ObjectFileELF: Test whether reloc_header is non-null instead of asserting.

It is possible for the GetSectionHeaderByIndex lookup to fail because
the previous FindSectionContainingFileAddress lookup found a segment
instead of a section. This is possible if the binary does not have
a PLT (which means that lld will in some circumstances set DT_JMPREL
to 0, which is typically an address that is part of the ELF headers
and not in a section) and may also be possible if the section headers
have been stripped. To handle this possibility, replace the assert
with an if.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93438

GitOrigin-RevId: c314f5ede8249ef20fff1de45c2c31156b1950d4
diff --git a/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF/ObjectFileELF.cpp b/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF/ObjectFileELF.cpp
index cad9ce2..df05863 100644
--- a/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF/ObjectFileELF.cpp
+++ b/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF/ObjectFileELF.cpp
@@ -2770,14 +2770,14 @@
         user_id_t reloc_id = reloc_section->GetID();
         const ELFSectionHeaderInfo *reloc_header =
-        assert(reloc_header);
+        if (reloc_header) {
+          if (m_symtab_up == nullptr)
+            m_symtab_up =
+                std::make_unique<Symtab>(reloc_section->GetObjectFile());
-        if (m_symtab_up == nullptr)
-          m_symtab_up =
-              std::make_unique<Symtab>(reloc_section->GetObjectFile());
-        ParseTrampolineSymbols(m_symtab_up.get(), symbol_id, reloc_header,
-                               reloc_id);
+          ParseTrampolineSymbols(m_symtab_up.get(), symbol_id, reloc_header,
+                                 reloc_id);
+        }
diff --git a/test/Shell/ObjectFile/ELF/null-jmprel.yaml b/test/Shell/ObjectFile/ELF/null-jmprel.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae151ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Shell/ObjectFile/ELF/null-jmprel.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t
+# RUN: lldb-test symbols %t | FileCheck %s
+# CHECK: _start
+--- !ELF
+  Class:           ELFCLASS64
+  Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
+  Type:            ET_DYN
+  Machine:         EM_X86_64
+  Entry:           0x1000
+  - Type:            PT_PHDR
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    VAddr:           0x40
+    Align:           0x8
+  - Type:            PT_LOAD
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .dynsym
+    LastSec:         .dynstr
+    Align:           0x1000
+  - Type:            PT_LOAD
+    Flags:           [ PF_X, PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .text
+    LastSec:         .text
+    VAddr:           0x1000
+    Align:           0x1000
+  - Type:            PT_LOAD
+    Flags:           [ PF_W, PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .data
+    LastSec:         .bss
+    VAddr:           0x2000
+    Align:           0x1000
+  - Type:            PT_DYNAMIC
+    Flags:           [ PF_W, PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .data
+    LastSec:         .dynamic
+    VAddr:           0x2000
+    Align:           0x8
+  - Type:            PT_GNU_RELRO
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .data
+    LastSec:         .bss
+    VAddr:           0x2000
+  - Type:            PT_GNU_STACK
+    Flags:           [ PF_W, PF_R ]
+    Align:           0x0
+  - Name:            .dynsym
+    Type:            SHT_DYNSYM
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x1C8
+    Link:            .dynstr
+    AddressAlign:    0x8
+    EntSize:         0x18
+  - Name:            .gnu.hash
+    Type:            SHT_GNU_HASH
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x1F8
+    Link:            .dynsym
+    AddressAlign:    0x8
+    Header:
+      SymNdx:          0x1
+      Shift2:          0x6
+    BloomFilter:     [ 0x4000000000100 ]
+    HashBuckets:     [ 0x1 ]
+    HashValues:      [ 0xEDDB6233 ]
+  - Name:            .hash
+    Type:            SHT_HASH
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x218
+    Link:            .dynsym
+    AddressAlign:    0x4
+    Bucket:          [ 1, 0 ]
+    Chain:           [ 0, 0 ]
+  - Name:            .dynstr
+    Type:            SHT_STRTAB
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x230
+    AddressAlign:    0x1
+  - Name:            .text
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
+    Address:         0x1000
+    AddressAlign:    0x1
+    Offset:          0x1000
+    Content:         C3
+  - Name:            .data
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x2000
+    AddressAlign:    0x1
+    Offset:          0x2000
+  - Name:            .dynamic
+    Type:            SHT_DYNAMIC
+    Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x2000
+    Link:            .dynstr
+    AddressAlign:    0x8
+    Entries:
+      - Tag:             DT_SYMTAB
+        Value:           0x1C8
+      - Tag:             DT_SYMENT
+        Value:           0x18
+      - Tag:             DT_STRTAB
+        Value:           0x230
+      - Tag:             DT_STRSZ
+        Value:           0x8
+      - Tag:             DT_GNU_HASH
+        Value:           0x1F8
+      - Tag:             DT_HASH
+        Value:           0x218
+      - Tag:             DT_JMPREL
+        Value:           0x0
+      - Tag:             DT_PLTRELSZ
+        Value:           0x0
+      - Tag:             DT_NULL
+        Value:           0x0
+  - Name:            .bss
+    Type:            SHT_NOBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x3000
+    AddressAlign:    0x1
+  - Name:            .comment
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_MERGE, SHF_STRINGS ]
+    AddressAlign:    0x1
+    EntSize:         0x1
+    Content:         4C696E6B65723A204C4C4420372E302E3000
+  - Name:            _DYNAMIC
+    Section:         .dynamic
+    Value:           0x2000
+    Other:           [ STV_HIDDEN ]
+  - Name:            _start
+    Type:            STT_FUNC
+    Section:         .text
+    Binding:         STB_GLOBAL
+    Value:           0x1000
+  - Name:            _start
+    Type:            STT_FUNC
+    Section:         .text
+    Binding:         STB_GLOBAL
+    Value:           0x1000