blob: f2ce6ed4754d2608b5cf3a6c0d1a03d9a7edfccb [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- A class to manipulate wide integers. --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "array.h"
#include <stddef.h> // For size_t
#include <stdint.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace cpp {
template <size_t Bits> class UInt {
static_assert(Bits > 0 && Bits % 64 == 0,
"Number of bits in UInt should be a multiple of 64.");
static constexpr size_t WordCount = Bits / 64;
uint64_t val[WordCount];
static constexpr uint64_t MASK32 = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
static constexpr uint64_t low(uint64_t v) { return v & MASK32; }
static constexpr uint64_t high(uint64_t v) { return (v >> 32) & MASK32; }
constexpr UInt() {}
constexpr UInt(const UInt<Bits> &other) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] = other.val[i];
// Initialize the first word to |v| and the rest to 0.
constexpr UInt(uint64_t v) {
val[0] = v;
for (size_t i = 1; i < WordCount; ++i) {
val[i] = 0;
constexpr explicit UInt(const cpp::array<uint64_t, WordCount> &words) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] = words[i];
constexpr explicit operator uint64_t() const { return val[0]; }
constexpr explicit operator uint32_t() const {
return uint32_t(uint64_t(*this));
constexpr explicit operator uint8_t() const {
return uint8_t(uint64_t(*this));
UInt<Bits> &operator=(const UInt<Bits> &other) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] = other.val[i];
return *this;
// Add x to this number and store the result in this number.
// Returns the carry value produced by the addition operation.
// To prevent overflow from intermediate results, we use the following
// property of unsigned integers:
// x + (~x) = 2^(sizeof(x)) - 1.
constexpr uint64_t add(const UInt<Bits> &x) {
bool carry = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
uint64_t complement = ~x.val[i];
if (!carry) {
if (val[i] <= complement)
val[i] += x.val[i];
else {
val[i] -= complement + 1;
carry = true;
} else {
if (val[i] < complement) {
val[i] += x.val[i] + 1;
carry = false;
} else
val[i] -= complement;
return carry ? 1 : 0;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator+(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
UInt<Bits> result(*this);
// TODO(lntue): Set overflow flag / errno when carry is true.
return result;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator+=(const UInt<Bits> &other) {
// TODO(lntue): Set overflow flag / errno when carry is true.
return *this;
// Subtract x to this number and store the result in this number.
// Returns the carry value produced by the subtraction operation.
// To prevent overflow from intermediate results, we use the following
// property of unsigned integers:
// x + (~x) = 2^(sizeof(x)) - 1,
// So:
// -x = ((~x) + 1) + (-2^(sizeof(x))),
// where 2^(sizeof(x)) is represented by the carry bit.
constexpr uint64_t sub(const UInt<Bits> &x) {
bool carry = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
if (!carry) {
if (val[i] >= x.val[i])
val[i] -= x.val[i];
else {
val[i] += (~x.val[i]) + 1;
carry = true;
} else {
if (val[i] > x.val[i]) {
val[i] -= x.val[i] + 1;
carry = false;
} else
val[i] += ~x.val[i];
return carry ? 1 : 0;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator-(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
UInt<Bits> result(*this);
// TODO(lntue): Set overflow flag / errno when carry is true.
return result;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator-=(const UInt<Bits> &other) {
// TODO(lntue): Set overflow flag / errno when carry is true.
return *this;
// Multiply this number with x and store the result in this number. It is
// implemented using the long multiplication algorithm by splitting the
// 64-bit words of this number and |x| in to 32-bit halves but peforming
// the operations using 64-bit numbers. This ensures that we don't lose the
// carry bits.
// Returns the carry value produced by the multiplication operation.
constexpr uint64_t mul(uint64_t x) {
uint64_t x_lo = low(x);
uint64_t x_hi = high(x);
cpp::array<uint64_t, WordCount + 1> row1;
uint64_t carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
uint64_t l = low(val[i]);
uint64_t h = high(val[i]);
uint64_t p1 = x_lo * l;
uint64_t p2 = x_lo * h;
uint64_t res_lo = low(p1) + carry;
carry = high(res_lo);
uint64_t res_hi = high(p1) + low(p2) + carry;
carry = high(res_hi) + high(p2);
res_lo = low(res_lo);
res_hi = low(res_hi);
row1[i] = res_lo + (res_hi << 32);
row1[WordCount] = carry;
cpp::array<uint64_t, WordCount + 1> row2;
row2[0] = 0;
carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
uint64_t l = low(val[i]);
uint64_t h = high(val[i]);
uint64_t p1 = x_hi * l;
uint64_t p2 = x_hi * h;
uint64_t res_lo = low(p1) + carry;
carry = high(res_lo);
uint64_t res_hi = high(p1) + low(p2) + carry;
carry = high(res_hi) + high(p2);
res_lo = low(res_lo);
res_hi = low(res_hi);
row2[i] = res_lo + (res_hi << 32);
row2[WordCount] = carry;
UInt<(WordCount + 1) * 64> r1(row1), r2(row2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
val[i] = r1[i];
return r1[WordCount];
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator*(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
UInt<Bits> result(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
UInt<Bits> row_result(*this);
row_result.shift_left(64 * i);
result = result + row_result;
return result;
constexpr UInt<Bits> &operator*=(const UInt<Bits> &other) {
*this = *this * other;
return *this;
constexpr void shift_left(size_t s) {
const size_t drop = s / 64; // Number of words to drop
const size_t shift = s % 64; // Bits to shift in the remaining words.
const uint64_t mask = ((uint64_t(1) << shift) - 1) << (64 - shift);
for (size_t i = WordCount; drop > 0 && i > 0; --i) {
if (i > drop)
val[i - 1] = val[i - drop - 1];
val[i - 1] = 0;
for (size_t i = WordCount; shift > 0 && i > drop; --i) {
uint64_t drop_val = (val[i - 1] & mask) >> (64 - shift);
val[i - 1] <<= shift;
if (i < WordCount)
val[i] |= drop_val;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator<<(size_t s) const {
UInt<Bits> result(*this);
return result;
constexpr UInt<Bits> &operator<<=(size_t s) {
return *this;
constexpr void shift_right(size_t s) {
const size_t drop = s / 64; // Number of words to drop
const size_t shift = s % 64; // Bit shift in the remaining words.
const uint64_t mask = (uint64_t(1) << shift) - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; drop > 0 && i < WordCount; ++i) {
if (i + drop < WordCount)
val[i] = val[i + drop];
val[i] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; shift > 0 && i < WordCount; ++i) {
uint64_t drop_val = ((val[i] & mask) << (64 - shift));
val[i] >>= shift;
if (i > 0)
val[i - 1] |= drop_val;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator>>(size_t s) const {
UInt<Bits> result(*this);
return result;
constexpr UInt<Bits> &operator>>=(size_t s) {
return *this;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator&(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
UInt<Bits> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
result.val[i] = val[i] & other.val[i];
return result;
constexpr UInt<Bits> &operator&=(const UInt<Bits> &other) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] &= other.val[i];
return *this;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator|(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
UInt<Bits> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
result.val[i] = val[i] | other.val[i];
return result;
constexpr UInt<Bits> &operator|=(const UInt<Bits> &other) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] |= other.val[i];
return *this;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator^(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
UInt<Bits> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
result.val[i] = val[i] ^ other.val[i];
return result;
constexpr UInt<Bits> &operator^=(const UInt<Bits> &other) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] ^= other.val[i];
return *this;
constexpr UInt<Bits> operator~() const {
UInt<Bits> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
result.val[i] = ~val[i];
return result;
constexpr bool operator==(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
if (val[i] != other.val[i])
return false;
return true;
constexpr bool operator!=(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
if (val[i] != other.val[i])
return true;
return false;
constexpr bool operator>(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
for (size_t i = WordCount; i > 0; --i) {
uint64_t word = val[i - 1];
uint64_t other_word = other.val[i - 1];
if (word > other_word)
return true;
else if (word < other_word)
return false;
// Equal
return false;
constexpr bool operator>=(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
for (size_t i = WordCount; i > 0; --i) {
uint64_t word = val[i - 1];
uint64_t other_word = other.val[i - 1];
if (word > other_word)
return true;
else if (word < other_word)
return false;
// Equal
return true;
constexpr bool operator<(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
for (size_t i = WordCount; i > 0; --i) {
uint64_t word = val[i - 1];
uint64_t other_word = other.val[i - 1];
if (word > other_word)
return false;
else if (word < other_word)
return true;
// Equal
return false;
constexpr bool operator<=(const UInt<Bits> &other) const {
for (size_t i = WordCount; i > 0; --i) {
uint64_t word = val[i - 1];
uint64_t other_word = other.val[i - 1];
if (word > other_word)
return false;
else if (word < other_word)
return true;
// Equal
return true;
constexpr UInt<Bits> &operator++() {
UInt<Bits> one(1);
return *this;
// Return the i-th 64-bit word of the number.
constexpr const uint64_t &operator[](size_t i) const { return val[i]; }
// Return the i-th 64-bit word of the number.
constexpr uint64_t &operator[](size_t i) { return val[i]; }
uint64_t *data() { return val; }
const uint64_t *data() const { return val; }
template <>
constexpr UInt<128> UInt<128>::operator*(const UInt<128> &other) const {
// temp low covers bits 0-63, middle covers 32-95, high covers 64-127, and
// high overflow covers 96-159.
uint64_t temp_low = low(val[0]) * low(other[0]);
uint64_t temp_middle_1 = low(val[0]) * high(other[0]);
uint64_t temp_middle_2 = high(val[0]) * low(other[0]);
// temp_middle is split out so that overflows can be handled, but since
// but since the result will be truncated to 128 bits any overflow from here
// on doesn't matter.
uint64_t temp_high = low(val[0]) * low(other[1]) +
high(val[0]) * high(other[0]) +
low(val[1]) * low(other[0]);
uint64_t temp_high_overflow =
low(val[0]) * high(other[1]) + high(val[0]) * low(other[1]) +
low(val[1]) * high(other[0]) + high(val[1]) * low(other[0]);
// temp_low_middle has just the high 32 bits of low, as well as any
// overflow.
uint64_t temp_low_middle =
high(temp_low) + low(temp_middle_1) + low(temp_middle_2);
uint64_t new_low = low(temp_low) + (low(temp_low_middle) << 32);
uint64_t new_high = high(temp_low_middle) + high(temp_middle_1) +
high(temp_middle_2) + temp_high +
(low(temp_high_overflow) << 32);
UInt<128> result(0);
result[0] = new_low;
result[1] = new_high;
return result;
} // namespace cpp
} // namespace __llvm_libc