blob: 856297444be13402a698b48a2ac2ee500598b583 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PDL.cpp - Pattern Descriptor Language Dialect ----------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/PDL.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/PDLOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/PDLTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/InferTypeOpInterface.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::pdl;
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/"
// PDLDialect
void PDLDialect::initialize() {
#define GET_OP_LIST
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/"
// PDL Operations
/// Returns true if the given operation is used by a "binding" pdl operation
/// within the main matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`.
static bool hasBindingUseInMatcher(Operation *op, Block *matcherBlock) {
for (OpOperand &use : op->getUses()) {
Operation *user = use.getOwner();
if (user->getBlock() != matcherBlock)
if (isa<AttributeOp, OperandOp, OperandsOp, OperationOp>(user))
return true;
// Only the first operand of RewriteOp may be bound to, i.e. the root
// operation of the pattern.
if (isa<RewriteOp>(user) && use.getOperandNumber() == 0)
return true;
// A result by itself is not binding, it must also be bound.
if (isa<ResultOp, ResultsOp>(user) &&
hasBindingUseInMatcher(user, matcherBlock))
return true;
return false;
/// Returns success if the given operation is used by a "binding" pdl operation
/// within the main matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`. On failure, emits an error
/// with the given context message.
static LogicalResult
verifyHasBindingUseInMatcher(Operation *op,
StringRef bindableContextStr = "`pdl.operation`") {
// If the pattern is not a pattern, there is nothing to do.
if (!isa<PatternOp>(op->getParentOp()))
return success();
if (hasBindingUseInMatcher(op, op->getBlock()))
return success();
return op->emitOpError()
<< "expected a bindable (i.e. " << bindableContextStr
<< ") user when defined in the matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`";
// pdl::ApplyNativeConstraintOp
static LogicalResult verify(ApplyNativeConstraintOp op) {
if (op.getNumOperands() == 0)
return op.emitOpError("expected at least one argument");
return success();
// pdl::ApplyNativeRewriteOp
static LogicalResult verify(ApplyNativeRewriteOp op) {
if (op.getNumOperands() == 0 && op.getNumResults() == 0)
return op.emitOpError("expected at least one argument or result");
return success();
// pdl::AttributeOp
static LogicalResult verify(AttributeOp op) {
Value attrType = op.type();
Optional<Attribute> attrValue = op.value();
if (!attrValue && isa<RewriteOp>(op->getParentOp()))
return op.emitOpError("expected constant value when specified within a "
if (attrValue && attrType)
return op.emitOpError("expected only one of [`type`, `value`] to be set");
return verifyHasBindingUseInMatcher(op);
// pdl::OperandOp
static LogicalResult verify(OperandOp op) {
return verifyHasBindingUseInMatcher(op);
// pdl::OperandsOp
static LogicalResult verify(OperandsOp op) {
return verifyHasBindingUseInMatcher(op);
// pdl::OperationOp
static ParseResult parseOperationOpAttributes(
OpAsmParser &p, SmallVectorImpl<OpAsmParser::OperandType> &attrOperands,
ArrayAttr &attrNamesAttr) {
Builder &builder = p.getBuilder();
SmallVector<Attribute, 4> attrNames;
if (succeeded(p.parseOptionalLBrace())) {
do {
StringAttr nameAttr;
OpAsmParser::OperandType operand;
if (p.parseAttribute(nameAttr) || p.parseEqual() ||
return failure();
} while (succeeded(p.parseOptionalComma()));
if (p.parseRBrace())
return failure();
attrNamesAttr = builder.getArrayAttr(attrNames);
return success();
static void printOperationOpAttributes(OpAsmPrinter &p, OperationOp op,
OperandRange attrArgs,
ArrayAttr attrNames) {
if (attrNames.empty())
p << " {";
interleaveComma(llvm::seq<int>(0, attrNames.size()), p,
[&](int i) { p << attrNames[i] << " = " << attrArgs[i]; });
p << '}';
/// Verifies that the result types of this operation, defined within a
/// `pdl.rewrite`, can be inferred.
static LogicalResult verifyResultTypesAreInferrable(OperationOp op,
OperandRange resultTypes) {
// Functor that returns if the given use can be used to infer a type.
Block *rewriterBlock = op->getBlock();
auto canInferTypeFromUse = [&](OpOperand &use) {
// If the use is within a ReplaceOp and isn't the operation being replaced
// (i.e. is not the first operand of the replacement), we can infer a type.
ReplaceOp replOpUser = dyn_cast<ReplaceOp>(use.getOwner());
if (!replOpUser || use.getOperandNumber() == 0)
return false;
// Make sure the replaced operation was defined before this one.
Operation *replacedOp = replOpUser.operation().getDefiningOp();
return replacedOp->getBlock() != rewriterBlock ||
// Check to see if the uses of the operation itself can be used to infer
// types.
if (llvm::any_of(op.op().getUses(), canInferTypeFromUse))
return success();
// Otherwise, make sure each of the types can be inferred.
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(resultTypes)) {
Operation *resultTypeOp = it.value().getDefiningOp();
assert(resultTypeOp && "expected valid result type operation");
// If the op was defined by a `apply_native_rewrite`, it is guaranteed to be
// usable.
if (isa<ApplyNativeRewriteOp>(resultTypeOp))
// If the type operation was defined in the matcher and constrains the
// result of an input operation, it can be used.
auto constrainsInputOp = [rewriterBlock](Operation *user) {
return user->getBlock() != rewriterBlock && isa<OperationOp>(user);
if (TypeOp typeOp = dyn_cast<TypeOp>(resultTypeOp)) {
if (typeOp.type() || llvm::any_of(typeOp->getUsers(), constrainsInputOp))
} else if (TypesOp typeOp = dyn_cast<TypesOp>(resultTypeOp)) {
if (typeOp.types() || llvm::any_of(typeOp->getUsers(), constrainsInputOp))
return op
.emitOpError("must have inferable or constrained result types when "
"nested within `pdl.rewrite`")
.append("result type #", it.index(), " was not constrained");
return success();
static LogicalResult verify(OperationOp op) {
bool isWithinRewrite = isa<RewriteOp>(op->getParentOp());
if (isWithinRewrite && !
return op.emitOpError("must have an operation name when nested within "
"a `pdl.rewrite`");
ArrayAttr attributeNames = op.attributeNames();
auto attributeValues = op.attributes();
if (attributeNames.size() != attributeValues.size()) {
return op.emitOpError()
<< "expected the same number of attribute values and attribute "
"names, got "
<< attributeNames.size() << " names and " << attributeValues.size()
<< " values";
// If the operation is within a rewrite body and doesn't have type inference,
// ensure that the result types can be resolved.
if (isWithinRewrite && !op.hasTypeInference()) {
if (failed(verifyResultTypesAreInferrable(op, op.types())))
return failure();
return verifyHasBindingUseInMatcher(op, "`pdl.operation` or `pdl.rewrite`");
bool OperationOp::hasTypeInference() {
Optional<StringRef> opName = name();
if (!opName)
return false;
if (auto rInfo = RegisteredOperationName::lookup(*opName, getContext()))
return rInfo->hasInterface<InferTypeOpInterface>();
return false;
// pdl::PatternOp
static LogicalResult verify(PatternOp pattern) {
Region &body = pattern.body();
auto *term = body.front().getTerminator();
if (!isa<RewriteOp>(term)) {
return pattern.emitOpError("expected body to terminate with `pdl.rewrite`")
.append("see terminator defined here");
// Check that all values defined in the top-level pattern are referenced at
// least once in the source tree.
WalkResult result = body.walk([&](Operation *op) -> WalkResult {
if (!isa_and_nonnull<PDLDialect>(op->getDialect())) {
.emitOpError("expected only `pdl` operations within the pattern body")
.append("see non-`pdl` operation defined here");
return WalkResult::interrupt();
return WalkResult::advance();
return failure(result.wasInterrupted());
void PatternOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state,
Optional<StringRef> rootKind, Optional<uint16_t> benefit,
Optional<StringRef> name) {
build(builder, state,
rootKind ? builder.getStringAttr(*rootKind) : StringAttr(),
builder.getI16IntegerAttr(benefit ? *benefit : 0),
name ? builder.getStringAttr(*name) : StringAttr());
/// Returns the rewrite operation of this pattern.
RewriteOp PatternOp::getRewriter() {
return cast<RewriteOp>(body().front().getTerminator());
/// Return the root operation kind that this pattern matches, or None if
/// there isn't a specific root.
Optional<StringRef> PatternOp::getRootKind() {
OperationOp rootOp = cast<OperationOp>(getRewriter().root().getDefiningOp());
// pdl::ReplaceOp
static LogicalResult verify(ReplaceOp op) {
if (op.replOperation() && !op.replValues().empty())
return op.emitOpError() << "expected no replacement values to be provided"
" when the replacement operation is present";
return success();
// pdl::ResultsOp
static ParseResult parseResultsValueType(OpAsmParser &p, IntegerAttr index,
Type &resultType) {
if (!index) {
resultType = RangeType::get(p.getBuilder().getType<ValueType>());
return success();
if (p.parseArrow() || p.parseType(resultType))
return failure();
return success();
static void printResultsValueType(OpAsmPrinter &p, ResultsOp op,
IntegerAttr index, Type resultType) {
if (index)
p << " -> " << resultType;
static LogicalResult verify(ResultsOp op) {
if (!op.index() && op.getType().isa<pdl::ValueType>()) {
return op.emitOpError() << "expected `pdl.range<value>` result type when "
"no index is specified, but got: "
<< op.getType();
return success();
// pdl::RewriteOp
static LogicalResult verify(RewriteOp op) {
Region &rewriteRegion = op.body();
// Handle the case where the rewrite is external.
if ( {
if (!rewriteRegion.empty()) {
return op.emitOpError()
<< "expected rewrite region to be empty when rewrite is external";
return success();
// Otherwise, check that the rewrite region only contains a single block.
if (rewriteRegion.empty()) {
return op.emitOpError() << "expected rewrite region to be non-empty if "
"external name is not specified";
// Check that no additional arguments were provided.
if (!op.externalArgs().empty()) {
return op.emitOpError() << "expected no external arguments when the "
"rewrite is specified inline";
if (op.externalConstParams()) {
return op.emitOpError() << "expected no external constant parameters when "
"the rewrite is specified inline";
return success();
// pdl::TypeOp
static LogicalResult verify(TypeOp op) {
return verifyHasBindingUseInMatcher(
op, "`pdl.attribute`, `pdl.operand`, or `pdl.operation`");
// pdl::TypesOp
static LogicalResult verify(TypesOp op) {
return verifyHasBindingUseInMatcher(op, "`pdl.operands`, or `pdl.operation`");
// TableGen'd op method definitions
#include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/"