blob: 7681e01f16007f3060d3bd7e2cf631c5c677f2b0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--Convenient template for builtins -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// (Count Lead Zeroes) and (Count Trailing Zeros)
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "named_pair.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h"
#include "src/__support/macros/attributes.h" // LIBC_INLINE
#include "src/__support/macros/config.h" // LIBC_HAS_BUILTIN
namespace __llvm_libc {
// The following overloads are matched based on what is accepted by
// __builtin_clz/ctz* rather than using the exactly-sized aliases from stdint.h.
// This way, we can avoid making any assumptions about integer sizes and let the
// compiler match for us.
namespace __internal {
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE int correct_zero(T val, int bits) {
if (val == T(0))
return sizeof(T(0)) * 8;
return bits;
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE int clz(T val);
template <> LIBC_INLINE int clz<unsigned int>(unsigned int val) {
return __builtin_clz(val);
template <> LIBC_INLINE int clz<unsigned long int>(unsigned long int val) {
return __builtin_clzl(val);
template <>
LIBC_INLINE int clz<unsigned long long int>(unsigned long long int val) {
return __builtin_clzll(val);
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE int ctz(T val);
template <> LIBC_INLINE int ctz<unsigned int>(unsigned int val) {
return __builtin_ctz(val);
template <> LIBC_INLINE int ctz<unsigned long int>(unsigned long int val) {
return __builtin_ctzl(val);
template <>
LIBC_INLINE int ctz<unsigned long long int>(unsigned long long int val) {
return __builtin_ctzll(val);
} // namespace __internal
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE int safe_ctz(T val) {
return __internal::correct_zero(val, __internal::ctz(val));
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE int unsafe_ctz(T val) {
return __internal::ctz(val);
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE int safe_clz(T val) {
return __internal::correct_zero(val, __internal::clz(val));
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE int unsafe_clz(T val) {
return __internal::clz(val);
// Add with carry
// This version is always valid for constexpr.
template <typename T>
LIBC_INLINE constexpr cpp::enable_if_t<
cpp::is_integral_v<T> && cpp::is_unsigned_v<T>, SumCarry<T>>
add_with_carry_const(T a, T b, T carry_in) {
T tmp = a + carry_in;
T sum = b + tmp;
T carry_out = (sum < b) + (tmp < a);
return {sum, carry_out};
// This version is not always valid for constepxr because it's overriden below
// if builtins are available.
template <typename T>
LIBC_INLINE cpp::enable_if_t<cpp::is_integral_v<T> && cpp::is_unsigned_v<T>,
add_with_carry(T a, T b, T carry_in) {
return add_with_carry_const<T>(a, b, carry_in);
#if LIBC_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_addc)
template <>
LIBC_INLINE SumCarry<unsigned char>
add_with_carry<unsigned char>(unsigned char a, unsigned char b,
unsigned char carry_in) {
SumCarry<unsigned char> result{0, 0};
result.sum = __builtin_addcb(a, b, carry_in, &result.carry);
return result;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE SumCarry<unsigned short>
add_with_carry<unsigned short>(unsigned short a, unsigned short b,
unsigned short carry_in) {
SumCarry<unsigned short> result{0, 0};
result.sum = __builtin_addcs(a, b, carry_in, &result.carry);
return result;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE SumCarry<unsigned int>
add_with_carry<unsigned int>(unsigned int a, unsigned int b,
unsigned int carry_in) {
SumCarry<unsigned int> result{0, 0};
result.sum = __builtin_addc(a, b, carry_in, &result.carry);
return result;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE SumCarry<unsigned long>
add_with_carry<unsigned long>(unsigned long a, unsigned long b,
unsigned long carry_in) {
SumCarry<unsigned long> result{0, 0};
result.sum = __builtin_addcl(a, b, carry_in, &result.carry);
return result;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE SumCarry<unsigned long long>
add_with_carry<unsigned long long>(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b,
unsigned long long carry_in) {
SumCarry<unsigned long long> result{0, 0};
result.sum = __builtin_addcll(a, b, carry_in, &result.carry);
return result;
#endif // LIBC_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_addc)
// Subtract with borrow
DEFINE_NAMED_PAIR_TEMPLATE(DiffBorrow, diff, borrow);
// This version is always valid for constexpr.
template <typename T>
LIBC_INLINE constexpr cpp::enable_if_t<
cpp::is_integral_v<T> && cpp::is_unsigned_v<T>, DiffBorrow<T>>
sub_with_borrow_const(T a, T b, T borrow_in) {
T tmp = a - b;
T diff = tmp - borrow_in;
T borrow_out = (diff > tmp) + (tmp > a);
return {diff, borrow_out};
// This version is not always valid for constepxr because it's overriden below
// if builtins are available.
template <typename T>
LIBC_INLINE cpp::enable_if_t<cpp::is_integral_v<T> && cpp::is_unsigned_v<T>,
sub_with_borrow(T a, T b, T borrow_in) {
return sub_with_borrow_const<T>(a, b, borrow_in);
#if LIBC_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_subc)
template <>
LIBC_INLINE DiffBorrow<unsigned char>
sub_with_borrow<unsigned char>(unsigned char a, unsigned char b,
unsigned char borrow_in) {
DiffBorrow<unsigned char> result{0, 0};
result.diff = __builtin_subcb(a, b, borrow_in, &result.borrow);
return result;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE DiffBorrow<unsigned short>
sub_with_borrow<unsigned short>(unsigned short a, unsigned short b,
unsigned short borrow_in) {
DiffBorrow<unsigned short> result{0, 0};
result.diff = __builtin_subcs(a, b, borrow_in, &result.borrow);
return result;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE DiffBorrow<unsigned int>
sub_with_borrow<unsigned int>(unsigned int a, unsigned int b,
unsigned int borrow_in) {
DiffBorrow<unsigned int> result{0, 0};
result.diff = __builtin_subc(a, b, borrow_in, &result.borrow);
return result;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE DiffBorrow<unsigned long>
sub_with_borrow<unsigned long>(unsigned long a, unsigned long b,
unsigned long borrow_in) {
DiffBorrow<unsigned long> result{0, 0};
result.diff = __builtin_subcl(a, b, borrow_in, &result.borrow);
return result;
template <>
LIBC_INLINE DiffBorrow<unsigned long long>
sub_with_borrow<unsigned long long>(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b,
unsigned long long borrow_in) {
DiffBorrow<unsigned long long> result{0, 0};
result.diff = __builtin_subcll(a, b, borrow_in, &result.borrow);
return result;
#endif // LIBC_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_subc)
} // namespace __llvm_libc