blob: 9cc792093bf836bd670890e1e3eb949ad122295b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - ArmNeon dialect op definitions -----*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the basic operations for the ArmNeon dialect.
include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/"
include "mlir/Interfaces/"
include "mlir/IR/"
// ArmNeon dialect definition
def ArmNeon_Dialect : Dialect {
let name = "arm_neon";
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::arm_neon";
// Note: this does not need to depend on LLVMDialect as long as functions in
// this dialect (such as canonicalization) do not produce entities belonging
// to the LLVMDialect (ops or types).
// ArmNeon type definition
class NeonVectorOfLength<int length, Type elementType> : ShapedContainerType<
[elementType], And<[IsVectorOfShape<[length]>, IsFixedVectorTypePred]>,
"a vector with length " # length,
// ArmNeon op definitions
// ArmNeon dialect op that corresponds (and is convertible to) an LLVM IR
// intrinsic.
class ArmNeon_IntrOp<string mnemonic, list<int> overloadedResults,
list<int> overloadedOperands, int numResults,
list<Trait> traits = [], bit requiresAccessGroup = 0,
bit requiresAliasAnalysis = 0>
: LLVM_IntrOpBase</*dialect=*/ArmNeon_Dialect,
/*opName=*/"intr." # mnemonic,
/*enumName=*/"aarch64_neon_" # !subst(".", "_", mnemonic),
// ArmNeon dialect op that corresponds to an LLVM IR intrinsic with one
// overloaded result.
class ArmNeon_OverloadedOneResultIntrOp<string mnemonic,
list<Trait> traits = []>
: ArmNeon_IntrOp<mnemonic, [0], [], 1, traits>;
// ArmNeon dialect op that corresponds to an LLVM IR intrinsic with one
// overloaded result and overloaded operands list.
class ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<string mnemonic,
list<int> overloadedOperands,
list<Trait> traits = []>
: ArmNeon_IntrOp<mnemonic, [0], overloadedOperands, 1, traits>;
def SMullOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOneResultIntrOp<"smull", [
AllTypesMatch<["a", "b"]>,
"res has same vector shape and element bitwidth scaled by 2 as a",
"a", "res", "::llvm::cast<VectorType>($_self).scaleElementBitwidth(2)">
]> {
let summary = "smull roundscale op";
let description = [{
Signed Multiply Long (vector). This instruction multiplies corresponding
signed integer values in the lower or upper half of the vectors of the two
source SIMD&FP registers, places the results in a vector, and writes the
vector to the destination SIMD&FP register.
// Supports either:
// (vector<8xi8>, vector<8xi8>) -> (vector<8xi16>)
// (vector<4xi16>, vector<4xi16>) -> (vector<4xi32>)
// (vector<2xi32>, vector<2xi32>) -> (vector<2xi64>)
let arguments = (ins VectorOfLengthAndType<[8, 4, 2], [I8, I16, I32]>:$a,
VectorOfLengthAndType<[8, 4, 2], [I8, I16, I32]>:$b);
let results = (outs VectorOfLengthAndType<[8, 4, 2], [I16, I32, I64]>:$res);
let assemblyFormat =
"$a `,` $b attr-dict `:` type($a) `to` type($res)";
def SdotOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<"sdot",[1], [
AllTypesMatch<["b", "c"]>,
AllTypesMatch<["a", "res"]>,
TypesMatchWith<"res has the same number of elements as operand b",
"b", "res",
"VectorType::get({::llvm::cast<VectorType>($_self).getShape()[0] / 4},"
"IntegerType::get($_self.getContext(), 32))">]> {
let summary = "sdot op";
let description = [{
Signed integer addition of dot product (vector). This instruction performs
the following operation on signed integer vectors: res = dot(b, c) + a,
where vector operands are partitioned into groups of four elements.
// Supports either:
// (vector<2xi32>, vector<8xi8>, vector<8xi8>) -> vector<2xi32>
// (vector<4xi32>, vector<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>) -> vector<4xi32>
let arguments = (ins VectorOfLengthAndType<[4, 2], [I32]>:$a,
VectorOfLengthAndType<[16, 8], [I8]>:$b,
VectorOfLengthAndType<[16, 8], [I8]>:$c);
let results = (outs VectorOfLengthAndType<[4, 2], [I32]>:$res);
let assemblyFormat =
"$a `,` $b `,` $c attr-dict `:` type($b) `,` type($c) `to` type($res)";
def SmmlaOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<"smmla",[1], [
AllTypesMatch<["src1", "src2"]>,
AllTypesMatch<["acc", "res"]>,
]> {
let summary = "Matrix-matrix multiply and accumulate op";
let description = [{
SMMLA: Signed integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
Signed 8-bit integer matrix multiply-accumulate. This instruction multiplies
the 2x8 matrix of signed 8-bit integer values in the first source vector by
the 8x2 matrix of signed 8-bit integer values in the second source vector.
The resulting 2x2 32-bit integer matrix product is destructively added to
the 32-bit integer matrix accumulator in the destination vector. This is
equivalent to performing an 8-way dot product per destination element.
// Supports (vector<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>) -> (vector<4xi32>)
let arguments = (ins
NeonVectorOfLength<4, I32>:$acc,
NeonVectorOfLength<16, I8>:$src1,
NeonVectorOfLength<16, I8>:$src2
let results = (outs NeonVectorOfLength<4, I32>:$res);
let assemblyFormat =
"$acc `,` $src1 `,` $src2 attr-dict `:` type($src1) `to` type($res)";
def UmmlaOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<"ummla",[1], [
AllTypesMatch<["src1", "src2"]>,
AllTypesMatch<["acc", "res"]>,
]> {
let summary = "Unsinged matrix-matrix multiply and accumulate op";
let description = [{
UMMLA: Signed integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
Unsigned 8-bit integer matrix multiply-accumulate. This instruction
multiplies the 2x8 matrix of unsigned 8-bit integer values in the first
source vector by the 8x2 matrix of unsigned 8-bit integer values in the
second source vector. The resulting 2x2 32-bit integer matrix product is
destructively added to the 32-bit integer matrix accumulator in the
destination vector. This is equivalent to performing an 8-way dot product
per destination element.
// Supports (vector<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>) -> (vector<4xi32>)
let arguments = (ins
NeonVectorOfLength<4, I32>:$acc,
NeonVectorOfLength<16, I8>:$src1,
NeonVectorOfLength<16, I8>:$src2
let results = (outs NeonVectorOfLength<4, I32>:$res);
let assemblyFormat =
"$acc `,` $src1 `,` $src2 attr-dict `:` type($src1) `to` type($res)";
def UsmmlaOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<"usmmla",[1], [
AllTypesMatch<["src1", "src2"]>,
AllTypesMatch<["acc", "res"]>,
]> {
let summary = "Unsignged and signed matrix-matrix multiply and accumulate op";
let description = [{
USMMLA: Signed integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
Unsigned and signed 8-bit integer matrix multiply-accumulate. This
instruction multiplies the 2x8 matrix of unsigned 8-bit integer values in
the first source vector by the 8x2 matrix of signed 8-bit integer values in
the second source vector. The resulting 2x2 32-bit integer matrix product is
destructively added to the 32-bit integer matrix accumulator in the
destination vector. This is equivalent to performing an 8-way dot product
per destination element.
// Supports (vector<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>) -> (vector<4xi32>)
let arguments = (ins
NeonVectorOfLength<4, I32>:$acc,
NeonVectorOfLength<16, I8>:$src1,
NeonVectorOfLength<16, I8>:$src2
let results = (outs NeonVectorOfLength<4, I32>:$res);
let assemblyFormat =
"$acc `,` $src1 `,` $src2 attr-dict `:` type($src1) `to` type($res)";
class ArmNeon_2dOp<string mnemonic, list<Trait> traits = []>
: Op</*dialect=*/ArmNeon_Dialect,
/*opName=*/"2d." # mnemonic,
def Sdot2dOp : ArmNeon_2dOp<"sdot", [
AllTypesMatch<["b", "c"]>,
AllTypesMatch<["a", "res"]>,
"operand `a` should be 1-dimensional",
CPred<"::llvm::cast<VectorType>(getA().getType()).getShape().size() == 1">
"operand `b` should be 2-dimensional",
CPred<"::llvm::cast<VectorType>(getB().getType()).getShape().size() == 2">
"operand `b` should have 4 columns",
CPred<"::llvm::cast<VectorType>(getB().getType()).getShape()[1] == 4">
"operand `b` should have as many rows as the size of operand `a`",
CPred<"::llvm::cast<VectorType>(getB().getType()).getShape()[0] == ::llvm::cast<VectorType>(getA().getType()).getShape()[0]">
> {
let summary = "sdot op";
let description = [{
The two input vectors `b` and `c` have a 2D shape, consisting of either 2
or 4 rows, each row having length 4. This operation computes the pair-wise
dot-products of the rows of `b` and `c` and accumulates them with the
corresponding entry of `a`:
res[i] := a[i] + dot_product(b[i, ...], c[i, ...])
// Supports either:
// (vector<2xi32>, vector<2x4xi8>, vector<2x4xi8>) -> vector<2xi32>
// (vector<4xi32>, vector<4x4xi8>, vector<4x4xi8>) -> vector<4xi32>
// TODO: how do we express 2D shape requirements here?
let arguments = (ins VectorOfLengthAndType<[4, 2], [I32]>:$a,
VectorOfLengthAndType<[16, 8], [I8]>:$b,
VectorOfLengthAndType<[16, 8], [I8]>:$c);
let results = (outs VectorOfLengthAndType<[4, 2], [I32]>:$res);
let assemblyFormat =
"$a `,` $b `,` $c attr-dict `:` type($b) `,` type($c) `to` type($res)";
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
static constexpr int kReductionSize = 4;
#endif // ARMNEON_OPS