blob: 0b58838c24da80075ae285d9f5373d4c02579009 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- RootOrderingTest.cpp - unit tests for optimal branching ------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v[1].0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "../lib/Conversion/PDLToPDLInterp/RootOrdering.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arithmetic/IR/Arithmetic.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::arith;
using namespace mlir::pdl_to_pdl_interp;
namespace {
// Test Fixture
/// The test fixture for constructing root ordering tests and verifying results.
/// This fixture constructs the test values v. The test populates the graph
/// with the desired costs and then calls check(), passing the expected optimal
/// cost and the list of edges in the preorder traversal of the optimal
/// branching.
class RootOrderingTest : public ::testing::Test {
RootOrderingTest() {
/// Creates the test values. These values simply act as vertices / vertex IDs
/// in the cost graph, rather than being a part of an IR.
void createValues() {
OpBuilder builder(&context);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
// Ops will be deleted when `block` is destroyed.
v[i] = builder.create<ConstantIntOp>(builder.getUnknownLoc(), i, 32);
/// Checks that optimal branching on graph has the given cost and
/// its preorder traversal results in the specified edges.
void check(unsigned cost, OptimalBranching::EdgeList edges) {
OptimalBranching opt(graph, v[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(opt.solve(), cost);
EXPECT_EQ(opt.preOrderTraversal({v, v + edges.size()}), edges);
for (std::pair<Value, Value> edge : edges)
EXPECT_EQ(opt.getRootOrderingParents().lookup(edge.first), edge.second);
/// The context for creating the values.
MLIRContext context;
/// Block holding all the operations.
Block block;
/// Values used in the graph definition. We always use leading `n` values.
Value v[4];
/// The graph being tested on.
RootOrderingGraph graph;
// Simple 3-node graphs
TEST_F(RootOrderingTest, simpleA) {
graph[v[1]][v[0]].cost = {1, 10};
graph[v[2]][v[0]].cost = {1, 11};
graph[v[1]][v[2]].cost = {2, 12};
graph[v[2]][v[1]].cost = {2, 13};
check(2, {{v[0], {}}, {v[1], v[0]}, {v[2], v[0]}});
TEST_F(RootOrderingTest, simpleB) {
graph[v[1]][v[0]].cost = {1, 10};
graph[v[2]][v[0]].cost = {2, 11};
graph[v[1]][v[2]].cost = {1, 12};
graph[v[2]][v[1]].cost = {1, 13};
check(2, {{v[0], {}}, {v[1], v[0]}, {v[2], v[1]}});
TEST_F(RootOrderingTest, simpleC) {
graph[v[1]][v[0]].cost = {2, 10};
graph[v[2]][v[0]].cost = {2, 11};
graph[v[1]][v[2]].cost = {1, 12};
graph[v[2]][v[1]].cost = {1, 13};
check(3, {{v[0], {}}, {v[1], v[0]}, {v[2], v[1]}});
// Graph for testing contraction
TEST_F(RootOrderingTest, contraction) {
graph[v[1]][v[0]].cost = {10, 0};
graph[v[2]][v[0]].cost = {5, 0};
graph[v[2]][v[1]].cost = {1, 0};
graph[v[3]][v[2]].cost = {2, 0};
graph[v[1]][v[3]].cost = {3, 0};
check(10, {{v[0], {}}, {v[2], v[0]}, {v[3], v[2]}, {v[1], v[3]}});
} // end namespace