blob: 2ce0d1775ad0dd9f9d50775a3ffd4c8d9b94b010 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Unittests for backends --------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/ArrayRef.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/Bit.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/array.h"
#include "src/__support/architectures.h"
#include "src/string/memory_utils/backends.h"
#include "utils/UnitTest/Test.h"
#include <string.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
template <size_t Size> using Buffer = cpp::array<char, Size>;
static char GetRandomChar() {
// Implementation of C++ minstd_rand seeded with 123456789.
// "Minimum standard", recommended by Park, Miller, and Stockmeyer in 1993
static constexpr const uint64_t a = 48271;
static constexpr const uint64_t c = 0;
static constexpr const uint64_t m = 2147483647;
static uint64_t seed = 123456789;
seed = (a * seed + c) % m;
return seed;
static void Randomize(cpp::MutableArrayRef<char> buffer) {
for (auto &current : buffer)
current = GetRandomChar();
template <size_t Size> static Buffer<Size> GetRandomBuffer() {
Buffer<Size> buffer;
return buffer;
template <typename Backend, size_t Size> struct Conf {
using BufferT = Buffer<Size>;
using T = typename Backend::template getNextType<Size>;
static_assert(sizeof(T) == Size);
static constexpr size_t SIZE = Size;
static BufferT splat(ubyte value) {
return bit_cast<BufferT>(Backend::template splat<T>(value));
static uint64_t notEquals(const BufferT &v1, const BufferT &v2) {
return Backend::template notEquals<T>(bit_cast<T>(v1), bit_cast<T>(v2));
static int32_t threeWayCmp(const BufferT &v1, const BufferT &v2) {
return Backend::template threeWayCmp<T>(bit_cast<T>(v1), bit_cast<T>(v2));
using FunctionTypes = testing::TypeList< //
#if defined(LLVM_LIBC_ARCH_X86) //
Conf<X86Backend, 1>, //
Conf<X86Backend, 2>, //
Conf<X86Backend, 4>, //
Conf<X86Backend, 8>, //
#if HAS_M128
Conf<X86Backend, 16>, //
#if HAS_M256
Conf<X86Backend, 32>, //
#if HAS_M512
Conf<X86Backend, 64>, //
#endif // defined(LLVM_LIBC_ARCH_X86)
Conf<Scalar64BitBackend, 1>, //
Conf<Scalar64BitBackend, 2>, //
Conf<Scalar64BitBackend, 4>, //
Conf<Scalar64BitBackend, 8> //
TYPED_TEST(LlvmLibcMemoryBackend, splat, FunctionTypes) {
for (auto value : cpp::array<uint8_t, 3>{0u, 1u, 255u}) {
alignas(64) const auto stored = ParamType::splat(bit_cast<ubyte>(value));
for (size_t i = 0; i < ParamType::SIZE; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(bit_cast<uint8_t>(stored[i]), value);
TYPED_TEST(LlvmLibcMemoryBackend, notEquals, FunctionTypes) {
alignas(64) const auto a = GetRandomBuffer<ParamType::SIZE>();
EXPECT_EQ(ParamType::notEquals(a, a), uint64_t(0));
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {
alignas(64) auto b = a;
EXPECT_NE(ParamType::notEquals(a, b), uint64_t(0));
EXPECT_NE(ParamType::notEquals(b, a), uint64_t(0));
TYPED_TEST(LlvmLibcMemoryBackend, threeWayCmp, FunctionTypes) {
alignas(64) const auto a = GetRandomBuffer<ParamType::SIZE>();
EXPECT_EQ(ParamType::threeWayCmp(a, a), 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {
alignas(64) auto b = a;
const auto cmp = memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(a));
ASSERT_NE(cmp, 0);
if (cmp > 0) {
EXPECT_GT(ParamType::threeWayCmp(a, b), 0);
EXPECT_LT(ParamType::threeWayCmp(b, a), 0);
} else {
EXPECT_LT(ParamType::threeWayCmp(a, b), 0);
EXPECT_GT(ParamType::threeWayCmp(b, a), 0);
template <typename Backend, size_t Size, Temporality TS, Aligned AS>
struct LoadStoreConf {
using BufferT = Buffer<Size>;
using T = typename Backend::template getNextType<Size>;
static_assert(sizeof(T) == Size);
static constexpr size_t SIZE = Size;
static BufferT load(const BufferT &ref) {
const auto *ptr = bit_cast<const T *>(;
const T value = Backend::template load<T, TS, AS>(ptr);
return bit_cast<BufferT>(value);
static void store(BufferT &ref, const BufferT value) {
auto *ptr = bit_cast<T *>(;
Backend::template store<T, TS, AS>(ptr, bit_cast<T>(value));
using LoadStoreTypes = testing::TypeList< //
#if defined(LLVM_LIBC_ARCH_X86) //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 1, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 1, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 2, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 2, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 4, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 4, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 8, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 8, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
#if HAS_M128
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 16, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 16, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 16, Temporality::NON_TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
#if HAS_M256
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 32, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 32, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 32, Temporality::NON_TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
#if HAS_M512
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 64, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 64, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<X86Backend, 64, Temporality::NON_TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES>, //
#endif // defined(LLVM_LIBC_ARCH_X86)
LoadStoreConf<Scalar64BitBackend, 1, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<Scalar64BitBackend, 1, Temporality::TEMPORAL,
Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<Scalar64BitBackend, 2, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<Scalar64BitBackend, 2, Temporality::TEMPORAL,
Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<Scalar64BitBackend, 4, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<Scalar64BitBackend, 4, Temporality::TEMPORAL,
Aligned::YES>, //
LoadStoreConf<Scalar64BitBackend, 8, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::NO>, //
LoadStoreConf<Scalar64BitBackend, 8, Temporality::TEMPORAL, Aligned::YES> //
TYPED_TEST(LlvmLibcMemoryBackend, load, LoadStoreTypes) {
alignas(64) const auto expected = GetRandomBuffer<ParamType::SIZE>();
const auto loaded = ParamType::load(expected);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ParamType::SIZE; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(loaded[i], expected[i]);
TYPED_TEST(LlvmLibcMemoryBackend, store, LoadStoreTypes) {
alignas(64) const auto expected = GetRandomBuffer<ParamType::SIZE>();
alignas(64) typename ParamType::BufferT stored;
ParamType::store(stored, expected);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ParamType::SIZE; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(stored[i], expected[i]);
} // namespace __llvm_libc