blob: 663f42809ecc956d06fd85778547688fdda32e59 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Generic implementation of memory function building blocks ---------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file provides generic C++ building blocks.
// Depending on the requested size, the block operation uses unsigned integral
// types, vector types or an array of the type with the maximum size.
// The maximum size is passed as a template argument. For instance, on x86
// platforms that only supports integral types the maximum size would be 8
// (corresponding to uint64_t). On this platform if we request the size 32, this
// would be treated as a cpp::array<uint64_t, 4>.
// On the other hand, if the platform is x86 with support for AVX the maximum
// size is 32 and the operation can be handled with a single native operation.
#include "src/__support/CPP/array.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h"
#include "src/__support/common.h"
#include "src/__support/endian.h"
#include "src/__support/macros/optimization.h"
#include "src/string/memory_utils/op_builtin.h"
#include "src/string/memory_utils/utils.h"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
// Compiler types using the vector attributes.
using uint8x1_t = uint8_t __attribute__((__vector_size__(1)));
using uint8x2_t = uint8_t __attribute__((__vector_size__(2)));
using uint8x4_t = uint8_t __attribute__((__vector_size__(4)));
using uint8x8_t = uint8_t __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
using uint8x16_t = uint8_t __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
using uint8x32_t = uint8_t __attribute__((__vector_size__(32)));
using uint8x64_t = uint8_t __attribute__((__vector_size__(64)));
} // namespace __llvm_libc
namespace __llvm_libc::generic {
// We accept three types of values as elements for generic operations:
// - scalar : unsigned integral types
// - vector : compiler types using the vector attributes
// - array : a cpp::array<T, N> where T is itself either a scalar or a vector.
// The following traits help discriminate between these cases.
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_scalar_v = cpp::is_integral_v<T> && cpp::is_unsigned_v<T>;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_vector_v =
cpp::details::is_unqualified_any_of<T, uint8x1_t, uint8x2_t, uint8x4_t,
uint8x8_t, uint8x16_t, uint8x32_t,
template <class T> struct is_array : cpp::false_type {};
template <class T, size_t N> struct is_array<cpp::array<T, N>> {
static constexpr bool value = is_scalar_v<T> || is_vector_v<T>;
template <typename T> constexpr bool is_array_v = is_array<T>::value;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_element_type_v =
is_scalar_v<T> || is_vector_v<T> || is_array_v<T>;
template <class T> struct array_size {};
template <class T, size_t N>
struct array_size<cpp::array<T, N>> : cpp::integral_constant<size_t, N> {};
template <typename T> constexpr size_t array_size_v = array_size<T>::value;
// Generic operations for the above type categories.
template <typename T> T load(CPtr src) {
if constexpr (is_scalar_v<T> || is_vector_v<T>) {
return ::__llvm_libc::load<T>(src);
} else if constexpr (is_array_v<T>) {
using value_type = typename T::value_type;
T Value;
for (size_t I = 0; I < array_size_v<T>; ++I)
Value[I] = load<value_type>(src + (I * sizeof(value_type)));
return Value;
template <typename T> void store(Ptr dst, T value) {
if constexpr (is_scalar_v<T> || is_vector_v<T>) {
::__llvm_libc::store<T>(dst, value);
} else if constexpr (is_array_v<T>) {
using value_type = typename T::value_type;
for (size_t I = 0; I < array_size_v<T>; ++I)
store<value_type>(dst + (I * sizeof(value_type)), value[I]);
template <typename T> T splat(uint8_t value) {
static_assert(is_scalar_v<T> || is_vector_v<T>);
if constexpr (is_scalar_v<T>)
return T(~0) / T(0xFF) * T(value);
else if constexpr (is_vector_v<T>) {
T Out;
// This for loop is optimized out for vector types.
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i)
Out[i] = value;
return Out;
static_assert((UINTPTR_MAX == 4294967295U) ||
(UINTPTR_MAX == 18446744073709551615UL),
"We currently only support 32- or 64-bit platforms");
#if defined(LIBC_TARGET_ARCH_IS_X86_64) || defined(LIBC_TARGET_ARCH_IS_AARCH64)
namespace details {
// Checks that each type is sorted in strictly decreasing order of size.
// i.e. sizeof(First) > sizeof(Second) > ... > sizeof(Last)
template <typename First> constexpr bool is_decreasing_size() {
return sizeof(First) == 1;
template <typename First, typename Second, typename... Next>
constexpr bool is_decreasing_size() {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Next) > 0)
return sizeof(First) > sizeof(Second) && is_decreasing_size<Next...>();
return sizeof(First) > sizeof(Second) && is_decreasing_size<Second>();
template <size_t Size, typename... Ts> struct Largest;
template <size_t Size> struct Largest<Size> : cpp::type_identity<uint8_t> {};
template <size_t Size, typename T, typename... Ts>
struct Largest<Size, T, Ts...> {
using next = Largest<Size, Ts...>;
using type = cpp::conditional_t<(Size >= sizeof(T)), T, typename next::type>;
} // namespace details
// 'SupportedTypes' holds a list of natively supported types.
// The types are instanciations of ScalarType or VectorType.
// They should be ordered in strictly decreasing order.
// The 'TypeFor<Size>' type retrieves is the largest supported type that can
// handle 'Size' bytes. e.g.
// using ST = SupportedTypes<ScalarType<uint16_t>, ScalarType<uint8_t>>;
// using Type = ST::TypeFor<10>;
// static_assert(cpp:is_same_v<Type, ScalarType<uint16_t>>);
template <typename First, typename... Ts> struct SupportedTypes {
static_assert(details::is_decreasing_size<First, Ts...>());
using MaxType = First;
template <size_t Size>
using TypeFor = typename details::Largest<Size, First, Ts...>::type;
// Map from sizes to structures offering static load, store and splat methods.
// Note: On platforms lacking vector support, we use the ArrayType below and
// decompose the operation in smaller pieces.
// Lists a generic native types to use for Memset and Memmove operations.
// TODO: Inject the native types within Memset and Memmove depending on the
// target architectures and derive MaxSize from it.
using NativeTypeMap = SupportedTypes<uint8x64_t, //
uint8x32_t, //
#if defined(LLVM_LIBC_HAS_UINT64)
uint64_t, // Not available on 32bit
uint32_t, //
uint16_t, //
namespace details {
// Helper to test if a type is void.
template <typename T> inline constexpr bool is_void_v = cpp::is_same_v<T, void>;
// In case the 'Size' is not supported we can fall back to a sequence of smaller
// operations using the largest natively supported type.
template <size_t Size, size_t MaxSize> static constexpr bool useArrayType() {
return (Size > MaxSize) && ((Size % MaxSize) == 0) &&
// Compute the type to handle an operation of 'Size' bytes knowing that the
// underlying platform only support native types up to MaxSize bytes.
template <size_t Size, size_t MaxSize>
using getTypeFor = cpp::conditional_t<
useArrayType<Size, MaxSize>(),
cpp::array<NativeTypeMap::TypeFor<MaxSize>, Size / MaxSize>,
} // namespace details
// Memset
template <typename T> struct Memset {
static constexpr size_t SIZE = sizeof(T);
LIBC_INLINE static void block(Ptr dst, uint8_t value) {
if constexpr (is_scalar_v<T> || is_vector_v<T>) {
store<T>(dst, splat<T>(value));
} else if constexpr (is_array_v<T>) {
using value_type = typename T::value_type;
const auto Splat = splat<value_type>(value);
for (size_t I = 0; I < array_size_v<T>; ++I)
store<value_type>(dst + (I * sizeof(value_type)), Splat);
LIBC_INLINE static void tail(Ptr dst, uint8_t value, size_t count) {
block(dst + count - SIZE, value);
LIBC_INLINE static void head_tail(Ptr dst, uint8_t value, size_t count) {
block(dst, value);
tail(dst, value, count);
LIBC_INLINE static void loop_and_tail(Ptr dst, uint8_t value, size_t count) {
static_assert(SIZE > 1, "a loop of size 1 does not need tail");
size_t offset = 0;
do {
block(dst + offset, value);
offset += SIZE;
} while (offset < count - SIZE);
tail(dst, value, count);
template <typename T, typename... TS> struct MemsetSequence {
static constexpr size_t SIZE = (sizeof(T) + ... + sizeof(TS));
LIBC_INLINE static void block(Ptr dst, uint8_t value) {
Memset<T>::block(dst, value);
if constexpr (sizeof...(TS) > 0) {
return MemsetSequence<TS...>::block(dst + sizeof(T), value);
// Memmove
template <typename T> struct Memmove {
static constexpr size_t SIZE = sizeof(T);
LIBC_INLINE static void block(Ptr dst, CPtr src) {
store<T>(dst, load<T>(src));
LIBC_INLINE static void head_tail(Ptr dst, CPtr src, size_t count) {
const size_t offset = count - SIZE;
// The load and store operations can be performed in any order as long as
// they are not interleaved. More investigations are needed to determine
// the best order.
const auto head = load<T>(src);
const auto tail = load<T>(src + offset);
store<T>(dst, head);
store<T>(dst + offset, tail);
// Align forward suitable when dst < src. The alignment is performed with
// an HeadTail operation of count ∈ [Alignment, 2 x Alignment].
// e.g. Moving two bytes forward, we make sure src is aligned.
// [ | | | | ]
// [____LLLLLLLL_____________________]
// [___________LLLLLLLA______________]
// [_SSSSSSSS________________________]
// [________SSSSSSSS_________________]
// e.g. Moving two bytes forward, we make sure dst is aligned.
// [ | | | | ]
// [____LLLLLLLL_____________________]
// [______LLLLLLLL___________________]
// [_SSSSSSSS________________________]
// [___SSSSSSSA______________________]
template <Arg AlignOn>
LIBC_INLINE static void align_forward(Ptr &dst, CPtr &src, size_t &count) {
Ptr prev_dst = dst;
CPtr prev_src = src;
size_t prev_count = count;
align_to_next_boundary<SIZE, AlignOn>(dst, src, count);
adjust(SIZE, dst, src, count);
head_tail(prev_dst, prev_src, prev_count - count);
// Align backward suitable when dst > src. The alignment is performed with
// an HeadTail operation of count ∈ [Alignment, 2 x Alignment].
// e.g. Moving two bytes backward, we make sure src is aligned.
// [ | | | | ]
// [ _________________ALLLLLLL_______]
// [ ___________________LLLLLLLL_____]
// [____________________SSSSSSSS_____]
// [______________________SSSSSSSS___]
// e.g. Moving two bytes backward, we make sure dst is aligned.
// [ | | | | ]
// [ _______________LLLLLLLL_________]
// [ ___________________LLLLLLLL_____]
// [__________________ASSSSSSS_______]
// [______________________SSSSSSSS___]
template <Arg AlignOn>
LIBC_INLINE static void align_backward(Ptr &dst, CPtr &src, size_t &count) {
Ptr headtail_dst = dst + count;
CPtr headtail_src = src + count;
size_t headtail_size = 0;
align_to_next_boundary<SIZE, AlignOn>(headtail_dst, headtail_src,
adjust(-2 * SIZE, headtail_dst, headtail_src, headtail_size);
head_tail(headtail_dst, headtail_src, headtail_size);
count -= headtail_size;
// Move forward suitable when dst < src. We load the tail bytes before
// handling the loop.
// e.g. Moving two bytes
// [ | | | | |]
// [_________________________LLLLLLLL___]
// [___LLLLLLLL_________________________]
// [_SSSSSSSS___________________________]
// [___________LLLLLLLL_________________]
// [_________SSSSSSSS___________________]
// [___________________LLLLLLLL_________]
// [_________________SSSSSSSS___________]
// [_______________________SSSSSSSS_____]
LIBC_INLINE static void loop_and_tail_forward(Ptr dst, CPtr src,
size_t count) {
static_assert(SIZE > 1, "a loop of size 1 does not need tail");
const size_t tail_offset = count - SIZE;
const auto tail_value = load<T>(src + tail_offset);
size_t offset = 0;
do {
block(dst + offset, src + offset);
offset += SIZE;
} while (offset < count - SIZE);
store<T>(dst + tail_offset, tail_value);
// Move backward suitable when dst > src. We load the head bytes before
// handling the loop.
// e.g. Moving two bytes
// [ | | | | |]
// [___LLLLLLLL_________________________]
// [_________________________LLLLLLLL___]
// [___________________________SSSSSSSS_]
// [_________________LLLLLLLL___________]
// [___________________SSSSSSSS_________]
// [_________LLLLLLLL___________________]
// [___________SSSSSSSS_________________]
// [_____SSSSSSSS_______________________]
LIBC_INLINE static void loop_and_tail_backward(Ptr dst, CPtr src,
size_t count) {
static_assert(SIZE > 1, "a loop of size 1 does not need tail");
const auto head_value = load<T>(src);
ptrdiff_t offset = count - SIZE;
do {
block(dst + offset, src + offset);
offset -= SIZE;
} while (offset >= 0);
store<T>(dst, head_value);
// Bcmp
template <size_t Size> struct Bcmp {
static constexpr size_t SIZE = Size;
static constexpr size_t MaxSize = LLVM_LIBC_IS_DEFINED(LLVM_LIBC_HAS_UINT64)
? sizeof(uint64_t)
: sizeof(uint32_t);
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE static uint32_t load_xor(CPtr p1, CPtr p2) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(uint32_t));
return load<T>(p1) ^ load<T>(p2);
template <typename T>
LIBC_INLINE static uint32_t load_not_equal(CPtr p1, CPtr p2) {
return load<T>(p1) != load<T>(p2);
LIBC_INLINE static BcmpReturnType block(CPtr p1, CPtr p2) {
if constexpr (Size == 1) {
return load_xor<uint8_t>(p1, p2);
} else if constexpr (Size == 2) {
return load_xor<uint16_t>(p1, p2);
} else if constexpr (Size == 4) {
return load_xor<uint32_t>(p1, p2);
} else if constexpr (Size == 8) {
return load_not_equal<uint64_t>(p1, p2);
} else if constexpr (details::useArrayType<Size, MaxSize>()) {
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < Size; offset += MaxSize)
if (auto value = Bcmp<MaxSize>::block(p1 + offset, p2 + offset))
return value;
} else {
deferred_static_assert("Unimplemented Size");
return BcmpReturnType::ZERO();
LIBC_INLINE static BcmpReturnType tail(CPtr p1, CPtr p2, size_t count) {
return block(p1 + count - SIZE, p2 + count - SIZE);
LIBC_INLINE static BcmpReturnType head_tail(CPtr p1, CPtr p2, size_t count) {
return block(p1, p2) | tail(p1, p2, count);
LIBC_INLINE static BcmpReturnType loop_and_tail(CPtr p1, CPtr p2,
size_t count) {
static_assert(Size > 1, "a loop of size 1 does not need tail");
size_t offset = 0;
do {
if (auto value = block(p1 + offset, p2 + offset))
return value;
offset += SIZE;
} while (offset < count - SIZE);
return tail(p1, p2, count);
// Memcmp
template <size_t Size> struct Memcmp {
static constexpr size_t SIZE = Size;
static constexpr size_t MaxSize = LLVM_LIBC_IS_DEFINED(LLVM_LIBC_HAS_UINT64)
? sizeof(uint64_t)
: sizeof(uint32_t);
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE static T load_be(CPtr ptr) {
return Endian::to_big_endian(load<T>(ptr));
template <typename T>
LIBC_INLINE static MemcmpReturnType load_be_diff(CPtr p1, CPtr p2) {
return load_be<T>(p1) - load_be<T>(p2);
template <typename T>
LIBC_INLINE static MemcmpReturnType load_be_cmp(CPtr p1, CPtr p2) {
const auto la = load_be<T>(p1);
const auto lb = load_be<T>(p2);
return la > lb ? 1 : la < lb ? -1 : 0;
LIBC_INLINE static MemcmpReturnType block(CPtr p1, CPtr p2) {
if constexpr (Size == 1) {
return load_be_diff<uint8_t>(p1, p2);
} else if constexpr (Size == 2) {
return load_be_diff<uint16_t>(p1, p2);
} else if constexpr (Size == 4) {
return load_be_cmp<uint32_t>(p1, p2);
} else if constexpr (Size == 8) {
return load_be_cmp<uint64_t>(p1, p2);
} else if constexpr (details::useArrayType<Size, MaxSize>()) {
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < Size; offset += MaxSize)
if (Bcmp<MaxSize>::block(p1 + offset, p2 + offset))
return Memcmp<MaxSize>::block(p1 + offset, p2 + offset);
return MemcmpReturnType::ZERO();
} else if constexpr (Size == 3) {
if (auto value = Memcmp<2>::block(p1, p2))
return value;
return Memcmp<1>::block(p1 + 2, p2 + 2);
} else {
deferred_static_assert("Unimplemented Size");
LIBC_INLINE static MemcmpReturnType tail(CPtr p1, CPtr p2, size_t count) {
return block(p1 + count - SIZE, p2 + count - SIZE);
LIBC_INLINE static MemcmpReturnType head_tail(CPtr p1, CPtr p2,
size_t count) {
if (auto value = block(p1, p2))
return value;
return tail(p1, p2, count);
LIBC_INLINE static MemcmpReturnType loop_and_tail(CPtr p1, CPtr p2,
size_t count) {
static_assert(Size > 1, "a loop of size 1 does not need tail");
size_t offset = 0;
do {
if (auto value = block(p1 + offset, p2 + offset))
return value;
offset += SIZE;
} while (offset < count - SIZE);
return tail(p1, p2, count);
} // namespace __llvm_libc::generic