[TextAPI] Rename SymbolKind to EncodeKind (#79622)

A distinction that doesn't _usually_ matter is that the
MachO::SymbolKind is really a mapping of entries in TBD files not
symbols. To better understand this, rename the enum so it represents an
encoding mapped to TBDs as opposed to symbols alone.

For example, it can be a bit confusing that "GlobalSymbol" is a enum
value when all of those values can represent a GlobalSymbol.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9a9872ec4760762fdc467ef283cea302a3742e5
diff --git a/MachO/InputFiles.cpp b/MachO/InputFiles.cpp
index 7d0cdce..158c3fb 100644
--- a/MachO/InputFiles.cpp
+++ b/MachO/InputFiles.cpp
@@ -1904,10 +1904,10 @@
     switch (symbol->getKind()) {
-    case SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol:
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClass:
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClassEHType:
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable:
+    case EncodeKind::GlobalSymbol:
+    case EncodeKind::ObjectiveCClass:
+    case EncodeKind::ObjectiveCClassEHType:
+    case EncodeKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable:
@@ -1915,19 +1915,19 @@
   // TODO(compnerd) filter out symbols based on the target platform
   for (const auto *symbol : normalSymbols) {
     switch (symbol->getKind()) {
-    case SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol:
+    case EncodeKind::GlobalSymbol:
       addSymbol(*symbol, symbol->getName());
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClass:
+    case EncodeKind::ObjectiveCClass:
       // XXX ld64 only creates these symbols when -ObjC is passed in. We may
       // want to emulate that.
       addSymbol(*symbol, objc::klass + symbol->getName());
       addSymbol(*symbol, objc::metaclass + symbol->getName());
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCClassEHType:
+    case EncodeKind::ObjectiveCClassEHType:
       addSymbol(*symbol, objc::ehtype + symbol->getName());
-    case SymbolKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable:
+    case EncodeKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable:
       addSymbol(*symbol, objc::ivar + symbol->getName());