[lldb] Outline Doxygen comments in LineEntry.h (NFC)

Outline and correct Doxygen comments in LineEntry.

GitOrigin-RevId: 92b2b49994eb804253db1deeb7e9f63904cd96d1
diff --git a/include/lldb/Symbol/LineEntry.h b/include/lldb/Symbol/LineEntry.h
index c2daba9..31e1cd0 100644
--- a/include/lldb/Symbol/LineEntry.h
+++ b/include/lldb/Symbol/LineEntry.h
@@ -130,31 +130,40 @@
   ///     Shared pointer to the target this LineEntry belongs to.
   void ApplyFileMappings(lldb::TargetSP target_sp);
-  // Member variables.
-  AddressRange range; ///< The section offset address range for this line entry.
-  FileSpec file; ///< The source file, possibly mapped by the target.source-map
-                 ///setting
-  lldb::SupportFileSP
-      original_file_sp; ///< The original source file, from debug info.
-  uint32_t line = LLDB_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER; ///< The source line number, or zero
-                                            ///< if there is no line number
-                                            /// information.
-  uint16_t column =
-      0; ///< The column number of the source line, or zero if there
-         /// is no column information.
-  uint16_t is_start_of_statement : 1, ///< Indicates this entry is the beginning
-                                      ///of a statement.
-      is_start_of_basic_block : 1, ///< Indicates this entry is the beginning of
-                                   ///a basic block.
-      is_prologue_end : 1,   ///< Indicates this entry is one (of possibly many)
-                             ///where execution should be suspended for an entry
-                             ///breakpoint of a function.
-      is_epilogue_begin : 1, ///< Indicates this entry is one (of possibly many)
-                             ///where execution should be suspended for an exit
-                             ///breakpoint of a function.
-      is_terminal_entry : 1; ///< Indicates this entry is that of the first byte
-                             ///after the end of a sequence of target machine
-                             ///instructions.
+  /// The section offset address range for this line entry.
+  AddressRange range;
+  /// The source file, possibly mapped by the target.source-map setting.
+  FileSpec file;
+  /// The original source file, from debug info.
+  lldb::SupportFileSP original_file_sp;
+  /// The source line number, or LLDB_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER if there is no line
+  /// number information.
+  uint32_t line = LLDB_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER;
+  /// The column number of the source line, or zero if there is no column
+  /// information.
+  uint16_t column = 0;
+  /// Indicates this entry is the beginning of a statement.
+  uint16_t is_start_of_statement : 1;
+  /// Indicates this entry is the beginning of a basic block.
+  uint16_t is_start_of_basic_block : 1;
+  /// Indicates this entry is one (of possibly many) where execution should be
+  /// suspended for an entry breakpoint of a function.
+  uint16_t is_prologue_end : 1;
+  /// Indicates this entry is one (of possibly many) where execution should be
+  /// suspended for an exit breakpoint of a function.
+  uint16_t is_epilogue_begin : 1;
+  /// Indicates this entry is that of the first byte after the end of a sequence
+  /// of target machine instructions.
+  uint16_t is_terminal_entry : 1;
 /// Less than operator.