blob: 222e4a2690e4fea5ac945cbd29dace7849e4dc65 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86.cpp --------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/RegisterValue.h"
#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/lldb-x86-register-enums.h"
using namespace lldb_private;
// Returns mask/value for status bit of wp_index in DR6
static inline uint64_t GetStatusBit(uint32_t wp_index) {
// DR6: ...BBBB
// 3210 <- status bits for bp./wp. i; 1 if hit
return 1 << wp_index;
// Returns mask/value for global enable bit of wp_index in DR7
static inline uint64_t GetEnableBit(uint32_t wp_index) {
// 33221100 <- global/local enable for bp./wp.; 1 if enabled
// we use global bits because NetBSD kernel does not preserve local
// bits reliably; Linux seems fine with either
return 1 << (2 * wp_index + 1);
// Returns mask for both enable bits of wp_index in DR7
static inline uint64_t GetBothEnableBitMask(uint32_t wp_index) {
// 33221100 <- global/local enable for bp./wp.; 1 if enabled
return 3 << (2 * wp_index + 1);
// Returns value for type bits of wp_index in DR7
static inline uint64_t GetWatchTypeBits(uint32_t watch_flags,
uint32_t wp_index) {
// DR7:
// bit: 3322222222221111...
// 1098765432109876...
// wp.: 3333222211110000...
// where T - type is 01 for write, 11 for r/w
return watch_flags << (16 + 4 * wp_index);
// Returns value for size bits of wp_index in DR7
static inline uint64_t GetWatchSizeBits(uint32_t size, uint32_t wp_index) {
// DR7:
// bit: 3322222222221111...
// 1098765432109876...
// wp.: 3333222211110000...
// where S - size is:
// 00 for 1 byte
// 01 for 2 bytes
// 10 for 8 bytes
// 11 for 4 bytes
return (size == 8 ? 0x2 : size - 1) << (18 + 4 * wp_index);
// Returns bitmask for all bits controlling wp_index in DR7
static inline uint64_t GetWatchControlBitmask(uint32_t wp_index) {
// DR7:
// bit: 33222222222211111111110000000000
// 10987654321098765432109876543210
// wp.: 3333222211110000xxxxxxEE33221100
return GetBothEnableBitMask(wp_index) | (0xF << (16 + 4 * wp_index));
// Bit mask for control bits regarding all watchpoints.
static constexpr uint64_t watchpoint_all_control_bit_mask = 0xFFFF00FF;
const RegisterInfo *NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::GetDR(int num) const {
assert(num >= 0 && num <= 7);
switch (GetRegisterInfoInterface().GetTargetArchitecture().GetMachine()) {
case llvm::Triple::x86:
return GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(lldb_dr0_i386 + num);
case llvm::Triple::x86_64:
return GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(lldb_dr0_x86_64 + num);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled target architecture.");
Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::IsWatchpointHit(uint32_t wp_index,
bool &is_hit) {
if (wp_index >= NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints())
return Status("Watchpoint index out of range");
RegisterValue dr6;
Status error = ReadRegister(GetDR(6), dr6);
if (error.Fail())
is_hit = false;
is_hit = dr6.GetAsUInt64() & GetStatusBit(wp_index);
return error;
NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::GetWatchpointHitIndex(uint32_t &wp_index,
lldb::addr_t trap_addr) {
uint32_t num_hw_wps = NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints();
for (wp_index = 0; wp_index < num_hw_wps; ++wp_index) {
bool is_hit;
Status error = IsWatchpointHit(wp_index, is_hit);
if (error.Fail()) {
wp_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
return error;
} else if (is_hit) {
return error;
wp_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
return Status();
Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::IsWatchpointVacant(uint32_t wp_index,
bool &is_vacant) {
if (wp_index >= NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints())
return Status("Watchpoint index out of range");
RegisterValue dr7;
Status error = ReadRegister(GetDR(7), dr7);
if (error.Fail())
is_vacant = false;
is_vacant = !(dr7.GetAsUInt64() & GetEnableBit(wp_index));
return error;
Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::SetHardwareWatchpointWithIndex(
lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, uint32_t watch_flags, uint32_t wp_index) {
if (wp_index >= NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints())
return Status("Watchpoint index out of range");
// Read only watchpoints aren't supported on x86_64. Fall back to read/write
// waitchpoints instead.
// TODO: Add logic to detect when a write happens and ignore that watchpoint
// hit.
if (watch_flags == 2)
watch_flags = 3;
if (watch_flags != 1 && watch_flags != 3)
return Status("Invalid read/write bits for watchpoint");
if (size != 1 && size != 2 && size != 4 && size != 8)
return Status("Invalid size for watchpoint");
bool is_vacant;
Status error = IsWatchpointVacant(wp_index, is_vacant);
if (error.Fail())
return error;
if (!is_vacant)
return Status("Watchpoint index not vacant");
RegisterValue dr7, drN;
error = ReadRegister(GetDR(7), dr7);
if (error.Fail())
return error;
error = ReadRegister(GetDR(wp_index), drN);
if (error.Fail())
return error;
uint64_t control_bits = dr7.GetAsUInt64() & ~GetWatchControlBitmask(wp_index);
control_bits |= GetEnableBit(wp_index) |
GetWatchTypeBits(watch_flags, wp_index) |
GetWatchSizeBits(size, wp_index);
// Clear dr6 if address or bits changed (i.e. we're not reenabling the same
// watchpoint). This can not be done when clearing watchpoints since
// the gdb-remote protocol repeatedly clears and readds watchpoints on all
// program threads, effectively clearing pending events on NetBSD.
// NB: enable bits in dr7 are always 0 here since we're (re)adding it
if (drN.GetAsUInt64() != addr ||
(dr7.GetAsUInt64() & GetWatchControlBitmask(wp_index)) !=
(GetWatchTypeBits(watch_flags, wp_index) |
GetWatchSizeBits(size, wp_index))) {
// We skip update to drN if neither address nor mode changed.
error = WriteRegister(GetDR(wp_index), RegisterValue(addr));
if (error.Fail())
return error;
error = WriteRegister(GetDR(7), RegisterValue(control_bits));
if (error.Fail())
return error;
return error;
bool NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::ClearHardwareWatchpoint(
uint32_t wp_index) {
if (wp_index >= NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints())
return false;
RegisterValue dr7;
Status error = ReadRegister(GetDR(7), dr7);
if (error.Fail())
return false;
return WriteRegister(GetDR(7), RegisterValue(dr7.GetAsUInt64() &
Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::ClearWatchpointHit(uint32_t wp_index) {
if (wp_index >= NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints())
return Status("Watchpoint index out of range");
RegisterValue dr6;
Status error = ReadRegister(GetDR(6), dr6);
if (error.Fail())
return error;
return WriteRegister(
GetDR(6), RegisterValue(dr6.GetAsUInt64() & ~GetStatusBit(wp_index)));
Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::ClearAllHardwareWatchpoints() {
RegisterValue dr7;
Status error = ReadRegister(GetDR(7), dr7);
if (error.Fail())
return error;
return WriteRegister(
RegisterValue(dr7.GetAsUInt64() & ~watchpoint_all_control_bit_mask));
uint32_t NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::SetHardwareWatchpoint(
lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, uint32_t watch_flags) {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
const uint32_t num_hw_watchpoints = NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints();
for (uint32_t wp_index = 0; wp_index < num_hw_watchpoints; ++wp_index) {
bool is_vacant;
Status error = IsWatchpointVacant(wp_index, is_vacant);
if (is_vacant) {
error = SetHardwareWatchpointWithIndex(addr, size, watch_flags, wp_index);
if (error.Success())
return wp_index;
if (error.Fail() && log) {
LLDB_LOGF(log, "NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::%s Error: %s",
__FUNCTION__, error.AsCString());
NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::GetWatchpointAddress(uint32_t wp_index) {
if (wp_index >= NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints())
RegisterValue drN;
if (ReadRegister(GetDR(wp_index), drN).Fail())
return drN.GetAsUInt64();
uint32_t NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86::NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints() {
// Available debug address registers: dr0, dr1, dr2, dr3
return 4;