blob: 31f1b6de18c4e01cb1b0c8ecaf1bf21789d41c5e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt %s -mlir-disable-threading=true -pass-pipeline="builtin.module(func.func(test-matchers))" -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
func.func @test1(%a: f32, %b: f32, %c: f32) {
%0 = arith.addf %a, %b: f32
%1 = arith.addf %a, %c: f32
%2 = arith.addf %c, %b: f32
%3 = arith.mulf %a, %2: f32
%4 = arith.mulf %3, %1: f32
%5 = arith.mulf %4, %4: f32
%6 = arith.mulf %5, %5: f32
// CHECK-LABEL: test1
// CHECK: Pattern add(*) matched 3 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(*) matched 4 times
// CHECK: Pattern add(add(*), *) matched 0 times
// CHECK: Pattern add(*, add(*)) matched 0 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(add(*), *) matched 0 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(*, add(*)) matched 2 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(mul(*), *) matched 3 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(mul(*), mul(*)) matched 2 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(mul(mul(*), mul(*)), mul(mul(*), mul(*))) matched 1 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(mul(mul(mul(*), add(*)), mul(*)), mul(mul(*, add(*)), mul(*, add(*)))) matched 1 times
// CHECK: Pattern add(a, b) matched 1 times
// CHECK: Pattern add(a, c) matched 1 times
// CHECK: Pattern add(b, a) matched 0 times
// CHECK: Pattern add(c, a) matched 0 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(a, add(c, b)) matched 1 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(a, add(b, c)) matched 0 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(mul(a, *), add(a, c)) matched 1 times
// CHECK: Pattern mul(mul(a, *), add(c, b)) matched 0 times
func.func @test2(%a: f32) -> f32 {
%0 = arith.constant 1.0: f32
%1 = arith.addf %a, %0: f32
%2 = arith.mulf %a, %1: f32
return %2: f32
// CHECK-LABEL: test2
// CHECK: Pattern add(add(a, constant), a) matched and bound constant to: 1.000000e+00
// CHECK: Pattern add(add(a, constant), a) matched
func.func @test3(%a: f32) -> f32 {
%0 = ""() {value = 1.0 : f32} : () -> f32
%1 = arith.addf %a, %0: f32
%2 = arith.mulf %a, %1 fastmath<fast>: f32
return %2: f32
// CHECK-LABEL: test3
// CHECK: Pattern mul(*, add(*, m_Op(""))) matched
// CHECK: Pattern m_Attr("fastmath") matched and bound value to: fast