[lld][WebAssembly] Convert lld/test/wasm/data-layout.ll to asm. NFC.

Part of ongoing conversion work started in https://reviews.llvm.org/D80361.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97651

GitOrigin-RevId: 74ca5c2c1e0214f82b1c19e0c9f8f30fa59ffbf3
diff --git a/test/wasm/data-layout.ll b/test/wasm/data-layout.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 0074517..0000000
--- a/test/wasm/data-layout.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/hello.s -o %t.hello32.o
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=wasm32-unknown-unknown -filetype=obj %s -o %t32.o
-; RUN: wasm-ld -m wasm32 -no-gc-sections --export=__data_end --export=__heap_base --allow-undefined --no-entry -o %t32.wasm %t32.o %t.hello32.o
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t32.wasm | FileCheck --check-prefixes CHECK,CHK32 %s
-; RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm64-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/hello.s -o %t.hello64.o
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=wasm64-unknown-unknown -filetype=obj %s -o %t64.o
-; RUN: wasm-ld -m wasm64 -no-gc-sections --export=__data_end --export=__heap_base --allow-undefined --no-entry -o %t64.wasm %t64.o %t.hello64.o
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t64.wasm | FileCheck --check-prefixes CHECK,CHK64 %s
-@foo = hidden global i32 1, align 4
-@aligned_bar = hidden global i32 3, align 16
-@hello_str = external global i8*
-@external_ref = global i8** @hello_str, align 8
-%struct.s = type { i32, i32 }
-@local_struct = hidden global %struct.s zeroinitializer, align 4
-@local_struct_internal_ptr = hidden local_unnamed_addr global i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.s, %struct.s* @local_struct, i32 0, i32 1), align 4
-; CHECK:        - Type:            MEMORY
-; CHECK-NEXT:     Memories:
-; CHK32-NEXT:       - Initial:         0x2
-; CHK64-NEXT:       - Flags:           [ IS_64 ]
-; CHK64-NEXT:         Initial:         0x2
-; CHECK-NEXT:   - Type:            GLOBAL
-; CHECK-NEXT:     Globals:
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           0
-; CHK32-NEXT:         Type:            I32
-; CHK64-NEXT:         Type:            I64
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Mutable:         true
-; CHECK-NEXT:         InitExpr:
-; CHK32-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; CHK64-NEXT:           Opcode:          I64_CONST
-; CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           66624
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           1
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Type:            I32
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Mutable:         false
-; CHECK-NEXT:         InitExpr:
-; CHECK-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; CHK32-NEXT:           Value:           1080
-; CHK64-NEXT:           Value:           1088
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           2
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Type:            I32
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Mutable:         false
-; CHECK-NEXT:         InitExpr:
-; CHECK-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           66624
-; CHECK:        - Type:            DATA
-; CHECK-NEXT:     Segments:
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   7
-; CHECK-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Offset:
-; CHK32-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; CHK64-NEXT:           Opcode:          I64_CONST
-; CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           1024
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Content:         68656C6C6F0A00
-; CHECK-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   20
-; CHECK-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
-; CHECK-NEXT:         Offset:
-; CHK32-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; CHK64-NEXT:           Opcode:          I64_CONST
-; CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           1040
-; RUN: wasm-ld -no-gc-sections --allow-undefined --no-entry \
-; RUN:     --initial-memory=131072 --max-memory=131072 -o %t_max.wasm %t32.o \
-; RUN:     %t.hello32.o
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t_max.wasm | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-MAX
-; CHECK-MAX:        - Type:            MEMORY
-; CHECK-MAX-NEXT:     Memories:
-; CHECK-MAX-NEXT:       - Flags:           [ HAS_MAX ]
-; CHECK-MAX-NEXT:         Initial:         0x2
-; CHECK-MAX-NEXT:         Maximum:         0x2
-; RUN: wasm-ld -no-gc-sections --allow-undefined --no-entry --shared-memory \
-; RUN:     --features=atomics,bulk-memory --initial-memory=131072 \
-; RUN:     --max-memory=131072 -o %t_max.wasm %t32.o %t.hello32.o
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t_max.wasm | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-SHARED
-; CHECK-SHARED:        - Type:            MEMORY
-; CHECK-SHARED-NEXT:     Memories:
-; CHECK-SHARED-NEXT:       - Flags:           [ HAS_MAX, IS_SHARED ]
-; CHECK-SHARED-NEXT:         Initial:         0x2
-; CHECK-SHARED-NEXT:         Maximum:         0x2
-; RUN: wasm-ld --relocatable -o %t_reloc.wasm %t32.o %t.hello32.o
-; RUN: obj2yaml %t_reloc.wasm | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RELOC
-; RELOC:       - Type:            DATA
-; RELOC-NEXT:     Relocations:
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Type:            R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_I32
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Index:           3
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:          0x24
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Type:            R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_I32
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Index:           4
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:          0x2D
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Addend:          4
-; RELOC-NEXT:     Segments:
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   6
-; RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         68656C6C6F0A00
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   18
-; RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           8
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '01000000'
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   27
-; RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           16
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '03000000'
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   36
-; RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           24
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '00000000'
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   45
-; RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           28
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '24000000'
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   54
-; RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
-; RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           32
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '0000000000000000'
-; RELOC:          SymbolTable:
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            foo
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         1
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           1
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            aligned_bar
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         2
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           2
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            external_ref
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [  ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         3
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
-; RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           3
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            hello_str
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [  ]
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         0
-; RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            7
diff --git a/test/wasm/data-layout.s b/test/wasm/data-layout.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72a859b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/wasm/data-layout.s
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/hello.s -o %t.hello32.o
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown %s -o %t32.o
+# RUN: wasm-ld -m wasm32 -no-gc-sections --export=__data_end --export=__heap_base --allow-undefined --no-entry -o %t32.wasm %t32.o %t.hello32.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t32.wasm | FileCheck --check-prefixes CHECK,CHK32 %s
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm64-unknown-unknown %p/Inputs/hello.s -o %t.hello64.o
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm64-unknown-unknown %s -o %t64.o
+# RUN: wasm-ld -m wasm64 -no-gc-sections --export=__data_end --export=__heap_base --allow-undefined --no-entry -o %t64.wasm %t64.o %t.hello64.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t64.wasm | FileCheck --check-prefixes CHECK,CHK64 %s
+        .section .data.foo,"",@
+        .globl  foo
+        .hidden  foo
+        .p2align        2
+        .int32  1
+        .size   foo, 4
+        .section .data.aligned_bar,"",@
+        .globl  aligned_bar
+        .hidden  aligned_bar
+        .p2align        4
+        .int32  3
+        .size   aligned_bar, 4
+        .section .data.external_ref,"",@
+        .globl  external_ref
+        .p2align        3
+        .int32  hello_str
+        .size   external_ref, 4
+        .section .bss.local_struct,"",@
+        .globl  local_struct
+        .hidden  local_struct
+        .p2align        2
+        .skip   8
+        .size   local_struct, 8
+        .section .data.local_struct_internal_ptr,"",@
+        .globl  local_struct_internal_ptr
+        .hidden  local_struct_internal_ptr
+        .p2align        2
+        .int32  local_struct+4
+        .size   local_struct_internal_ptr, 4
+        .size   hello_str, 4
+# CHECK:        - Type:            MEMORY
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Memories:
+# CHK64-NEXT:       - Flags:           [ IS_64 ]
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Initial:         0x2
+# CHECK-NEXT:   - Type:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Globals:
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           0
+# CHK32-NEXT:         Type:            I32
+# CHK64-NEXT:         Type:            I64
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Mutable:         true
+# CHECK-NEXT:         InitExpr:
+# CHK32-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# CHK64-NEXT:           Opcode:          I64_CONST
+# CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           66624
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           1
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Type:            I32
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Mutable:         false
+# CHECK-NEXT:         InitExpr:
+# CHECK-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           1080
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - Index:           2
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Type:            I32
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Mutable:         false
+# CHECK-NEXT:         InitExpr:
+# CHECK-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           66624
+# CHECK:        - Type:            DATA
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Segments:
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   7
+# CHECK-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Offset:
+# CHK32-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# CHK64-NEXT:           Opcode:          I64_CONST
+# CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           1024
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Content:         68656C6C6F0A00
+# CHECK-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   20
+# CHECK-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
+# CHECK-NEXT:         Offset:
+# CHK32-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# CHK64-NEXT:           Opcode:          I64_CONST
+# CHECK-NEXT:           Value:           1040
+# RUN: wasm-ld -no-gc-sections --allow-undefined --no-entry \
+# RUN:     --initial-memory=131072 --max-memory=131072 -o %t_max.wasm %t32.o \
+# RUN:     %t.hello32.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t_max.wasm | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-MAX
+# CHECK-MAX:        - Type:            MEMORY
+# CHECK-MAX-NEXT:     Memories:
+# CHECK-MAX-NEXT:       - Flags:           [ HAS_MAX ]
+# CHECK-MAX-NEXT:         Initial:         0x2
+# CHECK-MAX-NEXT:         Maximum:         0x2
+# RUN: wasm-ld -no-gc-sections --allow-undefined --no-entry --shared-memory \
+# RUN:     --features=atomics,bulk-memory --initial-memory=131072 \
+# RUN:     --max-memory=131072 -o %t_max.wasm %t32.o %t.hello32.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t_max.wasm | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-SHARED
+# CHECK-SHARED:        - Type:            MEMORY
+# CHECK-SHARED-NEXT:     Memories:
+# CHECK-SHARED-NEXT:       - Flags:           [ HAS_MAX, IS_SHARED ]
+# CHECK-SHARED-NEXT:         Initial:         0x2
+# CHECK-SHARED-NEXT:         Maximum:         0x2
+# XUN: wasm-ld --relocatable -o %t_reloc.wasm %t32.o %t.hello32.o
+# XUN: obj2yaml %t_reloc.wasm | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RELOC
+# RELOC:       - Type:            DATA
+# RELOC-NEXT:     Relocations:
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Type:            R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_I32
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Index:           3
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:          0x24
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Type:            R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_I32
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Index:           4
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:          0x2D
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Addend:          4
+# RELOC-NEXT:     Segments:
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   6
+# RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         68656C6C6F0A00
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   18
+# RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           8
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '01000000'
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   27
+# RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           16
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '03000000'
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   36
+# RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           24
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '00000000'
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   45
+# RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           28
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '24000000'
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - SectionOffset:   54
+# RELOC-NEXT:         InitFlags:       0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Offset:
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Opcode:          I32_CONST
+# RELOC-NEXT:           Value:           32
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Content:         '0000000000000000'
+# RELOC:          SymbolTable:
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            foo
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         1
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           1
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            aligned_bar
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         2
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           2
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            external_ref
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [  ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         3
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            4
+# RELOC-NEXT:       - Index:           3
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Kind:            DATA
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Name:            hello_str
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Flags:           [  ]
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Segment:         0
+# RELOC-NEXT:         Size:            7