blob: d973fbcd5c19a962ad015edeb669a1c50cb9e4d4 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "utils/UnitTest/Test.h"
#include <src/__support/CPP/array.h>
#include <src/string/memory_utils/algorithm.h>
#include <src/string/memory_utils/backends.h>
#include <sstream>
namespace __llvm_libc {
struct alignas(64) Buffer : cpp::array<char, 128> {
bool contains(const char *ptr) const {
return ptr >= data() && ptr < (data() + size());
size_t getOffset(const char *ptr) const { return ptr - data(); }
void fill(char c) {
for (auto itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr)
*itr = c;
static Buffer buffer1;
static Buffer buffer2;
static std::ostringstream LOG;
struct TestBackend {
static constexpr bool IS_BACKEND_TYPE = true;
template <typename T> static void log(const char *Action, const char *ptr) {
LOG << Action << "<" << sizeof(T) << "> ";
if (buffer1.contains(ptr))
LOG << "a[" << buffer1.getOffset(ptr) << "]";
else if (buffer2.contains(ptr))
LOG << "b[" << buffer2.getOffset(ptr) << "]";
LOG << "\n";
template <typename T, Temporality TS, Aligned AS>
static T load(const T *src) {
log<T>((AS == Aligned::YES ? "LdA" : "LdU"),
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(src));
return Scalar64BitBackend::load<T, TS, AS>(src);
template <typename T, Temporality TS, Aligned AS>
static void store(T *dst, T value) {
log<T>((AS == Aligned::YES ? "StA" : "StU"),
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(dst));
Scalar64BitBackend::store<T, TS, AS>(dst, value);
template <typename T> static inline T splat(ubyte value) {
LOG << "Splat<" << sizeof(T) << "> " << (unsigned)value << '\n';
return Scalar64BitBackend::splat<T>(value);
template <typename T> static inline uint64_t notEquals(T v1, T v2) {
LOG << "Neq<" << sizeof(T) << ">\n";
return Scalar64BitBackend::notEquals<T>(v1, v2);
template <typename T> static inline int32_t threeWayCmp(T v1, T v2) {
LOG << "Diff<" << sizeof(T) << ">\n";
return Scalar64BitBackend::threeWayCmp<T>(v1, v2);
template <size_t Size>
using getNextType = Scalar64BitBackend::getNextType<Size>;
struct LlvmLibcAlgorithm : public testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
LOG = std::ostringstream();
LOG << '\n';
void fillEqual() {
void fillDifferent() {
const char *getTrace() {
trace_ = LOG.str();
return trace_.c_str();
const char *stripComments(const char *expected) {
std::stringstream ss(expected);
std::string line;
while (std::getline(ss, line, '\n')) {
const auto pos = line.find('#');
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
expected_ += line;
} else {
auto log = line.substr(0, pos);
while (!log.empty() && std::isspace(log.back()))
expected_ += log;
expected_ += '\n';
return expected_.c_str();
template <size_t Align = 1> SrcAddr<Align> buf1(size_t offset = 0) const {
return + offset;
template <size_t Align = 1> SrcAddr<Align> buf2(size_t offset = 0) const {
return + offset;
template <size_t Align = 1> DstAddr<Align> dst(size_t offset = 0) const {
return + offset;
template <size_t Align = 1> SrcAddr<Align> src(size_t offset = 0) const {
return + offset;
std::string trace_;
std::string expected_;
using _8 = SizedOp<TestBackend, 8>;
//// Testing fixed fized forward operations
// Copy
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, copy_1) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 1>::copy(dst(), src());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<1> b[0]
StU<1> a[0]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, copy_15) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 15>::copy(dst(), src());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
StU<8> a[0]
LdU<4> b[8]
StU<4> a[8]
LdU<2> b[12]
StU<2> a[12]
LdU<1> b[14]
StU<1> a[14]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, copy_16) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 16>::copy(dst(), src());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
StU<8> a[0]
LdU<8> b[8]
StU<8> a[8]
// Move
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, move_1) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 1>::move(dst(), src());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<1> b[0]
StU<1> a[0]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, move_15) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 15>::move(dst(), src());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
LdU<4> b[8]
LdU<2> b[12]
LdU<1> b[14]
StU<1> a[14]
StU<2> a[12]
StU<4> a[8]
StU<8> a[0]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, move_16) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 16>::move(dst(), src());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
LdU<8> b[8]
StU<8> a[8]
StU<8> a[0]
// set
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, set_1) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 1>::set(dst(), ubyte{42});
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
Splat<1> 42
StU<1> a[0]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, set_15) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 15>::set(dst(), ubyte{42});
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
Splat<8> 42
StU<8> a[0]
Splat<4> 42
StU<4> a[8]
Splat<2> 42
StU<2> a[12]
Splat<1> 42
StU<1> a[14]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, set_16) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 16>::set(dst(), ubyte{42});
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
Splat<8> 42
StU<8> a[0]
Splat<8> 42
StU<8> a[8]
// different
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, different_1) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 1>::isDifferent(buf1(), buf2());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<1> a[0]
LdU<1> b[0]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, different_15) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 15>::isDifferent(buf1(), buf2());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> a[0]
LdU<8> b[0]
LdU<4> a[8]
LdU<4> b[8]
LdU<2> a[12]
LdU<2> b[12]
LdU<1> a[14]
LdU<1> b[14]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, different_15_no_shortcircuit) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 15>::isDifferent(buf1(), buf2());
// If buffer compare isDifferent we continue to aggregate.
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> a[0]
LdU<8> b[0]
LdU<4> a[8]
LdU<4> b[8]
LdU<2> a[12]
LdU<2> b[12]
LdU<1> a[14]
LdU<1> b[14]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, different_16) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 16>::isDifferent(buf1(), buf2());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> a[0]
LdU<8> b[0]
LdU<8> a[8]
LdU<8> b[8]
// three_way_cmp
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, three_way_cmp_eq_1) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 1>::threeWayCmp(buf1(), buf2());
// Buffer compare equal, returning 0 and no call to Diff.
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<1> a[0]
LdU<1> b[0]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, three_way_cmp_eq_15) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 15>::threeWayCmp(buf1(), buf2());
// Buffer compare equal, returning 0 and no call to Diff.
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> a[0]
LdU<8> b[0]
LdU<4> a[8]
LdU<4> b[8]
LdU<2> a[12]
LdU<2> b[12]
LdU<1> a[14]
LdU<1> b[14]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, three_way_cmp_neq_15_shortcircuit) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 16>::threeWayCmp(buf1(), buf2());
// If buffer compare isDifferent we stop early.
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> a[0]
LdU<8> b[0]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, three_way_cmp_eq_16) {
SizedOp<TestBackend, 16>::threeWayCmp(buf1(), buf2());
// Buffer compare equal, returning 0 and no call to Diff.
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> a[0]
LdU<8> b[0]
LdU<8> a[8]
LdU<8> b[8]
//// Testing skip operations
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, skip_and_set) {
Skip<11>::Then<SizedOp<TestBackend, 1>>::set(dst(), ubyte{42});
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
Splat<1> 42
StU<1> a[11]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, skip_and_different_1) {
Skip<11>::Then<SizedOp<TestBackend, 1>>::isDifferent(buf1(), buf2());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<1> a[11]
LdU<1> b[11]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, skip_and_three_way_cmp_8) {
Skip<11>::Then<SizedOp<TestBackend, 1>>::threeWayCmp(buf1(), buf2());
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<1> a[11]
LdU<1> b[11]
//// Testing tail operations
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, tail_copy_8) {
Tail<_8>::copy(dst(), src(), 16);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[8]
StU<8> a[8]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, tail_move_8) {
Tail<_8>::move(dst(), src(), 16);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[8]
StU<8> a[8]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, tail_set_8) {
Tail<_8>::set(dst(), ubyte{42}, 16);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
Splat<8> 42
StU<8> a[8]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, tail_different_8) {
Tail<_8>::isDifferent(buf1(), buf2(), 16);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> a[8]
LdU<8> b[8]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, tail_three_way_cmp_8) {
Tail<_8>::threeWayCmp(buf1(), buf2(), 16);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> a[8]
LdU<8> b[8]
//// Testing HeadTail operations
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, head_tail_copy_8) {
HeadTail<_8>::copy(dst(), src(), 16);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
StU<8> a[0]
LdU<8> b[8]
StU<8> a[8]
//// Testing Loop operations
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, loop_copy_one_iteration_and_tail) {
Loop<_8>::copy(dst(), src(), 10);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
StU<8> a[0] # covers 0-7
LdU<8> b[2]
StU<8> a[2] # covers 2-9
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, loop_copy_two_iteration_and_tail) {
Loop<_8>::copy(dst(), src(), 17);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
StU<8> a[0] # covers 0-7
LdU<8> b[8]
StU<8> a[8] # covers 8-15
LdU<8> b[9]
StU<8> a[9] # covers 9-16
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, loop_with_one_turn_is_inefficient_but_ok) {
Loop<_8>::copy(dst(), src(), 8);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
StU<8> a[0] # first iteration covers 0-7
LdU<8> b[0] # tail also covers 0-7 but since Loop is supposed to be used
StU<8> a[0] # with a sufficient number of iterations the tail cost is amortised
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, loop_with_round_number_of_turn) {
Loop<_8>::copy(dst(), src(), 24);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
StU<8> a[0] # first iteration covers 0-7
LdU<8> b[8]
StU<8> a[8] # second iteration covers 8-15
LdU<8> b[16]
StU<8> a[16]
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, dst_aligned_loop) {
Loop<_8>::copy(dst<16>(), src(), 23);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[0]
StA<8> a[0] # store is aligned on 16B
LdU<8> b[8]
StA<8> a[8] # subsequent stores are aligned
LdU<8> b[15]
StU<8> a[15] # Tail is always unaligned
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, aligned_loop) {
Loop<_8>::copy(dst<16>(), src<8>(), 23);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdA<8> b[0] # load is aligned on 8B
StA<8> a[0] # store is aligned on 16B
LdA<8> b[8] # subsequent loads are aligned
StA<8> a[8] # subsequent stores are aligned
LdU<8> b[15] # Tail is always unaligned
StU<8> a[15] # Tail is always unaligned
//// Testing Align operations
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, align_dst_copy_8) {
Align<_8, Arg::Dst>::Then<Loop<_8>>::copy(dst(2), src(3), 31);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[3]
StU<8> a[2] # First store covers unaligned bytes
LdU<8> b[9]
StA<8> a[8] # First aligned store
LdU<8> b[17]
StA<8> a[16] # Subsequent stores are aligned
LdU<8> b[25]
StA<8> a[24] # Subsequent stores are aligned
LdU<8> b[26]
StU<8> a[25] # Last store covers remaining bytes
TEST_F(LlvmLibcAlgorithm, align_src_copy_8) {
Align<_8, Arg::Src>::Then<Loop<_8>>::copy(dst(2), src(3), 31);
EXPECT_STREQ(getTrace(), stripComments(R"(
LdU<8> b[3] # First load covers unaligned bytes
StU<8> a[2]
LdA<8> b[8] # First aligned load
StU<8> a[7]
LdA<8> b[16] # Subsequent loads are aligned
StU<8> a[15]
LdA<8> b[24] # Subsequent loads are aligned
StU<8> a[23]
LdU<8> b[26] # Last load covers remaining bytes
StU<8> a[25]
} // namespace __llvm_libc