blob: e82bc342ff88f6155dbb7fc3e748daeb41f30394 [file] [log] [blame]
! Test lowering of intrinsic procedure to HLFIR with assumed types
! arguments. These are a bit special because semantics do not represent
! assumed types actual arguments with an evaluate::Expr like for usual
! arguments.
! RUN: bbc -emit-hlfir -o - %s | FileCheck %s
subroutine assumed_type_to_intrinsic(a)
type(*) :: a(:)
if (is_contiguous(a)) call something()
end subroutine
! CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QPassumed_type_to_intrinsic(
! CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]]:2 = hlfir.declare {{.*}}a"
! CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = fir.convert %[[VAL_1]]#1 : (!<!fir.array<?xnone>>) -> !<none>
! CHECK: @_FortranAIsContiguous(%[[VAL_2]]) {{.*}}: (!<none>) -> i1
subroutine assumed_type_optional_to_intrinsic(a)
type(*), optional :: a(:)
if (present(a)) call something()
end subroutine
! CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QPassumed_type_optional_to_intrinsic(
! CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]]:2 = hlfir.declare {{.*}}a"
! CHECK: fir.is_present %[[VAL_1]]#1 : (!<!fir.array<?xnone>>) -> i1