blob: 84730ad31cca8a2bc213da7a621023704bcb5850 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Implementation of the base class for libc unittests ---------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "Test.h"
#include "utils/FPUtil/FPBits.h"
#include "utils/testutils/ExecuteFunction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace testing {
// This need not be a class as all it has is a single read-write state variable.
// But, we make it class as then its implementation can be hidden from the
// header file.
class RunContext {
enum RunResult { Result_Pass = 1, Result_Fail = 2 };
RunResult status() const { return Status; }
void markFail() { Status = Result_Fail; }
RunResult Status = Result_Pass;
namespace internal {
// Display the first N hexadecimal digits of an integer in upper case.
template <typename T>
cpp::EnableIfType<cpp::IsIntegral<T>::Value, std::string>
uintToHex(T X, size_t Length = sizeof(T) * 2) {
std::string s(Length, '0');
for (auto it = s.rbegin(), end = s.rend(); it != end; ++it, X >>= 4) {
unsigned char Mod = static_cast<unsigned char>(X) & 15;
*it = llvm::hexdigit(Mod, true);
return s;
// When the value is not floating-point type, just display it as normal.
template <typename ValType>
cpp::EnableIfType<!cpp::IsFloatingPointType<ValType>::Value, std::string>
describeValue(ValType Value) {
return std::to_string(Value);
template <> std::string describeValue<llvm::StringRef>(llvm::StringRef Value) {
return std::string(Value);
// When the value is __uint128_t, also show its hexadecimal digits.
// Using template to force exact match, prevent ambiguous promotion.
template <> std::string describeValue<__uint128_t>(__uint128_t Value) {
return "0x" + uintToHex(Value);
// When the value is a floating point type, also show its sign | exponent |
// mantissa.
template <typename ValType>
cpp::EnableIfType<cpp::IsFloatingPointType<ValType>::Value, std::string>
describeValue(ValType Value) {
fputil::FPBits<ValType> Bits(Value);
if (Bits.isNaN()) {
return "(NaN)";
} else if (Bits.isInf()) {
return Bits.sign ? "(-Infinity)" : "(+Infinity)";
} else {
constexpr int ExponentWidthInHex =
(fputil::ExponentWidth<ValType>::value - 1) / 4 + 1;
constexpr int MantissaWidthInHex =
(fputil::MantissaWidth<ValType>::value - 1) / 4 + 1;
return std::string("Sign: ") + (Bits.sign ? '1' : '0') + ", Exponent: 0x" +
uintToHex<uint16_t>(Bits.exponent, ExponentWidthInHex) +
", Mantissa: 0x" +
uintToHex<typename fputil::FPBits<ValType>::UIntType>(
Bits.mantissa, MantissaWidthInHex);
template <typename ValType>
void explainDifference(ValType LHS, ValType RHS, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File, unsigned long Line,
llvm::StringRef OpString) {
size_t OffsetLength = OpString.size() > 2 ? OpString.size() - 2 : 0;
std::string Offset(OffsetLength, ' ');
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n"
<< Offset << "Expected: " << LHSStr << '\n'
<< Offset << "Which is: " << describeValue(LHS) << '\n'
<< "To be " << OpString << ": " << RHSStr << '\n'
<< Offset << "Which is: " << describeValue(RHS) << '\n';
template <typename ValType>
cpp::EnableIfType<!cpp::IsFloatingPointType<ValType>::Value, bool>
testEQ(ValType LHS, ValType RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
// For floating points, we consider all NaNs are equal, and +0.0 is not equal to
// -0.0.
template <typename ValType>
cpp::EnableIfType<cpp::IsFloatingPointType<ValType>::Value, bool>
testEQ(ValType LHS, ValType RHS) {
fputil::FPBits<ValType> LHSBits(LHS), RHSBits(RHS);
return (LHSBits.isNaN() && RHSBits.isNaN()) ||
(LHSBits.bitsAsUInt() == RHSBits.bitsAsUInt());
template <typename ValType>
bool test(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond, ValType LHS, ValType RHS,
const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line) {
auto ExplainDifference = [=](llvm::StringRef OpString) {
explainDifference(LHS, RHS, LHSStr, RHSStr, File, Line, OpString);
switch (Cond) {
case Cond_EQ:
if (testEQ(LHS, RHS))
return true;
ExplainDifference("equal to");
return false;
case Cond_NE:
if (!testEQ(LHS, RHS))
return true;
ExplainDifference("not equal to");
return false;
case Cond_LT:
if (LHS < RHS)
return true;
ExplainDifference("less than");
return false;
case Cond_LE:
if (LHS <= RHS)
return true;
ExplainDifference("less than or equal to");
return false;
case Cond_GT:
if (LHS > RHS)
return true;
ExplainDifference("greater than");
return false;
case Cond_GE:
if (LHS >= RHS)
return true;
ExplainDifference("greater than or equal to");
return false;
llvm::outs() << "Unexpected test condition.\n";
return false;
} // namespace internal
Test *Test::Start = nullptr;
Test *Test::End = nullptr;
void Test::addTest(Test *T) {
if (End == nullptr) {
Start = T;
End = T;
End->Next = T;
End = T;
int Test::runTests() {
int TestCount = 0;
int FailCount = 0;
for (Test *T = Start; T != nullptr; T = T->Next, ++TestCount) {
const char *TestName = T->getName();
constexpr auto GREEN = llvm::raw_ostream::GREEN;
constexpr auto RED = llvm::raw_ostream::RED;
constexpr auto RESET = llvm::raw_ostream::RESET;
llvm::outs() << GREEN << "[ RUN ] " << RESET << TestName << '\n';
RunContext Ctx;
auto Result = Ctx.status();
switch (Result) {
case RunContext::Result_Fail:
llvm::outs() << RED << "[ FAILED ] " << RESET << TestName << '\n';
case RunContext::Result_Pass:
llvm::outs() << GREEN << "[ OK ] " << RESET << TestName << '\n';
llvm::outs() << "Ran " << TestCount << " tests. "
<< " PASS: " << TestCount - FailCount << ' '
<< " FAIL: " << FailCount << '\n';
return FailCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
template bool Test::test<char, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond, char LHS,
char RHS, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<short, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
short LHS, short RHS, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<int, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond, int LHS,
int RHS, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<long, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond, long LHS,
long RHS, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<long long, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
long long LHS, long long RHS,
const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr,
const char *File, unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<unsigned char, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
unsigned char LHS, unsigned char RHS,
const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool
Test::test<unsigned short, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
unsigned short LHS, unsigned short RHS,
const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr,
const char *File, unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<unsigned int, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
unsigned int LHS, unsigned int RHS,
const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<unsigned long, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
unsigned long LHS, unsigned long RHS,
const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<bool, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond, bool LHS,
bool RHS, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<unsigned long long, 0>(
RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond, unsigned long long LHS,
unsigned long long RHS, const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr,
const char *File, unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<__uint128_t, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
__uint128_t LHS, __uint128_t RHS,
const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr,
const char *File, unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<float, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
float LHS, float RHS, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<double, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
double LHS, double RHS, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line);
template bool Test::test<long double, 0>(RunContext &Ctx, TestCondition Cond,
long double LHS, long double RHS,
const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr,
const char *File, unsigned long Line);
bool Test::testStrEq(RunContext &Ctx, const char *LHS, const char *RHS,
const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line) {
return internal::test(Ctx, Cond_EQ, llvm::StringRef(LHS),
llvm::StringRef(RHS), LHSStr, RHSStr, File, Line);
bool Test::testStrNe(RunContext &Ctx, const char *LHS, const char *RHS,
const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line) {
return internal::test(Ctx, Cond_NE, llvm::StringRef(LHS),
llvm::StringRef(RHS), LHSStr, RHSStr, File, Line);
bool Test::testMatch(RunContext &Ctx, bool MatchResult, MatcherBase &Matcher,
const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line) {
if (MatchResult)
return true;
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n"
<< "Failed to match " << LHSStr << " against " << RHSStr
<< ".\n";
testutils::StreamWrapper OutsWrapper = testutils::outs();
return false;
bool Test::testProcessKilled(RunContext &Ctx, testutils::FunctionCaller *Func,
int Signal, const char *LHSStr, const char *RHSStr,
const char *File, unsigned long Line) {
testutils::ProcessStatus Result = testutils::invokeInSubprocess(Func, 500);
if (const char *error = Result.getError()) {
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n" << error << '\n';
return false;
if (Result.timedOut()) {
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n"
<< "Process timed out after " << 500 << " milliseconds.\n";
return false;
if (Result.exitedNormally()) {
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n"
<< "Expected " << LHSStr
<< " to be killed by a signal\nBut it exited normally!\n";
return false;
int KilledBy = Result.getFatalSignal();
assert(KilledBy != 0 && "Not killed by any signal");
if (Signal == -1 || KilledBy == Signal)
return true;
using testutils::signalAsString;
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n"
<< " Expected: " << LHSStr << '\n'
<< "To be killed by signal: " << Signal << '\n'
<< " Which is: " << signalAsString(Signal) << '\n'
<< " But it was killed by: " << KilledBy << '\n'
<< " Which is: " << signalAsString(KilledBy)
<< '\n';
return false;
bool Test::testProcessExits(RunContext &Ctx, testutils::FunctionCaller *Func,
int ExitCode, const char *LHSStr,
const char *RHSStr, const char *File,
unsigned long Line) {
testutils::ProcessStatus Result = testutils::invokeInSubprocess(Func, 500);
if (const char *error = Result.getError()) {
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n" << error << '\n';
return false;
if (Result.timedOut()) {
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n"
<< "Process timed out after " << 500 << " milliseconds.\n";
return false;
if (!Result.exitedNormally()) {
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n"
<< "Expected " << LHSStr << '\n'
<< "to exit with exit code " << ExitCode << '\n'
<< "But it exited abnormally!\n";
return false;
int ActualExit = Result.getExitCode();
if (ActualExit == ExitCode)
return true;
llvm::outs() << File << ":" << Line << ": FAILURE\n"
<< "Expected exit code of: " << LHSStr << '\n'
<< " Which is: " << ActualExit << '\n'
<< " To be equal to: " << RHSStr << '\n'
<< " Which is: " << ExitCode << '\n';
return false;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace __llvm_libc
int main() { return __llvm_libc::testing::Test::runTests(); }