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//===- AffineMap.h - MLIR Affine Map Class ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Affine maps are mathematical functions which map a list of dimension
// identifiers and symbols, to multidimensional affine expressions.
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
struct AffineMapStorage;
} // end namespace detail
class Attribute;
struct LogicalResult;
class MLIRContext;
/// A multi-dimensional affine map
/// Affine map's are immutable like Type's, and they are uniqued.
/// Eg: (d0, d1) -> (d0/128, d0 mod 128, d1)
/// The names used (d0, d1) don't matter - it's the mathematical function that
/// is unique to this affine map.
class AffineMap {
using ImplType = detail::AffineMapStorage;
constexpr AffineMap() : map(nullptr) {}
explicit AffineMap(ImplType *map) : map(map) {}
/// Returns a zero result affine map with no dimensions or symbols: () -> ().
static AffineMap get(MLIRContext *context);
/// Returns a zero result affine map with `dimCount` dimensions and
/// `symbolCount` symbols, e.g.: `(...) -> ()`.
static AffineMap get(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount,
MLIRContext *context);
/// Returns an affine map with `dimCount` dimensions and `symbolCount` mapping
/// to a single output dimension
static AffineMap get(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount,
AffineExpr result);
/// Returns an affine map with `dimCount` dimensions and `symbolCount` mapping
/// to the given results.
static AffineMap get(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount,
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> results, MLIRContext *context);
/// Returns a single constant result affine map.
static AffineMap getConstantMap(int64_t val, MLIRContext *context);
/// Returns an AffineMap with 'numDims' identity result dim exprs.
static AffineMap getMultiDimIdentityMap(unsigned numDims,
MLIRContext *context);
/// Returns an identity affine map (d0, ..., dn) -> (dp, ..., dn) on the most
/// minor dimensions.
static AffineMap getMinorIdentityMap(unsigned dims, unsigned results,
MLIRContext *context);
/// Returns an AffineMap representing a permutation.
/// The permutation is expressed as a non-empty vector of integers.
/// E.g. the permutation `(i,j,k) -> (j,k,i)` will be expressed with
/// `permutation = [1,2,0]`. All values in `permutation` must be
/// integers, in the range 0..`permutation.size()-1` without duplications
/// (i.e. `[1,1,2]` is an invalid permutation).
static AffineMap getPermutationMap(ArrayRef<unsigned> permutation,
MLIRContext *context);
/// Returns a vector of AffineMaps; each with as many results as
/// `exprs.size()`, as many dims as the largest dim in `exprs` and as many
/// symbols as the largest symbol in `exprs`.
static SmallVector<AffineMap, 4>
inferFromExprList(ArrayRef<ArrayRef<AffineExpr>> exprsList);
static SmallVector<AffineMap, 4>
inferFromExprList(ArrayRef<SmallVector<AffineExpr, 4>> exprsList);
MLIRContext *getContext() const;
explicit operator bool() const { return map != nullptr; }
bool operator==(AffineMap other) const { return == map; }
bool operator!=(AffineMap other) const { return !( == map); }
/// Returns true if this affine map is an identity affine map.
/// An identity affine map corresponds to an identity affine function on the
/// dimensional identifiers.
bool isIdentity() const;
/// Returns true if this affine map is a minor identity, i.e. an identity
/// affine map (d0, ..., dn) -> (dp, ..., dn) on the most minor dimensions.
bool isMinorIdentity() const;
/// Returns true if this affine map is a minor identity up to broadcasted
/// dimensions which are indicated by value 0 in the result. If
/// `broadcastedDims` is not null, it will be populated with the indices of
/// the broadcasted dimensions in the result array.
/// Example: affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4) -> (0, d2, 0, d4)>
/// (`broadcastedDims` will contain [0, 2])
bool isMinorIdentityWithBroadcasting(
SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> *broadcastedDims = nullptr) const;
/// Return true if this affine map can be converted to a minor identity with
/// broadcast by doing a permute. Return a permutation (there may be
/// several) to apply to get to a minor identity with broadcasts.
/// Ex:
/// * (d0, d1, d2) -> (0, d1) maps to minor identity (d1, 0 = d2) with
/// perm = [1, 0] and broadcast d2
/// * (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, 0) cannot be mapped to a minor identity by
/// permutation + broadcast
/// * (d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (0, d1, d3) maps to minor identity (d1, 0 = d2, d3)
/// with perm = [1, 0, 2] and broadcast d2
/// * (d0, d1) -> (d1, 0, 0, d0) maps to minor identity (d0, d1) with extra
/// leading broadcat dimensions. The map returned would be (0, 0, d0, d1)
/// with perm = [3, 0, 1, 2]
bool isPermutationOfMinorIdentityWithBroadcasting(
SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &permutedDims) const;
/// Returns true if this affine map is an empty map, i.e., () -> ().
bool isEmpty() const;
/// Returns true if this affine map is a single result constant function.
bool isSingleConstant() const;
/// Returns true if this affine map has only constant results.
bool isConstant() const;
/// Returns the constant result of this map. This methods asserts that the map
/// has a single constant result.
int64_t getSingleConstantResult() const;
/// Returns the constant results of this map. This method asserts that the map
/// has all constant results.
SmallVector<int64_t> getConstantResults() const;
// Prints affine map to 'os'.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
void dump() const;
unsigned getNumDims() const;
unsigned getNumSymbols() const;
unsigned getNumResults() const;
unsigned getNumInputs() const;
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> getResults() const;
AffineExpr getResult(unsigned idx) const;
/// Extracts the position of the dimensional expression at the given result,
/// when the caller knows it is safe to do so.
unsigned getDimPosition(unsigned idx) const;
/// Extracts the permuted position where given input index resides.
/// Fails when called on a non-permutation.
unsigned getPermutedPosition(unsigned input) const;
/// Return true if any affine expression involves AffineDimExpr `position`.
bool isFunctionOfDim(unsigned position) const {
return llvm::any_of(getResults(), [&](AffineExpr e) {
return e.isFunctionOfDim(position);
/// Return true if any affine expression involves AffineSymbolExpr `position`.
bool isFunctionOfSymbol(unsigned position) const {
return llvm::any_of(getResults(), [&](AffineExpr e) {
return e.isFunctionOfSymbol(position);
/// Walk all of the AffineExpr's in this mapping. Each node in an expression
/// tree is visited in postorder.
void walkExprs(std::function<void(AffineExpr)> callback) const;
/// This method substitutes any uses of dimensions and symbols (e.g.
/// dim#0 with dimReplacements[0]) in subexpressions and returns the modified
/// expression mapping. Because this can be used to eliminate dims and
/// symbols, the client needs to specify the number of dims and symbols in
/// the result. The returned map always has the same number of results.
AffineMap replaceDimsAndSymbols(ArrayRef<AffineExpr> dimReplacements,
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> symReplacements,
unsigned numResultDims,
unsigned numResultSyms) const;
/// Sparse replace method. Apply AffineExpr::replace(`expr`, `replacement`) to
/// each of the results and return a new AffineMap with the new results and
/// with the specified number of dims and symbols.
AffineMap replace(AffineExpr expr, AffineExpr replacement,
unsigned numResultDims, unsigned numResultSyms) const;
/// Sparse replace method. Apply AffineExpr::replace(`map`) to each of the
/// results and return a new AffineMap with the new results and with inferred
/// number of dims and symbols.
AffineMap replace(const DenseMap<AffineExpr, AffineExpr> &map) const;
/// Sparse replace method. Apply AffineExpr::replace(`map`) to each of the
/// results and return a new AffineMap with the new results and with the
/// specified number of dims and symbols.
AffineMap replace(const DenseMap<AffineExpr, AffineExpr> &map,
unsigned numResultDims, unsigned numResultSyms) const;
/// Replace dims[offset ... numDims)
/// by dims[offset + shift ... shift + numDims).
AffineMap shiftDims(unsigned shift, unsigned offset = 0) const {
assert(offset <= getNumDims());
return AffineMap::get(getNumDims() + shift, getNumSymbols(),
[&](AffineExpr e) {
return e.shiftDims(getNumDims(), shift, offset);
/// Replace symbols[offset ... numSymbols)
/// by symbols[offset + shift ... shift + numSymbols).
AffineMap shiftSymbols(unsigned shift, unsigned offset = 0) const {
return AffineMap::get(getNumDims(), getNumSymbols() + shift,
[&](AffineExpr e) {
return e.shiftSymbols(getNumSymbols(), shift,
/// Folds the results of the application of an affine map on the provided
/// operands to a constant if possible.
LogicalResult constantFold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operandConstants,
SmallVectorImpl<Attribute> &results) const;
/// Propagates the constant operands into this affine map. Operands are
/// allowed to be null, at which point they are treated as non-constant. This
/// does not change the number of symbols and dimensions. Returns a new map,
/// which may be equal to the old map if no folding happened. If `results` is
/// provided and if all expressions in the map were folded to constants,
/// `results` will contain the values of these constants.
partialConstantFold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operandConstants,
SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> *results = nullptr) const;
/// Returns the AffineMap resulting from composing `this` with `map`.
/// The resulting AffineMap has as many AffineDimExpr as `map` and as many
/// AffineSymbolExpr as the concatenation of `this` and `map` (in which case
/// the symbols of `this` map come first).
/// Prerequisites:
/// The maps are composable, i.e. that the number of AffineDimExpr of `this`
/// matches the number of results of `map`.
/// Example:
/// map1: `(d0, d1)[s0, s1] -> (d0 + 1 + s1, d1 - 1 - s0)`
/// map2: `(d0)[s0] -> (d0 + s0, d0 - s0)`
/// map1.compose(map2):
/// `(d0)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 + s1 + s2 + 1, d0 - s0 - s2 - 1)`
AffineMap compose(AffineMap map) const;
/// Applies composition by the dims of `this` to the integer `values` and
/// returns the resulting values. `this` must be symbol-less.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> compose(ArrayRef<int64_t> values) const;
/// Returns true if the AffineMap represents a subset (i.e. a projection) of a
/// symbol-less permutation map. `allowZeroInResults` allows projected
/// permutation maps with constant zero result expressions.
/// TODO: Remove `allowZeroInResults` when constant zero result expressions
/// are broadly supported.
bool isProjectedPermutation(bool allowZeroInResults = false) const;
/// Returns true if the AffineMap represents a symbol-less permutation map.
bool isPermutation() const;
/// Returns the map consisting of the `resultPos` subset.
AffineMap getSubMap(ArrayRef<unsigned> resultPos) const;
/// Returns the map consisting of `length` expressions starting from `start`.
AffineMap getSliceMap(unsigned start, unsigned length) const;
/// Returns the map consisting of the most major `numResults` results.
/// Returns the null AffineMap if `numResults` == 0.
/// Returns `*this` if `numResults` >= `this->getNumResults()`.
AffineMap getMajorSubMap(unsigned numResults) const;
/// Returns the map consisting of the most minor `numResults` results.
/// Returns the null AffineMap if `numResults` == 0.
/// Returns `*this` if `numResults` >= `this->getNumResults()`.
AffineMap getMinorSubMap(unsigned numResults) const;
friend ::llvm::hash_code hash_value(AffineMap arg);
/// Methods supporting C API.
const void *getAsOpaquePointer() const {
return static_cast<const void *>(map);
static AffineMap getFromOpaquePointer(const void *pointer) {
return AffineMap(reinterpret_cast<ImplType *>(const_cast<void *>(pointer)));
ImplType *map;
static AffineMap getImpl(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount,
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> results, MLIRContext *context);
// Make AffineExpr hashable.
inline ::llvm::hash_code hash_value(AffineMap arg) {
return ::llvm::hash_value(;
/// A mutable affine map. Its affine expressions are however unique.
struct MutableAffineMap {
MutableAffineMap() {}
MutableAffineMap(AffineMap map);
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> getResults() const { return results; }
AffineExpr getResult(unsigned idx) const { return results[idx]; }
void setResult(unsigned idx, AffineExpr result) { results[idx] = result; }
unsigned getNumResults() const { return results.size(); }
unsigned getNumDims() const { return numDims; }
void setNumDims(unsigned d) { numDims = d; }
unsigned getNumSymbols() const { return numSymbols; }
void setNumSymbols(unsigned d) { numSymbols = d; }
MLIRContext *getContext() const { return context; }
/// Returns true if the idx'th result expression is a multiple of factor.
bool isMultipleOf(unsigned idx, int64_t factor) const;
/// Resets this MutableAffineMap with 'map'.
void reset(AffineMap map);
/// Simplify the (result) expressions in this map using analysis (used by
//-simplify-affine-expr pass).
void simplify();
/// Get the AffineMap corresponding to this MutableAffineMap. Note that an
/// AffineMap will be uniqued and stored in context, while a mutable one
/// isn't.
AffineMap getAffineMap() const;
// Same meaning as AffineMap's fields.
SmallVector<AffineExpr, 8> results;
unsigned numDims;
unsigned numSymbols;
/// A pointer to the IR's context to store all newly created
/// AffineExprStorage's.
MLIRContext *context;
/// Simplifies an affine map by simplifying its underlying AffineExpr results.
AffineMap simplifyAffineMap(AffineMap map);
/// Drop the dims that are not used.
AffineMap compressUnusedDims(AffineMap map);
/// Drop the dims that are not used by any of the individual maps in `maps`.
/// Asserts that all maps in `maps` are normalized to the same number of
/// dims and symbols.
SmallVector<AffineMap> compressUnusedDims(ArrayRef<AffineMap> maps);
/// Drop the dims that are not listed in `unusedDims`.
AffineMap compressDims(AffineMap map,
const llvm::SmallDenseSet<unsigned> &unusedDims);
/// Drop the symbols that are not used.
AffineMap compressUnusedSymbols(AffineMap map);
/// Drop the symbols that are not used by any of the individual maps in `maps`.
/// Asserts that all maps in `maps` are normalized to the same number of
/// dims and symbols.
SmallVector<AffineMap> compressUnusedSymbols(ArrayRef<AffineMap> maps);
/// Drop the symbols that are not listed in `unusedSymbols`.
AffineMap compressSymbols(AffineMap map,
const llvm::SmallDenseSet<unsigned> &unusedSymbols);
/// Returns a map with the same dimension and symbol count as `map`, but whose
/// results are the unique affine expressions of `map`.
AffineMap removeDuplicateExprs(AffineMap map);
/// Returns a map of codomain to domain dimensions such that the first codomain
/// dimension for a particular domain dimension is selected.
/// Returns an empty map if the input map is empty.
/// Returns null map (not empty map) if `map` is not invertible (i.e. `map` does
/// not contain a subset that is a permutation of full domain rank).
/// Prerequisites:
/// 1. `map` has no symbols.
/// Example 1:
/// ```mlir
/// (d0, d1, d2) -> (d1, d1, d0, d2, d1, d2, d1, d0)
/// 0 2 3
/// ```
/// returns:
/// ```mlir
/// (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7) -> (d2, d0, d3)
/// ```
/// Example 2:
/// ```mlir
/// (d0, d1, d2) -> (d1, d0 + d1, d0, d2, d1, d2, d1, d0)
/// 0 2 3
/// ```
/// returns:
/// ```mlir
/// (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7) -> (d2, d0, d3)
/// ```
AffineMap inversePermutation(AffineMap map);
/// Return the reverse map of a projected permutation where the projected
/// dimensions are transformed into 0s.
/// Prerequisites: `map` must be a projected permuation.
/// Example 1:
/// ```mlir
/// affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2, d0)>
/// ```
/// returns:
/// ```mlir
/// affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, 0, d0, 0)>
/// ```
/// Example 2:
/// ```mlir
/// affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d3)>
/// ```
/// returns:
/// ```mlir
/// affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, 0, 0, d1)>
/// ```
/// Example 3:
/// ```mlir
/// affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2)>
/// ```
/// returns:
/// ```mlir
/// affine_map<(d0) -> (0, 0, d0, 0)>
/// ```
/// Example 4:
/// ```mlir
/// affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, 0)>
/// ```
/// returns:
/// ```mlir
/// affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, 0, 0)>
/// ```
AffineMap inverseAndBroadcastProjectedPermuation(AffineMap map);
/// Concatenates a list of `maps` into a single AffineMap, stepping over
/// potentially empty maps. Assumes each of the underlying map has 0 symbols.
/// The resulting map has a number of dims equal to the max of `maps`' dims and
/// the concatenated results as its results.
/// Returns an empty map if all input `maps` are empty.
/// Example:
/// When applied to the following list of 3 affine maps,
/// ```mlir
/// {
/// (i, j, k) -> (i, k),
/// (i, j, k) -> (k, j),
/// (i, j, k) -> (i, j)
/// }
/// ```
/// Returns the map:
/// ```mlir
/// (i, j, k) -> (i, k, k, j, i, j)
/// ```
AffineMap concatAffineMaps(ArrayRef<AffineMap> maps);
/// Returns the map that results from projecting out the dimensions specified in
/// `projectedDimensions`. The projected dimensions are set to 0.
/// Example:
/// 1) map : affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
/// projected_dimensions : {2}
/// result : affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
/// 2) map : affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 + d1)>
/// projected_dimensions : {1}
/// result : affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>
/// 3) map : affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
/// projected_dimensions : {1}
/// result : affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, 0)>
/// This function also compresses unused symbols away.
getProjectedMap(AffineMap map,
const llvm::SmallDenseSet<unsigned> &projectedDimensions);
/// Apply a permutation from `map` to `source` and return the result.
template <typename T>
SmallVector<T> applyPermutationMap(AffineMap map, llvm::ArrayRef<T> source) {
assert(map.getNumInputs() == source.size());
SmallVector<T> result;
for (AffineExpr expr : map.getResults()) {
if (auto dimExpr = expr.dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>()) {
} else if (auto constExpr = expr.dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>()) {
assert(constExpr.getValue() == 0 &&
"Unexpected constant in projected permutation map");
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected result in projected permutation map");
return result;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, AffineMap map) {
return os;
} // end namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
// AffineExpr hash just like pointers
template <>
struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::AffineMap> {
static mlir::AffineMap getEmptyKey() {
auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey();
return mlir::AffineMap(static_cast<mlir::AffineMap::ImplType *>(pointer));
static mlir::AffineMap getTombstoneKey() {
auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey();
return mlir::AffineMap(static_cast<mlir::AffineMap::ImplType *>(pointer));
static unsigned getHashValue(mlir::AffineMap val) {
return mlir::hash_value(val);
static bool isEqual(mlir::AffineMap LHS, mlir::AffineMap RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
} // namespace llvm