blob: 0d5ae16a0b2952daa0f0ab79c8d228fc4a374788 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- LibCxxList.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "LibCxx.h"
#include "Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResult.h"
#include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersHelpers.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/DataBufferHeap.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Endian.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Status.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
using namespace lldb_private::formatters;
namespace {
class ListEntry {
ListEntry() = default;
ListEntry(ValueObjectSP entry_sp) : m_entry_sp(entry_sp) {}
ListEntry(const ListEntry &rhs) = default;
ListEntry(ValueObject *entry)
: m_entry_sp(entry ? entry->GetSP() : ValueObjectSP()) {}
ListEntry next() {
static ConstString g_next("__next_");
if (!m_entry_sp)
return ListEntry();
return ListEntry(m_entry_sp->GetChildMemberWithName(g_next, true));
ListEntry prev() {
static ConstString g_prev("__prev_");
if (!m_entry_sp)
return ListEntry();
return ListEntry(m_entry_sp->GetChildMemberWithName(g_prev, true));
uint64_t value() const {
if (!m_entry_sp)
return 0;
return m_entry_sp->GetValueAsUnsigned(0);
bool null() { return (value() == 0); }
explicit operator bool() { return GetEntry() && !null(); }
ValueObjectSP GetEntry() { return m_entry_sp; }
void SetEntry(ValueObjectSP entry) { m_entry_sp = entry; }
bool operator==(const ListEntry &rhs) const { return value() == rhs.value(); }
bool operator!=(const ListEntry &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
ValueObjectSP m_entry_sp;
class ListIterator {
ListIterator() = default;
ListIterator(ListEntry entry) : m_entry(entry) {}
ListIterator(ValueObjectSP entry) : m_entry(entry) {}
ListIterator(const ListIterator &rhs) = default;
ListIterator(ValueObject *entry) : m_entry(entry) {}
ValueObjectSP value() { return m_entry.GetEntry(); }
ValueObjectSP advance(size_t count) {
if (count == 0)
return m_entry.GetEntry();
if (count == 1) {
return m_entry.GetEntry();
while (count > 0) {
if (m_entry.null())
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
return m_entry.GetEntry();
bool operator==(const ListIterator &rhs) const {
return (rhs.m_entry == m_entry);
void next() { m_entry =; }
void prev() { m_entry = m_entry.prev(); }
ListEntry m_entry;
class AbstractListFrontEnd : public SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd {
size_t GetIndexOfChildWithName(ConstString name) override {
return ExtractIndexFromString(name.GetCString());
bool MightHaveChildren() override { return true; }
bool Update() override;
AbstractListFrontEnd(ValueObject &valobj)
: SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd(valobj) {}
size_t m_count;
ValueObject *m_head;
static constexpr bool g_use_loop_detect = true;
size_t m_loop_detected; // The number of elements that have had loop detection
// run over them.
ListEntry m_slow_runner; // Used for loop detection
ListEntry m_fast_runner; // Used for loop detection
size_t m_list_capping_size;
CompilerType m_element_type;
std::map<size_t, ListIterator> m_iterators;
bool HasLoop(size_t count);
ValueObjectSP GetItem(size_t idx);
class ForwardListFrontEnd : public AbstractListFrontEnd {
ForwardListFrontEnd(ValueObject &valobj);
size_t CalculateNumChildren() override;
ValueObjectSP GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx) override;
bool Update() override;
class ListFrontEnd : public AbstractListFrontEnd {
ListFrontEnd(lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp);
~ListFrontEnd() override = default;
size_t CalculateNumChildren() override;
lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx) override;
bool Update() override;
lldb::addr_t m_node_address;
ValueObject *m_tail;
} // end anonymous namespace
bool AbstractListFrontEnd::Update() {
m_loop_detected = 0;
m_count = UINT32_MAX;
m_head = nullptr;
m_list_capping_size = 0;
if (m_backend.GetTargetSP())
m_list_capping_size =
if (m_list_capping_size == 0)
m_list_capping_size = 255;
CompilerType list_type = m_backend.GetCompilerType();
if (list_type.IsReferenceType())
list_type = list_type.GetNonReferenceType();
if (list_type.GetNumTemplateArguments() == 0)
return false;
m_element_type = list_type.GetTypeTemplateArgument(0);
return false;
bool AbstractListFrontEnd::HasLoop(size_t count) {
if (!g_use_loop_detect)
return false;
// don't bother checking for a loop if we won't actually need to jump nodes
if (m_count < 2)
return false;
if (m_loop_detected == 0) {
// This is the first time we are being run (after the last update). Set up
// the loop invariant for the first element.
m_slow_runner = ListEntry(m_head).next();
m_fast_runner =;
m_loop_detected = 1;
// Loop invariant:
// Loop detection has been run over the first m_loop_detected elements. If
// m_slow_runner == m_fast_runner then the loop has been detected after
// m_loop_detected elements.
const size_t steps_to_run = std::min(count, m_count);
while (m_loop_detected < steps_to_run && m_slow_runner && m_fast_runner &&
m_slow_runner != m_fast_runner) {
m_slow_runner =;
m_fast_runner =;
if (count <= m_loop_detected)
return false; // No loop in the first m_loop_detected elements.
if (!m_slow_runner || !m_fast_runner)
return false; // Reached the end of the list. Definitely no loops.
return m_slow_runner == m_fast_runner;
ValueObjectSP AbstractListFrontEnd::GetItem(size_t idx) {
size_t advance = idx;
ListIterator current(m_head);
if (idx > 0) {
auto cached_iterator = m_iterators.find(idx - 1);
if (cached_iterator != m_iterators.end()) {
current = cached_iterator->second;
advance = 1;
ValueObjectSP value_sp = current.advance(advance);
m_iterators[idx] = current;
return value_sp;
ForwardListFrontEnd::ForwardListFrontEnd(ValueObject &valobj)
: AbstractListFrontEnd(valobj) {
size_t ForwardListFrontEnd::CalculateNumChildren() {
if (m_count != UINT32_MAX)
return m_count;
ListEntry current(m_head);
m_count = 0;
while (current && m_count < m_list_capping_size) {
current =;
return m_count;
ValueObjectSP ForwardListFrontEnd::GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx) {
if (idx >= CalculateNumChildren())
return nullptr;
if (!m_head)
return nullptr;
if (HasLoop(idx + 1))
return nullptr;
ValueObjectSP current_sp = GetItem(idx);
if (!current_sp)
return nullptr;
current_sp = current_sp->GetChildAtIndex(1, true); // get the __value_ child
if (!current_sp)
return nullptr;
// we need to copy current_sp into a new object otherwise we will end up with
// all items named __value_
DataExtractor data;
Status error;
current_sp->GetData(data, error);
if (error.Fail())
return nullptr;
return CreateValueObjectFromData(llvm::formatv("[{0}]", idx).str(), data,
bool ForwardListFrontEnd::Update() {
Status err;
ValueObjectSP backend_addr(m_backend.AddressOf(err));
if (err.Fail() || !backend_addr)
return false;
ValueObjectSP impl_sp(
m_backend.GetChildMemberWithName(ConstString("__before_begin_"), true));
if (!impl_sp)
return false;
impl_sp = GetValueOfLibCXXCompressedPair(*impl_sp);
if (!impl_sp)
return false;
m_head = impl_sp->GetChildMemberWithName(ConstString("__next_"), true).get();
return false;
ListFrontEnd::ListFrontEnd(lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp)
: AbstractListFrontEnd(*valobj_sp), m_node_address(), m_tail(nullptr) {
if (valobj_sp)
size_t ListFrontEnd::CalculateNumChildren() {
if (m_count != UINT32_MAX)
return m_count;
if (!m_head || !m_tail || m_node_address == 0)
return 0;
ValueObjectSP size_alloc(
m_backend.GetChildMemberWithName(ConstString("__size_alloc_"), true));
if (size_alloc) {
ValueObjectSP value = GetValueOfLibCXXCompressedPair(*size_alloc);
if (value) {
m_count = value->GetValueAsUnsigned(UINT32_MAX);
if (m_count != UINT32_MAX) {
return m_count;
} else {
uint64_t next_val = m_head->GetValueAsUnsigned(0);
uint64_t prev_val = m_tail->GetValueAsUnsigned(0);
if (next_val == 0 || prev_val == 0)
return 0;
if (next_val == m_node_address)
return 0;
if (next_val == prev_val)
return 1;
uint64_t size = 2;
ListEntry current(m_head);
while ( && != m_node_address) {
current =;
if (size > m_list_capping_size)
return m_count = (size - 1);
lldb::ValueObjectSP ListFrontEnd::GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx) {
static ConstString g_value("__value_");
static ConstString g_next("__next_");
if (idx >= CalculateNumChildren())
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
if (!m_head || !m_tail || m_node_address == 0)
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
if (HasLoop(idx + 1))
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
ValueObjectSP current_sp = GetItem(idx);
if (!current_sp)
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
current_sp = current_sp->GetChildAtIndex(1, true); // get the __value_ child
if (!current_sp)
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
if (current_sp->GetName() == g_next) {
ProcessSP process_sp(current_sp->GetProcessSP());
if (!process_sp)
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
// if we grabbed the __next_ pointer, then the child is one pointer deep-er
lldb::addr_t addr = current_sp->GetParent()->GetPointerValue();
addr = addr + 2 * process_sp->GetAddressByteSize();
ExecutionContext exe_ctx(process_sp);
current_sp =
CreateValueObjectFromAddress("__value_", addr, exe_ctx, m_element_type);
if (!current_sp)
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
// we need to copy current_sp into a new object otherwise we will end up with
// all items named __value_
DataExtractor data;
Status error;
current_sp->GetData(data, error);
if (error.Fail())
return lldb::ValueObjectSP();
StreamString name;
name.Printf("[%" PRIu64 "]", (uint64_t)idx);
return CreateValueObjectFromData(name.GetString(), data,
bool ListFrontEnd::Update() {
m_tail = nullptr;
m_node_address = 0;
Status err;
ValueObjectSP backend_addr(m_backend.AddressOf(err));
if (err.Fail() || !backend_addr)
return false;
m_node_address = backend_addr->GetValueAsUnsigned(0);
if (!m_node_address || m_node_address == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
return false;
ValueObjectSP impl_sp(
m_backend.GetChildMemberWithName(ConstString("__end_"), true));
if (!impl_sp)
return false;
m_head = impl_sp->GetChildMemberWithName(ConstString("__next_"), true).get();
m_tail = impl_sp->GetChildMemberWithName(ConstString("__prev_"), true).get();
return false;
SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd *formatters::LibcxxStdListSyntheticFrontEndCreator(
CXXSyntheticChildren *, lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp) {
return (valobj_sp ? new ListFrontEnd(valobj_sp) : nullptr);
SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd *
CXXSyntheticChildren *, lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp) {
return valobj_sp ? new ForwardListFrontEnd(*valobj_sp) : nullptr;