blob: 11fa261faccf07465b95e0ed86079acf86171db0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Class.h - Helper classes for C++ code emission -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines several classes for C++ code emission. They are only
// expected to be used by MLIR TableGen backends.
// We emit the declarations and definitions into separate files: * and
// * The former is to be included in the dialect *.h and the latter for
// dialect *.cpp. This way provides a cleaner interface.
// In order to do this split, we need to track method signature and
// implementation logic separately. Signature information is used for both
// declaration and definition, while implementation logic is only for
// definition. So we have the following classes for C++ code emission.
#include "mlir/Support/IndentedOstream.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/CodeGenHelpers.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
namespace mlir {
namespace tblgen {
class FmtObjectBase;
/// This class contains a single method parameter for a C++ function.
class MethodParameter {
/// Create a method parameter with a C++ type, parameter name, and an optional
/// default value. Marking a parameter as "optional" is a cosmetic effect on
/// the generated code.
template <typename TypeT, typename NameT, typename DefaultT>
MethodParameter(TypeT &&type, NameT &&name, DefaultT &&defaultValue,
bool optional = false)
: type(stringify(std::forward<TypeT>(type))),
optional(optional) {}
/// Create a method parameter with a C++ type, parameter name, and no default
/// value.
template <typename TypeT, typename NameT>
MethodParameter(TypeT &&type, NameT &&name, bool optional = false)
: MethodParameter(std::forward<TypeT>(type), std::forward<NameT>(name),
/*defaultValue=*/"", optional) {}
/// Write the parameter as part of a method declaration.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// Write the parameter as part of a method definition.
void writeDefTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// Get the C++ type.
StringRef getType() const { return type; }
/// Returns true if the parameter has a default value.
bool hasDefaultValue() const { return !defaultValue.empty(); }
/// The C++ type.
std::string type;
/// The variable name.
std::string name;
/// An optional default value. The default value exists if the string is not
/// empty.
std::string defaultValue;
/// Whether the parameter should be indicated as "optional".
bool optional;
/// This class contains a list of method parameters for constructor, class
/// methods, and method signatures.
class MethodParameters {
/// Create a list of method parameters.
MethodParameters(std::initializer_list<MethodParameter> parameters)
: parameters(parameters) {}
MethodParameters(SmallVector<MethodParameter> parameters)
: parameters(std::move(parameters)) {}
/// Write the parameters as part of a method declaration.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// Write the parameters as part of a method definition.
void writeDefTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// Determine whether this list of parameters "subsumes" another, which occurs
/// when this parameter list is identical to the other and has zero or more
/// additional default-valued parameters.
bool subsumes(const MethodParameters &other) const;
/// Return the number of parameters.
unsigned getNumParameters() const { return parameters.size(); }
/// The list of parameters.
SmallVector<MethodParameter> parameters;
/// This class contains the signature of a C++ method, including the return
/// type. method name, and method parameters.
class MethodSignature {
/// Create a method signature with a return type, a method name, and a list of
/// parameters. Take ownership of the list.
template <typename RetTypeT, typename NameT>
MethodSignature(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name,
SmallVector<MethodParameter> &&parameters)
: returnType(stringify(std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType))),
parameters(std::move(parameters)) {}
/// Create a method signature with a return type, a method name, and a list of
/// parameters.
template <typename RetTypeT, typename NameT>
MethodSignature(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name,
ArrayRef<MethodParameter> parameters)
: MethodSignature(std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType),
parameters.end())) {}
/// Create a method signature with a return type, a method name, and a
/// variadic list of parameters.
template <typename RetTypeT, typename NameT, typename... Parameters>
MethodSignature(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name, Parameters &&...parameters)
: MethodSignature(std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType),
{std::forward<Parameters>(parameters)...})) {}
/// Determine whether a method with this signature makes a method with
/// `other` signature redundant. This occurs if the signatures have the same
/// name and this signature's parameteres subsume the other's.
/// A method that makes another method redundant with a different return type
/// can replace the other, the assumption being that the subsuming method
/// provides a more resolved return type, e.g. IntegerAttr vs. Attribute.
bool makesRedundant(const MethodSignature &other) const;
/// Get the name of the method.
StringRef getName() const { return methodName; }
/// Get the number of parameters.
unsigned getNumParameters() const { return parameters.getNumParameters(); }
/// Write the signature as part of a method declaration.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// Write the signature as part of a method definition. `namePrefix` is to be
/// prepended to the method name (typically namespaces for qualifying the
/// method definition).
void writeDefTo(raw_indented_ostream &os, StringRef namePrefix) const;
/// The method's C++ return type.
std::string returnType;
/// The method name.
std::string methodName;
/// The method's parameter list.
MethodParameters parameters;
/// This class contains the body of a C++ method.
class MethodBody {
/// Create a method body, indicating whether it should be elided for methods
/// that are declaration-only.
MethodBody(bool declOnly);
/// Define a move constructor to correctly initialize the streams.
MethodBody(MethodBody &&other)
: declOnly(other.declOnly), body(std::move(other.body)), stringOs(body),
os(stringOs) {}
/// Define a move assignment operator. `raw_ostream` has deleted assignment
/// operators, so reinitialize the whole object.
MethodBody &operator=(MethodBody &&body) {
new (this) MethodBody(std::move(body));
return *this;
/// Write a value to the method body.
template <typename ValueT>
MethodBody &operator<<(ValueT &&value) {
if (!declOnly) {
os << std::forward<ValueT>(value);
return *this;
/// Write the method body to the output stream. The body can be written as
/// part of the declaration of an inline method or just in the definition.
void writeTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// Indent the output stream.
MethodBody &indent() {
return *this;
/// Unindent the output stream.
MethodBody &unindent() {
return *this;
/// Create a delimited scope: immediately print `open`, indent if `indent` is
/// true, and print `close` on object destruction.
scope(StringRef open = "", StringRef close = "", bool indent = false) {
return os.scope(open, close, indent);
/// Get the underlying indented output stream.
raw_indented_ostream &getStream() { return os; }
/// Whether the body should be elided.
bool declOnly;
/// The body data.
std::string body;
/// The string output stream.
llvm::raw_string_ostream stringOs;
/// An indented output stream for formatting input.
raw_indented_ostream os;
/// A class declaration is a class element that appears as part of its
/// declaration.
class ClassDeclaration {
virtual ~ClassDeclaration() = default;
/// Kinds for LLVM-style RTTI.
enum Kind {
/// Create a class declaration with a given kind.
ClassDeclaration(Kind kind) : kind(kind) {}
/// Get the class declaration kind.
Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
/// Write the declaration.
virtual void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const = 0;
/// Write the definition, if any. `namePrefix` is the namespace prefix, which
/// may contains a class name.
virtual void writeDefTo(raw_indented_ostream &os,
StringRef namePrefix) const {}
/// The class declaration kind.
Kind kind;
/// Base class for class declarations.
template <ClassDeclaration::Kind DeclKind>
class ClassDeclarationBase : public ClassDeclaration {
using Base = ClassDeclarationBase<DeclKind>;
ClassDeclarationBase() : ClassDeclaration(DeclKind) {}
static bool classof(const ClassDeclaration *other) {
return other->getKind() == DeclKind;
/// Class for holding an op's method for C++ code emission
class Method : public ClassDeclarationBase<ClassDeclaration::Method> {
/// Properties (qualifiers) of class methods. Bitfield is used here to help
/// querying properties.
enum Properties {
None = 0x0,
Static = 0x1,
Constructor = 0x2,
Private = 0x4,
Declaration = 0x8,
Inline = 0x10,
ConstexprValue = 0x20,
Const = 0x40,
Constexpr = ConstexprValue | Inline,
StaticDeclaration = Static | Declaration,
StaticInline = Static | Inline,
ConstInline = Const | Inline,
ConstDeclaration = Const | Declaration
/// Create a method with a return type, a name, method properties, and a some
/// parameters. The parameteres may be passed as a list or as a variadic pack.
template <typename RetTypeT, typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name, Properties properties,
Args &&...args)
: properties(properties),
std::forward<NameT>(name), std::forward<Args>(args)...),
methodBody(properties & Declaration) {}
/// Create a method with a return type, a name, method properties, and a list
/// of parameters.
Method(StringRef retType, StringRef name, Properties properties,
std::initializer_list<MethodParameter> params)
: properties(properties), methodSignature(retType, name, params),
methodBody(properties & Declaration) {}
// Define move constructor and assignment operator to prevent copying.
Method(Method &&) = default;
Method &operator=(Method &&) = default;
/// Get the method body.
MethodBody &body() { return methodBody; }
/// Returns true if this is a static method.
bool isStatic() const { return properties & Static; }
/// Returns true if this is a private method.
bool isPrivate() const { return properties & Private; }
/// Returns true if this is an inline method.
bool isInline() const { return properties & Inline; }
/// Returns true if this is a constructor.
bool isConstructor() const { return properties & Constructor; }
/// Returns true if this class method is const.
bool isConst() const { return properties & Const; }
/// Returns the name of this method.
StringRef getName() const { return methodSignature.getName(); }
/// Returns if this method makes the `other` method redundant.
bool makesRedundant(const Method &other) const {
return methodSignature.makesRedundant(other.methodSignature);
/// Write the method declaration, including the definition if inline.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const override;
/// Write the method definition. This is a no-op for inline methods.
void writeDefTo(raw_indented_ostream &os,
StringRef namePrefix) const override;
/// A collection of method properties.
Properties properties;
/// The signature of the method.
MethodSignature methodSignature;
/// The body of the method, if it has one.
MethodBody methodBody;
/// This enum describes C++ inheritance visibility.
enum class Visibility { Public, Protected, Private };
/// Write "public", "protected", or "private".
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
mlir::tblgen::Visibility visibility);
// Class for holding an op's constructor method for C++ code emission.
class Constructor : public Method {
/// Create a constructor for a given class, with method properties, and
/// parameters specified either as a list of a variadic pack.
template <typename NameT, typename... Args>
Constructor(NameT &&className, Properties properties, Args &&...args)
: Method("", std::forward<NameT>(className), properties,
std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
/// Add member initializer to constructor initializing `name` with `value`.
template <typename NameT, typename ValueT>
void addMemberInitializer(NameT &&name, ValueT &&value) {
/// Write the declaration of the constructor, and its definition if inline.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const override;
/// Write the definition of the constructor if it is not inline.
void writeDefTo(raw_indented_ostream &os,
StringRef namePrefix) const override;
/// Return true if a method is a constructor.
static bool classof(const ClassDeclaration *other) {
return isa<Method>(other) && cast<Method>(other)->isConstructor();
/// Initialization of a class field in a constructor.
class MemberInitializer {
/// Create a member initializer in a constructor that initializes the class
/// field `name` with `value`.
MemberInitializer(std::string name, std::string value)
: name(std::move(name)), value(std::move(value)) {}
/// Write the member initializer.
void writeTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// The name of the class field.
std::string name;
/// The value with which to initialize it.
std::string value;
/// The list of member initializers.
SmallVector<MemberInitializer> initializers;
} // end namespace tblgen
} // end namespace mlir
/// The OR of two method properties should return method properties. Ensure that
/// this function is visible to `Class`.
inline constexpr mlir::tblgen::Method::Properties
operator|(mlir::tblgen::Method::Properties lhs,
mlir::tblgen::Method::Properties rhs) {
return mlir::tblgen::Method::Properties(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) |
namespace mlir {
namespace tblgen {
/// This class describes a C++ parent class declaration.
class ParentClass {
/// Create a parent class with a class name and visibility.
template <typename NameT>
ParentClass(NameT &&name, Visibility visibility = Visibility::Public)
: name(stringify(std::forward<NameT>(name))), visibility(visibility) {}
/// Add a template parameter.
template <typename ParamT>
void addTemplateParam(ParamT param) {
/// Add a list of template parameters.
template <typename ContainerT>
void addTemplateParams(ContainerT &&container) {
templateParams.insert(std::begin(container), std::end(container));
/// Write the parent class declaration.
void writeTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// The fully resolved C++ name of the parent class.
std::string name;
/// The visibility of the parent class.
Visibility visibility;
/// An optional list of class template parameters.
SetVector<std::string, SmallVector<std::string>, StringSet<>> templateParams;
/// This class describes a using-declaration for a class. E.g.
/// using Op::Op;
/// using Adaptor = OpAdaptor;
class UsingDeclaration
: public ClassDeclarationBase<ClassDeclaration::UsingDeclaration> {
/// Create a using declaration that either aliases `name` to `value` or
/// inherits the parent methods `name.
template <typename NameT, typename ValueT = std::string>
UsingDeclaration(NameT &&name, ValueT &&value = "")
: name(stringify(std::forward<NameT>(name))),
value(stringify(std::forward<ValueT>(value))) {}
/// Write the using declaration.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const override;
/// The name of the declaration, or a resolved name to an inherited function.
std::string name;
/// The type that is being aliased. Leave empty for inheriting functions.
std::string value;
/// This class describes a class field.
class Field : public ClassDeclarationBase<ClassDeclaration::Field> {
/// Create a class field with a type and variable name.
template <typename TypeT, typename NameT>
Field(TypeT &&type, NameT &&name)
: type(stringify(std::forward<TypeT>(type))),
name(stringify(std::forward<NameT>(name))) {}
/// Write the declaration of the field.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const override;
/// The C++ type of the field.
std::string type;
/// The variable name of the class whether.
std::string name;
/// A declaration for the visibility of subsequent declarations.
class VisibilityDeclaration
: public ClassDeclarationBase<ClassDeclaration::VisibilityDeclaration> {
/// Create a declaration for the given visibility.
VisibilityDeclaration(Visibility visibility) : visibility(visibility) {}
/// Get the visibility.
Visibility getVisibility() const { return visibility; }
/// Write the visibility declaration.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const override;
/// The visibility of subsequent class declarations.
Visibility visibility;
/// Unstructured extra class declarations, from TableGen definitions. The
/// default visibility of extra class declarations is up to the owning class.
class ExtraClassDeclaration
: public ClassDeclarationBase<ClassDeclaration::ExtraClassDeclaration> {
/// Create an extra class declaration.
ExtraClassDeclaration(StringRef extraClassDeclaration)
: extraClassDeclaration(extraClassDeclaration) {}
/// Write the extra class declarations.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const override;
/// The string of the extra class declarations. It is re-indented before
/// printed.
StringRef extraClassDeclaration;
/// A class used to emit C++ classes from Tablegen. Contains a list of public
/// methods and a list of private fields to be emitted.
class Class {
virtual ~Class() = default;
/// Explicitly delete the copy constructor. This is to work around a gcc-5 bug
/// with std::is_trivially_move_constructible.
Class(const Class &) = delete;
/// Create a class with a name, and whether it should be declared as a `class`
/// or `struct`. Also, prevent this from being mistaken as a move constructor
/// candidate.
template <typename NameT, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_same<NameT, Class>::value>>
Class(NameT &&name, bool isStruct = false)
: className(stringify(std::forward<NameT>(name))), isStruct(isStruct) {}
/// Add a new constructor to this class and prune and constructors made
/// redundant by it. Returns null if the constructor was not added. Else,
/// returns a pointer to the new constructor.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename... Args>
Constructor *addConstructor(Args &&...args) {
return addConstructorAndPrune(Constructor(getClassName(),
Properties | Method::Constructor,
/// Add a new method to this class and prune any methods made redundant by it.
/// Returns null if the method was not added (because an existing method would
/// make it redundant). Else, returns a pointer to the new method.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename RetTypeT,
typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method *addMethod(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name,
Method::Properties properties, Args &&...args) {
return addMethodAndPrune(
Method(std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType), std::forward<NameT>(name),
Properties | properties, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
/// Add a method with statically-known properties.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename RetTypeT,
typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method *addMethod(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name, Args &&...args) {
return addMethod(std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType), std::forward<NameT>(name),
Properties, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/// Add a static method.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename RetTypeT,
typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method *addStaticMethod(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name, Args &&...args) {
return addMethod<Properties | Method::Static>(
std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType), std::forward<NameT>(name),
/// Add an inline static method.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename RetTypeT,
typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method *addStaticInlineMethod(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name,
Args &&...args) {
return addMethod<Properties | Method::StaticInline>(
std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType), std::forward<NameT>(name),
/// Add an inline method.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename RetTypeT,
typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method *addInlineMethod(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name, Args &&...args) {
return addMethod<Properties | Method::Inline>(
std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType), std::forward<NameT>(name),
/// Add a const method.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename RetTypeT,
typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method *addConstMethod(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name, Args &&...args) {
return addMethod<Properties | Method::Const>(
std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType), std::forward<NameT>(name),
/// Add a declaration for a method.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename RetTypeT,
typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method *declareMethod(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name, Args &&...args) {
return addMethod<Properties | Method::Declaration>(
std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType), std::forward<NameT>(name),
/// Add a declaration for a static method.
template <Method::Properties Properties = Method::None, typename RetTypeT,
typename NameT, typename... Args>
Method *declareStaticMethod(RetTypeT &&retType, NameT &&name,
Args &&...args) {
return addMethod<Properties | Method::StaticDeclaration>(
std::forward<RetTypeT>(retType), std::forward<NameT>(name),
/// Add a new field to the class. Class fields added this way are always
/// private.
template <typename TypeT, typename NameT>
void addField(TypeT &&type, NameT &&name) {
fields.emplace_back(std::forward<TypeT>(type), std::forward<NameT>(name));
/// Add a parent class.
ParentClass &addParent(ParentClass parent);
/// Return the C++ name of the class.
StringRef getClassName() const { return className; }
/// Write the declaration of this class, all declarations, and definitions of
/// inline functions. Wrap the output stream in an indented stream.
void writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &rawOs) const {
raw_indented_ostream os(rawOs);
/// Write the definitions of thiss class's out-of-line constructors and
/// methods. Wrap the output stream in an indented stream.
void writeDefTo(raw_ostream &rawOs) const {
raw_indented_ostream os(rawOs);
/// Write the declaration of this class, all declarations, and definitions of
/// inline functions.
void writeDeclTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// Write the definitions of thiss class's out-of-line constructors and
/// methods.
void writeDefTo(raw_indented_ostream &os) const;
/// Add a declaration. The declaration is appended directly to the list of
/// class declarations.
template <typename DeclT, typename... Args>
DeclT *declare(Args &&...args) {
auto decl = std::make_unique<DeclT>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
auto *ret = decl.get();
return ret;
/// The declaration of a class needs to be "finalized".
/// Class constructors, methods, and fields can be added in any order,
/// regardless of whether they are public or private. These are stored in
/// lists separate from list of declarations `declarations`.
/// So that the generated C++ code is somewhat organised, public methods are
/// declared together, and so are private methods and class fields. This
/// function iterates through all the added methods and fields and organises
/// them into the list of declarations, adding visibility declarations as
/// needed, as follows:
/// 1. public methods and constructors
/// 2. private methods and constructors
/// 3. class fields -- all are private
/// `Class::finalize` clears the lists of pending methods and fields, and can
/// be called multiple times.
virtual void finalize();
/// Add a new constructor if it is not made redundant by any existing
/// constructors and prune and existing constructors made redundant.
Constructor *addConstructorAndPrune(Constructor &&newCtor);
/// Add a new method if it is not made redundant by any existing methods and
/// prune and existing methods made redundant.
Method *addMethodAndPrune(Method &&newMethod);
/// Get the last visibility declaration.
Visibility getLastVisibilityDecl() const;
/// The C++ class name.
std::string className;
/// The list of parent classes.
SmallVector<ParentClass> parents;
/// The pending list of methods and constructors.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Method>> methods;
/// The pending list of private class fields.
SmallVector<Field> fields;
/// Whether this is a `class` or a `struct`.
bool isStruct;
/// A list of declarations in the class, emitted in order.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClassDeclaration>> declarations;
} // namespace tblgen
} // namespace mlir