blob: 32b101a2f9843c82fde98ce3316288bc997f405d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ValueObjectPrinter.h ---------------------------------------*- C++
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Flags.h"
#include "lldb/DataFormatters/DumpValueObjectOptions.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class ValueObjectPrinter {
/// The ValueObjectPrinter is a one-shot printer for ValueObjects. It
/// does not retain the ValueObject it is printing, that is the job of
/// its caller. It also doesn't attempt to track changes in the
/// ValueObject, e.g. changing synthetic child providers or changing
/// dynamic vrs. static vrs. synthetic settings.
ValueObjectPrinter(ValueObject &valobj, Stream *s);
ValueObjectPrinter(ValueObject &valobj, Stream *s,
const DumpValueObjectOptions &options);
~ValueObjectPrinter() = default;
bool PrintValueObject();
typedef std::set<uint64_t> InstancePointersSet;
typedef std::shared_ptr<InstancePointersSet> InstancePointersSetSP;
InstancePointersSetSP m_printed_instance_pointers;
// only this class (and subclasses, if any) should ever be concerned with the
// depth mechanism
ValueObjectPrinter(ValueObject &valobj, Stream *s,
const DumpValueObjectOptions &options,
const DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &ptr_depth,
uint32_t curr_depth,
InstancePointersSetSP printed_instance_pointers);
// we should actually be using delegating constructors here but some versions
// of GCC still have trouble with those
void Init(ValueObject &valobj, Stream *s,
const DumpValueObjectOptions &options,
const DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &ptr_depth,
uint32_t curr_depth,
InstancePointersSetSP printed_instance_pointers);
/// Cache the ValueObject we are actually going to print. If this
/// ValueObject has a Dynamic type, we return that, if either the original
/// ValueObject or its Dynamic type has a Synthetic provider, return that.
/// This will never return an empty ValueObject, since we use the ValueObject
/// to carry errors.
/// Note, this gets called when making the printer object, and uses the
/// use dynamic and use synthetic settings of the ValueObject being printed,
/// so changes made to these settings won't affect already made
/// ValueObjectPrinters. SetupMostSpecializedValue();
/// Access the cached "most specialized value" - that is the one to use for
/// printing the value object's value. However, be sure to use
/// GetValueForChildGeneration when you are generating the children of this
/// value.
ValueObject &GetMostSpecializedValue();
void SetupMostSpecializedValue();
const char *GetDescriptionForDisplay();
const char *GetRootNameForDisplay();
bool ShouldPrintValueObject();
bool IsNil();
bool IsUninitialized();
bool IsPtr();
bool IsRef();
bool IsInstancePointer();
bool IsAggregate();
bool PrintLocationIfNeeded();
void PrintDecl();
bool CheckScopeIfNeeded();
bool ShouldPrintEmptyBrackets(bool value_printed, bool summary_printed);
TypeSummaryImpl *GetSummaryFormatter(bool null_if_omitted = true);
void GetValueSummaryError(std::string &value, std::string &summary,
std::string &error);
bool PrintValueAndSummaryIfNeeded(bool &value_printed, bool &summary_printed);
bool PrintObjectDescriptionIfNeeded(bool value_printed, bool summary_printed);
ShouldPrintChildren(DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &curr_ptr_depth);
bool ShouldExpandEmptyAggregates();
ValueObject &GetValueObjectForChildrenGeneration();
void PrintChildrenPreamble(bool value_printed, bool summary_printed);
void PrintChildrenPostamble(bool print_dotdotdot);
lldb::ValueObjectSP GenerateChild(ValueObject &synth_valobj, size_t idx);
void PrintChild(lldb::ValueObjectSP child_sp,
const DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &curr_ptr_depth);
llvm::Expected<uint32_t> GetMaxNumChildrenToPrint(bool &print_dotdotdot);
PrintChildren(bool value_printed, bool summary_printed,
const DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &curr_ptr_depth);
void PrintChildrenIfNeeded(bool value_printed, bool summary_printed);
bool PrintChildrenOneLiner(bool hide_names);
bool HasReachedMaximumDepth();
bool ShouldShowName() const;
ValueObject &m_orig_valobj;
ValueObject *m_cached_valobj; /// Cache the current "most specialized" value.
/// Don't use this directly, use
/// GetMostSpecializedValue.
Stream *m_stream;
DumpValueObjectOptions m_options;
Flags m_type_flags;
CompilerType m_compiler_type;
DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth m_ptr_depth;
uint32_t m_curr_depth;
LazyBool m_should_print;
LazyBool m_is_nil;
LazyBool m_is_uninit;
LazyBool m_is_ptr;
LazyBool m_is_ref;
LazyBool m_is_aggregate;
LazyBool m_is_instance_ptr;
std::pair<TypeSummaryImpl *, bool> m_summary_formatter;
std::string m_value;
std::string m_summary;
std::string m_error;
bool m_val_summary_ok;
friend struct StringSummaryFormat;
ValueObjectPrinter(const ValueObjectPrinter &) = delete;
const ValueObjectPrinter &operator=(const ValueObjectPrinter &) = delete;
} // namespace lldb_private