blob: b7176aa93ff1f782c859478a3eb34fa6d4a4b1fe [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - LLVM IR dialect op definition file ----*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/"
include "mlir/IR/"
include "mlir/Interfaces/"
include "mlir/Interfaces/"
/// Base class for all LLVM dialect types.
class LLVMType<string typeName, string typeMnemonic, list<Trait> traits = []>
: TypeDef<LLVM_Dialect, typeName, traits> {
let mnemonic = typeMnemonic;
// LLVMArrayType
def LLVMArrayType : LLVMType<"LLVMArray", "array", [
DeclareTypeInterfaceMethods<DataLayoutTypeInterface, ["getTypeSize"]>,
DeclareTypeInterfaceMethods<DestructurableTypeInterface>]> {
let summary = "LLVM array type";
let description = [{
The `!llvm.array` type represents a fixed-size array of element types.
It is an aggregate type representing consecutive elements in memory,
parameterized by the number of elements and the element type.
!llvm.array<4 x i32>
let parameters = (ins "Type":$elementType, "unsigned":$numElements);
let assemblyFormat = [{
`<` $numElements `x` custom<PrettyLLVMType>($elementType) `>`
let genVerifyDecl = 1;
let builders = [
TypeBuilderWithInferredContext<(ins "Type":$elementType,
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Checks if the given type can be used inside an array type.
static bool isValidElementType(Type type);
// LLVMFunctionType
def LLVMFunctionType : LLVMType<"LLVMFunction", "func"> {
let summary = "LLVM function type";
let description = [{
The `!llvm.func` is a function type. It consists of a single return type
(unlike MLIR which can have multiple), a list of parameter types and can
optionally be variadic.
!llvm.func<i32 (i32)>
let parameters = (ins "Type":$returnType, ArrayRefParameter<"Type">:$params,
let assemblyFormat = [{
`<` custom<PrettyLLVMType>($returnType) ` ` `(`
custom<FunctionTypes>($params, $varArg) `>`
let genVerifyDecl = 1;
let builders = [
"Type":$result, "ArrayRef<Type>":$arguments,
CArg<"bool", "false">:$isVarArg)>
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Checks if the given type can be used an argument in a function type.
static bool isValidArgumentType(Type type);
/// Checks if the given type can be used as a result in a function type.
static bool isValidResultType(Type type);
/// Returns whether the function is variadic.
bool isVarArg() const { return getVarArg(); }
/// Returns a clone of this function type with the given argument
/// and result types.
LLVMFunctionType clone(TypeRange inputs, TypeRange results) const;
/// Returns the result type of the function as an ArrayRef, enabling better
/// integration with generic MLIR utilities.
ArrayRef<Type> getReturnTypes() const;
/// Returns the number of arguments to the function.
unsigned getNumParams() const { return getParams().size(); }
/// Returns `i`-th argument of the function. Asserts on out-of-bounds.
Type getParamType(unsigned i) { return getParams()[i]; }
// LLVMPointerType
def LLVMPointerType : LLVMType<"LLVMPointer", "ptr", [
DeclareTypeInterfaceMethods<DataLayoutTypeInterface, [
"getIndexBitwidth", "areCompatible", "verifyEntries"]>]> {
let summary = "LLVM pointer type";
let description = [{
The `!llvm.ptr` type is an LLVM pointer type. This type typically represents
a reference to an object in memory. Pointers are optionally parameterized
by the address space.
let parameters = (ins DefaultValuedParameter<"unsigned", "0">:$addressSpace);
let assemblyFormat = [{
(`<` $addressSpace^ `>`)?
let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;
let builders = [
TypeBuilder<(ins CArg<"unsigned", "0">:$addressSpace), [{
return $_get($_ctxt, addressSpace);
// LLVMFixedVectorType
def LLVMFixedVectorType : LLVMType<"LLVMFixedVector", "vec"> {
let summary = "LLVM fixed vector type";
let description = [{
LLVM dialect scalable vector type, represents a sequence of elements of
unknown length that is known to be divisible by some constant. These
elements can be processed as one in SIMD context.
let typeName = "llvm.fixed_vec";
let parameters = (ins "Type":$elementType, "unsigned":$numElements);
let assemblyFormat = [{
`<` $numElements `x` custom<PrettyLLVMType>($elementType) `>`
let genVerifyDecl = 1;
let builders = [
TypeBuilderWithInferredContext<(ins "Type":$elementType,
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Checks if the given type can be used in a vector type.
static bool isValidElementType(Type type);
// LLVMScalableVectorType
def LLVMScalableVectorType : LLVMType<"LLVMScalableVector", "vec"> {
let summary = "LLVM scalable vector type";
let description = [{
LLVM dialect scalable vector type, represents a sequence of elements of
unknown length that is known to be divisible by some constant. These
elements can be processed as one in SIMD context.
let typeName = "llvm.scalable_vec";
let parameters = (ins "Type":$elementType, "unsigned":$minNumElements);
let assemblyFormat = [{
`<` `?` `x` $minNumElements `x` ` ` custom<PrettyLLVMType>($elementType) `>`
let genVerifyDecl = 1;
let builders = [
TypeBuilderWithInferredContext<(ins "Type":$elementType,
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Checks if the given type can be used in a vector type.
static bool isValidElementType(Type type);
// LLVMTargetExtType
def LLVMTargetExtType : LLVMType<"LLVMTargetExt", "target"> {
let summary = "LLVM target-specific extension type";
let description = [{
LLVM dialect target extension type, which are generally unintrospectable
from target-independent optimizations.
Target extension types have a string name, and optionally have type and/or
integer parameters. The exact meaning of any parameters is dependent on the
let parameters = (ins StringRefParameter<>:$extTypeName,
OptionalArrayRefParameter<"unsigned int">:$intParams);
let assemblyFormat = [{
`<` $extTypeName (`,` custom<ExtTypeParams>($typeParams, $intParams)^ )? `>`
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
enum Property {
/// zeroinitializer is valid for this target extension type.
HasZeroInit = 1U << 0,
/// This type may be used as the value type of a global variable.
CanBeGlobal = 1U << 1,
bool hasProperty(Property Prop) const;
bool supportsMemOps() const;
#endif // LLVMTYPES_TD