blob: 0637637b84e51fa8fc8491aea0a4a72a863a8249 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- BreakpointBase.cpp --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "BreakpointBase.h"
#include "VSCode.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
using namespace lldb_vscode;
BreakpointBase::BreakpointBase(const llvm::json::Object &obj)
: condition(std::string(GetString(obj, "condition"))),
hitCondition(std::string(GetString(obj, "hitCondition"))),
logMessage(std::string(GetString(obj, "logMessage"))) {}
void BreakpointBase::SetCondition() { bp.SetCondition(condition.c_str()); }
void BreakpointBase::SetHitCondition() {
uint64_t hitCount = 0;
if (llvm::to_integer(hitCondition, hitCount))
bp.SetIgnoreCount(hitCount - 1);
// logMessage will be divided into array of LogMessagePart as two kinds:
// 1. raw print text message, and
// 2. interpolated expression for evaluation which is inside matching curly
// braces.
// The function tries to parse logMessage into a list of LogMessageParts
// for easy later access in BreakpointHitCallback.
void BreakpointBase::SetLogMessage() {
// Contains unmatched open curly braces indices.
std::vector<int> unmatched_curly_braces;
// Contains all matched curly braces in logMessage.
// Loop invariant: matched_curly_braces_ranges are sorted by start index in
// ascending order without any overlap between them.
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> matched_curly_braces_ranges;
// Part1 - parse matched_curly_braces_ranges.
// locating all curly braced expression ranges in logMessage.
// The algorithm takes care of nested and imbalanced curly braces.
for (size_t i = 0; i < logMessage.size(); ++i) {
if (logMessage[i] == '{') {
} else if (logMessage[i] == '}') {
if (unmatched_curly_braces.empty())
// Nothing to match.
int last_unmatched_index = unmatched_curly_braces.back();
// Erase any matched ranges included in the new match.
while (!matched_curly_braces_ranges.empty()) {
assert(matched_curly_braces_ranges.back().first !=
last_unmatched_index &&
"How can a curley brace be matched twice?");
if (matched_curly_braces_ranges.back().first < last_unmatched_index)
// This is a nested range let's earse it.
assert((size_t)matched_curly_braces_ranges.back().second < i);
// Assert invariant.
assert(matched_curly_braces_ranges.empty() ||
matched_curly_braces_ranges.back().first < last_unmatched_index);
matched_curly_braces_ranges.emplace_back(last_unmatched_index, i);
// Part2 - parse raw text and expresions parts.
// All expression ranges have been parsed in matched_curly_braces_ranges.
// The code below uses matched_curly_braces_ranges to divide logMessage
// into raw text parts and expression parts.
int last_raw_text_start = 0;
for (const std::pair<int, int> &curly_braces_range :
matched_curly_braces_ranges) {
// Raw text before open curly brace.
assert(curly_braces_range.first >= last_raw_text_start);
size_t raw_text_len = curly_braces_range.first - last_raw_text_start;
if (raw_text_len > 0)
llvm::StringRef(logMessage.c_str() + last_raw_text_start,
// Expression between curly braces.
assert(curly_braces_range.second > curly_braces_range.first);
size_t expr_len = curly_braces_range.second - curly_braces_range.first - 1;
llvm::StringRef(logMessage.c_str() + curly_braces_range.first + 1,
last_raw_text_start = curly_braces_range.second + 1;
// Trailing raw text after close curly brace.
assert(last_raw_text_start >= 0);
if (logMessage.size() > (size_t)last_raw_text_start)
llvm::StringRef(logMessage.c_str() + last_raw_text_start,
logMessage.size() - last_raw_text_start),
bp.SetCallback(BreakpointBase::BreakpointHitCallback, this);
bool BreakpointBase::BreakpointHitCallback(
void *baton, lldb::SBProcess &process, lldb::SBThread &thread,
lldb::SBBreakpointLocation &location) {
if (!baton)
return true;
BreakpointBase *bp = (BreakpointBase *)baton;
lldb::SBFrame frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame();
std::string output;
for (const BreakpointBase::LogMessagePart &messagePart :
bp->logMessageParts) {
if (messagePart.is_expr) {
// Try local frame variables first before fall back to expression
// evaluation
std::string expr_str = messagePart.text.str();
const char *expr = expr_str.c_str();
lldb::SBValue value =
frame.GetValueForVariablePath(expr, lldb::eDynamicDontRunTarget);
if (value.GetError().Fail())
value = frame.EvaluateExpression(expr);
const char *expr_val = value.GetValue();
if (expr_val)
output += expr_val;
} else {
output += messagePart.text.str();
g_vsc.SendOutput(OutputType::Console, output.c_str());
// Do not stop.
return false;
void BreakpointBase::UpdateBreakpoint(const BreakpointBase &request_bp) {
if (condition != request_bp.condition) {
condition = request_bp.condition;
if (hitCondition != request_bp.hitCondition) {
hitCondition = request_bp.hitCondition;
if (logMessage != request_bp.logMessage) {
logMessage = request_bp.logMessage;
const char *BreakpointBase::GetBreakpointLabel() {
// Breakpoints in LLDB can have names added to them which are kind of like
// labels or categories. All breakpoints that are set through the IDE UI get
// sent through the various VS code DAP set*Breakpoint packets, and these
// breakpoints will be labeled with this name so if breakpoint update events
// come in for breakpoints that the IDE doesn't know about, like if a
// breakpoint is set manually using the debugger console, we won't report any
// updates on them and confused the IDE. This function gets called by all of
// the breakpoint classes after they set breakpoints to mark a breakpoint as
// a UI breakpoint. We can later check a lldb::SBBreakpoint object that comes
// in via LLDB breakpoint changed events and check the breakpoint by calling
// "bool lldb::SBBreakpoint::MatchesName(const char *)" to check if a
// breakpoint in one of the UI breakpoints that we should report changes for.
return "vscode";