blob: 0b78161d87ef10a379cd6576a6c65f93bee5146d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DataEncoder.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/lldb-defines.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
namespace lldb_private {
/// \class DataEncoder
/// An binary data encoding class.
/// DataEncoder is a class that can encode binary data (swapping if needed) to
/// a data buffer. The DataEncoder can be constructed with data that will be
/// copied into the internally owned buffer. This allows data to be modified
/// in the internal buffer. The DataEncoder object can also be constructed with
/// just a byte order and address size and data can be appended to the
/// internally owned buffer.
/// Clients can get a shared pointer to the data buffer when done modifying or
/// creating the data to keep the data around after the lifetime of a
/// DataEncoder object. \see GetDataBuffer
/// Client can get a reference to the object owned data as an array by calling
/// the GetData method. \see GetData
class DataEncoder {
/// Default constructor.
/// Initialize all members to a default empty state and create a empty memory
/// buffer that can be appended to. The ByteOrder and address size will be set
/// to match the current host system.
/// Construct an encoder that copies the specified data into the object owned
/// data buffer.
/// This constructor is designed to be used when you have a data buffer and
/// want to modify values within the buffer. A copy of the data will be made
/// in the internally owned buffer and that data can be fixed up and appended
/// to.
/// \param[in] data
/// A pointer to caller owned data.
/// \param[in] data_length
/// The length in bytes of \a data.
/// \param[in] byte_order
/// A byte order for the data that will be encoded.
/// \param[in] addr_size
/// A size of an address in bytes. \see PutAddress, AppendAddress
DataEncoder(const void *data, uint32_t data_length,
lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, uint8_t addr_size);
/// Construct an encoder that owns a heap based memory buffer.
/// This allows clients to create binary data from scratch by appending values
/// with the methods that start with "Append".
/// \param[in] byte_order
/// A byte order for the data that will be encoded.
/// \param[in] addr_size
/// A size of an address in bytes. \see PutAddress, AppendAddress
DataEncoder(lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, uint8_t addr_size);
/// Encode an unsigned integer of size \a byte_size to \a offset.
/// Encode a single integer value at \a offset and return the offset that
/// follows the newly encoded integer when the data is successfully encoded
/// into the existing data. There must be enough room in the existing data,
/// else UINT32_MAX will be returned to indicate that encoding failed.
/// \param[in] offset
/// The offset within the contained data at which to put the encoded
/// integer.
/// \param[in] byte_size
/// The size in byte of the integer to encode.
/// \param[in] value
/// The integer value to write. The least significant bytes of
/// the integer value will be written if the size is less than
/// 8 bytes.
/// \return
/// The next offset in the bytes of this data if the integer
/// was successfully encoded, UINT32_MAX if the encoding failed.
uint32_t PutUnsigned(uint32_t offset, uint32_t byte_size, uint64_t value);
/// Encode an unsigned integer at offset \a offset.
/// Encode a single unsigned integer value at \a offset and return the offset
/// that follows the newly encoded integer when the data is successfully
/// encoded into the existing data. There must be enough room in the data,
/// else UINT32_MAX will be returned to indicate that encoding failed.
/// \param[in] offset
/// The offset within the contained data at which to put the encoded
/// integer.
/// \param[in] value
/// The integer value to write.
/// \return
/// The next offset in the bytes of this data if the integer was
/// successfully encoded, UINT32_MAX if the encoding failed.
uint32_t PutU8(uint32_t offset, uint8_t value);
uint32_t PutU16(uint32_t offset, uint16_t value);
uint32_t PutU32(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value);
uint32_t PutU64(uint32_t offset, uint64_t value);
/// Append a unsigned integer to the end of the owned data.
/// \param value
/// A unsigned integer value to append.
void AppendU8(uint8_t value);
void AppendU16(uint16_t value);
void AppendU32(uint32_t value);
void AppendU64(uint64_t value);
/// Append an address sized integer to the end of the owned data.
/// \param addr
/// A unsigned integer address value to append. The size of the address
/// will be determined by the address size specified in the constructor.
void AppendAddress(lldb::addr_t addr);
/// Append a bytes to the end of the owned data.
/// Append the bytes contained in the string reference. This function will
/// not append a NULL termination character for a C string. Use the
/// AppendCString function for this purpose.
/// \param data
/// A string reference that contains bytes to append.
void AppendData(llvm::StringRef data);
/// Append a bytes to the end of the owned data.
/// Append the bytes contained in the array reference.
/// \param data
/// A array reference that contains bytes to append.
void AppendData(llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> data);
/// Append a C string to the end of the owned data.
/// Append the bytes contained in the string reference along with an extra
/// NULL termination character if the StringRef bytes doesn't include one as
/// the last byte.
/// \param data
/// A string reference that contains bytes to append.
void AppendCString(llvm::StringRef data);
/// Encode an arbitrary number of bytes.
/// \param[in] offset
/// The offset in bytes into the contained data at which to
/// start encoding.
/// \param[in] src
/// The buffer that contains the bytes to encode.
/// \param[in] src_len
/// The number of bytes to encode.
/// \return
/// The next valid offset within data if the put operation
/// was successful, else UINT32_MAX to indicate the put failed.
uint32_t PutData(uint32_t offset, const void *src, uint32_t src_len);
/// Encode an address in the existing buffer at \a offset bytes into the
/// buffer.
/// Encode a single address to the data and return the next offset where
/// subsequent data would go. The size of the address comes from the \a
/// m_addr_size member variable and should be set correctly prior to encoding
/// any address values.
/// \param[in] offset
/// The offset where to encode the address.
/// \param[in] addr
/// The address to encode.
/// \return
/// The next valid offset within data if the put operation
/// was successful, else UINT32_MAX to indicate the put failed.
uint32_t PutAddress(uint32_t offset, lldb::addr_t addr);
/// Put a C string to \a offset.
/// Encodes a C string into the existing data including the terminating. If
/// there is not enough room in the buffer to fit the entire C string and the
/// NULL terminator in the existing buffer bounds, then this function will
/// fail.
/// \param[in] offset
/// The offset where to encode the string.
/// \param[in] cstr
/// The string to encode.
/// \return
/// The next valid offset within data if the put operation was successful,
/// else UINT32_MAX to indicate the put failed.
uint32_t PutCString(uint32_t offset, const char *cstr);
/// Get a shared copy of the heap based memory buffer owned by this object.
/// This allows a data encoder to be used to create a data buffer that can
/// be extracted and used elsewhere after this object is destroyed.
/// \return
/// A shared pointer to the DataBufferHeap that contains the data that was
/// encoded into this object.
std::shared_ptr<lldb_private::DataBufferHeap> GetDataBuffer() {
return m_data_sp;
/// Get a access to the bytes that this references.
/// This value will always return the data that this object references even if
/// the object was constructed with caller owned data.
/// \return
/// A array reference to the data that this object references.
llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> GetData() const;
/// Get the number of bytes contained in this object.
/// \return
/// The total number of bytes of data this object refers to.
size_t GetByteSize() const;
lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const { return m_byte_order; }
/// The address size to use when encoding pointers or addresses.
uint8_t GetAddressByteSize() const { return m_addr_size; }
uint32_t BytesLeft(uint32_t offset) const {
const uint32_t size = GetByteSize();
if (size > offset)
return size - offset;
return 0;
/// Test the availability of \a length bytes of data from \a offset.
/// \return
/// \b true if \a offset is a valid offset and there are \a
/// length bytes available at that offset, \b false otherwise.
bool ValidOffsetForDataOfSize(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) const {
return length <= BytesLeft(offset);
/// Test the validity of \a offset.
/// \return
/// \b true if \a offset is a valid offset into the data in this
/// object, \b false otherwise.
bool ValidOffset(uint32_t offset) const { return offset < GetByteSize(); }
/// The shared pointer to data that can grow as data is added
std::shared_ptr<lldb_private::DataBufferHeap> m_data_sp;
/// The byte order of the data we are encoding to.
const lldb::ByteOrder m_byte_order;
/// The address size to use when encoding pointers or addresses.
const uint8_t m_addr_size;
DataEncoder(const DataEncoder &) = delete;
const DataEncoder &operator=(const DataEncoder &) = delete;
} // namespace lldb_private