blob: eafd3ab7d9107ba5f7fd8799d2edd68c09f07633 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- A platform independent file data structure -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/new.h"
#include "src/__support/error_or.h"
#include "src/__support/macros/properties/architectures.h"
#include "src/__support/threads/mutex.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE {
struct FileIOResult {
size_t value;
int error;
constexpr FileIOResult(size_t val) : value(val), error(0) {}
constexpr FileIOResult(size_t val, int error) : value(val), error(error) {}
constexpr bool has_error() { return error != 0; }
constexpr operator size_t() { return value; }
// This a generic base class to encapsulate a platform independent file data
// structure. Platform specific specializations should create a subclass as
// suitable for their platform.
class File {
static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
using LockFunc = void(File *);
using UnlockFunc = void(File *);
using WriteFunc = FileIOResult(File *, const void *, size_t);
using ReadFunc = FileIOResult(File *, void *, size_t);
// The SeekFunc is expected to return the current offset of the external
// file position indicator.
using SeekFunc = ErrorOr<long>(File *, long, int);
using CloseFunc = int(File *);
using ModeFlags = uint32_t;
// The three different types of flags below are to be used with '|' operator.
// Their values correspond to mutually exclusive bits in a 32-bit unsigned
// integer value. A flag set can include both READ and WRITE if the file
// is opened in update mode (ie. if the file was opened with a '+' the mode
// string.)
enum class OpenMode : ModeFlags {
READ = 0x1,
WRITE = 0x2,
APPEND = 0x4,
PLUS = 0x8,
// Denotes a file opened in binary mode (which is specified by including
// the 'b' character in teh mode string.)
enum class ContentType : ModeFlags {
BINARY = 0x10,
// Denotes a file to be created for writing.
enum class CreateType : ModeFlags {
EXCLUSIVE = 0x100,
enum class FileOp : uint8_t { NONE, READ, WRITE, SEEK };
// Platform specific functions which create new file objects should initialize
// these fields suitably via the constructor. Typically, they should be simple
// syscall wrappers for the corresponding functionality.
WriteFunc *platform_write;
ReadFunc *platform_read;
SeekFunc *platform_seek;
CloseFunc *platform_close;
Mutex mutex;
// For files which are readable, we should be able to support one ungetc
// operation even if |buf| is nullptr. So, in the constructor of File, we
// set |buf| to point to this buffer character.
uint8_t ungetc_buf;
uint8_t *buf; // Pointer to the stream buffer for buffered streams
size_t bufsize; // Size of the buffer pointed to by |buf|.
// Buffering mode to used to buffer.
int bufmode;
// If own_buf is true, the |buf| is owned by the stream and will be
// free-ed when close method is called on the stream.
bool own_buf;
// The mode in which the file was opened.
ModeFlags mode;
// Current read or write pointer.
size_t pos;
// Represents the previous operation that was performed.
FileOp prev_op;
// When the buffer is used as a read buffer, read_limit is the upper limit
// of the index to which the buffer can be read until.
size_t read_limit;
bool eof;
bool err;
// This is a convenience RAII class to lock and unlock file objects.
class FileLock {
File *file;
explicit FileLock(File *f) : file(f) { file->lock(); }
~FileLock() { file->unlock(); }
FileLock(const FileLock &) = delete;
FileLock(FileLock &&) = delete;
constexpr bool write_allowed() const {
return mode & (static_cast<ModeFlags>(OpenMode::WRITE) |
static_cast<ModeFlags>(OpenMode::APPEND) |
constexpr bool read_allowed() const {
return mode & (static_cast<ModeFlags>(OpenMode::READ) |
// We want this constructor to be constexpr so that global file objects
// like stdout do not require invocation of the constructor which can
// potentially lead to static initialization order fiasco. Consequently,
// we will assume that the |buffer| and |buffer_size| argument are
// meaningful - that is, |buffer| is nullptr if and only if |buffer_size|
// is zero. This way, we will not have to employ the semantics of
// the set_buffer method and allocate a buffer.
constexpr File(WriteFunc *wf, ReadFunc *rf, SeekFunc *sf, CloseFunc *cf,
uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size, int buffer_mode,
bool owned, ModeFlags modeflags)
: platform_write(wf), platform_read(rf), platform_seek(sf),
platform_close(cf), mutex(false, false, false), ungetc_buf(0),
buf(buffer), bufsize(buffer_size), bufmode(buffer_mode), own_buf(owned),
mode(modeflags), pos(0), prev_op(FileOp::NONE), read_limit(0),
eof(false), err(false) {
// Buffered write of |len| bytes from |data| without the file lock.
FileIOResult write_unlocked(const void *data, size_t len);
// Buffered write of |len| bytes from |data| under the file lock.
FileIOResult write(const void *data, size_t len) {
FileLock l(this);
return write_unlocked(data, len);
// Buffered read of |len| bytes into |data| without the file lock.
FileIOResult read_unlocked(void *data, size_t len);
// Buffered read of |len| bytes into |data| under the file lock.
FileIOResult read(void *data, size_t len) {
FileLock l(this);
return read_unlocked(data, len);
ErrorOr<int> seek(long offset, int whence);
ErrorOr<long> tell();
// If buffer has data written to it, flush it out. Does nothing if the
// buffer is currently being used as a read buffer.
int flush() {
FileLock lock(this);
return flush_unlocked();
int flush_unlocked();
// Returns EOF on error and keeps the file unchanged.
int ungetc_unlocked(int c);
int ungetc(int c) {
FileLock lock(this);
return ungetc_unlocked(c);
// Does the following:
// 1. If in write mode, Write out any data present in the buffer.
// 2. Call platform_close.
// platform_close is expected to cleanup the complete file object.
int close() {
FileLock lock(this);
if (prev_op == FileOp::WRITE && pos > 0) {
auto buf_result = platform_write(this, buf, pos);
if (buf_result.has_error() || buf_result.value < pos) {
err = true;
return buf_result.error;
// If we own the buffer, delete it before calling the platform close
// implementation. The platform close should not need to access the buffer
// and we need to clean it up before the entire structure is removed.
if (own_buf)
delete buf;
// Platform close is expected to cleanup the file data structure which
// includes the file mutex. Hence, we call platform_close after releasing
// the file lock. Another thread doing file operations while a thread is
// closing the file is undefined behavior as per POSIX.
return platform_close(this);
// Sets the internal buffer to |buffer| with buffering mode |mode|.
// |size| is the size of |buffer|. If |size| is non-zero, but |buffer|
// is nullptr, then a buffer owned by this file will be allocated.
// Else, |buffer| will not be owned by this file.
// Will return zero on success, or an error value on failure. Will fail
// if:
// 1. |buffer| is not a nullptr but |size| is zero.
// 2. |buffer_mode| is not one of _IOLBF, IOFBF or _IONBF.
// 3. If an allocation was required but the allocation failed.
// For cases 1 and 2, the error returned in EINVAL. For case 3, error returned
// is ENOMEM.
int set_buffer(void *buffer, size_t size, int buffer_mode);
void lock() { mutex.lock(); }
void unlock() { mutex.unlock(); }
bool error_unlocked() const { return err; }
bool error() {
FileLock l(this);
return error_unlocked();
void clearerr_unlocked() { err = false; }
void clearerr() {
FileLock l(this);
bool iseof_unlocked() { return eof; }
bool iseof() {
FileLock l(this);
return iseof_unlocked();
// Returns an bit map of flags corresponding to enumerations of
// OpenMode, ContentType and CreateType.
static ModeFlags mode_flags(const char *mode);
FileIOResult write_unlocked_lbf(const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
FileIOResult write_unlocked_fbf(const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
FileIOResult write_unlocked_nbf(const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
constexpr void adjust_buf() {
if (read_allowed() && (buf == nullptr || bufsize == 0)) {
// We should allow atleast one ungetc operation.
// This might give an impression that a buffer will be used even when
// the user does not want a buffer. But, that will not be the case.
// For reading, the buffering does not come into play. For writing, let
// us take up the three different kinds of buffering separately:
// 1. If user wants _IOFBF but gives a zero buffer, buffering still
// happens in the OS layer until the user flushes. So, from the user's
// point of view, this single byte buffer does not affect their
// experience.
// 2. If user wants _IOLBF but gives a zero buffer, the reasoning is
// very similar to the _IOFBF case.
// 3. If user wants _IONBF, then the buffer is ignored for writing.
// So, all of the above cases, having a single ungetc buffer does not
// affect the behavior experienced by the user.
buf = &ungetc_buf;
bufsize = 1;
own_buf = false; // We shouldn't call free on |buf| when closing the file.
// The implementaiton of this function is provided by the platform_file
// library.
ErrorOr<File *> openfile(const char *path, const char *mode);
// The platform_file library should implement it if it relevant for that
// platform.
int get_fileno(File *f);
extern File *stdin;
extern File *stdout;
extern File *stderr;
} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE