[libc++][PSTL] Implement std::replace{,_if,_copy,_copy_if}

Reviewed By: #libc, ldionne

Spies: ldionne, libcxx-commits

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D151841

GitOrigin-RevId: 51131edf83e4d560f19474b8147efc5fc1118295
diff --git a/include/CMakeLists.txt b/include/CMakeLists.txt
index 62d6ea5..89b7995 100644
--- a/include/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/include/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
+  __algorithm/pstl_replace.h
diff --git a/include/__algorithm/pstl_backend.h b/include/__algorithm/pstl_backend.h
index 73e2c48..7b2edb6 100644
--- a/include/__algorithm/pstl_backend.h
+++ b/include/__algorithm/pstl_backend.h
@@ -119,6 +119,28 @@
   template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Iterator, class _Predicate>
   __iter_diff_t<_Iterator> __pstl_count_if(_Backend, _Iterator __first, _Iterator __last, _Predicate __pred);
+  template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Iterator, class _Tp>
+  void __pstl_replace(_Backend, _Iterator __first, _Iterator __last, const _Tp& __old_value, const _Tp& __new_value);
+  template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Iterator, class _Pred, class _Tp>
+  void __pstl_replace_if(_Backend, _Iterator __first, _Iterator __last, _Pred __pred, const _Tp& __new_value);
+  template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Iterator, class _OutIterator, class _Tp>
+  void __pstl_replace_copy(_Backend,
+                           _Iterator __first,
+                           _Iterator __last,
+                           _OutIterator __result,
+                           const _Tp& __old_value,
+                           const _Tp& __new_value);
+  template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Iterator, class _OutIterator, class _Pred, class _Tp>
+  void __pstl_replace_copy_if(_Backend,
+                              _Iterator __first,
+                              _Iterator __last,
+                              _OutIterator __result,
+                              _Pred __pred,
+                              const _Tp& __new_value);
 // TODO: Complete this list
diff --git a/include/__algorithm/pstl_replace.h b/include/__algorithm/pstl_replace.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f8a44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/__algorithm/pstl_replace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include <__algorithm/pstl_backend.h>
+#include <__algorithm/pstl_for_each.h>
+#include <__algorithm/pstl_frontend_dispatch.h>
+#include <__config>
+#  pragma GCC system_header
+template <class>
+void __pstl_replace_if();
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy,
+          class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Pred,
+          class _Tp,
+          class _RawPolicy                                    = __remove_cvref_t<_ExecutionPolicy>,
+          enable_if_t<is_execution_policy_v<_RawPolicy>, int> = 0>
+replace_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __policy,
+           _ForwardIterator __first,
+           _ForwardIterator __last,
+           _Pred __pred,
+           const _Tp& __new_value) {
+  std::__pstl_frontend_dispatch(
+      _LIBCPP_PSTL_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT(__pstl_replace_if),
+      [&__policy](_ForwardIterator __g_first, _ForwardIterator __g_last, _Pred __g_pred, const _Tp& __g_new_value) {
+        std::for_each(__policy, __g_first, __g_last, [&](__iter_reference<_ForwardIterator> __element) {
+          if (__g_pred(__element))
+            __element = __g_new_value;
+        });
+      },
+      std::move(__first),
+      std::move(__last),
+      std::move(__pred),
+      __new_value);
+template <class>
+void __pstl_replace();
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy,
+          class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _Tp,
+          class _RawPolicy                                    = __remove_cvref_t<_ExecutionPolicy>,
+          enable_if_t<is_execution_policy_v<_RawPolicy>, int> = 0>
+replace(_ExecutionPolicy&& __policy,
+        _ForwardIterator __first,
+        _ForwardIterator __last,
+        const _Tp& __old_value,
+        const _Tp& __new_value) {
+  std::__pstl_frontend_dispatch(
+      _LIBCPP_PSTL_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT(__pstl_replace),
+      [&__policy](
+          _ForwardIterator __g_first, _ForwardIterator __g_last, const _Tp& __g_old_value, const _Tp& __g_new_value) {
+        std::replace_if(
+            __policy,
+            std::move(__g_first),
+            std::move(__g_last),
+            [&](__iter_reference<_ForwardIterator> __element) { return __element == __g_old_value; },
+            __g_new_value);
+      },
+      std::move(__first),
+      std::move(__last),
+      __old_value,
+      __new_value);
+template <class>
+void __pstl_replace_copy_if();
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy,
+          class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _ForwardOutIterator,
+          class _Pred,
+          class _Tp,
+          class _RawPolicy                                    = __remove_cvref_t<_ExecutionPolicy>,
+          enable_if_t<is_execution_policy_v<_RawPolicy>, int> = 0>
+_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void replace_copy_if(
+    _ExecutionPolicy&& __policy,
+    _ForwardIterator __first,
+    _ForwardIterator __last,
+    _ForwardOutIterator __result,
+    _Pred __pred,
+    const _Tp& __new_value) {
+  std::__pstl_frontend_dispatch(
+      _LIBCPP_PSTL_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT(__pstl_replace_copy_if),
+      [&__policy](_ForwardIterator __g_first,
+                  _ForwardIterator __g_last,
+                  _ForwardOutIterator __g_result,
+                  _Pred __g_pred,
+                  const _Tp& __g_new_value) {
+        std::transform(__policy, __g_first, __g_last, __g_result, [&](__iter_reference<_ForwardIterator> __element) {
+          return __g_pred(__element) ? __g_new_value : __element;
+        });
+      },
+      std::move(__first),
+      std::move(__last),
+      std::move(__result),
+      std::move(__pred),
+      __new_value);
+template <class>
+void __pstl_replace_copy();
+template <class _ExecutionPolicy,
+          class _ForwardIterator,
+          class _ForwardOutIterator,
+          class _Tp,
+          class _RawPolicy                                    = __remove_cvref_t<_ExecutionPolicy>,
+          enable_if_t<is_execution_policy_v<_RawPolicy>, int> = 0>
+_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void replace_copy(
+    _ExecutionPolicy&& __policy,
+    _ForwardIterator __first,
+    _ForwardIterator __last,
+    _ForwardOutIterator __result,
+    const _Tp& __old_value,
+    const _Tp& __new_value) {
+  std::__pstl_frontend_dispatch(
+      _LIBCPP_PSTL_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT(__pstl_replace_copy),
+      [&__policy](_ForwardIterator __g_first,
+                  _ForwardIterator __g_last,
+                  _ForwardOutIterator __g_result,
+                  const _Tp& __g_old_value,
+                  const _Tp& __g_new_value) {
+        return std::replace_copy_if(
+            __policy,
+            std::move(__g_first),
+            std::move(__g_last),
+            std::move(__g_result),
+            [&](__iter_reference<_ForwardIterator> __element) { return __element == __g_old_value; },
+            __g_new_value);
+      },
+      std::move(__first),
+      std::move(__last),
+      std::move(__result),
+      __old_value,
+      __new_value);
+#endif // !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_INCOMPLETE_PSTL) && _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
diff --git a/include/__pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h b/include/__pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h
index 4b17133..8e8f253 100644
--- a/include/__pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h
+++ b/include/__pstl/internal/glue_algorithm_impl.h
@@ -213,115 +213,6 @@
-// [alg.transform]
-template <class _ExecutionPolicy,
-          class _ForwardIterator1,
-          class _ForwardIterator2,
-          class _ForwardIterator,
-          class _BinaryOperation>
-__pstl::__internal::__enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator>
-transform(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec,
-          _ForwardIterator1 __first1,
-          _ForwardIterator1 __last1,
-          _ForwardIterator2 __first2,
-          _ForwardIterator __result,
-          _BinaryOperation __op) {
-  typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _Input1Type;
-  typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _Input2Type;
-  typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _OutputType;
-  auto __dispatch_tag = __pstl::__internal::__select_backend(__exec, __first1, __first2, __result);
-  return __pstl::__internal::__pattern_walk3(
-      __dispatch_tag,
-      std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
-      __first1,
-      __last1,
-      __first2,
-      __result,
-      [__op](_Input1Type x, _Input2Type y, _OutputType z) mutable { z = __op(x, y); });
-// [alg.replace]
-template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _UnaryPredicate, class _Tp>
-__pstl::__internal::__enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
-replace_if(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec,
-           _ForwardIterator __first,
-           _ForwardIterator __last,
-           _UnaryPredicate __pred,
-           const _Tp& __new_value) {
-  typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::reference _ElementType;
-  auto __dispatch_tag = __pstl::__internal::__select_backend(__exec, __first);
-  __pstl::__internal::__pattern_walk1(
-      __dispatch_tag,
-      std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
-      __first,
-      __last,
-      [&__pred, &__new_value](_ElementType __elem) {
-        if (__pred(__elem)) {
-          __elem = __new_value;
-        }
-      });
-template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Tp>
-__pstl::__internal::__enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
-replace(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec,
-        _ForwardIterator __first,
-        _ForwardIterator __last,
-        const _Tp& __old_value,
-        const _Tp& __new_value) {
-  std::replace_if(
-      std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
-      __first,
-      __last,
-      __pstl::__internal::__equal_value<_Tp>(__old_value),
-      __new_value);
-template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _UnaryPredicate, class _Tp>
-__pstl::__internal::__enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2> replace_copy_if(
-    _ExecutionPolicy&& __exec,
-    _ForwardIterator1 __first,
-    _ForwardIterator1 __last,
-    _ForwardIterator2 __result,
-    _UnaryPredicate __pred,
-    const _Tp& __new_value) {
-  typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator1>::reference _InputType;
-  typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator2>::reference _OutputType;
-  auto __dispatch_tag = __pstl::__internal::__select_backend(__exec, __first, __result);
-  return __pstl::__internal::__pattern_walk2(
-      __dispatch_tag,
-      std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
-      __first,
-      __last,
-      __result,
-      [__pred, &__new_value](_InputType __x, _OutputType __y) mutable { __y = __pred(__x) ? __new_value : __x; });
-template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator1, class _ForwardIterator2, class _Tp>
-__pstl::__internal::__enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, _ForwardIterator2> replace_copy(
-    _ExecutionPolicy&& __exec,
-    _ForwardIterator1 __first,
-    _ForwardIterator1 __last,
-    _ForwardIterator2 __result,
-    const _Tp& __old_value,
-    const _Tp& __new_value) {
-  return std::replace_copy_if(
-      std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec),
-      __first,
-      __last,
-      __result,
-      __pstl::__internal::__equal_value<_Tp>(__old_value),
-      __new_value);
 // [alg.generate]
 template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _ForwardIterator, class _Generator>
 __pstl::__internal::__enable_if_execution_policy<_ExecutionPolicy, void>
diff --git a/include/algorithm b/include/algorithm
index 04a21c0..2ceedc9 100644
--- a/include/algorithm
+++ b/include/algorithm
@@ -1807,6 +1807,7 @@
 #include <__algorithm/pstl_find.h>
 #include <__algorithm/pstl_for_each.h>
 #include <__algorithm/pstl_merge.h>
+#include <__algorithm/pstl_replace.h>
 #include <__algorithm/pstl_stable_sort.h>
 #include <__algorithm/pstl_transform.h>
 #include <__algorithm/push_heap.h>
diff --git a/test/libcxx/algorithms/pstl.robust_against_customization_points_not_working.pass.cpp b/test/libcxx/algorithms/pstl.robust_against_customization_points_not_working.pass.cpp
index 2a634c3..4291521 100644
--- a/test/libcxx/algorithms/pstl.robust_against_customization_points_not_working.pass.cpp
+++ b/test/libcxx/algorithms/pstl.robust_against_customization_points_not_working.pass.cpp
@@ -130,6 +130,38 @@
   pstl_fill_n_called = true;
+bool pstl_replace_called = false;
+template <class, class ForwardIterator, class T>
+void __pstl_replace(TestBackend, ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator, const T&, const T&) {
+  assert(!pstl_replace_called);
+  pstl_replace_called = true;
+bool pstl_replace_if_called = false;
+template <class, class ForwardIterator, class T, class Func>
+void __pstl_replace_if(TestBackend, ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator, Func, const T&) {
+  assert(!pstl_replace_if_called);
+  pstl_replace_if_called = true;
+bool pstl_replace_copy_called = false;
+template <class, class ForwardIterator, class ForwardOutIterator, class T>
+void __pstl_replace_copy(TestBackend, ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator, ForwardOutIterator, const T&, const T&) {
+  assert(!pstl_replace_copy_called);
+  pstl_replace_copy_called = true;
+bool pstl_replace_copy_if_called = false;
+template <class, class ForwardIterator, class ForwardOutIterator, class T, class Func>
+void __pstl_replace_copy_if(TestBackend, ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator, ForwardOutIterator, Func, const T&) {
+  assert(!pstl_replace_copy_if_called);
+  pstl_replace_copy_if_called = true;
 bool pstl_unary_transform_called = false;
 template <class, class ForwardIterator, class ForwardOutIterator, class UnaryOperation>
@@ -235,6 +267,14 @@
   (void)std::for_each_n(TestPolicy{}, std::begin(a), std::size(a), pred);
+  (void)std::replace(TestPolicy{}, std::begin(a), std::end(a), 0, 0);
+  assert(std::pstl_replace_called);
+  (void)std::replace_if(TestPolicy{}, std::begin(a), std::end(a), pred, 0);
+  assert(std::pstl_replace_if_called);
+  (void)std::replace_copy(TestPolicy{}, std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::begin(a), 0, 0);
+  assert(std::pstl_replace_copy_called);
+  (void)std::replace_copy_if(TestPolicy{}, std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::begin(a), pred, 0);
+  assert(std::pstl_replace_copy_if_called);
   (void)std::transform(TestPolicy{}, std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::begin(a), pred);
   (void)std::transform(TestPolicy{}, std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::begin(a), std::begin(a), pred);
diff --git a/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace.pass.cpp b/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b51d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-pstl
+// template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator, class T>
+//   void replace(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
+//                ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
+//                const T& old_value, const T& new_value);
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+#include "type_algorithms.h"
+#include "test_execution_policies.h"
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+template <class Iter>
+struct Test {
+  template <class ExecutionPolicy>
+  void operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& policy) {
+    { // simple test
+      std::array a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
+      std::replace(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), 3, 6);
+      assert((a == std::array{1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}));
+    }
+    { // empty range works
+      std::array<int, 0> a = {};
+      std::replace(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), 3, 6);
+    }
+    { // non-empty range without a match works
+      std::array a = {1, 2};
+      std::replace(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), 3, 6);
+    }
+    { // single element range works
+      std::array a = {3};
+      std::replace(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), 3, 6);
+      assert((a == std::array{6}));
+    }
+    { // two element range works
+      std::array a = {3, 4};
+      std::replace(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), 3, 6);
+      assert((a == std::array{6, 4}));
+    }
+    { // multiple matching elements work
+      std::array a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 6, 3};
+      std::replace(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), 3, 9);
+      assert((a == std::array{1, 2, 9, 4, 9, 9, 5, 6, 9}));
+    }
+    { // large range works
+      std::vector<int> a(150, 3);
+      a[45] = 5;
+      std::replace(policy, Iter(std::data(a)), Iter(std::data(a) + std::size(a)), 3, 6);
+      std::vector<int> comp(150, 6);
+      comp[45] = 5;
+      assert(std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), comp.begin()));
+    }
+  }
+struct ThrowOnCompare {};
+bool operator==(ThrowOnCompare, ThrowOnCompare) { throw int{}; }
+int main(int, char**) {
+  types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<int*>{}, TestIteratorWithPolicies<Test>{});
+  std::set_terminate(terminate_successful);
+  ThrowOnCompare a[2];
+  try {
+    (void)std::replace(std::execution::par, std::begin(a), std::end(a), ThrowOnCompare{}, ThrowOnCompare{});
+  } catch (int) {
+    assert(false);
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_copy.pass.cpp b/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_copy.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c9692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_copy.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-pstl
+// template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class T>
+//   ForwardIterator2
+//     replace_copy(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
+//                  ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
+//                  ForwardIterator2 result,
+//                  const T& old_value, const T& new_value);
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+#include "type_algorithms.h"
+#include "test_execution_policies.h"
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+template <class Iter>
+struct Test {
+  template <class ExecutionPolicy>
+  void operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& policy) {
+    { // simple test
+      std::array a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(out)), 3, 6);
+      assert((out == std::array{1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}));
+    }
+    { // empty range works
+      std::array<int, 0> a = {};
+      std::replace_copy(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(a)), 3, 6);
+    }
+    { // non-empty range without a match works
+      std::array a = {1, 2};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(out.data()), 3, 6);
+      assert((out == std::array{1, 2}));
+    }
+    { // single element range works
+      std::array a = {3};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(out)), 3, 6);
+      assert((out == std::array{6}));
+    }
+    { // two element range works
+      std::array a = {3, 4};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(out)), 3, 6);
+      assert((out == std::array{6, 4}));
+    }
+    { // multiple matching elements work
+      std::array a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 6, 3};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(out)), 3, 9);
+      assert((out == std::array{1, 2, 9, 4, 9, 9, 5, 6, 9}));
+    }
+    { // large range works
+      std::vector<int> a(150, 3);
+      std::vector<int> out(a.size());
+      a[45] = 5;
+      std::replace_copy(policy, Iter(std::data(a)), Iter(std::data(a) + std::size(a)), Iter(out.data()), 3, 6);
+      std::vector<int> comp(150, 6);
+      comp[45] = 5;
+      assert(std::equal(out.begin(), out.end(), comp.begin()));
+    }
+  }
+struct ThrowOnCompare {};
+bool operator==(ThrowOnCompare, ThrowOnCompare) { throw int{}; }
+int main(int, char**) {
+  types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<int*>{}, TestIteratorWithPolicies<Test>{});
+  std::set_terminate(terminate_successful);
+  ThrowOnCompare a[2];
+  try {
+    (void)std::replace_copy(
+        std::execution::par, std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::begin(a), ThrowOnCompare{}, ThrowOnCompare{});
+  } catch (int) {
+    assert(false);
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_copy_if.pass.cpp b/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_copy_if.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..965cedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_copy_if.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-pstl
+// template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
+//          class Predicate, class T>
+//   ForwardIterator2
+//     replace_copy_if(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
+//                     ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
+//                     ForwardIterator2 result,
+//                     Predicate pred, const T& new_value);
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+#include "type_algorithms.h"
+#include "test_execution_policies.h"
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+template <class Iter>
+struct Test {
+  template <class ExecutionPolicy>
+  void operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& policy) {
+    { // simple test
+      std::array a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(out)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 6);
+      assert((out == std::array{1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}));
+    }
+    { // empty range works
+      std::array<int, 0> a = {};
+      std::replace_copy_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(a)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 6);
+    }
+    { // non-empty range without a match works
+      std::array a = {1, 2};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(out.data()), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 6);
+      assert((out == std::array{1, 2}));
+    }
+    { // single element range works
+      std::array a = {3};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(out)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 6);
+      assert((out == std::array{6}));
+    }
+    { // two element range works
+      std::array a = {3, 4};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(out)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 6);
+      assert((out == std::array{6, 4}));
+    }
+    { // multiple matching elements work
+      std::array a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 6, 3};
+      std::array<int, a.size()> out;
+      std::replace_copy_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), Iter(std::begin(out)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 9);
+      assert((out == std::array{1, 2, 9, 4, 9, 9, 5, 6, 9}));
+    }
+    { // large range works
+      std::vector<int> a(150, 3);
+      std::vector<int> out(a.size());
+      a[45] = 5;
+      std::replace_copy_if(
+          policy,
+          Iter(std::data(a)),
+          Iter(std::data(a) + std::size(a)),
+          Iter(out.data()),
+          [](int i) { return i == 3; },
+          6);
+      std::vector<int> comp(150, 6);
+      comp[45] = 5;
+      assert(std::equal(out.begin(), out.end(), comp.begin()));
+    }
+  }
+struct ThrowOnCompare {};
+bool operator==(ThrowOnCompare, ThrowOnCompare) { throw int{}; }
+int main(int, char**) {
+  types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<int*>{}, TestIteratorWithPolicies<Test>{});
+  std::set_terminate(terminate_successful);
+  ThrowOnCompare a[2];
+  try {
+    (void)std::replace_copy_if(
+        std::execution::par,
+        std::begin(a),
+        std::end(a),
+        std::begin(a),
+        [](ThrowOnCompare& i) { return i == i; },
+        ThrowOnCompare{});
+  } catch (int) {
+    assert(false);
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_if.pass.cpp b/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_if.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f81955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace/pstl.replace_if.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-pstl
+// template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator, class Predicate, class T>
+//   void replace_if(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
+//                   ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
+//                   Predicate pred, const T& new_value);
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+#include "type_algorithms.h"
+#include "test_execution_policies.h"
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+template <class Iter>
+struct Test {
+  template <class ExecutionPolicy>
+  void operator()(ExecutionPolicy&& policy) {
+    { // simple test
+      std::array a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
+      std::replace_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), [](int i) { return i == 3 || i == 7; }, 6);
+      assert((a == std::array{1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8}));
+    }
+    { // empty range works
+      std::array<int, 0> a = {};
+      std::replace_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), [](int) { return false; }, 6);
+    }
+    { // non-empty range without a match works
+      std::array a = {1, 2};
+      std::replace_if(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), [](int) { return false; }, 6);
+    }
+    { // single element range works
+      std::array a = {3};
+      std::replace_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 6);
+      assert((a == std::array{6}));
+    }
+    { // two element range works
+      std::array a = {3, 4};
+      std::replace_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 6);
+      assert((a == std::array{6, 4}));
+    }
+    { // multiple matching elements work
+      std::array a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 6, 3};
+      std::replace_if(policy, Iter(std::begin(a)), Iter(std::end(a)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 9);
+      assert((a == std::array{1, 2, 9, 4, 9, 9, 5, 6, 9}));
+    }
+    { // large range works
+      std::vector<int> a(150, 3);
+      a[45] = 5;
+      std::replace_if(
+          policy, Iter(std::data(a)), Iter(std::data(a) + std::size(a)), [](int i) { return i == 3; }, 6);
+      std::vector<int> comp(150, 6);
+      comp[45] = 5;
+      assert(std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), comp.begin()));
+    }
+  }
+struct ThrowOnCompare {};
+bool operator==(ThrowOnCompare, ThrowOnCompare) { throw int{}; }
+int main(int, char**) {
+  types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<int*>{}, TestIteratorWithPolicies<Test>{});
+  std::set_terminate(terminate_successful);
+  ThrowOnCompare a[2];
+  try {
+    (void)std::replace_if(
+        std::execution::par, std::begin(a), std::end(a), [](ThrowOnCompare&) { return false; }, ThrowOnCompare{});
+  } catch (int) {
+    assert(false);
+  }
+  return 0;