[libc++][CI] Tests LLDB libc++ data formatters. (#88312)

This enables testing of the LLDB libc++ specific data formatters.
This is enabled in the bootstrap build since building LLDB requires
Clang and this
is quite expensive. Adding this test changes the build time from 31 to
34 minutes.

GitOrigin-RevId: b4776b8d8ea742a46039002fac4c280e619ac48d
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lldbtest.py b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lldbtest.py
index c28a78a..7a7afec 100644
--- a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lldbtest.py
+++ b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lldbtest.py
@@ -751,6 +751,8 @@
             "settings set symbols.enable-external-lookup false",
             # Inherit the TCC permissions from the inferior's parent.
             "settings set target.inherit-tcc true",
+            # Based on https://discourse.llvm.org/t/running-lldb-in-a-container/76801/4
+            "settings set target.disable-aslr false",
             # Kill rather than detach from the inferior if something goes wrong.
             "settings set target.detach-on-error false",
             # Disable fix-its by default so that incorrect expressions in tests don't