blob: b6fc1a20e1e6967b6a330de2574f30b26d6f0d6f [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Architecture.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h"
#include "lldb/Target/DynamicRegisterInfo.h"
#include "lldb/Target/MemoryTagManager.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class Architecture : public PluginInterface {
/// This is currently intended to handle cases where a
/// program stops at an instruction that won't get executed and it
/// allows the stop reason, like "breakpoint hit", to be replaced
/// with a different stop reason like "no stop reason".
/// This is specifically used for ARM in Thumb code when we stop in
/// an IT instruction (if/then/else) where the instruction won't get
/// executed and therefore it wouldn't be correct to show the program
/// stopped at the current PC. The code is generic and applies to all
/// ARM CPUs.
virtual void OverrideStopInfo(Thread &thread) const = 0;
/// This method is used to get the number of bytes that should be
/// skipped, from function start address, to reach the first
/// instruction after the prologue. If overrode, it must return
/// non-zero only if the current address matches one of the known
/// function entry points.
/// This method is called only if the standard platform-independent
/// code fails to get the number of bytes to skip, giving the plugin
/// a chance to try to find the missing info.
/// This is specifically used for PPC64, where functions may have
/// more than one entry point, global and local, so both should
/// be compared with current address, in order to find out the
/// number of bytes that should be skipped, in case we are stopped
/// at either function entry point.
virtual size_t GetBytesToSkip(Symbol &func, const Address &curr_addr) const {
return 0;
/// Adjust function breakpoint address, if needed. In some cases,
/// the function start address is not the right place to set the
/// breakpoint, specially in functions with multiple entry points.
/// This is specifically used for PPC64, for functions that have
/// both a global and a local entry point. In this case, the
/// breakpoint is adjusted to the first function address reached
/// by both entry points.
virtual void AdjustBreakpointAddress(const Symbol &func,
Address &addr) const {}
/// Get \a load_addr as a callable code load address for this target
/// Take \a load_addr and potentially add any address bits that are
/// needed to make the address callable. For ARM this can set bit
/// zero (if it already isn't) if \a load_addr is a thumb function.
/// If \a addr_class is set to AddressClass::eInvalid, then the address
/// adjustment will always happen. If it is set to an address class
/// that doesn't have code in it, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS will be
/// returned.
virtual lldb::addr_t GetCallableLoadAddress(
lldb::addr_t addr, AddressClass addr_class = AddressClass::eInvalid) const {
return addr;
/// Get \a load_addr as an opcode for this target.
/// Take \a load_addr and potentially strip any address bits that are
/// needed to make the address point to an opcode. For ARM this can
/// clear bit zero (if it already isn't) if \a load_addr is a
/// thumb function and load_addr is in code.
/// If \a addr_class is set to AddressClass::eInvalid, then the address
/// adjustment will always happen. If it is set to an address class
/// that doesn't have code in it, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS will be
/// returned.
virtual lldb::addr_t GetOpcodeLoadAddress(
lldb::addr_t addr, AddressClass addr_class = AddressClass::eInvalid) const {
return addr;
// Get load_addr as breakable load address for this target. Take a addr and
// check if for any reason there is a better address than this to put a
// breakpoint on. If there is then return that address. For MIPS, if
// instruction at addr is a delay slot instruction then this method will find
// the address of its previous instruction and return that address.
virtual lldb::addr_t GetBreakableLoadAddress(lldb::addr_t addr,
Target &target) const {
return addr;
// Returns a pointer to an object that can manage memory tags for this
// Architecture E.g. masking out tags, unpacking tag streams etc. Returns
// nullptr if the architecture does not have a memory tagging extension.
// The return pointer being valid does not mean that the current process has
// memory tagging enabled, just that a tagging technology exists for this
// architecture.
virtual const MemoryTagManager *GetMemoryTagManager() const {
return nullptr;
// This returns true if a write to the named register should cause lldb to
// reconfigure its register information. For example on AArch64 writing to vg
// to change the vector length means lldb has to change the size of registers.
virtual bool
RegisterWriteCausesReconfigure(const llvm::StringRef name) const {
return false;
// Call this after writing a register for which RegisterWriteCausesReconfigure
// returns true. This method will update the layout of registers according to
// the new state e.g. the new length of scalable vector registers.
// Returns true if anything changed, which means existing register values must
// be invalidated.
virtual bool ReconfigureRegisterInfo(DynamicRegisterInfo &reg_info,
DataExtractor &reg_data,
RegisterContext &reg_context) const {
return false;
} // namespace lldb_private