blob: c6f30cde8186741122ff990b99f90156aa342555 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Type.h --------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Core/Declaration.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerDecl.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/TypeList.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/TypeMap.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/TypeSystem.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/UserID.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLForwardCompat.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <optional>
#include <set>
namespace lldb_private {
class SymbolFileCommon;
/// A SmallBitVector that represents a set of source languages (\p
/// lldb::LanguageType). Each lldb::LanguageType is represented by
/// the bit with the position of its enumerator. The largest
/// LanguageType is < 64, so this is space-efficient and on 64-bit
/// architectures a LanguageSet can be completely stack-allocated.
struct LanguageSet {
llvm::SmallBitVector bitvector;
/// If the set contains a single language only, return it.
std::optional<lldb::LanguageType> GetSingularLanguage();
void Insert(lldb::LanguageType language);
bool Empty() const;
size_t Size() const;
bool operator[](unsigned i) const;
/// CompilerContext allows an array of these items to be passed to perform
/// detailed lookups in SymbolVendor and SymbolFile functions.
struct CompilerContext {
CompilerContext(CompilerContextKind t, ConstString n) : kind(t), name(n) {}
bool operator==(const CompilerContext &rhs) const {
return kind == rhs.kind && name ==;
bool operator!=(const CompilerContext &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
void Dump(Stream &s) const;
CompilerContextKind kind;
ConstString name;
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
const CompilerContext &rhs);
/// Match \p context_chain against \p pattern, which may contain "Any"
/// kinds. The \p context_chain should *not* contain any "Any" kinds.
bool contextMatches(llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext> context_chain,
llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext> pattern);
e_none = 0u,
/// If set, TypeQuery::m_context contains an exact context that must match
/// the full context. If not set, TypeQuery::m_context can contain a partial
/// type match where the full context isn't fully specified.
e_exact_match = (1u << 0),
/// If set, TypeQuery::m_context is a clang module compiler context. If not
/// set TypeQuery::m_context is normal type lookup context.
e_module_search = (1u << 1),
/// When true, the find types call should stop the query as soon as a single
/// matching type is found. When false, the type query should find all
/// matching types.
e_find_one = (1u << 2),
/// A class that contains all state required for type lookups.
/// Using a TypeQuery class for matching types simplifies the internal APIs we
/// need to implement type lookups in LLDB. Type lookups can fully specify the
/// exact typename by filling out a complete or partial CompilerContext array.
/// This technique allows for powerful searches and also allows the SymbolFile
/// classes to use the m_context array to lookup types by basename, then
/// eliminate potential matches without having to resolve types into each
/// TypeSystem. This makes type lookups vastly more efficient and allows the
/// SymbolFile objects to stop looking up types when the type matching is
/// complete, like if we are looking for only a single type in our search.
class TypeQuery {
TypeQuery() = delete;
/// Construct a type match object using a fully- or partially-qualified name.
/// The specified \a type_name will be chopped up and the m_context will be
/// populated by separating the string by looking for "::". We do this because
/// symbol files have indexes that contain only the type's basename. This also
/// allows symbol files to efficiently not realize types that don't match the
/// specified context. Example of \a type_name values that can be specified
/// include:
/// "foo": Look for any type whose basename matches "foo".
/// If \a exact_match is true, then the type can't be contained in any
/// declaration context like a namespace, class, or other containing
/// scope.
/// If \a exact match is false, then we will find all matches including
/// ones that are contained in other declaration contexts, including top
/// level types.
/// "foo::bar": Look for any type whose basename matches "bar" but make sure
/// its parent declaration context is any named declaration context
/// (namespace, class, struct, etc) whose name matches "foo".
/// If \a exact_match is true, then the "foo" declaration context must
/// appear at the source file level or inside of a function.
/// If \a exact match is false, then the "foo" declaration context can
/// be contained in any other declaration contexts.
/// "class foo": Only match types that are classes whose basename matches
/// "foo".
/// "struct foo": Only match types that are structures whose basename
/// matches "foo".
/// "class foo::bar": Only match types that are classes whose basename
/// matches "bar" and that are contained in any named declaration context
/// named "foo".
/// \param[in] type_name
/// A fully- or partially-qualified type name. This name will be parsed and
/// broken up and the m_context will be populated with the various parts of
/// the name. This typename can be prefixed with "struct ", "class ",
/// "union", "enum " or "typedef " before the actual type name to limit the
/// results of the types that match. The declaration context can be
/// specified with the "::" string. For example, "a::b::my_type".
/// \param[in] options A set of boolean enumeration flags from the
/// TypeQueryOptions enumerations. \see TypeQueryOptions.
TypeQuery(llvm::StringRef name, TypeQueryOptions options = e_none);
/// Construct a type-match object that matches a type basename that exists
/// in the specified declaration context.
/// This allows the m_context to be first populated using a declaration
/// context to exactly identify the containing declaration context of a type.
/// This can be used when you have a forward declaration to a type and you
/// need to search for its complete type.
/// \param[in] decl_ctx
/// A declaration context object that comes from a TypeSystem plug-in. This
/// object will be asked to populate the array of CompilerContext objects
/// by adding the top most declaration context first into the array and then
/// adding any containing declaration contexts.
/// \param[in] type_basename
/// The basename of the type to lookup in the specified declaration context.
/// \param[in] options A set of boolean enumeration flags from the
/// TypeQueryOptions enumerations. \see TypeQueryOptions.
TypeQuery(const CompilerDeclContext &decl_ctx, ConstString type_basename,
TypeQueryOptions options = e_none);
/// Construct a type-match object using a compiler declaration that specifies
/// a typename and a declaration context to use when doing exact type lookups.
/// This allows the m_context to be first populated using a type declaration.
/// The type declaration might have a declaration context and each TypeSystem
/// plug-in can populate the declaration context needed to perform an exact
/// lookup for a type.
/// This can be used when you have a forward declaration to a type and you
/// need to search for its complete type.
/// \param[in] decl
/// A type declaration context object that comes from a TypeSystem plug-in.
/// This object will be asked to full the array of CompilerContext objects
/// by adding the top most declaration context first into the array and then
/// adding any containing declaration contexts, and ending with the exact
/// typename and the kind of type it is (class, struct, union, enum, etc).
/// \param[in] options A set of boolean enumeration flags from the
/// TypeQueryOptions enumerations. \see TypeQueryOptions.
TypeQuery(const CompilerDecl &decl, TypeQueryOptions options = e_none);
/// Construct a type-match object using a CompilerContext array.
/// Clients can manually create compiler contexts and use these to find
/// matches when searching for types. There are two types of contexts that
/// are supported when doing type searchs: type contexts and clang module
/// contexts. Type contexts have contexts that specify the type and its
/// containing declaration context like namespaces and classes. Clang module
/// contexts specify contexts more completely to find exact matches within
/// clang module debug information. They will include the modules that the
/// type is included in and any functions that the type might be defined in.
/// This allows very fine-grained type resolution.
/// \param[in] context The compiler context to use when doing the search.
/// \param[in] options A set of boolean enumeration flags from the
/// TypeQueryOptions enumerations. \see TypeQueryOptions.
TypeQuery(const llvm::ArrayRef<lldb_private::CompilerContext> &context,
TypeQueryOptions options = e_none);
/// Construct a type-match object that duplicates all matching criterea,
/// but not any searched symbol files or the type map for matches. This allows
/// the m_context to be modified prior to performing another search.
TypeQuery(const TypeQuery &rhs) = default;
/// Assign a type-match object that duplicates all matching criterea,
/// but not any searched symbol files or the type map for matches. This allows
/// the m_context to be modified prior to performing another search.
TypeQuery &operator=(const TypeQuery &rhs) = default;
/// Check of a CompilerContext array from matching type from a symbol file
/// matches the \a m_context.
/// \param[in] context
/// A fully qualified CompilerContext array for a potential match that is
/// created by the symbol file prior to trying to actually resolve a type.
/// \returns
/// True if the context matches, false if it doesn't. If e_exact_match
/// is set in m_options, then \a context must exactly match \a m_context. If
/// e_exact_match is not set, then the bottom m_context.size() objects in
/// \a context must match. This allows SymbolFile objects the fill in a
/// potential type basename match from the index into \a context, and see if
/// it matches prior to having to resolve a lldb_private::Type object for
/// the type from the index. This allows type parsing to be as efficient as
/// possible and only realize the types that match the query.
ContextMatches(llvm::ArrayRef<lldb_private::CompilerContext> context) const;
/// Get the type basename to use when searching the type indexes in each
/// SymbolFile object.
/// Debug information indexes often contain indexes that track the basename
/// of types only, not a fully qualified path. This allows the indexes to be
/// smaller and allows for efficient lookups.
/// \returns
/// The type basename to use when doing lookups as a constant string.
ConstString GetTypeBasename() const;
/// Returns true if any matching languages have been specified in this type
/// matching object.
bool HasLanguage() const { return m_languages.has_value(); }
/// Add a language family to the list of languages that should produce a
/// match.
void AddLanguage(lldb::LanguageType language);
/// Set the list of languages that should produce a match to only the ones
/// specified in \ref languages.
void SetLanguages(LanguageSet languages);
/// Check if the language matches any languages that have been added to this
/// match object.
/// \returns
/// True if no language have been specified, or if some language have been
/// added using AddLanguage(...) and they match. False otherwise.
bool LanguageMatches(lldb::LanguageType language) const;
bool GetExactMatch() const { return (m_options & e_exact_match) != 0; }
/// The \a m_context can be used in two ways: normal types searching with
/// the context containing a stanadard declaration context for a type, or
/// with the context being more complete for exact matches in clang modules.
/// Set this to true if you wish to search for a type in clang module.
bool GetModuleSearch() const { return (m_options & e_module_search) != 0; }
/// Returns true if the type query is supposed to find only a single matching
/// type. Returns false if the type query should find all matches.
bool GetFindOne() const { return (m_options & e_find_one) != 0; }
void SetFindOne(bool b) {
if (b)
m_options |= e_find_one;
m_options &= (e_exact_match | e_find_one);
/// Access the internal compiler context array.
/// Clients can use this to populate the context manually.
std::vector<lldb_private::CompilerContext> &GetContextRef() {
return m_context;
/// A full or partial compiler context array where the parent declaration
/// contexts appear at the top of the array starting at index zero and the
/// last entry contains the type and name of the type we are looking for.
std::vector<lldb_private::CompilerContext> m_context;
/// An options bitmask that contains enabled options for the type query.
/// \see TypeQueryOptions.
TypeQueryOptions m_options;
/// If this variable has a value, then the language family must match at least
/// one of the specified languages. If this variable has no value, then the
/// language of the type doesn't need to match any types that are searched.
std::optional<LanguageSet> m_languages;
/// This class tracks the state and results of a \ref TypeQuery.
/// Any mutable state required for type lookups and the results are tracked in
/// this object.
class TypeResults {
/// Construct a type results object
TypeResults() = default;
/// When types that match a TypeQuery are found, this API is used to insert
/// the matching types.
/// \return
/// True if the type was added, false if the \a type_sp was already in the
/// results.
bool InsertUnique(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
/// Check if the type matching has found all of the matches that it needs.
bool Done(const TypeQuery &query) const;
/// Check if a SymbolFile object has already been searched by this type match
/// object.
/// This function will add \a sym_file to the set of SymbolFile objects if it
/// isn't already in the set and return \a false. Returns true if \a sym_file
/// was already in the set and doesn't need to be searched.
/// Any clients that search for types should first check that the symbol file
/// has not already been searched. If this function returns true, the type
/// search function should early return to avoid duplicating type searchihng
/// efforts.
/// \param[in] sym_file
/// A SymbolFile pointer that will be used to track which symbol files have
/// already been searched.
/// \returns
/// True if the symbol file has been search already, false otherwise.
bool AlreadySearched(lldb_private::SymbolFile *sym_file);
/// Access the set of searched symbol files.
llvm::DenseSet<lldb_private::SymbolFile *> &GetSearchedSymbolFiles() {
return m_searched_symbol_files;
lldb::TypeSP GetFirstType() const { return m_type_map.FirstType(); }
TypeMap &GetTypeMap() { return m_type_map; }
const TypeMap &GetTypeMap() const { return m_type_map; }
/// Matching types get added to this map as type search continues.
TypeMap m_type_map;
/// This set is used to track and make sure we only perform lookups in a
/// symbol file one time.
llvm::DenseSet<lldb_private::SymbolFile *> m_searched_symbol_files;
class SymbolFileType : public std::enable_shared_from_this<SymbolFileType>,
public UserID {
SymbolFileType(SymbolFile &symbol_file, lldb::user_id_t uid)
: UserID(uid), m_symbol_file(symbol_file) {}
SymbolFileType(SymbolFile &symbol_file, const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
~SymbolFileType() = default;
Type *operator->() { return GetType(); }
Type *GetType();
SymbolFile &GetSymbolFile() const { return m_symbol_file; }
SymbolFile &m_symbol_file;
lldb::TypeSP m_type_sp;
class Type : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Type>, public UserID {
enum EncodingDataType {
/// Invalid encoding.
/// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
/// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the const
/// qualifier added.
/// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the restrict
/// qualifier added.
/// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid with the volatile
/// qualifier added.
/// This type is alias to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
/// This type is pointer to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
/// This type is L value reference to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
/// This type is R value reference to a type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
/// This type is the type whose UID is m_encoding_uid as an atomic type.
/// This type is the synthetic type whose UID is m_encoding_uid.
/// This type is a signed pointer.
enum class ResolveState : unsigned char {
Unresolved = 0,
Forward = 1,
Layout = 2,
Full = 3
void Dump(Stream *s, bool show_context,
lldb::DescriptionLevel level = lldb::eDescriptionLevelFull);
void DumpTypeName(Stream *s);
/// Since Type instances only keep a "SymbolFile *" internally, other classes
/// like TypeImpl need make sure the module is still around before playing
/// with
/// Type instances. They can store a weak pointer to the Module;
lldb::ModuleSP GetModule();
/// GetModule may return module for compile unit's object file.
/// GetExeModule returns module for executable object file that contains
/// compile unit where type was actually defined.
/// GetModule and GetExeModule may return the same value.
lldb::ModuleSP GetExeModule();
void GetDescription(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level, bool show_name,
ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope);
SymbolFile *GetSymbolFile() { return m_symbol_file; }
const SymbolFile *GetSymbolFile() const { return m_symbol_file; }
ConstString GetName();
ConstString GetBaseName();
std::optional<uint64_t> GetByteSize(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope);
llvm::Expected<uint32_t> GetNumChildren(bool omit_empty_base_classes);
bool IsAggregateType();
// Returns if the type is a templated decl. Does not look through typedefs.
bool IsTemplateType();
bool IsValidType() { return m_encoding_uid_type != eEncodingInvalid; }
bool IsTypedef() { return m_encoding_uid_type == eEncodingIsTypedefUID; }
lldb::TypeSP GetTypedefType();
ConstString GetName() const { return m_name; }
ConstString GetQualifiedName();
bool ReadFromMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t address,
AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data);
bool WriteToMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t address,
AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data);
lldb::Format GetFormat();
lldb::Encoding GetEncoding(uint64_t &count);
SymbolContextScope *GetSymbolContextScope() { return m_context; }
const SymbolContextScope *GetSymbolContextScope() const { return m_context; }
void SetSymbolContextScope(SymbolContextScope *context) {
m_context = context;
const lldb_private::Declaration &GetDeclaration() const;
// Get the clang type, and resolve definitions for any
// class/struct/union/enum types completely.
CompilerType GetFullCompilerType();
// Get the clang type, and resolve definitions enough so that the type could
// have layout performed. This allows ptrs and refs to
// class/struct/union/enum types remain forward declarations.
CompilerType GetLayoutCompilerType();
// Get the clang type and leave class/struct/union/enum types as forward
// declarations if they haven't already been fully defined.
CompilerType GetForwardCompilerType();
static int Compare(const Type &a, const Type &b);
// Represents a parsed type name coming out of GetTypeScopeAndBasename. The
// structure holds StringRefs pointing to portions of the original name, and
// so must not be used after the name is destroyed.
struct ParsedName {
lldb::TypeClass type_class = lldb::eTypeClassAny;
// Scopes of the type, starting with the outermost. Absolute type references
// have a "::" as the first scope.
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef> scope;
llvm::StringRef basename;
friend bool operator==(const ParsedName &lhs, const ParsedName &rhs) {
return lhs.type_class == rhs.type_class && lhs.scope == rhs.scope &&
lhs.basename == rhs.basename;
friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
const ParsedName &name) {
return os << llvm::formatv(
"Type::ParsedName({0:x}, [{1}], {2})",
llvm::make_range(name.scope.begin(), name.scope.end()),
// From a fully qualified typename, split the type into the type basename and
// the remaining type scope (namespaces/classes).
static std::optional<ParsedName>
GetTypeScopeAndBasename(llvm::StringRef name);
void SetEncodingType(Type *encoding_type) { m_encoding_type = encoding_type; }
uint32_t GetEncodingMask();
typedef uint32_t Payload;
/// Return the language-specific payload.
Payload GetPayload() { return m_payload; }
/// Return the language-specific payload.
void SetPayload(Payload opaque_payload) { m_payload = opaque_payload; }
ConstString m_name;
SymbolFile *m_symbol_file = nullptr;
/// The symbol context in which this type is defined.
SymbolContextScope *m_context = nullptr;
Type *m_encoding_type = nullptr;
lldb::user_id_t m_encoding_uid = LLDB_INVALID_UID;
EncodingDataType m_encoding_uid_type = eEncodingInvalid;
uint64_t m_byte_size : 63;
uint64_t m_byte_size_has_value : 1;
Declaration m_decl;
CompilerType m_compiler_type;
ResolveState m_compiler_type_resolve_state = ResolveState::Unresolved;
/// Language-specific flags.
Payload m_payload;
Type *GetEncodingType();
bool ResolveCompilerType(ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state);
/// Only allow Symbol File to create types, as they should own them by keeping
/// them in their TypeList. \see SymbolFileCommon::MakeType() reference in the
/// header documentation here so users will know what function to use if the
/// get a compile error.
friend class lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon;
Type(lldb::user_id_t uid, SymbolFile *symbol_file, ConstString name,
std::optional<uint64_t> byte_size, SymbolContextScope *context,
lldb::user_id_t encoding_uid, EncodingDataType encoding_uid_type,
const Declaration &decl, const CompilerType &compiler_qual_type,
ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state, uint32_t opaque_payload = 0);
// This makes an invalid type. Used for functions that return a Type when
// they get an error.
Type(Type &t) = default;
Type(Type &&t) = default;
Type &operator=(const Type &t) = default;
Type &operator=(Type &&t) = default;
// the two classes here are used by the public API as a backend to the SBType
// and SBTypeList classes
class TypeImpl {
TypeImpl() = default;
~TypeImpl() = default;
TypeImpl(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
TypeImpl(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
TypeImpl(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp, const CompilerType &dynamic);
TypeImpl(const CompilerType &compiler_type, const CompilerType &dynamic);
void SetType(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
void SetType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
void SetType(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp, const CompilerType &dynamic);
void SetType(const CompilerType &compiler_type, const CompilerType &dynamic);
bool operator==(const TypeImpl &rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const TypeImpl &rhs) const;
bool IsValid() const;
explicit operator bool() const;
void Clear();
lldb::ModuleSP GetModule() const;
ConstString GetName() const;
ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() const;
TypeImpl GetPointerType() const;
TypeImpl GetPointeeType() const;
TypeImpl GetReferenceType() const;
TypeImpl GetTypedefedType() const;
TypeImpl GetDereferencedType() const;
TypeImpl GetUnqualifiedType() const;
TypeImpl GetCanonicalType() const;
CompilerType GetCompilerType(bool prefer_dynamic);
CompilerType::TypeSystemSPWrapper GetTypeSystem(bool prefer_dynamic);
bool GetDescription(lldb_private::Stream &strm,
lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level);
CompilerType FindDirectNestedType(llvm::StringRef name);
bool CheckModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const;
bool CheckExeModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const;
bool CheckModuleCommon(const lldb::ModuleWP &input_module_wp,
lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const;
lldb::ModuleWP m_module_wp;
lldb::ModuleWP m_exe_module_wp;
CompilerType m_static_type;
CompilerType m_dynamic_type;
class TypeListImpl {
TypeListImpl() = default;
void Append(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type) { m_content.push_back(type); }
class AppendVisitor {
AppendVisitor(TypeListImpl &type_list) : m_type_list(type_list) {}
void operator()(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type) { m_type_list.Append(type); }
TypeListImpl &m_type_list;
void Append(const lldb_private::TypeList &type_list);
lldb::TypeImplSP GetTypeAtIndex(size_t idx) {
lldb::TypeImplSP type_sp;
if (idx < GetSize())
type_sp = m_content[idx];
return type_sp;
size_t GetSize() { return m_content.size(); }
std::vector<lldb::TypeImplSP> m_content;
class TypeMemberImpl {
TypeMemberImpl() = default;
TypeMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type_impl_sp, uint64_t bit_offset,
ConstString name, uint32_t bitfield_bit_size = 0,
bool is_bitfield = false)
: m_type_impl_sp(type_impl_sp), m_bit_offset(bit_offset), m_name(name),
m_bitfield_bit_size(bitfield_bit_size), m_is_bitfield(is_bitfield) {}
TypeMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &type_impl_sp, uint64_t bit_offset)
: m_type_impl_sp(type_impl_sp), m_bit_offset(bit_offset),
m_bitfield_bit_size(0), m_is_bitfield(false) {
if (m_type_impl_sp)
m_name = m_type_impl_sp->GetName();
const lldb::TypeImplSP &GetTypeImpl() { return m_type_impl_sp; }
ConstString GetName() const { return m_name; }
uint64_t GetBitOffset() const { return m_bit_offset; }
uint32_t GetBitfieldBitSize() const { return m_bitfield_bit_size; }
void SetBitfieldBitSize(uint32_t bitfield_bit_size) {
m_bitfield_bit_size = bitfield_bit_size;
bool GetIsBitfield() const { return m_is_bitfield; }
void SetIsBitfield(bool is_bitfield) { m_is_bitfield = is_bitfield; }
lldb::TypeImplSP m_type_impl_sp;
uint64_t m_bit_offset = 0;
ConstString m_name;
uint32_t m_bitfield_bit_size = 0; // Bit size for bitfield members only
bool m_is_bitfield = false;
/// Sometimes you can find the name of the type corresponding to an object, but
/// we don't have debug
/// information for it. If that is the case, you can return one of these
/// objects, and then if it
/// has a full type, you can use that, but if not at least you can print the
/// name for informational
/// purposes.
class TypeAndOrName {
TypeAndOrName() = default;
TypeAndOrName(lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
TypeAndOrName(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
TypeAndOrName(const char *type_str);
TypeAndOrName(ConstString &type_const_string);
bool operator==(const TypeAndOrName &other) const;
bool operator!=(const TypeAndOrName &other) const;
ConstString GetName() const;
CompilerType GetCompilerType() const { return m_compiler_type; }
void SetName(ConstString type_name);
void SetName(const char *type_name_cstr);
void SetName(llvm::StringRef name);
void SetTypeSP(lldb::TypeSP type_sp);
void SetCompilerType(CompilerType compiler_type);
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool HasName() const;
bool HasCompilerType() const;
bool HasType() const { return HasCompilerType(); }
void Clear();
explicit operator bool() { return !IsEmpty(); }
CompilerType m_compiler_type;
ConstString m_type_name;
class TypeMemberFunctionImpl {
TypeMemberFunctionImpl() = default;
TypeMemberFunctionImpl(const CompilerType &type, const CompilerDecl &decl,
const std::string &name,
const lldb::MemberFunctionKind &kind)
: m_type(type), m_decl(decl), m_name(name), m_kind(kind) {}
bool IsValid();
ConstString GetName() const;
ConstString GetMangledName() const;
CompilerType GetType() const;
CompilerType GetReturnType() const;
size_t GetNumArguments() const;
CompilerType GetArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
lldb::MemberFunctionKind GetKind() const;
bool GetDescription(Stream &stream);
std::string GetPrintableTypeName();
CompilerType m_type;
CompilerDecl m_decl;
ConstString m_name;
lldb::MemberFunctionKind m_kind = lldb::eMemberFunctionKindUnknown;
class TypeEnumMemberImpl {
TypeEnumMemberImpl() : m_name("<invalid>") {}
TypeEnumMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &integer_type_sp, ConstString name,
const llvm::APSInt &value);
TypeEnumMemberImpl(const TypeEnumMemberImpl &rhs) = default;
TypeEnumMemberImpl &operator=(const TypeEnumMemberImpl &rhs);
bool IsValid() { return m_valid; }
ConstString GetName() const { return m_name; }
const lldb::TypeImplSP &GetIntegerType() const { return m_integer_type_sp; }
uint64_t GetValueAsUnsigned() const { return m_value.getZExtValue(); }
int64_t GetValueAsSigned() const { return m_value.getSExtValue(); }
lldb::TypeImplSP m_integer_type_sp;
ConstString m_name;
llvm::APSInt m_value;
bool m_valid = false;
class TypeEnumMemberListImpl {
TypeEnumMemberListImpl() = default;
void Append(const lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP &type) {
void Append(const lldb_private::TypeEnumMemberListImpl &type_list);
lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP GetTypeEnumMemberAtIndex(size_t idx) {
lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP enum_member;
if (idx < GetSize())
enum_member = m_content[idx];
return enum_member;
size_t GetSize() { return m_content.size(); }
std::vector<lldb::TypeEnumMemberImplSP> m_content;
} // namespace lldb_private