blob: 21053c818f66f451db42eb6882584e691c943b9f [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- TestMatchers.cpp ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "TestHelpers.h"
#include "FPBits.h"
#include <fenv.h>
#include <memory>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string>
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace fputil {
namespace testing {
// Return the first N hex digits of an integer as a string in upper case.
template <typename T>
cpp::EnableIfType<cpp::IsIntegral<T>::Value, std::string>
uintToHex(T X, size_t Length = sizeof(T) * 2) {
std::string s(Length, '0');
for (auto it = s.rbegin(), end = s.rend(); it != end; ++it, X >>= 4) {
unsigned char Mod = static_cast<unsigned char>(X) & 15;
*it = (Mod < 10 ? '0' + Mod : 'a' + Mod - 10);
return s;
template <typename ValType>
cpp::EnableIfType<cpp::IsFloatingPointType<ValType>::Value, void>
describeValue(const char *label, ValType value,
testutils::StreamWrapper &stream) {
stream << label;
FPBits<ValType> bits(value);
if (bits.isNaN()) {
stream << "(NaN)";
} else if (bits.isInf()) {
if (bits.getSign())
stream << "(-Infinity)";
stream << "(+Infinity)";
} else {
constexpr int exponentWidthInHex =
(fputil::ExponentWidth<ValType>::value - 1) / 4 + 1;
constexpr int mantissaWidthInHex =
(fputil::MantissaWidth<ValType>::value - 1) / 4 + 1;
stream << "Sign: " << (bits.getSign() ? '1' : '0') << ", "
<< "Exponent: 0x"
<< uintToHex<uint16_t>(bits.getUnbiasedExponent(),
<< ", "
<< "Mantissa: 0x"
<< uintToHex<typename fputil::FPBits<ValType>::UIntType>(
bits.getMantissa(), mantissaWidthInHex);
stream << '\n';
template void describeValue<float>(const char *, float,
testutils::StreamWrapper &);
template void describeValue<double>(const char *, double,
testutils::StreamWrapper &);
template void describeValue<long double>(const char *, long double,
testutils::StreamWrapper &);
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define sigjmp_buf jmp_buf
#define sigsetjmp(buf, save) setjmp(buf)
#define siglongjmp(buf, val) longjmp(buf, val)
static thread_local sigjmp_buf jumpBuffer;
static thread_local bool caughtExcept;
static void sigfpeHandler(int sig) {
caughtExcept = true;
siglongjmp(jumpBuffer, -1);
FPExceptMatcher::FPExceptMatcher(FunctionCaller *func) {
auto oldSIGFPEHandler = signal(SIGFPE, &sigfpeHandler);
std::unique_ptr<FunctionCaller> funcUP(func);
caughtExcept = false;
fenv_t oldEnv;
if (sigsetjmp(jumpBuffer, 1) == 0)
// We restore the previous floating point environment after
// the call to the function which can potentially raise SIGFPE.
signal(SIGFPE, oldSIGFPEHandler);
exceptionRaised = caughtExcept;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace fputil
} // namespace __llvm_libc