blob: 87033edc60f863fb678cf06f0c735a305ba81906 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- - Pattern Interpreter Dialect -------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file declares the PDL interpreter dialect ops.
include "mlir/Dialect/PDL/IR/"
include "mlir/Interfaces/"
// PDLInterp Dialect
def PDLInterp_Dialect : Dialect {
let summary = "Interpreted pattern execution dialect";
let description = [{
The PDL Interpreter dialect provides a lower level abstraction compared to
the PDL dialect, and is targeted towards low level optimization and
interpreter code generation. The dialect operations encapsulates
low-level pattern match and rewrite "primitives", such as navigating the
IR (Operation::getOperand), creating new operations (OpBuilder::create),
etc. Many of the operations within this dialect also fuse branching control
flow with some form of a predicate comparison operation. This type of fusion
reduces the amount of work that an interpreter must do when executing.
let name = "pdl_interp";
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::pdl_interp";
let dependentDialects = ["pdl::PDLDialect"];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Returns the name of the function containing the matcher code. This
/// function is called by the interpreter when matching an operation.
static StringRef getMatcherFunctionName() { return "matcher"; }
/// Returns the name of the module containing the rewrite functions. These
/// functions are invoked by distinct patterns within the matcher function
/// to rewrite the IR after a successful match.
static StringRef getRewriterModuleName() { return "rewriters"; }
// PDLInterp Operations
// Generic interpreter operation.
class PDLInterp_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
Op<PDLInterp_Dialect, mnemonic, traits>;
// PDLInterp_PredicateOp
// Check operations evaluate a predicate on a positional value and then
// conditionally branch on the result.
class PDLInterp_PredicateOp<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
PDLInterp_Op<mnemonic, !listconcat([Terminator], traits)> {
let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$trueDest, AnySuccessor:$falseDest);
// PDLInterp_SwitchOp
// Switch operations evaluate a predicate on a positional value and then
// conditionally branch on the result.
class PDLInterp_SwitchOp<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
PDLInterp_Op<mnemonic, !listconcat([Terminator], traits)> {
let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$defaultDest,
let verifier = [{
// Verify that the number of case destinations matches the number of case
// values.
size_t numDests = cases().size();
size_t numValues = caseValues().size();
if (numDests != numValues) {
return emitOpError("expected number of cases to match the number of case "
"values, got ")
<< numDests << " but expected " << numValues;
return success();
// pdl_interp::ApplyConstraintOp
def PDLInterp_ApplyConstraintOp : PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"apply_constraint"> {
let summary = "Apply a constraint to a set of positional values";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.apply_constraint` operations apply a generic constraint, that
has been registered with the interpreter, with a given set of positional
values. The constraint may have any number of constant parameters. On
success, this operation branches to the true destination, otherwise the
false destination is taken.
// Apply `myConstraint` to the entities defined by `input`, `attr`, and
// `op`.
pdl_interp.apply_constraint "myConstraint"[42, "abc", i32](%input, %attr, %op : !pdl.value, !pdl.attribute, !pdl.operation) -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name,
let assemblyFormat = [{
$name ($constParams^)? `(` $args `:` type($args) `)` attr-dict `->`
// pdl_interp::ApplyRewriteOp
def PDLInterp_ApplyRewriteOp : PDLInterp_Op<"apply_rewrite"> {
let summary = "Invoke and apply an externally registered rewrite method";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.apply_rewrite` operations invoke an external rewriter that has
been registered with the interpreter to perform the rewrite after a
successful match. The rewrite is passed a set of positional arguments,
and a set of constant parameters. The rewrite function may return any
number of results.
// Rewriter operating solely on the root operation.
pdl_interp.apply_rewrite "rewriter"(%root : !pdl.operation)
// Rewriter operating solely on the root operation and return an attribute.
%attr = pdl_interp.apply_rewrite "rewriter"(%root : !pdl.operation) : !pdl.attribute
// Rewriter operating on the root operation along with additional arguments
// from the matcher.
pdl_interp.apply_rewrite "rewriter"(%root : !pdl.operation, %value : !pdl.value)
// Rewriter operating on the root operation along with additional arguments
// and constant parameters.
pdl_interp.apply_rewrite "rewriter"[42](%root : !pdl.operation, %value : !pdl.value)
let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name,
let results = (outs Variadic<PDL_AnyType>:$results);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$name ($constParams^)? (`(` $args^ `:` type($args) `)`)?
(`:` type($results)^)? attr-dict
// pdl_interp::AreEqualOp
def PDLInterp_AreEqualOp
: PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"are_equal", [NoSideEffect, SameTypeOperands]> {
let summary = "Check if two positional values or ranges are equivalent";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.are_equal` operations compare two positional values for
equality. On success, this operation branches to the true destination,
otherwise the false destination is taken.
pdl_interp.are_equal %result1, %result2 : !pdl.value -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_AnyType:$lhs, PDL_AnyType:$rhs);
let assemblyFormat = "operands `:` type($lhs) attr-dict `->` successors";
// pdl_interp::BranchOp
def PDLInterp_BranchOp : PDLInterp_Op<"branch", [NoSideEffect, Terminator]> {
let summary = "General branch operation";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.branch` operations expose general branch functionality to the
interpreter, and are generally used to branch from one pattern match
sequence to another.
pdl_interp.branch ^dest
let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$dest);
let assemblyFormat = "$dest attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::CheckAttributeOp
def PDLInterp_CheckAttributeOp
: PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_attribute", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Check the value of an `Attribute`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.check_attribute` operations compare the value of a given
attribute with a constant value. On success, this operation branches to the
true destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
pdl_interp.check_attribute %attr is 10 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Attribute:$attribute, AnyAttr:$constantValue);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$attribute `is` $constantValue attr-dict `->` successors
// pdl_interp::CheckOperandCountOp
def PDLInterp_CheckOperandCountOp
: PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_operand_count", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Check the number of operands of an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.check_operand_count` operations compare the number of operands
of a given operation value with a constant. The comparison is either exact
or at_least, with the latter used to compare against a minimum number of
expected operands. On success, this operation branches to the true
destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
// Check for exact equality.
pdl_interp.check_operand_count of %op is 2 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
// Check for at least N operands.
pdl_interp.check_operand_count of %op is at_least 2 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$count,
let assemblyFormat = [{
`of` $operation `is` (`at_least` $compareAtLeast^)? $count attr-dict
`->` successors
// pdl_interp::CheckOperationNameOp
def PDLInterp_CheckOperationNameOp
: PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_operation_name", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Check the OperationName of an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.check_operation_name` operations compare the name of a given
operation with a known name. On success, this operation branches to the true
destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
pdl_interp.check_operation_name of %op is "foo.op" -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation, StrAttr:$name);
let assemblyFormat = "`of` $operation `is` $name attr-dict `->` successors";
// pdl_interp::CheckResultCountOp
def PDLInterp_CheckResultCountOp
: PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_result_count", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Check the number of results of an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.check_result_count` operations compare the number of results
of a given operation value with a constant. The comparison is either exact
or at_least, with the latter used to compare against a minimum number of
expected results. On success, this operation branches to the true
destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
// Check for exact equality.
pdl_interp.check_result_count of %op is 2 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
// Check for at least N results.
pdl_interp.check_result_count of %op is at_least 2 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$count,
let assemblyFormat = [{
`of` $operation `is` (`at_least` $compareAtLeast^)? $count attr-dict
`->` successors
// pdl_interp::CheckTypeOp
def PDLInterp_CheckTypeOp
: PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Compare a type to a known value";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.check_type` operations compare a type with a statically known
type. On success, this operation branches to the true destination, otherwise
the false destination is taken.
pdl_interp.check_type %type is i32 -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Type:$value, TypeAttr:$type);
let assemblyFormat = "$value `is` $type attr-dict `->` successors";
// pdl_interp::CheckTypesOp
def PDLInterp_CheckTypesOp
: PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"check_types", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Compare a range of types to a range of known values";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.check_types` operations compare a range of types with a
statically known range of types. On success, this operation branches
to the true destination, otherwise the false destination is taken.
pdl_interp.check_types %type are [i32, i64] -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_RangeOf<PDL_Type>:$value,
let assemblyFormat = "$value `are` $types attr-dict `->` successors";
// pdl_interp::ContinueOp
def PDLInterp_ContinueOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"continue", [NoSideEffect, HasParent<"ForEachOp">,
Terminator]> {
let summary = "Breaks the current iteration";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.continue` operation breaks the current iteration within the
`pdl_interp.foreach` region and continues with the next iteration from
the beginning of the region.
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::CreateAttributeOp
def PDLInterp_CreateAttributeOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"create_attribute", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Create an interpreter handle to a constant `Attribute`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.create_attribute` operations generate a handle within the
interpreter for a specific constant attribute value.
%attr = pdl_interp.create_attribute 10 : i64
let arguments = (ins AnyAttr:$value);
let results = (outs PDL_Attribute:$attribute);
let assemblyFormat = "$value attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Attribute":$value), [{
build($_builder, $_state, $_builder.getType<pdl::AttributeType>(), value);
// pdl_interp::CreateOperationOp
def PDLInterp_CreateOperationOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"create_operation", [AttrSizedOperandSegments]> {
let summary = "Create an instance of a specific `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.create_operation` operations create an `Operation` instance with
the specified attributes, operands, and result types. See `pdl.operation`
for a more detailed description on the interpretation of the arguments to
this operation.
// Create an instance of a `foo.op` operation.
%op = pdl_interp.create_operation "foo.op"(%arg0 : !pdl.value) {"attrA" = %attr0} -> (%type : !pdl.type)
let arguments = (ins StrAttr:$name,
let results = (outs PDL_Operation:$operation);
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "StringRef":$name, "ValueRange":$types,
"ValueRange":$operands, "ValueRange":$attributes,
"ArrayAttr":$attributeNames), [{
build($_builder, $_state, $_builder.getType<pdl::OperationType>(), name,
operands, attributes, attributeNames, types);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$name (`(` $operands^ `:` type($operands) `)`)?
custom<CreateOperationOpAttributes>($attributes, $attributeNames)
(`->` `(` $types^ `:` type($types) `)`)? attr-dict
// pdl_interp::CreateTypeOp
def PDLInterp_CreateTypeOp : PDLInterp_Op<"create_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Create an interpreter handle to a constant `Type`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.create_type` operations generate a handle within the interpreter
for a specific constant type value.
pdl_interp.create_type i64
let arguments = (ins TypeAttr:$value);
let results = (outs PDL_Type:$result);
let assemblyFormat = "$value attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "TypeAttr":$type), [{
build($_builder, $_state, $_builder.getType<pdl::TypeType>(), type);
// pdl_interp::CreateTypesOp
def PDLInterp_CreateTypesOp : PDLInterp_Op<"create_types", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Create an interpreter handle to a range of constant `Type`s";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.create_types` operations generate a handle within the
interpreter for a specific range of constant type values.
pdl_interp.create_types [i64, i64]
let arguments = (ins TypeArrayAttr:$value);
let results = (outs PDL_RangeOf<PDL_Type>:$result);
let assemblyFormat = "$value attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::EraseOp
def PDLInterp_EraseOp : PDLInterp_Op<"erase"> {
let summary = "Mark an operation as `erased`";
let description = [{
`pdl.erase` operations are used to specify that an operation should be
marked as erased. The semantics of this operation correspond with the
`eraseOp` method on a `PatternRewriter`.
pdl_interp.erase %root
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation);
let assemblyFormat = "$operation attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::ExtractOp
def PDLInterp_ExtractOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"extract", [NoSideEffect,
"`range` is a PDL range whose element type matches type of `result`",
"result", "range", "pdl::RangeType::get($_self)">]> {
let summary = "Extract the item at the specified index in a range";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.extract` operations are used to extract an item from a range
at the specified index. If the index is out of range, returns null.
// Extract the value at index 1 from a range of values.
%ops = pdl_interp.extract 1 of %values : !pdl.value
let arguments = (ins PDL_RangeOf<PDL_AnyType>:$range,
Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$index);
let results = (outs PDL_AnyType:$result);
let assemblyFormat = "$index `of` $range `:` type($result) attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$range, "unsigned":$index), [{
build($_builder, $_state,
range, index);
// pdl_interp::FinalizeOp
def PDLInterp_FinalizeOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"finalize", [NoSideEffect, Terminator]> {
let summary = "Finalize a pattern match or rewrite sequence";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.finalize` is used to denote the termination of a match or
rewrite sequence.
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::ForEachOp
def PDLInterp_ForEachOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"foreach", [Terminator]> {
let summary = "Iterates over a range of values or ranges";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.foreach` iteratively selects an element from a range of values
and executes the region until pdl.continue is reached.
In the bytecode interpreter, this operation is implemented by looping over
the values and, for each selection, running the bytecode until we reach
pdl.continue. This may result in multiple matches being reported. Note
that the input range is mutated (popped from).
pdl_interp.foreach %op : !pdl.operation in %ops {
} -> ^next
let arguments = (ins PDL_RangeOf<PDL_AnyType>:$values);
let regions = (region AnyRegion:$region);
let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$successor);
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$range, "Block *":$successor, "bool":$initLoop)>
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Returns the loop variable.
BlockArgument getLoopVariable() { return region().getArgument(0); }
let parser = [{ return ::parseForEachOp(parser, result); }];
let printer = [{ return ::print(p, *this); }];
let verifier = [{ return ::verify(*this); }];
// pdl_interp::GetAttributeOp
def PDLInterp_GetAttributeOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_attribute", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Get a specified attribute value from an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_attribute` operations try to get a specific attribute from
an operation. If the operation does not have that attribute, a null value is
%attr = pdl_interp.get_attribute "attr" of %op
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
let results = (outs PDL_Attribute:$attribute);
let assemblyFormat = "$name `of` $operation attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::GetAttributeTypeOp
def PDLInterp_GetAttributeTypeOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"get_attribute_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Get the result type of a specified `Attribute`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_attribute_type` operations get the resulting type of a
specific attribute.
%type = pdl_interp.get_attribute_type of %attr
let arguments = (ins PDL_Attribute:$value);
let results = (outs PDL_Type:$result);
let assemblyFormat = "`of` $value attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$value), [{
build($_builder, $_state, $_builder.getType<pdl::TypeType>(), value);
// pdl_interp::GetDefiningOpOp
def PDLInterp_GetDefiningOpOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"get_defining_op", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Get the defining operation of a `Value`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_defining_op` operations try to get the defining operation
of a specific value or range of values. In the case of range, the defining
op of the first value is returned. If the value is not an operation result
or range of operand results, null is returned.
%op = pdl_interp.get_defining_op of %value : !pdl.value
let arguments = (ins PDL_InstOrRangeOf<PDL_Value>:$value);
let results = (outs PDL_Operation:$operation);
let assemblyFormat = "`of` $value `:` type($value) attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::GetOperandOp
def PDLInterp_GetOperandOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_operand", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Get a specified operand from an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_operand` operations try to get a specific operand from an
operation If the operation does not have an operand for the given index, a
null value is returned.
%operand = pdl_interp.get_operand 1 of %op
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$index);
let results = (outs PDL_Value:$value);
let assemblyFormat = "$index `of` $operation attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::GetOperandsOp
def PDLInterp_GetOperandsOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_operands", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Get a specified operand group from an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_operands` operations try to get a specific operand
group from an operation. If the expected result is a single Value, null is
returned if the operand group is not of size 1. If a range is expected,
null is returned if the operand group is invalid. If no index is provided,
the returned operand group corresponds to all operands of the operation.
// Get the first group of operands from an operation, and expect a single
// element.
%operand = pdl_interp.get_operands 0 of %op : !pdl.value
// Get the first group of operands from an operation.
%operands = pdl_interp.get_operands 0 of %op : !pdl.range<value>
// Get all of the operands from an operation.
%operands = pdl_interp.get_operands of %op : !pdl.range<value>
let arguments = (ins
OptionalAttr<Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>>:$index
let results = (outs PDL_InstOrRangeOf<PDL_Value>:$value);
let assemblyFormat = "($index^)? `of` $operation `:` type($value) attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Type":$resultType, "Value":$operation,
"Optional<unsigned>":$index), [{
build($_builder, $_state, resultType, operation,
index ? $_builder.getI32IntegerAttr(*index) : IntegerAttr());
// pdl_interp::GetResultOp
def PDLInterp_GetResultOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_result", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Get a specified result from an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_result` operations try to get a specific result from an
operation. If the operation does not have a result for the given index, a
null value is returned.
%result = pdl_interp.get_result 1 of %op
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$index);
let results = (outs PDL_Value:$value);
let assemblyFormat = "$index `of` $operation attr-dict";
// pdl_interp::GetResultsOp
def PDLInterp_GetResultsOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_results", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Get a specified result group from an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_results` operations try to get a specific result group
from an operation. If the expected result is a single Value, null is
returned if the result group is not of size 1. If a range is expected,
null is returned if the result group is invalid. If no index is provided,
the returned operand group corresponds to all results of the operation.
// Get the first group of results from an operation, and expect a single
// element.
%result = pdl_interp.get_results 0 of %op : !pdl.value
// Get the first group of results from an operation.
%results = pdl_interp.get_results 0 of %op : !pdl.range<value>
// Get all of the results from an operation.
%results = pdl_interp.get_results of %op : !pdl.range<value>
let arguments = (ins
OptionalAttr<Confined<I32Attr, [IntNonNegative]>>:$index
let results = (outs PDL_InstOrRangeOf<PDL_Value>:$value);
let assemblyFormat = "($index^)? `of` $operation `:` type($value) attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Type":$resultType, "Value":$operation,
"Optional<unsigned>":$index), [{
build($_builder, $_state, resultType, operation,
index ? $_builder.getI32IntegerAttr(*index) : IntegerAttr());
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$operation), [{
build($_builder, $_state,
pdl::RangeType::get($_builder.getType<pdl::ValueType>()), operation,
// pdl_interp::GetUsersOp
def PDLInterp_GetUsersOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"get_users", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Get the users of a `Value`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_users` extracts the users that accept this value. In the
case of a range, the union of users of the all the values are returned,
similarly to ResultRange::getUsers.
// Get all the users of a single value.
%ops = pdl_interp.get_users of %value : !pdl.value
// Get all the users of the first value in a range.
%ops = pdl_interp.get_users of %values : !pdl.range<value>
let arguments = (ins PDL_InstOrRangeOf<PDL_Value>:$value);
let results = (outs PDL_RangeOf<PDL_Operation>:$operations);
let assemblyFormat = "`of` $value `:` type($value) attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$value), [{
build($_builder, $_state,
// pdl_interp::GetValueTypeOp
def PDLInterp_GetValueTypeOp : PDLInterp_Op<"get_value_type", [NoSideEffect,
TypesMatchWith<"`value` type matches arity of `result`",
"result", "value", "getGetValueTypeOpValueType($_self)">]> {
let summary = "Get the result type of a specified `Value`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.get_value_type` operations get the resulting type of a specific
value or range thereof.
// Get the type of a single value.
%type = pdl_interp.get_value_type of %value : !pdl.type
// Get the types of a value range.
%type = pdl_interp.get_value_type of %values : !pdl.range<type>
let arguments = (ins PDL_InstOrRangeOf<PDL_Value>:$value);
let results = (outs PDL_InstOrRangeOf<PDL_Type>:$result);
let assemblyFormat = "`of` $value `:` type($result) attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$value), [{
Type valType = value.getType();
Type typeType = $_builder.getType<pdl::TypeType>();
build($_builder, $_state,
valType.isa<pdl::RangeType>() ? pdl::RangeType::get(typeType)
: typeType,
// pdl_interp::InferredTypesOp
def PDLInterp_InferredTypesOp : PDLInterp_Op<"inferred_types"> {
let summary = "Generate a handle to a range of Types that are \"inferred\"";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.inferred_types` operations generate handles to ranges of types
that should be inferred. This signals to other operations, such as
`pdl_interp.create_operation`, that these types should be inferred.
%types = pdl_interp.inferred_types
let results = (outs PDL_RangeOf<PDL_Type>:$type);
let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins), [{
build($_builder, $_state,
// pdl_interp::IsNotNullOp
def PDLInterp_IsNotNullOp
: PDLInterp_PredicateOp<"is_not_null", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Check if a positional value is non-null";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.is_not_null` operations check that a positional value or range
exists. For ranges, this does not mean that the range was simply empty. On
success, this operation branches to the true destination. Otherwise, the
false destination is taken.
pdl_interp.is_not_null %value : !pdl.value -> ^matchDest, ^failureDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_AnyType:$value);
let assemblyFormat = "$value `:` type($value) attr-dict `->` successors";
// pdl_interp::RecordMatchOp
def PDLInterp_RecordMatchOp
: PDLInterp_Op<"record_match", [AttrSizedOperandSegments, Terminator]> {
let summary = "Record the metadata for a successful pattern match";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.record_match` operations record a successful pattern match with
the interpreter and branch to the next part of the matcher. The metadata
recorded by these operations correspond to a specific `pdl.pattern`, as well
as what values were used during that match that should be propagated to the
pdl_interp.record_match @rewriters::myRewriter(%root : !pdl.operation) : benefit(1), loc([%root, %op1]), root("foo.op") -> ^nextDest
let arguments = (ins Variadic<PDL_AnyType>:$inputs,
Confined<I16Attr, [IntNonNegative]>:$benefit);
let successors = (successor AnySuccessor:$dest);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$rewriter (`(` $inputs^ `:` type($inputs) `)`)? `:`
`benefit` `(` $benefit `)` `,`
(`generatedOps` `(` $generatedOps^ `)` `,`)?
`loc` `(` `[` $matchedOps `]` `)`
(`,` `root` `(` $rootKind^ `)`)? attr-dict `->` $dest
// pdl_interp::ReplaceOp
def PDLInterp_ReplaceOp : PDLInterp_Op<"replace"> {
let summary = "Mark an operation as `replace`d";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.replaced` operations are used to specify that an operation
should be marked as replaced. The semantics of this operation correspond
with the `replaceOp` method on a `PatternRewriter`. The set of replacement
values must match the number of results specified by the operation.
// Replace root node with 2 values:
pdl_interp.replace %root with (%val0, %val1 : !pdl.type, !pdl.type)
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operation `with` ` ` `(` ($replValues^ `:` type($replValues))? `)`
// pdl_interp::SwitchAttributeOp
def PDLInterp_SwitchAttributeOp
: PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_attribute", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Switch on the value of an `Attribute`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.switch_attribute` operations compare the value of a given
attribute with a set of constant attributes. If the value matches one of the
provided case values the destination for that case value is taken, otherwise
the default destination is taken.
pdl_interp.switch_attribute %attr to [10, true](^10Dest, ^trueDest) -> ^defaultDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Attribute:$attribute, ArrayAttr:$caseValues);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$attribute `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$attribute, "ArrayRef<Attribute>":$caseValues,
"Block *":$defaultDest, "BlockRange":$dests), [{
build($_builder, $_state, attribute, $_builder.getArrayAttr(caseValues),
defaultDest, dests);
// pdl_interp::SwitchOperandCountOp
def PDLInterp_SwitchOperandCountOp
: PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_operand_count", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Switch on the operand count of an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.switch_operand_count` operations compare the operand count of a
given operation with a set of potential counts. If the value matches one of
the provided case values the destination for that case value is taken,
otherwise the default destination is taken.
pdl_interp.switch_operand_count of %op to [10, 2] -> ^10Dest, ^2Dest, ^defaultDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation, I32ElementsAttr:$caseValues);
let assemblyFormat = [{
`of` $operation `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$operation, "ArrayRef<int32_t>":$counts,
"Block *":$defaultDest, "BlockRange":$dests), [{
build($_builder, $_state, operation, $_builder.getI32VectorAttr(counts),
defaultDest, dests);
// pdl_interp::SwitchOperationNameOp
def PDLInterp_SwitchOperationNameOp
: PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_operation_name", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Switch on the OperationName of an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.switch_operation_name` operations compare the name of a given
operation with a set of known names. If the value matches one of the
provided case values the destination for that case value is taken, otherwise
the default destination is taken.
pdl_interp.switch_operation_name of %op to ["foo.op", "bar.op"](^fooDest, ^barDest) -> ^defaultDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation,
let assemblyFormat = [{
`of` $operation `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$operation, "ArrayRef<OperationName>":$names,
"Block *":$defaultDest, "BlockRange":$dests), [{
auto stringNames = llvm::to_vector<8>(llvm::map_range(names,
[](OperationName name) { return name.getStringRef(); }));
build($_builder, $_state, operation, $_builder.getStrArrayAttr(stringNames),
defaultDest, dests);
// pdl_interp::SwitchResultCountOp
def PDLInterp_SwitchResultCountOp
: PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_result_count", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Switch on the result count of an `Operation`";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.switch_result_count` operations compare the result count of a
given operation with a set of potential counts. If the value matches one of
the provided case values the destination for that case value is taken,
otherwise the default destination is taken.
pdl_interp.switch_result_count of %op to [0, 2](^0Dest, ^2Dest) -> ^defaultDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Operation:$operation, I32ElementsAttr:$caseValues);
let assemblyFormat = [{
`of` $operation `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$operation, "ArrayRef<int32_t>":$counts,
"Block *":$defaultDest, "BlockRange":$dests), [{
build($_builder, $_state, operation, $_builder.getI32VectorAttr(counts),
defaultDest, dests);
// pdl_interp::SwitchTypeOp
def PDLInterp_SwitchTypeOp : PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_type", [NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Switch on a `Type` value";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.switch_type` operations compare a type with a set of statically
known types. If the value matches one of the provided case values the
destination for that case value is taken, otherwise the default destination
is taken.
pdl_interp.switch_type %type to [i32, i64] -> ^i32Dest, ^i64Dest, ^defaultDest
let arguments = (ins PDL_Type:$value, TypeArrayAttr:$caseValues);
let assemblyFormat = [{
$value `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$edge, "ArrayRef<Attribute>":$types,
"Block *":$defaultDest, "BlockRange":$dests), [{
build($_builder, $_state, edge, $_builder.getArrayAttr(types),
defaultDest, dests);
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
auto getCaseTypes() { return caseValues().getAsValueRange<TypeAttr>(); }
// pdl_interp::SwitchTypesOp
def PDLInterp_SwitchTypesOp : PDLInterp_SwitchOp<"switch_types",
[NoSideEffect]> {
let summary = "Switch on a range of `Type` values";
let description = [{
`pdl_interp.switch_types` operations compare a range of types with a set of
statically known ranges. If the value matches one of the provided case
values the destination for that case value is taken, otherwise the default
destination is taken.
pdl_interp.switch_types %type is [[i32], [i64, i64]] -> ^i32Dest, ^i64Dest, ^defaultDest
let arguments = (ins
TypedArrayAttrBase<TypeArrayAttr, "type-array array attribute">:$caseValues
let assemblyFormat = [{
$value `to` $caseValues `(` $cases `)` attr-dict `->` $defaultDest
let builders = [
OpBuilder<(ins "Value":$edge, "ArrayRef<Attribute>":$types,
"Block *":$defaultDest, "BlockRange":$dests), [{
build($_builder, $_state, edge, $_builder.getArrayAttr(types),
defaultDest, dests);
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
auto getCaseTypes() { return caseValues().getAsRange<ArrayAttr>(); }