[libc][nfc][obvious] fix typos in FPUtil

Fix minor typos in FPUtil comments.

Reviewed By: michaelrj

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D108952

GitOrigin-RevId: 7f2ce19d1cf1dd08330ae8e5ef8aa2130aaf5833
diff --git a/src/__support/FPUtil/FMA.h b/src/__support/FPUtil/FMA.h
index cbb7fe4..4161554 100644
--- a/src/__support/FPUtil/FMA.h
+++ b/src/__support/FPUtil/FMA.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 namespace __llvm_libc {
 namespace fputil {
-// We have a generic implementation available only for single precision fma os
+// We have a generic implementation available only for single precision fma as
 // we restrict it to float values for now.
 template <typename T>
 static inline cpp::EnableIfType<cpp::IsSame<T, float>::Value, T> fma(T x, T y,
diff --git a/src/__support/FPUtil/Sqrt.h b/src/__support/FPUtil/Sqrt.h
index 6bba29f..041031f 100644
--- a/src/__support/FPUtil/Sqrt.h
+++ b/src/__support/FPUtil/Sqrt.h
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
     int xExp = bits.getExponent();
     UIntType xMant = bits.getMantissa();
-    // Step 1a: Normalize denormal input and append hiddent bit to the mantissa
+    // Step 1a: Normalize denormal input and append hidden bit to the mantissa
     if (bits.getUnbiasedExponent() == 0) {
       ++xExp; // let xExp be the correct exponent of One bit.
       internal::normalize<T>(xExp, xMant);
diff --git a/src/__support/FPUtil/generic/README.md b/src/__support/FPUtil/generic/README.md
index fff09ea..e435325 100644
--- a/src/__support/FPUtil/generic/README.md
+++ b/src/__support/FPUtil/generic/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 implementations from machine dependent implementations. Consider the example of
 the fuse-multiply-add operation (FMA). The C standard library requires three
 different flavors, `fma` which operates double precsion numbers, `fmaf` which
-operates on single precision numbers, and `fmal` which operates on `lond double`
+operates on single precision numbers, and `fmal` which operates on `long double`
 numbers. On Aarch64, there are hardware instructions which implement the single
 and double precision flavors but not the `long double` flavor. For such targets,
 we want to be able to call the generic `long double` implementation from the