blob: 09370148d803ae6d836d86fb4a61fbf402a24b6d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Utilities to convert floating point values to string ----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <stdint.h>
#include "src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h"
#include "src/__support/FPUtil/FPBits.h"
#include "src/__support/UInt.h"
#include "src/__support/common.h"
#include "src/__support/libc_assert.h"
#include "src/__support/ryu_constants.h"
// This implementation is based on the Ryu Printf algorithm by Ulf Adams:
// Ulf Adams. 2019. Ryƫ revisited: printf floating point conversion.
// Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 3, OOPSLA, Article 169 (October 2019), 23 pages.
// This version is modified to require significantly less memory (it doesn't use
// a large buffer to store the result).
// The general concept of this algorithm is as follows:
// We want to calculate a 9 digit segment of a floating point number using this
// formula: floor((mantissa * 2^exponent)/10^i) % 10^9.
// To do so normally would involve large integers (~1000 bits for doubles), so
// we use a shortcut. We can avoid calculating 2^exponent / 10^i by using a
// lookup table. The resulting intermediate value needs to be about 192 bits to
// store the result with enough precision. Since this is all being done with
// integers for appropriate precision, we would run into a problem if
// i > exponent since then 2^exponent / 10^i would be less than 1. To correct
// for this, the actual calculation done is 2^(exponent + c) / 10^i, and then
// when multiplying by the mantissa we reverse this by dividing by 2^c, like so:
// floor((mantissa * table[exponent][i])/(2^c)) % 10^9.
// This gives a 9 digit value, which is small enough to fit in a 32 bit integer,
// and that integer is converted into a string as normal, and called a block. In
// this implementation, the most recent block is buffered, so that if rounding
// is necessary the block can be adjusted before being written to the output.
// Any block that is all 9s adds one to the max block counter and doesn't clear
// the buffer because they can cause the block above them to be rounded up.
namespace __llvm_libc {
using BlockInt = uint32_t;
constexpr size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 9;
using MantissaInt = fputil::FPBits<long double>::UIntType;
constexpr size_t POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_CALC = 128;
constexpr size_t POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_TABLE = 120;
constexpr size_t MID_INT_SIZE = 192;
namespace internal {
// Returns floor(log_10(2^e)); requires 0 <= e <= 1650.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr uint32_t log10_pow2(const uint32_t e) {
// The first value this approximation fails for is 2^1651 which is just
// greater than 10^297.
LIBC_ASSERT(e >= 0 && e <= 1650 &&
"Incorrect exponent to perform log10_pow2 approximation.");
return (e * 78913) >> 18;
// Returns 1 + floor(log_10(2^e). This could technically be off by 1 if any
// power of 2 was also a power of 10, but since that doesn't exist this is
// always accurate. This is used to calculate the maximum number of base-10
// digits a given e-bit number could have.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr uint32_t ceil_log10_pow2(const uint32_t e) {
return log10_pow2(e) + 1;
// Returns the maximum number of 9 digit blocks a number described by the given
// index (which is ceil(exponent/16)) and mantissa width could need.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr uint32_t length_for_num(const uint32_t idx,
const uint32_t mantissa_width) {
//+8 to round up when dividing by 9
return (ceil_log10_pow2(16 * idx) + ceil_log10_pow2(mantissa_width) +
(BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) /
// return (ceil_log10_pow2(16 * idx + mantissa_width) + 8) / 9;
// The formula for the table when i is positive (or zero) is as follows:
// floor(10^(-9i) * 2^(e + c_1) + 1) % (10^9 * 2^c_1)
// Rewritten slightly we get:
// floor(5^(-9i) * 2^(e + c_1 - 9i) + 1) % (10^9 * 2^c_1)
// TODO: Fix long doubles (needs bigger table or alternate algorithm.)
// Currently the table values are generated, which is very slow.
template <size_t INT_SIZE>
LIBC_INLINE constexpr cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE>
get_table_positive(int exponent, size_t i, const size_t constant) {
// INT_SIZE is the size of int that is used for the internal calculations of
// this function. It should be large enough to hold 2^(exponent+constant), so
// ~1000 for double and ~16000 for long double. Be warned that the time
// complexity of exponentiation is O(n^2 * log_2(m)) where n is the number of
// bits in the number being exponentiated and m is the exponent.
int shift_amount = exponent + constant - (9 * i);
if (shift_amount < 0) {
return 1;
cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE> num(0);
// MOD_SIZE is one of the limiting factors for how big the constant argument
// can get, since it needs to be small enough to fit in the result UInt,
// otherwise we'll get truncation on return.
const cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE> MOD_SIZE =
(cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE>(1) << constant) * 1000000000;
constexpr uint64_t FIVE_EXP_NINE = 1953125;
num = cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE>(1) << (shift_amount);
if (i > 0) {
cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE> fives(FIVE_EXP_NINE);
num = num / fives;
num = num + 1;
if (num > MOD_SIZE) {
num = num % MOD_SIZE;
return num;
// The formula for the table when i is negative (or zero) is as follows:
// floor(10^(-9i) * 2^(c_0 - e)) % (10^9 * 2^c_0)
// Since we know i is always negative, we just take it as unsigned and treat it
// as negative. We do the same with exponent, while they're both always negative
// in theory, in practice they're converted to positive for simpler
// calculations.
// The formula being used looks more like this:
// floor(10^(9*(-i)) * 2^(c_0 + (-e))) % (10^9 * 2^c_0)
LIBC_INLINE cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> get_table_negative(int exponent, size_t i,
const size_t constant) {
constexpr size_t INT_SIZE = 1024;
int shift_amount = constant - exponent;
cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE> num(1);
// const cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE> MOD_SIZE =
// (cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE>(1) << constant) * 1000000000;
constexpr uint64_t TEN_EXP_NINE = 1000000000;
constexpr uint64_t FIVE_EXP_NINE = 1953125;
size_t ten_blocks = i;
size_t five_blocks = 0;
if (shift_amount < 0) {
int block_shifts = (-shift_amount) / 9;
if (block_shifts < static_cast<int>(ten_blocks)) {
ten_blocks = ten_blocks - block_shifts;
five_blocks = block_shifts;
shift_amount = shift_amount + (block_shifts * 9);
} else {
ten_blocks = 0;
five_blocks = i;
shift_amount = shift_amount + (i * 9);
if (five_blocks > 0) {
cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE> fives(FIVE_EXP_NINE);
num *= fives;
if (ten_blocks > 0) {
cpp::UInt<INT_SIZE> tens(TEN_EXP_NINE);
num *= tens;
if (shift_amount > 0) {
num = num << shift_amount;
} else {
num = num >> (-shift_amount);
// if (num > MOD_SIZE) {
// num = num % MOD_SIZE;
// }
return num;
LIBC_INLINE uint32_t fast_uint_mod_1e9(const cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> &val) {
// The formula for mult_const is:
// 1 + floor((2^(bits in target integer size + log_2(divider))) / divider)
// Where divider is 10^9 and target integer size is 128.
const cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> mult_const(
{0x31680A88F8953031u, 0x89705F4136B4A597u, 0});
const auto middle = (mult_const * val);
const uint64_t result = static_cast<uint64_t>(middle[2]);
const uint32_t shifted = result >> 29;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(val) - (1000000000 * shifted);
LIBC_INLINE uint32_t mul_shift_mod_1e9(const MantissaInt mantissa,
const cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> &large,
const int32_t shift_amount) {
constexpr size_t MANT_INT_SIZE = sizeof(MantissaInt) * 8;
cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE + MANT_INT_SIZE> val(large);
// TODO: Find a better way to force __uint128_t to be UInt<128>
cpp::UInt<MANT_INT_SIZE> wide_mant(0);
wide_mant[0] = mantissa & (uint64_t(-1));
wide_mant[1] = mantissa >> 64;
val = (val * wide_mant) >> shift_amount;
return fast_uint_mod_1e9(val);
} // namespace internal
// Convert floating point values to their string representation.
// Because the result may not fit in a reasonably sized array, the caller must
// request blocks of digits and convert them from integers to strings themself.
// Blocks contain the most digits that can be stored in an BlockInt. This is 9
// digits for a 32 bit int and 18 digits for a 64 bit int.
// The intended use pattern is to create a FloatToString object of the
// appropriate type, then call get_positive_blocks to get an approximate number
// of blocks there are before the decimal point. Now the client code can start
// calling get_positive_block in a loop from the number of positive blocks to
// zero. This will give all digits before the decimal point. Then the user can
// start calling get_negative_block in a loop from 0 until the number of digits
// they need is reached. As an optimization, the client can use
// zero_blocks_after_point to find the number of blocks that are guaranteed to
// be zero after the decimal point and before the non-zero digits. Additionally,
// is_lowest_block will return if the current block is the lowest non-zero
// block.
template <typename T, cpp::enable_if_t<cpp::is_floating_point_v<T>, int> = 0>
class FloatToString {
fputil::FPBits<T> float_bits;
bool is_negative;
int exponent;
MantissaInt mantissa;
static constexpr int MANT_WIDTH = fputil::MantissaWidth<T>::VALUE;
static constexpr int EXP_BIAS = fputil::FPBits<T>::EXPONENT_BIAS;
// constexpr void init_convert();
LIBC_INLINE constexpr FloatToString(T init_float) : float_bits(init_float) {
is_negative = float_bits.get_sign();
exponent = float_bits.get_exponent();
mantissa = float_bits.get_explicit_mantissa();
// Handle the exponent for numbers with a 0 exponent.
if (exponent == -EXP_BIAS) {
if (mantissa > 0) { // Subnormals
} else { // Zeroes
exponent = 0;
// Adjust for the width of the mantissa.
exponent -= MANT_WIDTH;
// init_convert();
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_nan() { return float_bits.is_nan(); }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_inf() { return float_bits.is_inf(); }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_inf_or_nan() {
return float_bits.is_inf_or_nan();
// get_block returns an integer that represents the digits in the requested
// block.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BlockInt get_positive_block(int block_index) {
if (exponent >= -MANT_WIDTH) {
// idx is ceil(exponent/16) or 0 if exponent is negative. This is used to
// find the coarse section of the POW10_SPLIT table that will be used to
// calculate the 9 digit window, as well as some other related values.
const uint32_t idx =
exponent < 0 ? 0 : static_cast<uint32_t>(exponent + 15) / 16;
uint32_t temp_shift_amount =
POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_TABLE + (16 * idx) - exponent;
const uint32_t shift_amount = temp_shift_amount;
// shift_amount = -(c0 - exponent) = c_0 + 16 * ceil(exponent/16) -
// exponent
int32_t i = block_index;
cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> val;
val = POW10_SPLIT[POW10_OFFSET[idx] + i];
const uint32_t digits =
internal::mul_shift_mod_1e9(mantissa, val, (int32_t)(shift_amount));
return digits;
} else {
return 0;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BlockInt get_negative_block(int block_index) {
if (exponent < 0) {
const int32_t idx = -exponent / 16;
uint32_t i = block_index;
// if the requested block is zero
if (i < MIN_BLOCK_2[idx]) {
return 0;
const int32_t shift_amount =
POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_TABLE + (-exponent - 16 * idx);
const uint32_t p = POW10_OFFSET_2[idx] + i - MIN_BLOCK_2[idx];
// If every digit after the requested block is zero.
if (p >= POW10_OFFSET_2[idx + 1]) {
return 0;
cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> table_val = POW10_SPLIT_2[p];
// cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> calculated_val =
// get_table_negative(idx * 16, i + 1, POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_CALC);
uint32_t digits =
internal::mul_shift_mod_1e9(mantissa, table_val, shift_amount);
return digits;
} else {
return 0;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BlockInt get_block(int block_index) {
if (block_index >= 0) {
return get_positive_block(block_index);
} else {
return get_negative_block(-1 - block_index);
LIBC_INLINE constexpr size_t get_positive_blocks() {
if (exponent >= -MANT_WIDTH) {
const uint32_t idx =
exponent < 0 ? 0 : static_cast<uint32_t>(exponent + 15) / 16;
const uint32_t len = internal::length_for_num(idx, MANT_WIDTH);
return len;
} else {
return 0;
// This takes the index of a block after the decimal point (a negative block)
// and return if it's sure that all of the digits after it are zero.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_lowest_block(size_t block_index) {
const int32_t idx = -exponent / 16;
const uint32_t p = POW10_OFFSET_2[idx] + block_index - MIN_BLOCK_2[idx];
// If the remaining digits are all 0, then this is the lowest block.
return p >= POW10_OFFSET_2[idx + 1];
LIBC_INLINE constexpr size_t zero_blocks_after_point() {
return MIN_BLOCK_2[-exponent / 16];
// template <> constexpr void FloatToString<float>::init_convert() { ; }
// template <> constexpr void FloatToString<double>::init_convert() { ; }
// template <> constexpr void FloatToString<long double>::init_convert() {
// // TODO: More here.
// ;
// }
template <>
LIBC_INLINE constexpr size_t
FloatToString<long double>::zero_blocks_after_point() {
return 0;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool FloatToString<long double>::is_lowest_block(size_t) {
return false;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BlockInt
FloatToString<long double>::get_positive_block(int block_index) {
if (exponent >= -MANT_WIDTH) {
const uint32_t pos_exp = (exponent < 0 ? 0 : exponent);
uint32_t temp_shift_amount =
POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_CALC + pos_exp - exponent;
const uint32_t shift_amount = temp_shift_amount;
// shift_amount = -(c0 - exponent) = c_0 + 16 * ceil(exponent/16) -
// exponent
int32_t i = block_index;
cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> val;
if (exponent + POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_CALC < 1024) {
val = internal::get_table_positive<1024>(pos_exp, i,
} else if (exponent + POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_CALC < 4096) {
val = internal::get_table_positive<4096>(pos_exp, i,
} else if (exponent + POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_CALC < 8192) {
val = internal::get_table_positive<8192>(pos_exp, i,
} else {
val = internal::get_table_positive<16384>(pos_exp, i,
const BlockInt digits =
internal::mul_shift_mod_1e9(mantissa, val, (int32_t)(shift_amount));
return digits;
} else {
return 0;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BlockInt
FloatToString<long double>::get_negative_block(int block_index) {
if (exponent < 0) {
const int32_t idx = -exponent / 16;
uint32_t i = -1 - block_index;
// if the requested block is zero
if (i <= MIN_BLOCK_2[idx]) {
return 0;
const int32_t shift_amount =
POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_CALC + (-exponent - 16 * idx);
const uint32_t p = POW10_OFFSET_2[idx] + i - MIN_BLOCK_2[idx];
// If every digit after the requested block is zero.
if (p >= POW10_OFFSET_2[idx + 1]) {
return 0;
// cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> table_val = POW10_SPLIT_2[p];
cpp::UInt<MID_INT_SIZE> calculated_val = internal::get_table_negative(
idx * 16, i + 1, POW10_ADDITIONAL_BITS_CALC);
BlockInt digits =
internal::mul_shift_mod_1e9(mantissa, calculated_val, shift_amount);
return digits;
} else {
return 0;
} // namespace __llvm_libc