blob: 0dda0cf6ca7a7fd240ec4e1d9bb403bb42ded2c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-ranges
// <algorithm>
// Range algorithms should work with proxy iterators. For example, the implementations should use `iter_swap` (which is
// a customization point) rather than plain `swap` (which might not work with certain valid iterators).
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <concepts>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <ranges>
#include "MoveOnly.h"
#include "test_iterators.h"
// (in, ...)
template <class Func, std::ranges::range Input, class ...Args>
constexpr void test(Func&& func, Input& in, Args&& ...args) {
func(in.begin(), in.end(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
func(in, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// (in1, in2, ...)
template <class Func, std::ranges::range Range1, std::ranges::range Range2, class ...Args>
constexpr void test(Func&& func, Range1& r1, Range2& r2, Args&& ...args) {
func(r1.begin(), r1.end(), r2.begin(), r2.end(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
func(r1, r2, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// (in, mid, ...)
template <class Func, std::ranges::range Input, class ...Args>
constexpr void test_mid(Func&& func, Input& in, std::ranges::iterator_t<Input> mid, Args&& ...args) {
func(in.begin(), mid, in.end(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
func(in, mid, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::mt19937 rand_gen() { return std::mt19937(); }
template <class T>
constexpr void run_tests() {
std::array input = {T{1}, T{2}, T{3}};
ProxyRange in{input};
std::array input2 = {T{4}, T{5}, T{6}};
ProxyRange in2{input2};
auto mid = in.begin() + 1;
std::array output = {T{4}, T{5}, T{6}, T{7}, T{8}, T{9}};
ProxyIterator out{output.begin()};
ProxyIterator out2{output.begin() + 1};
ProxyIterator out_end{output.end()};
T num{2};
Proxy<T&> x{num};
int count = 1;
auto unary_pred = [](const Proxy<T&>&) { return true; };
//auto binary_pred = [](const Proxy<T>&, const Proxy<T>&) { return return false; };
auto binary_func = [](const Proxy<T>&, const Proxy<T>&) -> Proxy<T> { return Proxy<T>(T()); };
auto gen = [] { return Proxy<T>(T{42}); };
test(std::ranges::any_of, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::all_of, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::none_of, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::find, in, x);
test(std::ranges::find_if, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::find_if_not, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::find_first_of, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::adjacent_find, in);
test(std::ranges::mismatch, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::equal, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::lexicographical_compare, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::partition_point, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::lower_bound, in, x);
test(std::ranges::upper_bound, in, x);
//test(std::ranges::equal_range, in, x);
test(std::ranges::binary_search, in, x);
test(std::ranges::min_element, in);
test(std::ranges::max_element, in);
test(std::ranges::minmax_element, in);
test(std::ranges::count, in, x);
test(std::ranges::count_if, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::search, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::search_n, in, count, x);
test(std::ranges::find_end, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::is_partitioned, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::is_sorted, in);
test(std::ranges::is_sorted_until, in);
test(std::ranges::includes, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::is_heap, in);
test(std::ranges::is_heap_until, in);
//test(std::ranges::is_permutation, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::for_each, in, std::identity{});
std::ranges::for_each_n(in.begin(), count, std::identity{});
if constexpr (std::copyable<T>) {
test(std::ranges::copy, in, out);
std::ranges::copy_n(in.begin(), count, out);
test(std::ranges::copy_if, in, out, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::copy_backward, in, out_end);
test(std::ranges::move, in, out);
test(std::ranges::move_backward, in, out_end);
if constexpr (std::copyable<T>) {
test(std::ranges::fill, in, x);
std::ranges::fill_n(in.begin(), count, x);
test(std::ranges::transform, in, out, std::identity{});
test(std::ranges::transform, in, in2, out, binary_func);
test(std::ranges::generate, in, gen);
std::ranges::generate_n(in.begin(), count, gen);
if constexpr (std::copyable<T>) {
test(std::ranges::remove_copy, in, out, x);
test(std::ranges::remove_copy_if, in, out, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::replace, in, x, x);
test(std::ranges::replace_if, in, unary_pred, x);
test(std::ranges::replace_copy, in, out, x, x);
test(std::ranges::replace_copy_if, in, out, unary_pred, x);
test(std::ranges::swap_ranges, in, in2);
if constexpr (std::copyable<T>) {
test(std::ranges::reverse_copy, in, out);
test_mid(std::ranges::rotate_copy, in, mid, out);
test(std::ranges::unique_copy, in, out);
test(std::ranges::partition_copy, in, out, out2, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::partial_sort_copy, in, in2);
test(std::ranges::merge, in, in2, out);
test(std::ranges::set_difference, in, in2, out);
test(std::ranges::set_intersection, in, in2, out);
test(std::ranges::set_symmetric_difference, in, in2, out);
test(std::ranges::set_union, in, in2, out);
test(std::ranges::remove, in, x);
test(std::ranges::remove_if, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::reverse, in);
//test_mid(std::ranges::rotate, in, mid);
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated()) // `shuffle` isn't `constexpr`.
test(std::ranges::shuffle, in, rand_gen());
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated()) {
if constexpr (std::copyable<T>)
test(std::ranges::sample, in, out, count, rand_gen());
test(std::ranges::unique, in);
test(std::ranges::partition, in, unary_pred);
// TODO(ranges): `stable_partition` requires `ranges::rotate` to be implemented.
//if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
// test(std::ranges::stable_partition, in, unary_pred);
test(std::ranges::sort, in);
// TODO(ranges): `stable_sort` requires `ranges::rotate` to be implemented.
//if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
// test(std::ranges::stable_sort, in);
test_mid(std::ranges::partial_sort, in, mid);
test_mid(std::ranges::nth_element, in, mid);
// TODO(ranges): `inplace_merge` requires `ranges::rotate` to be implemented.
//if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
// test_mid(std::ranges::inplace_merge, in, mid);
test(std::ranges::make_heap, in);
test(std::ranges::push_heap, in);
test(std::ranges::pop_heap, in);
test(std::ranges::sort_heap, in);
//test(std::ranges::prev_permutation, in);
//test(std::ranges::next_permutation, in);
// The algorithms that work on uninitialized memory have constraints that prevent proxy iterators from being used with
// them.
constexpr bool test_all() {
return true;
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;