getAttr("omp.flags"))
return ::llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<mlir::omp::FlagsAttr>(flags);
return nullptr;
Apply an omp.FlagsAttr to a module with the specified values
for the flags
(ins "uint32_t":$debugKind,
"bool":$noGPULib), [{}], [{
$_op->setAttr(("omp." + mlir::omp::FlagsAttr::getMnemonic()).str(),
mlir::omp::FlagsAttr::get($_op->getContext(), debugKind,
assumeTeamsOversubscription, assumeThreadsOversubscription,
assumeNoThreadState, assumeNoNestedParallelism, noGPULib, openmpDeviceVersion));
Set a StringAttr on the current module containing the host IR file path. This
file path is used in two-phase compilation during the device phase to generate
device side LLVM IR when lowering MLIR.
(ins "std::string":$hostIRFilePath), [{}], [{
mlir::StringAttr::get($_op->getContext(), llvm::Twine{"omp.host_ir_filepath"}),
mlir::StringAttr::get($_op->getContext(), hostIRFilePath));
Find the host-ir file path StringAttr from the current module if it exists and
return its contained value, if it doesn't exist it returns an empty string. This
file path is used in two-phase compilation during the device phase to generate
device side LLVM IR when lowering MLIR.
(ins), [{}], [{
if (Attribute filepath = $_op->getAttr("omp.host_ir_filepath"))
if (::llvm::isa<mlir::StringAttr>(filepath))
return ::llvm::dyn_cast<mlir::StringAttr>(filepath).getValue();
return {};
Get the omp.requires attribute on the operator if it's present and
return its value. If it doesn't exist, return `ClauseRequires::none` by
(ins), [{}], [{
if (Attribute requiresAttr = $_op->getAttr("omp.requires"))
if (auto requiresVal = requiresAttr.dyn_cast<mlir::omp::ClauseRequiresAttr>())
return requiresVal.getValue();
return mlir::omp::ClauseRequires::none;
Set the omp.requires attribute on the operator to the specified clauses.
(ins "::mlir::omp::ClauseRequires":$clauses), [{}], [{
$_op->setAttr(mlir::StringAttr::get($_op->getContext(), "omp.requires"),
mlir::omp::ClauseRequiresAttr::get($_op->getContext(), clauses));