blob: a9e929a4c0bd9d488e4f5f2d04390c5944bf9be4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- SBExpressionOptions.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/API/SBDefines.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBLanguages.h"
#include <vector>
namespace lldb {
class LLDB_API SBExpressionOptions {
SBExpressionOptions(const lldb::SBExpressionOptions &rhs);
const SBExpressionOptions &operator=(const lldb::SBExpressionOptions &rhs);
bool GetCoerceResultToId() const;
void SetCoerceResultToId(bool coerce = true);
bool GetUnwindOnError() const;
void SetUnwindOnError(bool unwind = true);
bool GetIgnoreBreakpoints() const;
void SetIgnoreBreakpoints(bool ignore = true);
lldb::DynamicValueType GetFetchDynamicValue() const;
void SetFetchDynamicValue(
lldb::DynamicValueType dynamic = lldb::eDynamicCanRunTarget);
uint32_t GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds() const;
// Set the timeout for the expression, 0 means wait forever.
void SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(uint32_t timeout = 0);
uint32_t GetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds() const;
// Set the timeout for running on one thread, 0 means use the default
// behavior. If you set this higher than the overall timeout, you'll get an
// error when you try to run the expression.
void SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(uint32_t timeout = 0);
bool GetTryAllThreads() const;
void SetTryAllThreads(bool run_others = true);
bool GetStopOthers() const;
void SetStopOthers(bool stop_others = true);
bool GetTrapExceptions() const;
void SetTrapExceptions(bool trap_exceptions = true);
void SetLanguage(lldb::LanguageType language);
/// Set the language using a pair of language code and version as
/// defined by the DWARF 6 specification.
/// WARNING: These codes may change until DWARF 6 is finalized.
void SetLanguage(lldb::SBSourceLanguageName name, uint32_t version);
#ifndef SWIG
void SetCancelCallback(lldb::ExpressionCancelCallback callback, void *baton);
bool GetGenerateDebugInfo();
void SetGenerateDebugInfo(bool b = true);
bool GetSuppressPersistentResult();
void SetSuppressPersistentResult(bool b = false);
const char *GetPrefix() const;
void SetPrefix(const char *prefix);
void SetAutoApplyFixIts(bool b = true);
bool GetAutoApplyFixIts();
void SetRetriesWithFixIts(uint64_t retries);
uint64_t GetRetriesWithFixIts();
bool GetTopLevel();
void SetTopLevel(bool b = true);
// Gets whether we will JIT an expression if it cannot be interpreted
bool GetAllowJIT();
// Sets whether we will JIT an expression if it cannot be interpreted
void SetAllowJIT(bool allow);
lldb_private::EvaluateExpressionOptions *get() const;
lldb_private::EvaluateExpressionOptions &ref() const;
friend class SBFrame;
friend class SBValue;
friend class SBTarget;
// This auto_pointer is made in the constructor and is always valid.
mutable std::unique_ptr<lldb_private::EvaluateExpressionOptions> m_opaque_up;
} // namespace lldb