blob: e8e9307b62919271821f7e48a53dc3967152469c [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- CommandOptionArgumentTable.cpp ------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandOptionArgumentTable.h"
#include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Language.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
namespace lldb_private {
llvm::StringRef RegisterNameHelpTextCallback() {
return "Register names can be specified using the architecture specific "
"names. "
"They can also be specified using generic names. Not all generic "
"entities have "
"registers backing them on all architectures. When they don't the "
"generic name "
"will return an error.\n"
"The generic names defined in lldb are:\n"
"pc - program counter register\n"
"ra - return address register\n"
"fp - frame pointer register\n"
"sp - stack pointer register\n"
"flags - the flags register\n"
"arg{1-6} - integer argument passing registers.\n";
llvm::StringRef BreakpointIDHelpTextCallback() {
return "Breakpoints are identified using major and minor numbers; the major "
"number corresponds to the single entity that was created with a "
"'breakpoint "
"set' command; the minor numbers correspond to all the locations that "
"were "
"actually found/set based on the major breakpoint. A full breakpoint "
"ID might "
"look like 3.14, meaning the 14th location set for the 3rd "
"breakpoint. You "
"can specify all the locations of a breakpoint by just indicating the "
"major "
"breakpoint number. A valid breakpoint ID consists either of just the "
"major "
"number, or the major number followed by a dot and the location "
"number (e.g. "
"3 or 3.2 could both be valid breakpoint IDs.)";
llvm::StringRef BreakpointIDRangeHelpTextCallback() {
return "A 'breakpoint ID list' is a manner of specifying multiple "
"breakpoints. "
"This can be done through several mechanisms. The easiest way is to "
"just "
"enter a space-separated list of breakpoint IDs. To specify all the "
"breakpoint locations under a major breakpoint, you can use the major "
"breakpoint number followed by '.*', eg. '5.*' means all the "
"locations under "
"breakpoint 5. You can also indicate a range of breakpoints by using "
"<start-bp-id> - <end-bp-id>. The start-bp-id and end-bp-id for a "
"range can "
"be any valid breakpoint IDs. It is not legal, however, to specify a "
"range "
"using specific locations that cross major breakpoint numbers. I.e. "
"3.2 - 3.7"
" is legal; 2 - 5 is legal; but 3.2 - 4.4 is not legal.";
llvm::StringRef BreakpointNameHelpTextCallback() {
return "A name that can be added to a breakpoint when it is created, or "
"later "
"on with the \"breakpoint name add\" command. "
"Breakpoint names can be used to specify breakpoints in all the "
"places breakpoint IDs "
"and breakpoint ID ranges can be used. As such they provide a "
"convenient way to group breakpoints, "
"and to operate on breakpoints you create without having to track the "
"breakpoint number. "
"Note, the attributes you set when using a breakpoint name in a "
"breakpoint command don't "
"adhere to the name, but instead are set individually on all the "
"breakpoints currently tagged with that "
"name. Future breakpoints "
"tagged with that name will not pick up the attributes previously "
"given using that name. "
"In order to distinguish breakpoint names from breakpoint IDs and "
"ranges, "
"names must start with a letter from a-z or A-Z and cannot contain "
"spaces, \".\" or \"-\". "
"Also, breakpoint names can only be applied to breakpoints, not to "
"breakpoint locations.";
llvm::StringRef GDBFormatHelpTextCallback() {
return "A GDB format consists of a repeat count, a format letter and a size "
"letter. "
"The repeat count is optional and defaults to 1. The format letter is "
"optional "
"and defaults to the previous format that was used. The size letter "
"is optional "
"and defaults to the previous size that was used.\n"
"Format letters include:\n"
"o - octal\n"
"x - hexadecimal\n"
"d - decimal\n"
"u - unsigned decimal\n"
"t - binary\n"
"f - float\n"
"a - address\n"
"i - instruction\n"
"c - char\n"
"s - string\n"
"T - OSType\n"
"A - float as hex\n"
"Size letters include:\n"
"b - 1 byte (byte)\n"
"h - 2 bytes (halfword)\n"
"w - 4 bytes (word)\n"
"g - 8 bytes (giant)\n"
"Example formats:\n"
"32xb - show 32 1 byte hexadecimal integer values\n"
"16xh - show 16 2 byte hexadecimal integer values\n"
"64 - show 64 2 byte hexadecimal integer values (format and size "
"from the last format)\n"
"dw - show 1 4 byte decimal integer value\n";
llvm::StringRef FormatHelpTextCallback() {
static std::string help_text;
if (!help_text.empty())
return help_text;
StreamString sstr;
sstr << "One of the format names (or one-character names) that can be used "
"to show a variable's value:\n";
for (Format f = eFormatDefault; f < kNumFormats; f = Format(f + 1)) {
if (f != eFormatDefault)
char format_char = FormatManager::GetFormatAsFormatChar(f);
if (format_char)
sstr.Printf("'%c' or ", format_char);
sstr.Printf("\"%s\"", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(f));
help_text = std::string(sstr.GetString());
return help_text;
llvm::StringRef LanguageTypeHelpTextCallback() {
static std::string help_text;
if (!help_text.empty())
return help_text;
StreamString sstr;
sstr << "One of the following languages:\n";
Language::PrintAllLanguages(sstr, " ", "\n");
help_text = std::string(sstr.GetString());
return help_text;
llvm::StringRef SummaryStringHelpTextCallback() {
return "A summary string is a way to extract information from variables in "
"order to present them using a summary.\n"
"Summary strings contain static text, variables, scopes and control "
" - Static text can be any sequence of non-special characters, i.e. "
"anything but '{', '}', '$', or '\\'.\n"
" - Variables are sequences of characters beginning with ${, ending "
"with } and that contain symbols in the format described below.\n"
" - Scopes are any sequence of text between { and }. Anything "
"included in a scope will only appear in the output summary if there "
"were no errors.\n"
" - Control sequences are the usual C/C++ '\\a', '\\n', ..., plus "
"'\\$', '\\{' and '\\}'.\n"
"A summary string works by copying static text verbatim, turning "
"control sequences into their character counterpart, expanding "
"variables and trying to expand scopes.\n"
"A variable is expanded by giving it a value other than its textual "
"representation, and the way this is done depends on what comes after "
"the ${ marker.\n"
"The most common sequence if ${var followed by an expression path, "
"which is the text one would type to access a member of an aggregate "
"types, given a variable of that type"
" (e.g. if type T has a member named x, which has a member named y, "
"and if t is of type T, the expression path would be .x.y and the way "
"to fit that into a summary string would be"
" ${var.x.y}). You can also use ${*var followed by an expression path "
"and in that case the object referred by the path will be "
"dereferenced before being displayed."
" If the object is not a pointer, doing so will cause an error. For "
"additional details on expression paths, you can type 'help "
"expr-path'. \n"
"By default, summary strings attempt to display the summary for any "
"variable they reference, and if that fails the value. If neither can "
"be shown, nothing is displayed."
"In a summary string, you can also use an array index [n], or a "
"slice-like range [n-m]. This can have two different meanings "
"depending on what kind of object the expression"
" path refers to:\n"
" - if it is a scalar type (any basic type like int, float, ...) the "
"expression is a bitfield, i.e. the bits indicated by the indexing "
"operator are extracted out of the number"
" and displayed as an individual variable\n"
" - if it is an array or pointer the array items indicated by the "
"indexing operator are shown as the result of the variable. if the "
"expression is an array, real array items are"
" printed; if it is a pointer, the pointer-as-array syntax is used to "
"obtain the values (this means, the latter case can have no range "
"If you are trying to display an array for which the size is known, "
"you can also use [] instead of giving an exact range. This has the "
"effect of showing items 0 thru size - 1.\n"
"Additionally, a variable can contain an (optional) format code, as "
"in ${var.x.y%code}, where code can be any of the valid formats "
"described in 'help format', or one of the"
" special symbols only allowed as part of a variable:\n"
" %V: show the value of the object by default\n"
" %S: show the summary of the object by default\n"
" %@: show the runtime-provided object description (for "
"Objective-C, it calls NSPrintForDebugger; for C/C++ it does "
" %L: show the location of the object (memory address or a "
"register name)\n"
" %#: show the number of children of the object\n"
" %T: show the type of the object\n"
"Another variable that you can use in summary strings is ${svar . "
"This sequence works exactly like ${var, including the fact that "
"${*svar is an allowed sequence, but uses"
" the object's synthetic children provider instead of the actual "
"objects. For instance, if you are using STL synthetic children "
"providers, the following summary string would"
" count the number of actual elements stored in an std::list:\n"
"type summary add -s \"${svar%#}\" -x \"std::list<\"";
llvm::StringRef ExprPathHelpTextCallback() {
return "An expression path is the sequence of symbols that is used in C/C++ "
"to access a member variable of an aggregate object (class).\n"
"For instance, given a class:\n"
" class foo {\n"
" int a;\n"
" int b; .\n"
" foo* next;\n"
" };\n"
"the expression to read item b in the item pointed to by next for foo "
"aFoo would be>b.\n"
"Given that aFoo could just be any object of type foo, the string "
"'.next->b' is the expression path, because it can be attached to any "
"foo instance to achieve the effect.\n"
"Expression paths in LLDB include dot (.) and arrow (->) operators, "
"and most commands using expression paths have ways to also accept "
"the star (*) operator.\n"
"The meaning of these operators is the same as the usual one given to "
"them by the C/C++ standards.\n"
"LLDB also has support for indexing ([ ]) in expression paths, and "
"extends the traditional meaning of the square brackets operator to "
"allow bitfield extraction:\n"
"for objects of native types (int, float, char, ...) saying '[n-m]' "
"as an expression path (where n and m are any positive integers, e.g. "
"[3-5]) causes LLDB to extract"
" bits n thru m from the value of the variable. If n == m, [n] is "
"also allowed as a shortcut syntax. For arrays and pointers, "
"expression paths can only contain one index"
" and the meaning of the operation is the same as the one defined by "
"C/C++ (item extraction). Some commands extend bitfield-like syntax "
"for arrays and pointers with the"
" meaning of array slicing (taking elements n thru m inside the array "
"or pointed-to memory).";
llvm::StringRef arch_helper() {
static StreamString g_archs_help;
if (g_archs_help.Empty()) {
StringList archs;
g_archs_help.Printf("These are the supported architecture names:\n");
archs.Join("\n", g_archs_help);
return g_archs_help.GetString();
template <int I> struct TableValidator : TableValidator<I + 1> {
g_argument_table[I].arg_type == I,
"g_argument_table order doesn't match CommandArgumentType enumeration");
template <> struct TableValidator<eArgTypeLastArg> {};
TableValidator<0> validator;
} // namespace lldb_private