blob: ff0896fd0daf85badf87f7c0a6158e2d0f975931 [file] [log] [blame]
## Test that we correctly handle symbol relocations in the compact unwind
## section.
## llvm-mc does not emit such relocations for compact unwind, but `ld -r` does.
## As such, these yaml files were from an object file produced with 'ld -r',
## specifically:
## // foo.s
## .text
## .globl _main
## _main:
## .cfi_startproc
## .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
## .cfi_endproc
## nop
## llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-macos10.15 -o foo1.o foo.s
## ld -r -o foo.o foo1.o
# RUN: rm -rf %t; mkdir -p %t
# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t/foo.o
# RUN: %lld -o %t/a.out %t/foo.o
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --section-headers %t/a.out | FileCheck %s
# CHECK: __unwind_info {{.*}} DATA
--- !mach-o
magic: 0xFEEDFACF
cputype: 0x01000007
cpusubtype: 0x00000003
filetype: 0x00000001
ncmds: 2
sizeofcmds: 384
flags: 0x00000000
reserved: 0x00000000
- cmd: LC_SEGMENT_64
cmdsize: 312
segname: ''
vmaddr: 0
vmsize: 64
fileoff: 448
filesize: 64
maxprot: 7
initprot: 7
nsects: 2
flags: 0
- sectname: __text
segname: __TEXT
addr: 0x0000000000000000
size: 1
offset: 0x000001C0
align: 0
reloff: 0x00000000
nreloc: 0
flags: 0x80000400
reserved1: 0x00000000
reserved2: 0x00000000
reserved3: 0x00000000
content: '90'
- sectname: __compact_unwind
segname: __LD
addr: 0x0000000000000020
size: 32
offset: 0x000001E0
align: 3
reloff: 0x00000200
nreloc: 1
flags: 0x02000000
reserved1: 0x00000000
reserved2: 0x00000000
reserved3: 0x00000000
content: '0000000000000000010000000000020200000000000000000000000000000000'
- address: 0x00000000
symbolnum: 0
pcrel: false
length: 3
extern: true
type: 0
scattered: false
value: 0
- cmd: LC_SYMTAB
cmdsize: 24
symoff: 520
nsyms: 1
stroff: 552
strsize: 8
- n_strx: 2
n_type: 0x0F
n_sect: 1
n_desc: 32
n_value: 0
- ' '
- _main