blob: ff22add81a1254916b782d897d0e43c87b2c2a66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// MakeFunc s390 implementation.
package reflect
import "unsafe"
// Convenience types and constants.
const s390_arch_stack_slot_align uintptr = 4
const s390_num_gr = 5
const s390_num_fr = 2
type s390_arch_gr_t uint32
type s390_arch_fr_t uint64
// The assembler stub will pass a pointer to this structure.
// This will come in holding all the registers that might hold
// function parameters. On return we will set the registers that
// might hold result values.
type s390_regs struct {
r2 s390_arch_gr_t
r3 s390_arch_gr_t
r4 s390_arch_gr_t
r5 s390_arch_gr_t
r6 s390_arch_gr_t
stack_args s390_arch_gr_t
f0 s390_arch_fr_t
f2 s390_arch_fr_t
// Argument classifications that arise for Go types.
type s390_arg_t int
const (
s390_general_reg s390_arg_t = iota
// Argument passed as a pointer to an in-memory value.
// s390ClassifyParameter returns the register class needed to
// pass the value of type TYP. s390_empty means the register is
// not used. The second and third return values are the offset of
// an rtype parameter passed in a register (second) or stack slot
// (third).
func s390ClassifyParameter(typ *rtype) (s390_arg_t, uintptr, uintptr) {
offset := s390_arch_stack_slot_align - typ.Size()
if typ.Size() > s390_arch_stack_slot_align {
offset = 0
switch typ.Kind() {
panic("internal error--unknown kind in s390ClassifyParameter")
case Bool, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32:
return s390_general_reg, offset, offset
case Int64, Uint64:
return s390_general_reg_pair, 0, 0
case Uintptr, Chan, Func, Map, Ptr, UnsafePointer:
return s390_general_reg, 0, 0
case Float32, Float64:
return s390_float_reg, 0, offset
case Complex64, Complex128:
// Complex numbers are passed by reference.
return s390_mem_ptr, 0, 0
case Array, Struct:
var ityp *rtype
var length int
if typ.Size() == 0 {
return s390_empty, 0, 0
switch typ.Size() {
// Pointer to memory.
return s390_mem_ptr, 0, 0
case 1, 2:
// Pass in an integer register.
return s390_general_reg, offset, offset
case 4, 8:
// See below.
if typ.Kind() == Array {
atyp := (*arrayType)(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
length = atyp.Len()
ityp = atyp.elem
} else {
styp := (*structType)(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
length = len(styp.fields)
ityp = styp.fields[0].typ
if length == 1 {
class, off_reg, off_slot := s390ClassifyParameter(ityp)
if class == s390_float_reg {
// The array (stored in a structure) or struct
// is "equivalent to a floating point type" as
// defined in the S390 Abi. Note that this
// can only be the case in the case 4 of the
// switch above.
return s390_float_reg, off_reg, off_slot
switch typ.Size() {
case 4:
return s390_general_reg, offset, offset
case 8:
return s390_general_reg_pair, 0, 0
return s390_general_reg, 0, 0
case Interface, String:
// Structure of size 8.
return s390_general_reg_pair, 0, 0
case Slice:
return s390_mem_ptr, 0, 0
// s390ClassifyReturn returns the register classes needed to
// return the value of type TYP. s390_empty means the register is
// not used. The second value is the offset of an rtype return
// parameter if stored in a register.
func s390ClassifyReturn(typ *rtype) (s390_arg_t, uintptr) {
offset := s390_arch_stack_slot_align - typ.Size()
if typ.Size() > s390_arch_stack_slot_align {
offset = 0
switch typ.Kind() {
panic("internal error--unknown kind in s390ClassifyReturn")
case Bool, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32,
Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uintptr:
return s390_general_reg, offset
case Int64, Uint64:
return s390_general_reg_pair, 0
case Chan, Func, Map, Ptr, UnsafePointer:
return s390_general_reg, 0
case Float32, Float64:
return s390_float_reg, 0
case Complex64, Complex128:
return s390_mem_ptr, 0
case Interface, Slice, String:
return s390_mem_ptr, 0
case Array, Struct:
if typ.size == 0 {
return s390_empty, 0
// No optimization is done for returned structures and arrays.
return s390_mem_ptr, 0
// Given a value of type *rtype left aligned in an unsafe.Pointer,
// reload the value so that it can be stored in a general or
// floating point register. For general registers the value is
// sign extend and right aligned.
func s390ReloadForRegister(typ *rtype, w uintptr, offset uintptr) uintptr {
var do_sign_extend bool = false
var gr s390_arch_gr_t
switch typ.Kind() {
case Int, Int8, Int16, Int32:
do_sign_extend = true
// Handle all other cases in the next switch.
switch typ.size {
case 1:
if do_sign_extend == true {
se := int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&w)))
gr = *(*s390_arch_gr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&se))
} else {
e := int32(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(&w)))
gr = *(*s390_arch_gr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&e))
case 2:
if do_sign_extend == true {
se := int32(*(*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(&w)))
gr = *(*s390_arch_gr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&se))
} else {
e := int32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&w)))
gr = *(*s390_arch_gr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&e))
panic("reflect: bad size in s390ReloadForRegister")
return *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&gr))
// MakeFuncStubGo implements the s390 calling convention for
// MakeFunc. This should not be called. It is exported so that
// assembly code can call it.
func S390MakeFuncStubGo(regs *s390_regs, c *makeFuncImpl) {
ftyp := c.typ
gr := 0
fr := 0
ap := uintptr(regs.stack_args)
// See if the result requires a struct. If it does, the first
// parameter is a pointer to the struct.
var ret_class s390_arg_t
var ret_off_reg uintptr
var ret_type *rtype
switch len(ftyp.out) {
case 0:
ret_type = nil
ret_class, ret_off_reg = s390_empty, 0
case 1:
ret_type = ftyp.out[0]
ret_class, ret_off_reg = s390ClassifyReturn(ret_type)
ret_type = nil
ret_class, ret_off_reg = s390_mem_ptr, 0
in := make([]Value, 0, len(
if ret_class == s390_mem_ptr {
// We are returning a value in memory, which means
// that the first argument is a hidden parameter
// pointing to that return area.
for _, rt := range {
class, off_reg, off_slot := s390ClassifyParameter(rt)
fl := flag(rt.Kind()) << flagKindShift
switch class {
case s390_empty:
v := Value{rt, nil, fl | flagIndir}
in = append(in, v)
continue argloop
case s390_general_reg:
// Values stored in a general register are right
// aligned.
if gr < s390_num_gr {
val := s390_general_reg_val(regs, gr)
iw := unsafe.Pointer(&val)
k := rt.Kind()
if k != Ptr && k != UnsafePointer {
ix := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&val))
ix += off_reg
iw = unsafe.Pointer(ix)
fl |= flagIndir
v := Value{rt, iw, fl}
in = append(in, v)
} else {
in, ap = s390_add_stackreg(
in, ap, rt, off_slot)
continue argloop
case s390_general_reg_pair:
// 64-bit integers and structs are passed in a register
// pair.
if gr+1 < s390_num_gr {
val := uint64(s390_general_reg_val(regs, gr))<<32 + uint64(s390_general_reg_val(regs, gr+1))
iw := unsafe.Pointer(&val)
v := Value{rt, iw, fl | flagIndir}
in = append(in, v)
gr += 2
} else {
in, ap = s390_add_stackreg(in, ap, rt, off_slot)
gr = s390_num_gr
continue argloop
case s390_float_reg:
// In a register, floats are left aligned, but in a
// stack slot they are right aligned.
if fr < s390_num_fr {
val := s390_float_reg_val(regs, fr)
ix := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&val))
v := Value{
rt, unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.Pointer(ix)),
fl | flagIndir,
in = append(in, v)
} else {
in, ap = s390_add_stackreg(
in, ap, rt, off_slot)
continue argloop
case s390_mem_ptr:
if gr < s390_num_gr {
// Register holding a pointer to memory.
val := s390_general_reg_val(regs, gr)
v := Value{
rt, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(val)),
fl | flagIndir}
in = append(in, v)
} else {
// Stack slot holding a pointer to memory.
in, ap = s390_add_memarg(in, ap, rt)
continue argloop
panic("reflect: argtype not handled in MakeFunc:argloop")
// All the real arguments have been found and turned into
// Values. Call the real function.
out :=
if len(out) != len(ftyp.out) {
panic("reflect: wrong return count from function created by MakeFunc")
for i, typ := range ftyp.out {
v := out[i]
if v.typ != typ {
"reflect: function created by MakeFunc using " +
funcName(c.fn) + " returned wrong type: have " +
out[i].typ.String() + " for " + typ.String())
if v.flag&flagRO != 0 {
"reflect: function created by MakeFunc using " +
funcName(c.fn) + " returned value obtained " +
"from unexported field")
switch ret_class {
case s390_general_reg, s390_float_reg, s390_general_reg_pair:
// Single return value in a general or floating point register.
v := out[0]
var w uintptr
if v.Kind() == Ptr || v.Kind() == UnsafePointer {
w = uintptr(v.pointer())
} else {
w = uintptr(loadScalar(v.ptr, v.typ.size))
if ret_off_reg != 0 {
w = s390ReloadForRegister(
ret_type, w, ret_off_reg)
if ret_class == s390_float_reg {
regs.f0 = s390_arch_fr_t(uintptr(w))
} else if ret_class == s390_general_reg {
regs.r2 = s390_arch_gr_t(uintptr(w))
} else {
regs.r2 = s390_arch_gr_t(uintptr(w) >> 32)
regs.r3 = s390_arch_gr_t(uintptr(w) & 0xffffffff)
case s390_mem_ptr:
// The address of the memory area was passed as a hidden
// parameter in %r2. Multiple return values are always returned
// in an in-memory structure.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(regs.r2))
off := uintptr(0)
for i, typ := range ftyp.out {
v := out[i]
off = align(off, uintptr(typ.fieldAlign))
addr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + off)
if v.flag&flagIndir == 0 && (v.kind() == Ptr || v.kind() == UnsafePointer) {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(addr) = v.ptr
} else {
memmove(addr, v.ptr, typ.size)
off += typ.size
case s390_empty:
// The s390_add_stackreg function adds an argument passed on the
// stack that could be passed in a register.
func s390_add_stackreg(in []Value, ap uintptr, rt *rtype, offset uintptr) ([]Value, uintptr) {
// If we're not already at the beginning of a stack slot, round up to
// the beginning of the next one.
ap = align(ap, s390_arch_stack_slot_align)
// If offset is > 0, the data is right aligned on the stack slot.
ap += offset
// We have to copy the argument onto the heap in case the
// function hangs onto the reflect.Value we pass it.
p := unsafe_New(rt)
memmove(p, unsafe.Pointer(ap), rt.size)
v := Value{rt, p, flag(rt.Kind()<<flagKindShift) | flagIndir}
in = append(in, v)
ap += rt.size
ap = align(ap, s390_arch_stack_slot_align)
return in, ap
// The s390_add_memarg function adds an argument passed in memory.
func s390_add_memarg(in []Value, ap uintptr, rt *rtype) ([]Value, uintptr) {
// If we're not already at the beginning of a stack slot,
// round up to the beginning of the next one.
ap = align(ap, s390_arch_stack_slot_align)
// We have to copy the argument onto the heap in case the
// function hangs onto the reflect.Value we pass it.
p := unsafe_New(rt)
memmove(p, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(ap)), rt.size)
v := Value{rt, p, flag(rt.Kind()<<flagKindShift) | flagIndir}
in = append(in, v)
ap += s390_arch_stack_slot_align
return in, ap
// The s390_general_reg_val function returns the value of integer register GR.
func s390_general_reg_val(regs *s390_regs, gr int) s390_arch_gr_t {
switch gr {
case 0:
return regs.r2
case 1:
return regs.r3
case 2:
return regs.r4
case 3:
return regs.r5
case 4:
return regs.r6
panic("s390_general_reg_val: bad integer register")
// The s390_float_reg_val function returns the value of float register FR.
func s390_float_reg_val(regs *s390_regs, fr int) uintptr {
var r s390_arch_fr_t
switch fr {
case 0:
r = regs.f0
case 1:
r = regs.f2
panic("s390_float_reg_val: bad floating point register")
return uintptr(r)