blob: 8e245fcc82068bc42dd3ae7e9ebe6a91cfae3c65 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AttrOrTypeDefGen.cpp - MLIR AttrOrType definitions generator -------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "AttrOrTypeFormatGen.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/AttrOrTypeDef.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Class.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/CodeGenHelpers.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Format.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/GenInfo.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Interfaces.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "mlir-tblgen-attrortypedefgen"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::tblgen;
// Utility Functions
std::string mlir::tblgen::getParameterAccessorName(StringRef name) {
assert(!name.empty() && "parameter has empty name");
auto ret = "get" + name.str();
ret[3] = llvm::toUpper(ret[3]); // uppercase first letter of the name
return ret;
/// Find all the AttrOrTypeDef for the specified dialect. If no dialect
/// specified and can only find one dialect's defs, use that.
static void collectAllDefs(StringRef selectedDialect,
std::vector<llvm::Record *> records,
SmallVectorImpl<AttrOrTypeDef> &resultDefs) {
// Nothing to do if no defs were found.
if (records.empty())
auto defs = llvm::map_range(
records, [&](const llvm::Record *rec) { return AttrOrTypeDef(rec); });
if (selectedDialect.empty()) {
// If a dialect was not specified, ensure that all found defs belong to the
// same dialect.
if (!llvm::is_splat(
llvm::map_range(defs, [](auto def) { return def.getDialect(); }))) {
llvm::PrintFatalError("defs belonging to more than one dialect. Must "
"select one via '--(attr|type)defs-dialect'");
resultDefs.assign(defs.begin(), defs.end());
} else {
// Otherwise, generate the defs that belong to the selected dialect.
auto dialectDefs = llvm::make_filter_range(defs, [&](auto def) {
return def.getDialect().getName().equals(selectedDialect);
resultDefs.assign(dialectDefs.begin(), dialectDefs.end());
// DefGen
namespace {
class DefGen {
/// Create the attribute or type class.
DefGen(const AttrOrTypeDef &def);
void emitDecl(raw_ostream &os) const {
if (storageCls) {
NamespaceEmitter ns(os, def.getStorageNamespace());
os << "struct " << def.getStorageClassName() << ";\n";
void emitDef(raw_ostream &os) const {
if (storageCls && def.genStorageClass()) {
NamespaceEmitter ns(os, def.getStorageNamespace());
storageCls->writeDeclTo(os); // everything is inline
/// Add traits from the TableGen definition to the class.
void createParentWithTraits();
/// Emit top-level declarations: using declarations and any extra class
/// declarations.
void emitTopLevelDeclarations();
/// Emit attribute or type builders.
void emitBuilders();
/// Emit a verifier for the def.
void emitVerifier();
/// Emit parsers and printers.
void emitParserPrinter();
/// Emit parameter accessors, if required.
void emitAccessors();
/// Emit interface methods.
void emitInterfaceMethods();
// Builder Emission
/// Emit the default builder `Attribute::get`
void emitDefaultBuilder();
/// Emit the checked builder `Attribute::getChecked`
void emitCheckedBuilder();
/// Emit a custom builder.
void emitCustomBuilder(const AttrOrTypeBuilder &builder);
/// Emit a checked custom builder.
void emitCheckedCustomBuilder(const AttrOrTypeBuilder &builder);
// Parser and Printer Emission
void emitParserPrinterBody(MethodBody &parser, MethodBody &printer);
// Interface Method Emission
/// Emit methods for a trait.
void emitTraitMethods(const InterfaceTrait &trait);
/// Emit a trait method.
void emitTraitMethod(const InterfaceMethod &method);
// Storage Class Emission
void emitStorageClass();
/// Generate the storage class constructor.
void emitStorageConstructor();
/// Emit the key type `KeyTy`.
void emitKeyType();
/// Emit the equality comparison operator.
void emitEquals();
/// Emit the key hash function.
void emitHashKey();
/// Emit the function to construct the storage class.
void emitConstruct();
// Utility Function Declarations
/// Get the method parameters for a def builder, where the first several
/// parameters may be different.
getBuilderParams(std::initializer_list<MethodParameter> prefix) const;
// Class fields
/// The attribute or type definition.
const AttrOrTypeDef &def;
/// The list of attribute or type parameters.
ArrayRef<AttrOrTypeParameter> params;
/// The attribute or type class.
Class defCls;
/// An optional attribute or type storage class. The storage class will
/// exist if and only if the def has more than zero parameters.
Optional<Class> storageCls;
/// The C++ base value of the def, either "Attribute" or "Type".
StringRef valueType;
/// The prefix/suffix of the TableGen def name, either "Attr" or "Type".
StringRef defType;
} // end anonymous namespace
DefGen::DefGen(const AttrOrTypeDef &def)
: def(def), params(def.getParameters()), defCls(def.getCppClassName()),
valueType(isa<AttrDef>(def) ? "Attribute" : "Type"),
defType(isa<AttrDef>(def) ? "Attr" : "Type") {
// If a storage class is needed, create one.
if (def.getNumParameters() > 0)
storageCls.emplace(def.getStorageClassName(), /*isStruct=*/true);
// Create the parent class with any indicated traits.
// Emit top-level declarations.
// Emit builders for defs with parameters
if (storageCls)
// Emit the verifier.
if (storageCls && def.genVerifyDecl())
// Emit the mnemonic, if there is one, and any associated parser and printer.
if (def.getMnemonic())
// Emit accessors
if (def.genAccessors())
// Emit trait interface methods
// Emit a storage class if one is needed
if (storageCls && def.genStorageClass())
void DefGen::createParentWithTraits() {
ParentClass defParent(strfmt("::mlir::{0}::{1}Base", valueType, defType));
? strfmt("{0}::{1}", def.getStorageNamespace(),
: strfmt("::mlir::{0}Storage", valueType));
for (auto &trait : def.getTraits()) {
? cast<NativeTrait>(&trait)->getFullyQualifiedTraitName()
: cast<InterfaceTrait>(&trait)->getFullyQualifiedTraitName());
void DefGen::emitTopLevelDeclarations() {
// Inherit constructors from the attribute or type class.
// Emit the extra declarations first in case there's a definition in there.
if (Optional<StringRef> extraDecl = def.getExtraDecls())
void DefGen::emitBuilders() {
if (!def.skipDefaultBuilders()) {
if (def.genVerifyDecl())
for (auto &builder : def.getBuilders()) {
if (def.genVerifyDecl())
void DefGen::emitVerifier() {
"::mlir::LogicalResult", "verify",
void DefGen::emitParserPrinter() {
auto *mnemonic = defCls.addStaticMethod<Method::Constexpr>(
"::llvm::StringLiteral", "getMnemonic");
mnemonic->body().indent() << strfmt("return {\"{0}\"};", *def.getMnemonic());
// Declare the parser and printer, if needed.
if (!def.needsParserPrinter() && !def.hasGeneratedParser() &&
// Declare the parser.
SmallVector<MethodParameter> parserParams;
parserParams.emplace_back("::mlir::AsmParser &", "parser");
if (isa<AttrDef>(&def))
parserParams.emplace_back("::mlir::Type", "type");
auto *parser = defCls.addMethod(
strfmt("::mlir::{0}", valueType), "parse",
def.hasGeneratedParser() ? Method::Static : Method::StaticDeclaration,
// Declare the printer.
auto props =
def.hasGeneratedPrinter() ? Method::Const : Method::ConstDeclaration;
Method *printer =
defCls.addMethod("void", "print", props,
MethodParameter("::mlir::AsmPrinter &", "printer"));
// Emit the bodies.
emitParserPrinterBody(parser->body(), printer->body());
void DefGen::emitAccessors() {
for (auto &param : params) {
Method *m = defCls.addMethod(
param.getCppAccessorType(), getParameterAccessorName(param.getName()),
def.genStorageClass() ? Method::Const : Method::ConstDeclaration);
// Generate accessor definitions only if we also generate the storage
// class. Otherwise, let the user define the exact accessor definition.
if (!def.genStorageClass())
auto scope = m->body().indent().scope("return getImpl()->", ";");
if (isa<AttributeSelfTypeParameter>(param))
m->body() << formatv("getType().cast<{0}>()", param.getCppType());
m->body() << param.getName();
void DefGen::emitInterfaceMethods() {
for (auto &traitDef : def.getTraits())
if (auto *trait = dyn_cast<InterfaceTrait>(&traitDef))
if (trait->shouldDeclareMethods())
// Builder Emission
DefGen::getBuilderParams(std::initializer_list<MethodParameter> prefix) const {
SmallVector<MethodParameter> builderParams;
builderParams.append(prefix.begin(), prefix.end());
for (auto &param : params)
builderParams.emplace_back(param.getCppType(), param.getName());
return builderParams;
void DefGen::emitDefaultBuilder() {
Method *m = defCls.addStaticMethod(
def.getCppClassName(), "get",
getBuilderParams({{"::mlir::MLIRContext *", "context"}}));
MethodBody &body = m->body().indent();
auto scope = body.scope("return Base::get(context", ");");
llvm::for_each(params, [&](auto &param) { body << ", " << param.getName(); });
void DefGen::emitCheckedBuilder() {
Method *m = defCls.addStaticMethod(
def.getCppClassName(), "getChecked",
{{"::llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()>", "emitError"},
{"::mlir::MLIRContext *", "context"}}));
MethodBody &body = m->body().indent();
auto scope = body.scope("return Base::getChecked(emitError, context", ");");
llvm::for_each(params, [&](auto &param) { body << ", " << param.getName(); });
static SmallVector<MethodParameter>
getCustomBuilderParams(std::initializer_list<MethodParameter> prefix,
const AttrOrTypeBuilder &builder) {
auto params = builder.getParameters();
SmallVector<MethodParameter> builderParams;
builderParams.append(prefix.begin(), prefix.end());
if (!builder.hasInferredContextParameter())
builderParams.emplace_back("::mlir::MLIRContext *", "context");
for (auto &param : params) {
builderParams.emplace_back(param.getCppType(), *param.getName(),
return builderParams;
void DefGen::emitCustomBuilder(const AttrOrTypeBuilder &builder) {
// Don't emit a body if there isn't one.
auto props = builder.getBody() ? Method::Static : Method::StaticDeclaration;
Method *m = defCls.addMethod(def.getCppClassName(), "get", props,
getCustomBuilderParams({}, builder));
if (!builder.getBody())
// Format the body and emit it.
FmtContext ctx;
ctx.addSubst("_get", "Base::get");
if (!builder.hasInferredContextParameter())
ctx.addSubst("_ctxt", "context");
std::string bodyStr = tgfmt(*builder.getBody(), &ctx);
/// Replace all instances of 'from' to 'to' in `str` and return the new string.
static std::string replaceInStr(std::string str, StringRef from, StringRef to) {
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = str.find(, pos, from.size())) != std::string::npos)
str.replace(pos, from.size(),, to.size());
return str;
void DefGen::emitCheckedCustomBuilder(const AttrOrTypeBuilder &builder) {
// Don't emit a body if there isn't one.
auto props = builder.getBody() ? Method::Static : Method::StaticDeclaration;
Method *m = defCls.addMethod(
def.getCppClassName(), "getChecked", props,
{{"::llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()>", "emitError"}},
if (!builder.getBody())
// Format the body and emit it. Replace $_get(...) with
// Base::getChecked(emitError, ...)
FmtContext ctx;
if (!builder.hasInferredContextParameter())
ctx.addSubst("_ctxt", "context");
std::string bodyStr = replaceInStr(builder.getBody()->str(), "$_get(",
"Base::getChecked(emitError, ");
bodyStr = tgfmt(bodyStr, &ctx);
// Parser and Printer Emission
void DefGen::emitParserPrinterBody(MethodBody &parser, MethodBody &printer) {
Optional<StringRef> parserCode = def.getParserCode();
Optional<StringRef> printerCode = def.getPrinterCode();
Optional<StringRef> asmFormat = def.getAssemblyFormat();
// Verify the parser-printer specification first.
if (asmFormat && (parserCode || printerCode)) {
def.getName() + ": assembly format cannot be specified at "
"the same time as printer or parser code");
// Specified code cannot be empty.
if (parserCode && parserCode->empty())
PrintFatalError(def.getLoc(), def.getName() + ": parser cannot be empty");
if (printerCode && printerCode->empty())
PrintFatalError(def.getLoc(), def.getName() + ": printer cannot be empty");
// Assembly format requires accessors to be generated.
if (asmFormat && !def.genAccessors()) {
def.getName() +
": the generated printer from 'assemblyFormat' "
"requires 'genAccessors' to be true");
// Generate the parser and printer bodies.
if (asmFormat)
return generateAttrOrTypeFormat(def, parser, printer);
FmtContext ctx = FmtContext(
{{"_parser", "parser"}, {"_printer", "printer"}, {"_type", "type"}});
if (parserCode) {
ctx.addSubst("_ctxt", "parser.getContext()");
parser.indent().getStream().printReindented(tgfmt(*parserCode, &ctx).str());
if (printerCode) {
ctx.addSubst("_ctxt", "printer.getContext()");
tgfmt(*printerCode, &ctx).str());
// Interface Method Emission
void DefGen::emitTraitMethods(const InterfaceTrait &trait) {
// Get the set of methods that should always be declared.
auto alwaysDeclaredMethods = trait.getAlwaysDeclaredMethods();
StringSet<> alwaysDeclared;
Interface iface = trait.getInterface(); // causes strange bugs if elided
for (auto &method : iface.getMethods()) {
// Don't declare if the method has a body. Or if the method has a default
// implementation and the def didn't request that it always be declared.
if (method.getBody() || (method.getDefaultImplementation() &&
void DefGen::emitTraitMethod(const InterfaceMethod &method) {
// All interface methods are declaration-only.
auto props =
method.isStatic() ? Method::StaticDeclaration : Method::ConstDeclaration;
SmallVector<MethodParameter> params;
for (auto &param : method.getArguments())
defCls.addMethod(method.getReturnType(), method.getName(), props,
// Storage Class Emission
void DefGen::emitStorageConstructor() {
Constructor *ctor =
if (auto *attrDef = dyn_cast<AttrDef>(&def)) {
// For attributes, a parameter marked with AttributeSelfTypeParameter is
// the type initializer that must be passed to the parent constructor.
const auto isSelfType = [](const AttrOrTypeParameter &param) {
return isa<AttributeSelfTypeParameter>(param);
auto *selfTypeParam = llvm::find_if(params, isSelfType);
if (std::count_if(selfTypeParam, params.end(), isSelfType) > 1) {
"Only one attribute parameter can be marked as "
// Alternatively, if a type builder was specified, use that instead.
std::string attrStorageInit =
selfTypeParam == params.end() ? "" : selfTypeParam->getName().str();
if (attrDef->getTypeBuilder()) {
FmtContext ctx;
for (auto &param : params)
ctx.addSubst(strfmt("_{0}", param.getName()), param.getName());
attrStorageInit = tgfmt(*attrDef->getTypeBuilder(), &ctx);
// Initialize members that aren't the attribute's type.
for (auto &param : params)
if (selfTypeParam == params.end() || *selfTypeParam != param)
ctor->addMemberInitializer(param.getName(), param.getName());
} else {
for (auto &param : params)
ctor->addMemberInitializer(param.getName(), param.getName());
void DefGen::emitKeyType() {
std::string keyType("std::tuple<");
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(keyType);
llvm::interleaveComma(params, os,
[&](auto &param) { os << param.getCppType(); });
os << '>';
storageCls->declare<UsingDeclaration>("KeyTy", std::move(os.str()));
void DefGen::emitEquals() {
Method *eq = storageCls->addConstMethod<Method::Inline>(
"bool", "operator==", MethodParameter("const KeyTy &", "tblgenKey"));
auto &body = eq->body().indent();
auto scope = body.scope("return (", ");");
const auto eachFn = [&](auto it) {
FmtContext ctx({{"_lhs", isa<AttributeSelfTypeParameter>(it.value())
? "getType()"
: it.value().getName()},
{"_rhs", strfmt("std::get<{0}>(tblgenKey)", it.index())}});
Optional<StringRef> comparator = it.value().getComparator();
body << tgfmt(comparator ? *comparator : "$_lhs == $_rhs", &ctx);
llvm::interleave(llvm::enumerate(params), body, eachFn, ") && (");
void DefGen::emitHashKey() {
Method *hash = storageCls->addStaticInlineMethod(
"::llvm::hash_code", "hashKey",
MethodParameter("const KeyTy &", "tblgenKey"));
auto &body = hash->body().indent();
auto scope = body.scope("return ::llvm::hash_combine(", ");");
llvm::interleaveComma(llvm::enumerate(params), body, [&](auto it) {
body << llvm::formatv("std::get<{0}>(tblgenKey)", it.index());
void DefGen::emitConstruct() {
Method *construct = storageCls->addMethod<Method::Inline>(
strfmt("{0} *", def.getStorageClassName()), "construct",
def.hasStorageCustomConstructor() ? Method::StaticDeclaration
: Method::Static,
MethodParameter(strfmt("::mlir::{0}StorageAllocator &", valueType),
MethodParameter("const KeyTy &", "tblgenKey"));
if (!def.hasStorageCustomConstructor()) {
auto &body = construct->body().indent();
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(params)) {
body << formatv("auto {0} = std::get<{1}>(tblgenKey);\n",
it.value().getName(), it.index());
// Use the parameters' custom allocator code, if provided.
FmtContext ctx = FmtContext().addSubst("_allocator", "allocator");
for (auto &param : params) {
if (Optional<StringRef> allocCode = param.getAllocator()) {
ctx.withSelf(param.getName()).addSubst("_dst", param.getName());
body << tgfmt(*allocCode, &ctx) << '\n';
auto scope =
body.scope(strfmt("return new (allocator.allocate<{0}>()) {0}(",
llvm::interleaveComma(params, body,
[&](auto &param) { body << param.getName(); });
void DefGen::emitStorageClass() {
// Add the appropriate parent class.
storageCls->addParent(strfmt("::mlir::{0}Storage", valueType));
// Add the constructor.
// Declare the key type.
// Add the comparison method.
// Emit the key hash method.
// Emit the storage constructor. Just declare it if the user wants to define
// it themself.
// Emit the storage class members as public, at the very end of the struct.
for (auto &param : params)
if (!isa<AttributeSelfTypeParameter>(param))
storageCls->declare<Field>(param.getCppType(), param.getName());
// DefGenerator
namespace {
/// This struct is the base generator used when processing tablegen interfaces.
class DefGenerator {
bool emitDecls(StringRef selectedDialect);
bool emitDefs(StringRef selectedDialect);
DefGenerator(std::vector<llvm::Record *> &&defs, raw_ostream &os,
StringRef defType, StringRef valueType, bool isAttrGenerator)
: defRecords(std::move(defs)), os(os), defType(defType),
valueType(valueType), isAttrGenerator(isAttrGenerator) {}
/// Emit the list of def type names.
void emitTypeDefList(ArrayRef<AttrOrTypeDef> defs);
/// Emit the code to dispatch between different defs during parsing/printing.
void emitParsePrintDispatch(ArrayRef<AttrOrTypeDef> defs);
/// The set of def records to emit.
std::vector<llvm::Record *> defRecords;
/// The attribute or type class to emit.
/// The stream to emit to.
raw_ostream &os;
/// The prefix of the tablegen def name, e.g. Attr or Type.
StringRef defType;
/// The C++ base value type of the def, e.g. Attribute or Type.
StringRef valueType;
/// Flag indicating if this generator is for Attributes. False if the
/// generator is for types.
bool isAttrGenerator;
/// A specialized generator for AttrDefs.
struct AttrDefGenerator : public DefGenerator {
AttrDefGenerator(const llvm::RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os)
: DefGenerator(records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("AttrDef"), os, "Attr",
"Attribute", /*isAttrGenerator=*/true) {}
/// A specialized generator for TypeDefs.
struct TypeDefGenerator : public DefGenerator {
TypeDefGenerator(const llvm::RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os)
: DefGenerator(records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("TypeDef"), os, "Type",
"Type", /*isAttrGenerator=*/false) {}
} // end anonymous namespace
// GEN: Declarations
/// Print this above all the other declarations. Contains type declarations used
/// later on.
static const char *const typeDefDeclHeader = R"(
namespace mlir {
class AsmParser;
class AsmPrinter;
} // end namespace mlir
bool DefGenerator::emitDecls(StringRef selectedDialect) {
emitSourceFileHeader((defType + "Def Declarations").str(), os);
IfDefScope scope("GET_" + defType.upper() + "DEF_CLASSES", os);
// Output the common "header".
os << typeDefDeclHeader;
SmallVector<AttrOrTypeDef, 16> defs;
collectAllDefs(selectedDialect, defRecords, defs);
if (defs.empty())
return false;
NamespaceEmitter nsEmitter(os, defs.front().getDialect());
// Declare all the def classes first (in case they reference each other).
for (const AttrOrTypeDef &def : defs)
os << "class " << def.getCppClassName() << ";\n";
// Emit the declarations.
for (const AttrOrTypeDef &def : defs)
// Emit the TypeID explicit specializations to have a single definition for
// each of these.
for (const AttrOrTypeDef &def : defs)
if (!def.getDialect().getCppNamespace().empty())
os << "DECLARE_EXPLICIT_TYPE_ID(" << def.getDialect().getCppNamespace()
<< "::" << def.getCppClassName() << ")\n";
return false;
// GEN: Def List
void DefGenerator::emitTypeDefList(ArrayRef<AttrOrTypeDef> defs) {
IfDefScope scope("GET_" + defType.upper() + "DEF_LIST", os);
auto interleaveFn = [&](const AttrOrTypeDef &def) {
os << def.getDialect().getCppNamespace() << "::" << def.getCppClassName();
llvm::interleave(defs, os, interleaveFn, ",\n");
os << "\n";
// GEN: Definitions
/// The code block for default attribute parser/printer dispatch boilerplate.
/// {0}: the dialect fully qualified class name.
static const char *const dialectDefaultAttrPrinterParserDispatch = R"(
/// Parse an attribute registered to this dialect.
::mlir::Attribute {0}::parseAttribute(::mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser,
::mlir::Type type) const {{
::llvm::SMLoc typeLoc = parser.getCurrentLocation();
::llvm::StringRef attrTag;
if (::mlir::failed(parser.parseKeyword(&attrTag)))
return {{};
::mlir::Attribute attr;
auto parseResult = generatedAttributeParser(parser, attrTag, type, attr);
if (parseResult.hasValue())
return attr;
parser.emitError(typeLoc) << "unknown attribute `"
<< attrTag << "` in dialect `" << getNamespace() << "`";
return {{};
/// Print an attribute registered to this dialect.
void {0}::printAttribute(::mlir::Attribute attr,
::mlir::DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const {{
if (::mlir::succeeded(generatedAttributePrinter(attr, printer)))
/// The code block for default type parser/printer dispatch boilerplate.
/// {0}: the dialect fully qualified class name.
static const char *const dialectDefaultTypePrinterParserDispatch = R"(
/// Parse a type registered to this dialect.
::mlir::Type {0}::parseType(::mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser) const {{
::llvm::SMLoc typeLoc = parser.getCurrentLocation();
::llvm::StringRef mnemonic;
if (parser.parseKeyword(&mnemonic))
return ::mlir::Type();
::mlir::Type genType;
auto parseResult = generatedTypeParser(parser, mnemonic, genType);
if (parseResult.hasValue())
return genType;
parser.emitError(typeLoc) << "unknown type `"
<< mnemonic << "` in dialect `" << getNamespace() << "`";
return {{};
/// Print a type registered to this dialect.
void {0}::printType(::mlir::Type type,
::mlir::DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const {{
if (::mlir::succeeded(generatedTypePrinter(type, printer)))
/// Emit the dialect printer/parser dispatcher. User's code should call these
/// functions from their dialect's print/parse methods.
void DefGenerator::emitParsePrintDispatch(ArrayRef<AttrOrTypeDef> defs) {
if (llvm::none_of(defs, [](const AttrOrTypeDef &def) {
return def.getMnemonic().hasValue();
})) {
// Declare the parser.
SmallVector<MethodParameter> params = {{"::mlir::AsmParser &", "parser"},
{"::llvm::StringRef", "mnemonic"}};
if (isAttrGenerator)
params.emplace_back("::mlir::Type", "type");
params.emplace_back(strfmt("::mlir::{0} &", valueType), "value");
Method parse("::mlir::OptionalParseResult",
strfmt("generated{0}Parser", valueType), Method::StaticInline,
// Declare the printer.
Method printer("::mlir::LogicalResult",
strfmt("generated{0}Printer", valueType), Method::StaticInline,
{{strfmt("::mlir::{0}", valueType), "def"},
{"::mlir::AsmPrinter &", "printer"}});
// The parser dispatch is just a list of if-elses, matching on the mnemonic
// and calling the def's parse function.
const char *const getValueForMnemonic =
R"( if (mnemonic == {0}::getMnemonic()) {{
value = {0}::{1};
return ::mlir::success(!!value);
// The printer dispatch uses llvm::TypeSwitch to find and call the correct
// printer.
printer.body() << " return ::llvm::TypeSwitch<::mlir::" << valueType
<< ", ::mlir::LogicalResult>(def)";
const char *const printValue = R"( .Case<{0}>([&](auto t) {{
printer << {0}::getMnemonic();{1}
return ::mlir::success();
for (auto &def : defs) {
if (!def.getMnemonic())
std::string defClass = strfmt(
"{0}::{1}", def.getDialect().getCppNamespace(), def.getCppClassName());
// If the def has no parameters or parser code, invoke a normal `get`.
std::string parseOrGet =
def.needsParserPrinter() || def.hasGeneratedParser()
? strfmt("parse(parser{0})", isAttrGenerator ? ", type" : "")
: "get(parser.getContext())";
parse.body() << llvm::formatv(getValueForMnemonic, defClass, parseOrGet);
// If the def has no parameters and no printer, just print the mnemonic.
StringRef printDef = "";
if (def.needsParserPrinter() || def.hasGeneratedPrinter())
printDef = "\nt.print(printer);";
printer.body() << llvm::formatv(printValue, defClass, printDef);
parse.body() << " return {};";
printer.body() << " .Default([](auto) { return ::mlir::failure(); });";
raw_indented_ostream indentedOs(os);
bool DefGenerator::emitDefs(StringRef selectedDialect) {
emitSourceFileHeader((defType + "Def Definitions").str(), os);
SmallVector<AttrOrTypeDef, 16> defs;
collectAllDefs(selectedDialect, defRecords, defs);
if (defs.empty())
return false;
IfDefScope scope("GET_" + defType.upper() + "DEF_CLASSES", os);
for (const AttrOrTypeDef &def : defs) {
NamespaceEmitter ns(os, def.getDialect());
DefGen gen(def);
// Emit the TypeID explicit specializations to have a single symbol def.
if (!def.getDialect().getCppNamespace().empty())
os << "DEFINE_EXPLICIT_TYPE_ID(" << def.getDialect().getCppNamespace()
<< "::" << def.getCppClassName() << ")\n";
Dialect firstDialect = defs.front().getDialect();
// Emit the default parser/printer for Attributes if the dialect asked for
// it.
if (valueType == "Attribute" &&
firstDialect.useDefaultAttributePrinterParser()) {
NamespaceEmitter nsEmitter(os, firstDialect);
os << llvm::formatv(dialectDefaultAttrPrinterParserDispatch,
// Emit the default parser/printer for Types if the dialect asked for it.
if (valueType == "Type" && firstDialect.useDefaultTypePrinterParser()) {
NamespaceEmitter nsEmitter(os, firstDialect);
os << llvm::formatv(dialectDefaultTypePrinterParserDispatch,
return false;
// GEN: Registration hooks
// AttrDef
static llvm::cl::OptionCategory attrdefGenCat("Options for -gen-attrdef-*");
static llvm::cl::opt<std::string>
llvm::cl::desc("Generate attributes for this dialect"),
llvm::cl::cat(attrdefGenCat), llvm::cl::CommaSeparated);
static mlir::GenRegistration
genAttrDefs("gen-attrdef-defs", "Generate AttrDef definitions",
[](const llvm::RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
AttrDefGenerator generator(records, os);
return generator.emitDefs(attrDialect);
static mlir::GenRegistration
genAttrDecls("gen-attrdef-decls", "Generate AttrDef declarations",
[](const llvm::RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
AttrDefGenerator generator(records, os);
return generator.emitDecls(attrDialect);
// TypeDef
static llvm::cl::OptionCategory typedefGenCat("Options for -gen-typedef-*");
static llvm::cl::opt<std::string>
llvm::cl::desc("Generate types for this dialect"),
llvm::cl::cat(typedefGenCat), llvm::cl::CommaSeparated);
static mlir::GenRegistration
genTypeDefs("gen-typedef-defs", "Generate TypeDef definitions",
[](const llvm::RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
TypeDefGenerator generator(records, os);
return generator.emitDefs(typeDialect);
static mlir::GenRegistration
genTypeDecls("gen-typedef-decls", "Generate TypeDef declarations",
[](const llvm::RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
TypeDefGenerator generator(records, os);
return generator.emitDecls(typeDialect);