blob: 2d8add82383bef61702c9009dbf064d0c0ef50da [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BufferizableOpInterface.h - Bufferizable Ops -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfoVariant.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include <optional>
#include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/IR/"
namespace mlir {
class OpBuilder;
namespace func {
class FuncOp;
namespace bufferization {
class AnalysisState;
class BufferizableOpInterface;
/// Specifies a fine-grain relationship between buffers to enable more analysis.
enum class BufferRelation {
// TODO: ResultContainsOperand,
// TODO: OperandContainsResult,
/// A maybe aliasing OpOperand. If `isDefinite` is `true`, the OpOperand is
/// guaranteed to alias at runtime.
struct AliasingOpOperand {
AliasingOpOperand(OpOperand *opOperand, BufferRelation relation,
bool isDefinite = true)
: opOperand(opOperand), relation(relation), isDefinite(isDefinite) {}
OpOperand *opOperand;
BufferRelation relation;
bool isDefinite;
/// A maybe aliasing Value. If `isDefinite` is `true`, the Value is guaranteed
/// to alias at runtime.
struct AliasingValue {
AliasingValue(Value value, BufferRelation relation, bool isDefinite = true)
: value(value), relation(relation), isDefinite(isDefinite) {}
Value value;
BufferRelation relation;
bool isDefinite;
template <typename T> class AliasList {
/// Create an empty list of aliases.
AliasList() = default;
/// Create a list of aliases.
AliasList(std::initializer_list<T> elems) {
for (T alias : elems)
/// Create a list of aliases.
AliasList(SmallVector<T> &&aliases) : aliases(std::move(aliases)) {}
ArrayRef<T> getAliases() const { return aliases; }
size_t getNumAliases() const { return aliases.size(); }
void addAlias(T alias) { aliases.push_back(alias); }
auto begin() const { return aliases.begin(); }
auto end() const { return aliases.end(); }
/// The list of aliases.
SmallVector<T> aliases;
/// A list of possible aliasing OpOperands. This list models the runtime
/// aliasing relationship for a Value.
using AliasingOpOperandList = AliasList<AliasingOpOperand>;
/// A list of possible aliasing Values. This list models the runtime aliasing
/// relationship for an OpOperand.
using AliasingValueList = AliasList<AliasingValue>;
class OpFilter {
/// An op filter entry. Filters can be used to specify which ops should be
/// processed by the bufferization.
struct Entry {
/// If the filter function evaluates to `true`, the filter matches.
using FilterFn = std::function<bool(Operation *)>;
/// Filter type: A filter can either be a DENY filter or an ALLOW filter.
enum FilterType : int8_t { DENY = 0, ALLOW = 1 };
FilterFn fn;
FilterType type;
/// Return whether the op is allowed or not.
/// If the filter does not have an ALLOW rule, ops are allowed by default,
/// unless they are explicitly marked as DENY. If the filter has at least one
/// ALLOW rule, ops are denied by default and only allowed if they match
/// an ALLOW rule and no DENY rule.
bool isOpAllowed(Operation *op) const;
/// Allow the given dialects.
/// This function adds one or multiple ALLOW entries.
template <typename... DialectTs>
void allowDialect() {
// The following expands a call to allowDialectImpl for each dialect
// in 'DialectTs'.
(allowDialectImpl<DialectTs>(), ...);
/// Deny the given dialects.
/// This function adds one or multiple DENY entries.
template <typename... DialectTs>
void denyDialect() {
(denyDialectImpl<DialectTs>(), ...);
/// Allow the given dialect.
/// This function adds an ALLOW entry.
void allowDialect(StringRef dialectNamespace) {
Entry::FilterFn filterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
return op->getName().getDialectNamespace() == dialectNamespace;
entries.push_back(Entry{filterFn, Entry::FilterType::ALLOW});
/// Deny the given dialect.
/// This function adds a DENY entry.
void denyDialect(StringRef dialectNamespace) {
Entry::FilterFn filterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
return op->getDialect()->getNamespace() == dialectNamespace;
entries.push_back(Entry{filterFn, Entry::FilterType::DENY});
/// Allow the given ops.
/// This function adds one or multiple ALLOW entries.
template <typename... OpTys>
void allowOperation() {
(allowOperationImpl<OpTys>(), ...);
/// Deny the given ops.
/// This function adds one or multiple DENY entries.
template <typename... OpTys>
void denyOperation() {
(denyOperationImpl<OpTys>(), ...);
/// Allow the given op.
/// This function adds an ALLOW entry.
void allowOperation(StringRef opName) {
Entry::FilterFn filterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
return op->getName().getStringRef() == opName;
/// Deny the given op.
/// This function adds a DENY entry.
void denyOperation(StringRef opName) {
Entry::FilterFn filterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
return op->getName().getStringRef() == opName;
/// Allow ops that are matched by `fn`.
/// This function adds an ALLOW entry.
void allowOperation(Entry::FilterFn fn) {
entries.push_back(Entry{fn, Entry::FilterType::ALLOW});
/// Deny ops that are matched by `fn`.
/// This function adds a DENY entry.
void denyOperation(Entry::FilterFn fn) {
entries.push_back(Entry{fn, Entry::FilterType::DENY});
/// Return `true` if the filter has at least one ALLOW rule.
bool hasAllowRule() const {
for (const Entry &e : entries)
if (e.type == Entry::FilterType::ALLOW)
return true;
return false;
/// Allow a dialect.
template <typename DialectT>
void allowDialectImpl() {
/// Deny a dialect.
template <typename DialectT>
void denyDialectImpl() {
/// Allow an op.
template <typename OpTy>
void allowOperationImpl() {
/// Deny an op.
template <typename OpTy>
void denyOperationImpl() {
/// A list of filter entries that determine whether an op should be allowed or
/// denied. If the filter has an ALLOW rule, only ops that are allowed and not
/// denied are allowed. If the filter does not have an ALLOW rule, only ops
/// that are not denied are allowed.
SmallVector<Entry> entries;
/// Options for BufferizableOpInterface-based bufferization.
struct BufferizationOptions {
/// Allocator function: Generate a memref allocation with the given type,
/// dynamic extents and alignment.
using AllocationFn = std::function<FailureOr<Value>(
OpBuilder &, Location, MemRefType, ValueRange, unsigned int)>;
/// Memcpy function: Generate a memcpy between two buffers.
using MemCpyFn =
std::function<LogicalResult(OpBuilder &, Location, Value, Value)>;
/// Initializer function for analysis state.
using AnalysisStateInitFn = std::function<void(AnalysisState &)>;
/// Tensor -> MemRef type converter.
/// Parameters: Value, memory space, func op, bufferization options
using FunctionArgTypeConverterFn =
std::function<BaseMemRefType(TensorType, Attribute memorySpace,
func::FuncOp, const BufferizationOptions &)>;
/// Tensor -> MemRef type converter.
/// Parameters: Value, memory space, bufferization options
using UnknownTypeConverterFn = std::function<BaseMemRefType(
Value, Attribute memorySpace, const BufferizationOptions &)>;
// Produce a MemorySpace attribute from a tensor type
using DefaultMemorySpaceFn =
std::function<std::optional<Attribute>(TensorType t)>;
/// Try to cast the given op to BufferizableOpInterface if the op is allow
/// listed.
BufferizableOpInterface dynCastBufferizableOp(Operation *op) const;
/// Try to cast the given value to BufferizableOpInterface if the op is allow
/// listed.
BufferizableOpInterface dynCastBufferizableOp(Value value) const;
/// A filter that specifies which ops should be bufferized and which ops
/// should be ignored.
OpFilter opFilter;
/// Return `true` if the given op should be bufferized.
bool isOpAllowed(Operation *op) const;
/// Helper functions for allocation and memory copying.
std::optional<AllocationFn> allocationFn;
std::optional<MemCpyFn> memCpyFn;
/// Create a memref allocation with the given type and dynamic extents.
FailureOr<Value> createAlloc(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, MemRefType type,
ValueRange dynShape) const;
/// Creates a memcpy between two given buffers.
LogicalResult createMemCpy(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value from,
Value to) const;
/// Specifies whether not bufferizable ops are allowed in the input. If so,
/// bufferization.to_memref and bufferization.to_tensor ops are inserted at
/// the boundaries.
bool allowUnknownOps = false;
/// Specifies whether function boundaries (ops in the func dialect) should be
/// bufferized or not.
bool bufferizeFunctionBoundaries = false;
/// Certain ops have aliasing OpOperand/OpResult invariants (e.g., scf.for).
/// If this flag is set to `false`, those invariants are no longer enforced
/// with buffer copies.
/// Note: Deactivating this flag can lead to incorrect bufferization results
/// when used incorrectly. This flag is useful with
/// `AlwaysCopyAnalysisState` which bufferizes all writing tensor
/// OpOperands out-of-place.
bool enforceAliasingInvariants = true;
/// This function controls buffer types on function signatures. Sets
/// `functionArgTypeConverterFn` and `inferFunctionResultLayout` accordingly.
/// * InferLayoutMap: All function parameter types have a fully dynamic layout
/// map, but function result types are inferred from the body of the
/// function.
/// * FullyDynamicLayoutMap: All function parameter types and result types
/// have a fully dynamic layout map. This option is most efficient because
/// any layout map can be casted to a fully dynamic one.
/// * IdentityLayoutMap: All function parameter types and result types have a
/// static identity layout (i.e., no layout map). This option may introduce
/// additional buffer allocs and copies because layout maps cannot be casted
/// away.
/// Note: Inferred layout maps may not be desireable when interacting with
/// external functions, because the generated function signatures will be less
/// predictable.
void setFunctionBoundaryTypeConversion(LayoutMapOption layoutMapOption);
/// Type converter from tensors to memrefs. This type converter is used to
/// determine bufferized function argument types. By default, a type
/// converter that returns a memref type with a fully dynamic layout map is
/// used.
/// If `bufferizeFunctionBoundaries` is not set, this function isn't used.
FunctionArgTypeConverterFn functionArgTypeConverterFn = nullptr;
/// If true, function result types are inferred from the body of the function.
/// Otherwise, function result type is determined by
/// `functionArgTypeConverterFn`.
/// If `bufferizeFunctionBoundaries` is not set, this flag has no effect.
bool inferFunctionResultLayout = true;
/// Type converter from tensors to memrefs. This type converter is used if no
/// memref type could be inferred during bufferization. By default, a type
/// converter that returns a memref type with a fully dynamic layout map is
/// used.
UnknownTypeConverterFn unknownTypeConverterFn = nullptr;
// Use during type conversion to determine the memory space for memref based
// on the original tensor type if the memory space cannot be inferred.
// Returning std::nullopt will cause bufferization to fail (useful to indicate
// failure to determine memory space for a tensor type).
DefaultMemorySpaceFn defaultMemorySpaceFn =
[](TensorType t) -> std::optional<Attribute> { return Attribute(); };
/// If set to `true`, the analysis is skipped. A buffer is copied before every
/// write. This flag cannot be used together with `testAnalysisOnly = true`.
bool copyBeforeWrite = false;
/// If set to `true`, does not modify the IR apart from adding attributes (for
/// checking the results of the analysis) and post analysis steps.
bool testAnalysisOnly = false;
/// If set to `true`, the IR is annotated with details about RaW conflicts.
/// For debugging only. Should be used together with `testAnalysisOnly`.
bool printConflicts = false;
/// Buffer alignment for new memory allocations.
unsigned int bufferAlignment = 64;
/// Initializer functions for analysis state. These can be used to
/// initialize dialect-specific analysis state.
SmallVector<AnalysisStateInitFn> stateInitializers;
/// Traversal parameters for `findValueInReverseUseDefChain`.
struct TraversalConfig {
/// Specifies if leaves (that do not have further OpOperands to follow)
/// should be returned even if they do not match the specified filter.
bool alwaysIncludeLeaves = true;
/// Specifies whether out-of-place/undecided OpOperands should be followed.
bool followInPlaceOnly = false;
/// Specifies whether non-equivalent OpOperands should be followed.
bool followEquivalentOnly = false;
/// Specifies whether unknown/non-bufferizable/ops not included in the
/// OpFilter of BufferizationOptions should be followed.
bool followUnknownOps = false;
/// Specifies whether OpOperands with a different type that are not the result
/// of a CastOpInterface op should be followed.
bool followSameTypeOrCastsOnly = false;
/// Specifies whether already visited values should be visited again.
/// (Note: This can result in infinite looping.)
bool revisitAlreadyVisitedValues = false;
/// AnalysisState provides a variety of helper functions for dealing with
/// tensor values.
class AnalysisState {
/// Determine which OpOperand* will alias with `value` if the op is
/// bufferized in place. Return all tensor OpOperand* if the op is not
/// bufferizable.
AliasingOpOperandList getAliasingOpOperands(Value value) const;
/// Determine which Value will alias with `opOperand` if the op is bufferized
/// in place. Return all tensor Values if the op is not bufferizable.
AliasingValueList getAliasingValues(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory read. Return `true` if
/// the op is not bufferizable.
bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory write. Return true` if
/// the op is not bufferizable.
bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
/// Return true if the given `value` bufferizes to a memory write. Return
/// true if the value is a block argument. Return `true` if the defining op is
/// not bufferizable. Otherwise, consult the BufferizableOpInterface.
bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Value value) const;
/// Return true if `opOperand` does neither read nor write but bufferizes to
/// an alias. Return false if the op is not bufferizable.
bool bufferizesToAliasOnly(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
/// Return true if a copy can always be avoided when allocating a new tensor
/// for the given OpOperand.
bool canOmitTensorCopy(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
/// Return true if the given value is read by an op that bufferizes to a
/// memory read. Also takes into account ops that create an alias but do not
/// read by themselves (e.g., ExtractSliceOp).
bool isValueRead(Value value) const;
/// Starting from `value`, follow the use-def chain in reverse, always
/// selecting the aliasing OpOperands. Find and return Values for which
/// `condition` evaluates to true. OpOperands of such matching Values are not
/// traversed any further.
/// When reaching the end of a chain, also return the last Value of that
/// chain if `config.alwaysIncludeLeaves` is set.
/// Example:
/// 8
/// |
/// 6* 7* +-----+----+
/// | | | |
/// 2* 3 4* 5
/// | | | |
/// +----------+----------+----------+
/// |
/// 1
/// In the above example, Values with a star satisfy the condition. When
/// starting the traversal from Value 1, the resulting SetVector is:
/// { 2, 7, 8, 5 }
/// Additional stopping conditions for the traversal can be specified in
/// `config`.
SetVector<Value> findValueInReverseUseDefChain(
Value value, llvm::function_ref<bool(Value)> condition,
TraversalConfig config = TraversalConfig()) const;
/// Find the values that may define the contents of the given value at
/// runtime. A block argument is always a definition. An OpResult is a
/// definition if it bufferizes to memory write. If it does not bufferize to
/// a memory write but has aliasing operands, we continue the lookup on these
/// values.
/// Example: %r = tensor.insert %f into %t[%c0] : tensor<?xf32>
/// findDefinitions(%r) = {%r} because %r bufferizes to memory write.
/// Example: %r = tensor.empty() : tensor<10xf32>
/// findDefinitions(%r) = {} because tensor.empty does not the define the
/// contents of its result (i.e., it does not bufferize to a memory write)
/// and it has no aliasing OpOperands.
/// Example:
/// %a = arith.constant ... : tensor<10xf32>
/// %b1 = tensor.insert %f into %t : tensor<50xf32>
/// %b2 = tensor.extract_slice %b1[0][10][1] : tensor<50xf32> tensor<10xf32>
/// %r = %cond, %a, %b : tensor<10xf32>
/// findDefinitions(%r) = {%a, %b1}. %r and %b2 are skipped (lookup continues
/// in the operands) because their defining ops do not define the contents of
/// the tensor.
/// Example:
/// %a = tensor.empty() : tensor<10xf32>
/// %b = arith.constant ... : tensor<10xf32>
/// %r = %cond, %a, %b : tensor<10xf32>
/// findDefinitions(%r) = {%b}. %a is excluded because it does not define the
/// contents of the tensor.
/// Note: OpResults of unknown ops are handled conservatively and assumed to
/// be definitions.
SetVector<Value> findDefinitions(Value value) const;
/// Return `true` if the given OpResult has been decided to bufferize inplace.
virtual bool isInPlace(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
/// Return true if `v1` and `v2` bufferize to equivalent buffers.
virtual bool areEquivalentBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const;
/// Return true if `v1` and `v2` may bufferize to aliasing buffers.
virtual bool areAliasingBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const;
/// Return `true` if the given tensor has undefined contents.
virtual bool hasUndefinedContents(OpOperand *opOperand) const;
/// Return a reference to the BufferizationOptions.
const BufferizationOptions &getOptions() const { return options; }
AnalysisState(const BufferizationOptions &options);
// AnalysisState should be passed as a reference.
AnalysisState(const AnalysisState &) = delete;
virtual ~AnalysisState() = default;
static bool classof(const AnalysisState *base) { return true; }
TypeID getType() const { return type; }
/// Return the closest enclosing repetitive region around the given op.
Region *getEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(Operation *op,
const BufferizationOptions &options);
/// Return the closest enclosing repetitive region around the place where the
/// given value is defined.
Region *getEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(Value value,
const BufferizationOptions &options);
/// Return the closest enclosing repetitive region around the given block.
Region *getEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(Block *block,
const BufferizationOptions &options);
virtual void resetCache();
AnalysisState(const BufferizationOptions &options, TypeID type);
/// A reference to current bufferization options.
const BufferizationOptions &options;
/// The type of analysis.
TypeID type;
/// Cache containing closest ancestor repetitive Region.
DenseMap<std::variant<Operation *, Block *, Region *, Value>, Region *>
/// Create an AllocTensorOp for the given shaped value (memref or tensor).
/// If `copy` is set, the shaped value is copied. Otherwise, a tensor with
/// undefined contents is allocated.
allocateTensorForShapedValue(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value shapedValue,
const BufferizationOptions &options,
bool copy = true);
/// Lookup the buffer for the given value. If the value was not bufferized
/// yet, wrap it in a ToMemrefOp. Otherwise, it is the result of a ToTensorOp,
/// from which the memref operand is returned.
FailureOr<Value> getBuffer(RewriterBase &rewriter, Value value,
const BufferizationOptions &options);
/// Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization
/// without bufferizing any IR.
/// Note: It should be sufficient to call `getBuffer()->getType()` in most
/// cases. However, when a buffer type should be predicted without modifying any
/// IR, this function can be used.
/// This function is a wrapper around BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType.
FailureOr<BaseMemRefType> getBufferType(Value value,
const BufferizationOptions &options);
/// Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization
/// without bufferizing any IR. This function (and not the other overload
/// without `invocationStack`) can be used from `getBufferType` implementations
/// of the `BufferizableOpInterface`.
/// Note: It should be sufficient to call `getBuffer()->getType()` in most
/// cases. However, when a buffer type should be predicted without modifying any
/// IR, this function can be used.
/// This function is a wrapper around `BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType`.
FailureOr<BaseMemRefType> getBufferType(Value value,
const BufferizationOptions &options,
SmallVector<Value> &invocationStack);
/// Return "true" if the given op has tensor semantics and should be bufferized.
/// If the op is bufferizable, the BufferizableOpInterface is queried.
/// Otherwise, an op has tensor semantics if it has tensor operands, tensor
/// op results and/or tensor block arguments.
bool hasTensorSemantics(Operation *op);
/// Replace an op with replacement values. The op is deleted. Tensor OpResults
/// must be replaced with memref values.
void replaceOpWithBufferizedValues(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op,
ValueRange values);
/// Replace an op with a new op. The new op must have the same number of
/// results as the replaced op. The new op may not return any tensor values.
template <typename OpTy, typename... Args>
OpTy replaceOpWithNewBufferizedOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op,
Args &&...args) {
auto newOp = rewriter.create<OpTy>(op->getLoc(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
replaceOpWithBufferizedValues(rewriter, op, newOp->getResults());
return newOp;
/// Return a MemRefType to which the type of the given value can be bufferized.
/// If possible, op bufferization implementations should not use this function
/// and instead infer precise memref types for tensor results by themselves.
/// Unless a layout map was specified, `options.unknownTypeConverterFn`
/// determines what kind of layout map will be used. For best composability
/// (without copies), the fully dynamic layout map is used by default.
/// Note: Canonicalization patterns could clean up layout maps and infer more
/// precise layout maps after bufferization. However, many possible
/// canonicalizations are currently not implemented.
BaseMemRefType getMemRefType(Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options,
MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout = {},
Attribute memorySpace = nullptr);
/// Return a MemRef type with fully dynamic layout. If the given tensor type
/// is unranked, return an unranked MemRef type.
getMemRefTypeWithFullyDynamicLayout(TensorType tensorType,
Attribute memorySpace = nullptr);
/// Return a MemRef type with a static identity layout (i.e., no layout map). If
/// the given tensor type is unranked, return an unranked MemRef type.
getMemRefTypeWithStaticIdentityLayout(TensorType tensorType,
Attribute memorySpace = nullptr);
/// Return the owner of the given value. In case of a BlockArgument that is the
/// owner of the block. In case of an OpResult that is the defining op.
Operation *getOwnerOfValue(Value value);
/// Assuming that the given region is repetitive, find the next enclosing
/// repetitive region.
Region *getNextEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(Region *region,
const BufferizationOptions &options);
/// If `region` is a parallel region, return `region`. Otherwise, find the first
/// enclosing parallel region of `region`. If there is no such region, return
/// "nullptr".
/// Note: Whether a region is parallel or sequential is queried from the
/// `BufferizableOpInterface`.
Region *getParallelRegion(Region *region, const BufferizationOptions &options);
namespace detail {
/// This is the default implementation of
/// BufferizableOpInterface::getAliasingOpOperands. Should not be called from
/// other places.
AliasingOpOperandList defaultGetAliasingOpOperands(Value value,
const AnalysisState &state);
/// This is the default implementation of
/// BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType. Should not be called from other
/// places.
defaultGetBufferType(Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options,
SmallVector<Value> &invocationStack);
/// This is the default implementation of
/// BufferizableOpInterface::resultBufferizesToMemoryWrite. Should not be called
/// from other places.
bool defaultResultBufferizesToMemoryWrite(OpResult opResult,
const AnalysisState &state);
/// This is the default implementation of
/// BufferizableOpInterface::isRepetitiveRegion. Should not be called from other
/// places.
bool defaultIsRepetitiveRegion(BufferizableOpInterface bufferizableOp,
unsigned index);
/// This is the default implementation of getAliasingOpOperands in case the
/// defining op does not implement the BufferizableOpInterface.
AliasingOpOperandList unknownGetAliasingOpOperands(Value value);
/// This is the default implementation of getAliasingValues in case the owner
/// op does not implement the BufferizableOpInterface.
AliasingValueList unknownGetAliasingValues(OpOperand &opOperand);
/// This is the default implementation of
/// BufferizableOpInterface::hasTensorSemantics
bool defaultHasTensorSemantics(Operation *op);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace bufferization
} // namespace mlir
// Bufferization Interfaces
#include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/IR/"