blob: 6020186b9e3f516f2c2ae1967363b5d493927adb [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: %clangxx_host %p/Inputs/main.cpp -g -o %t.out
# RUN: %lldb -b -o 'settings set interpreter.stop-command-source-on-error false' -s %s %t.out 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
settings show interpreter.stop-command-source-on-error
# CHECK: interpreter.stop-command-source-on-error (boolean) = false
b main.cpp:11
# CHECK: stopped
# CHECK-NEXT: stop reason = breakpoint
watchpoint set
# CHECK: Commands for setting a watchpoint.
# CHECK: The following subcommands are supported:
# CHECK: Set a watchpoint on an address by supplying an expression.
# CHECK: Set a watchpoint on a variable.
watchpoint set variable -w read_write
# CHECK: error: required argument missing
watchpoint set expression -w write --
# CHECK: error: expression evaluation of address to watch failed
watchpoint set expression MyAggregateDataType
# CHECK: error: expression did not evaluate to an address
watchpoint set variable -s -128
# CHECK: error: invalid --size option value