blob: dc1701258246a4e97b23e17aaf2d1456fcc324e8 [file] [log] [blame]
Test some lldb platform commands.
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
class PlatformCommandTestCase(TestBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def test_help_platform(self):
self.runCmd("help platform")
def test_help_platform(self):
self.expect("help shell", substrs=["Run a shell command on the host.",
"shell <shell-command>"])
def test_list(self):
self.expect("platform list",
patterns=['^Available platforms:'])
def test_process_list(self):
self.expect("platform process list",
substrs=['PID', 'TRIPLE', 'NAME'])
def test_process_info_with_no_arg(self):
"""This is expected to fail and to return a proper error message."""
self.expect("platform process info", error=True,
substrs=['one or more process id(s) must be specified'])
def test_status(self):
"platform status",
'OS Version',
def test_shell(self):
""" Test that the platform shell command can invoke ls. """
triple = self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform().GetTriple()
if re.match(".*-.*-windows", triple):
"platform shell dir c:\\", substrs=[
"Windows", "Program Files"])
self.expect("shell dir c:\\", substrs=["Windows", "Program Files"])
elif re.match(".*-.*-.*-android", triple):
"platform shell ls /",
self.expect("shell ls /",
substrs=["cache", "dev", "system"])
self.expect("platform shell ls /", substrs=["dev", "tmp", "usr"])
self.expect("shell ls /", substrs=["dev", "tmp", "usr"])
def test_shell_builtin(self):
""" Test a shell built-in command (echo) """
self.expect("platform shell echo hello lldb",
substrs=["hello lldb"])
self.expect("shell echo hello lldb",
substrs=["hello lldb"])
def test_shell_timeout(self):
""" Test a shell built-in command (sleep) that times out """
self.skipTest("Alias with option not supported by the command interpreter.")
self.expect("platform shell -t 1 -- sleep 15", error=True, substrs=[
"error: timed out waiting for shell command to complete"])
self.expect("shell -t 1 -- sleep 3", error=True, substrs=[
"error: timed out waiting for shell command to complete"])
def test_host_shell_interpreter(self):
""" Test the host platform shell with a different interpreter """
exe = self.getBuildArtifact('a.out')
self.expect("platform shell -h -s " + exe + " -- 'echo $0'",
substrs=['SUCCESS', 'a.out'])